I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn, The great creators with wide brows of calm, The massive barrier-breakers of the world
Showing posts with label ASTROLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASTROLOGY. Show all posts
Things are going to rock when reality takes a quantum leap during the New Moon in Cancer on July 17
Full June 2023 Quarterly Astrological Update
Just before this Summer Solstice 2023, there was a potent New Moon in 27 Gemini that set the stage for the summer. A pause-for-reflection is going on with Pluto back in Capricorn eroding dysfunctional systems. And, Saturn went retrograde during this Gemini Moon—a potent combination that favors backing out of supporting crazy extremes such as the LBGTQ movement. Deep unease and confusion crept into our minds as the Gemini New Moon squared Neptune in 28 Pisces. Creeping doubt about the value of extremes resonates with Pluto’s dark ability to inject truth this summer. The Gemini New Moon emphasized survival over attention-grabbing fads. The compelling push for more comfort and ease with AI/Robotics has numbed the majority of the people as they wander about lost in AI virtual rainbows. If you watch closely, many people are splitting off in a world of runaway technology as if there were no tomorrow. Everybody is facing great difficulty and confusion, yet also notice that you feel more alive in nature amidst churning weather and earth changes that mirror your disturbing thoughts within. However, you haven’t seen anything yet!
Things are going to rock when reality takes a quantum leap during the New Moon in Cancer on July 17. Pluto in late Capricorn opposes the New Moon in 25 Cancer and is squared by the lunar nodes that are moving into Aries/Libra, a karmic Grand Square. Grand Squares draw down very high dimensional forces, thus critical change will come. Neptune retrograded on June 30, thus during the Cancer New Moon we will easily commune with our souls; Goddess nurturance will flow in our hearts. However, in the collective, the USA will be in deep crisis because Pluto is edging back closer to Pluto in the 1776 USA Foundation chart. Also, Chiron retrogrades July 23 exactly on Chiron in the 1776 USA chart suggesting some kind of deep wounding. I prefer to not predict specific things, only field tendencies, but maybe the wolf in sheep’s clothing will be exposed (Biden?). In some way, many more people will see that the US is not the Global Empire. Maybe with high food prices, a rising tide will scream for a cutback in the bloated military expenditures that are bankrupting the public. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 16, an aspect favoring economic stability, so the pressure will be intense to stanch the financial bleeding.
The Lunar Nodes show us how the past transforms current reality. I think a critical shift will come during this Cancer New Moon because the nodes move out of Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra, suggesting excess materialism and ugly violence will wane. Suddenly, evolutionary personal growth in balance with the opposing forces will be the new game in town for the next 18 months. We will trust our own instincts to choose an enlightened path with retrograde Neptune and Chiron guiding us. Yet, as many people discover their inner power, dissonance in the world “out there” will be deafening. Change is never easy; awakenings unbalance and disconcert us. The level of change required for each one of us is intense; shocking events will test us to the max. But, if you shift your perspective just a little, you may recall that these events have been predicted for a long time. This is happening now because so many have lowered their resistance, and also astrology is moving into a more harmonic zone, such as the Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra, that will encourage personal initiative and balance until January 2025.
I feel like we’ve come to a turning point—especially during the New Moon in Cancer in July—that is opening up many people to the critical danger we all are in together. You’ve experienced adrenaline flowing during crisis, even spikes in your consciousness. During this time of great evolutionary potential—Summer Solstice 2023—your body will not fail you; just surrender to the flow. If you plan to stay on this planet during the great passage—2023 to 2027—be ready to reach out to the ones you know and love, and to all other humans, animals, plants, even ETs! Take plenty of time to admire the magnificence of our planet, Gaia, as she speaks her truth through natural phenomena.
Just before this Summer Solstice 2023, there was a potent New Moon in 27 Gemini that set the stage for the summer. A pause-for-reflection is going on with Pluto back in Capricorn eroding dysfunctional systems. And, Saturn went retrograde during this Gemini Moon—a potent combination that favors backing out of supporting crazy extremes such as the LBGTQ movement. Deep unease and confusion crept into our minds as the Gemini New Moon squared Neptune in 28 Pisces. Creeping doubt about the value of extremes resonates with Pluto’s dark ability to inject truth this summer. The Gemini New Moon emphasized survival over attention-grabbing fads. The compelling push for more comfort and ease with AI/Robotics has numbed the majority of the people as they wander about lost in AI virtual rainbows. If you watch closely, many people are splitting off in a world of runaway technology as if there were no tomorrow. Everybody is facing great difficulty and confusion, yet also notice that you feel more alive in nature amidst churning weather and earth changes that mirror your disturbing thoughts within. However, you haven’t seen anything yet!
Things are going to rock when reality takes a quantum leap during the New Moon in Cancer on July 17. Pluto in late Capricorn opposes the New Moon in 25 Cancer and is squared by the lunar nodes that are moving into Aries/Libra, a karmic Grand Square. Grand Squares draw down very high dimensional forces, thus critical change will come. Neptune retrograded on June 30, thus during the Cancer New Moon we will easily commune with our souls; Goddess nurturance will flow in our hearts. However, in the collective, the USA will be in deep crisis because Pluto is edging back closer to Pluto in the 1776 USA Foundation chart. Also, Chiron retrogrades July 23 exactly on Chiron in the 1776 USA chart suggesting some kind of deep wounding. I prefer to not predict specific things, only field tendencies, but maybe the wolf in sheep’s clothing will be exposed (Biden?). In some way, many more people will see that the US is not the Global Empire. Maybe with high food prices, a rising tide will scream for a cutback in the bloated military expenditures that are bankrupting the public. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 16, an aspect favoring economic stability, so the pressure will be intense to stanch the financial bleeding.
The Lunar Nodes show us how the past transforms current reality. I think a critical shift will come during this Cancer New Moon because the nodes move out of Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra, suggesting excess materialism and ugly violence will wane. Suddenly, evolutionary personal growth in balance with the opposing forces will be the new game in town for the next 18 months. We will trust our own instincts to choose an enlightened path with retrograde Neptune and Chiron guiding us. Yet, as many people discover their inner power, dissonance in the world “out there” will be deafening. Change is never easy; awakenings unbalance and disconcert us. The level of change required for each one of us is intense; shocking events will test us to the max. But, if you shift your perspective just a little, you may recall that these events have been predicted for a long time. This is happening now because so many have lowered their resistance, and also astrology is moving into a more harmonic zone, such as the Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra, that will encourage personal initiative and balance until January 2025.
I feel like we’ve come to a turning point—especially during the New Moon in Cancer in July—that is opening up many people to the critical danger we all are in together. You’ve experienced adrenaline flowing during crisis, even spikes in your consciousness. During this time of great evolutionary potential—Summer Solstice 2023—your body will not fail you; just surrender to the flow. If you plan to stay on this planet during the great passage—2023 to 2027—be ready to reach out to the ones you know and love, and to all other humans, animals, plants, even ETs! Take plenty of time to admire the magnificence of our planet, Gaia, as she speaks her truth through natural phenomena.
Day before Total Solar Eclipse on 4th December
The area of Totality will be over Antarctica, and partial eclipses were observable in Southern Argentina, Cape Town in South Africa and Southern Australia.
Today is a very potent energy...although I found yesterday, the 3rd December, to be such a crazy day. The energy was just everywhere and all over!I feel a bit disconnected and spacey as Earth prepares for this major Solar Shift and Transformation.
The New Golden Solar codes will be imprinted in the Crystalline White snows and ice fields of Antarctica!
These powerful higher dimensional energies will then travel up South America via the Andes to Central America and then through North Americas to Canada via the Rocky Mountains. The second route will be up Africa via the Nilotic Meridian, through the Middle East and into Africa. The third route will be through Australia and into Asia!
Stand by....the power is on its way!
You may feel a bit weird and wired today!
Rest where possible, drink lots of water...and listen for the rustle of Angel Wings...or the hum of Space ships!
Anything can happen in this crazy energy!
Starseeds and Lightworkers Activations and Energies in Motion
21st December 2020: Saturn conjunct Jupiter in the 1st degree of Aquarius
Jupiter and Saturn form their Great Conjunction on the Solstice at 18:22 UT in the first degree of Aquarius. The rigid and asphyxiating consciousness that has shaped our world beyond recognition this year, has caused immeasurable suffering. Countless lives have been devastated and untold suffering has occurred in the shadows, often ignored to further a questionable agenda. But this meeting of the Great Benefic (Jupiter) and the Lord of Karma (Saturn) in the first degree of the sign of collective humanity (Aquarius) signals that our time has come. Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Capricorn have had their chance, and whilst Pluto’s journey through Capricorn continues until the end of 2024, the end of its cosmic alliance with Saturn and Jupiter marks a significant reduction of authoritarian influence in this new cycle of becoming. This is a shift to a horizontal, egalitarian connection from one of vertical superiority. The people – you and me – are arriving in our power.
From one conjunction to another
2020 began with the Saturn Pluto conjunction lending its support to those with aspirations for domination and emboldening those for whom oppression is simply another tool to further personal goals. We all know where that’s got us! As the year ends with Saturn shifting alliance to Jupiter, the planet of inspiration, faith, optimism, freedom and resilience, our personal and collective capacity to embody this shift is potentised. But this is only the beginning. There’s still much to be done and, at times, endured. Saturn works slowly and with great care as it strengthens us for the road ahead. But we must each do our part. We’re not about to be saved, but instead have reached a tipping point at which our influence over the future is coming into its own. This is cause for hope!
Conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter occur every twenty years. They speak to humanity’s efforts to create sustainable structures which allow for a meaningful experience of life on planet earth. Jupiter is a future-focused planet, and Saturn the planet of linear time and the maturation that accompanies it. Together they seek to fulfil the potential of the human family in line with its collective karmic load and combined potentiality. When these planets meet, the old and new co-exist with not a moment’s space between. Whilst we think in terms of linear time, truth exists outside of it, revealing itself in ways we can now better appreciate. The most ancient truths can be as vibrant as cutting-edge thought and the latest perspective as jaded as the most oft repeated lie. This conjunction in Aquarius weaves the past and present into a vivid singularity, creating a perceptual shift which casts both the past and future in a new and illuminating light.
A new dimension of truth
As Jupiter and Saturn herald the beginning of a new twenty-year cycle they expand, beyond our wildest dreams, future possibilities. Who we think we are is changing. More of the mystery is being revealed. They say you can’t change the past but outside of linear time even that isn’t true. Timelines shift and change constantly and within them we can create in ways not possible when we ‘stick to the rules’! Simply casting the eye of the present over our past changes it, for we see in new ways and from fresh perspectives. We know ourselves now to be someone we hadn’t met then, and our present being places the past in its own particular light. Events may remain but their meaning changes and significance shifts as we uncover ever deeper layers of who and what we really are.
In Aquarius our minds are expanded and renewed. Outmoded mental paradigms can be released, unlocking unseen promise of future potentiality. Willingness to embrace the freshest of perspectives allows them to blossom into truth from a new dimension. We must live in full knowledge that what we see is but a fraction of what is, who we are a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos and what we believe may be entirely wrong in every respect. This conjunction plugs us into the cosmic circuitry. It feels electrical, high voltage. It may blow a few fuses but that’s all part of the process. If we can’t take the current we must expand until we can. Dare to think new thoughts, contemplate the impossible, envision a fantastical future. Without doing so we cannot honour the potential of the coming months which will demand great things of us. As Jupiter triggers new perceptions and Saturn tests the validity of our perspective, rather than waiting for change we must be it. If we’re so invested in being right that truth has gone out the window, if we take refuge in false certainty to avoid the chaos of confusion, it’s time to up our game and trade conviction for the mystery, and certainty for a mind so open that nothing’s off the table!
Evolution or entropy
The new age of which many speak is born through us. We do not arrive in it fully formed, nor find ourselves delivered through external intervention. Instead, we birth it from our own becoming. All things move towards evolution or entropy and both states live in this conjunction. Saturn in Aquarius can be stubborn and self-righteous. Unwilling to consider a different perspective, so sure of its own moral certainty. But Jupiter frees it from its moral prison to become a guiding source of wisdom not a stifling source of judgement and fear. Together they invite us to the very edge of consciousness before pushing us into the unknown abyss where all answers ultimately reside.
The Moon is travelling through the final degrees of the zodiac as this conjunction comes to exactitude. Void of Course in Pisces, it warns of the risks of complacency and denial. The stakes are high and nothing is set in stone. We are our own saviours. We must know this without doubt. For in that very knowing is found the sovereign self that fears nothing and no one – radiant, unsullied and free.
As we journey into 2021 this Great Conjunction will light our way. Whoever and whatever we believe ourselves to be is now, more than ever, open to question. We can re-invent ourselves afresh and choose a different future; cast aside the yoke of limiting belief and refuse to be diminished by endless fear. This is our time. Our beginning. Our birth into freedom and endless possibility.
From this single moment in the Solstice silence, we can all arise anew.
Sarah Varcas
2020 began with the Saturn Pluto conjunction lending its support to those with aspirations for domination and emboldening those for whom oppression is simply another tool to further personal goals. We all know where that’s got us! As the year ends with Saturn shifting alliance to Jupiter, the planet of inspiration, faith, optimism, freedom and resilience, our personal and collective capacity to embody this shift is potentised. But this is only the beginning. There’s still much to be done and, at times, endured. Saturn works slowly and with great care as it strengthens us for the road ahead. But we must each do our part. We’re not about to be saved, but instead have reached a tipping point at which our influence over the future is coming into its own. This is cause for hope!
Conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter occur every twenty years. They speak to humanity’s efforts to create sustainable structures which allow for a meaningful experience of life on planet earth. Jupiter is a future-focused planet, and Saturn the planet of linear time and the maturation that accompanies it. Together they seek to fulfil the potential of the human family in line with its collective karmic load and combined potentiality. When these planets meet, the old and new co-exist with not a moment’s space between. Whilst we think in terms of linear time, truth exists outside of it, revealing itself in ways we can now better appreciate. The most ancient truths can be as vibrant as cutting-edge thought and the latest perspective as jaded as the most oft repeated lie. This conjunction in Aquarius weaves the past and present into a vivid singularity, creating a perceptual shift which casts both the past and future in a new and illuminating light.
As Jupiter and Saturn herald the beginning of a new twenty-year cycle they expand, beyond our wildest dreams, future possibilities. Who we think we are is changing. More of the mystery is being revealed. They say you can’t change the past but outside of linear time even that isn’t true. Timelines shift and change constantly and within them we can create in ways not possible when we ‘stick to the rules’! Simply casting the eye of the present over our past changes it, for we see in new ways and from fresh perspectives. We know ourselves now to be someone we hadn’t met then, and our present being places the past in its own particular light. Events may remain but their meaning changes and significance shifts as we uncover ever deeper layers of who and what we really are.
In Aquarius our minds are expanded and renewed. Outmoded mental paradigms can be released, unlocking unseen promise of future potentiality. Willingness to embrace the freshest of perspectives allows them to blossom into truth from a new dimension. We must live in full knowledge that what we see is but a fraction of what is, who we are a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos and what we believe may be entirely wrong in every respect. This conjunction plugs us into the cosmic circuitry. It feels electrical, high voltage. It may blow a few fuses but that’s all part of the process. If we can’t take the current we must expand until we can. Dare to think new thoughts, contemplate the impossible, envision a fantastical future. Without doing so we cannot honour the potential of the coming months which will demand great things of us. As Jupiter triggers new perceptions and Saturn tests the validity of our perspective, rather than waiting for change we must be it. If we’re so invested in being right that truth has gone out the window, if we take refuge in false certainty to avoid the chaos of confusion, it’s time to up our game and trade conviction for the mystery, and certainty for a mind so open that nothing’s off the table!
Evolution or entropy
The new age of which many speak is born through us. We do not arrive in it fully formed, nor find ourselves delivered through external intervention. Instead, we birth it from our own becoming. All things move towards evolution or entropy and both states live in this conjunction. Saturn in Aquarius can be stubborn and self-righteous. Unwilling to consider a different perspective, so sure of its own moral certainty. But Jupiter frees it from its moral prison to become a guiding source of wisdom not a stifling source of judgement and fear. Together they invite us to the very edge of consciousness before pushing us into the unknown abyss where all answers ultimately reside.
The Moon is travelling through the final degrees of the zodiac as this conjunction comes to exactitude. Void of Course in Pisces, it warns of the risks of complacency and denial. The stakes are high and nothing is set in stone. We are our own saviours. We must know this without doubt. For in that very knowing is found the sovereign self that fears nothing and no one – radiant, unsullied and free.
As we journey into 2021 this Great Conjunction will light our way. Whoever and whatever we believe ourselves to be is now, more than ever, open to question. We can re-invent ourselves afresh and choose a different future; cast aside the yoke of limiting belief and refuse to be diminished by endless fear. This is our time. Our beginning. Our birth into freedom and endless possibility.
From this single moment in the Solstice silence, we can all arise anew.
Sarah Varcas
Ascension symptoms December 2020 into 2021
After two eclipses and now the buildup towards the jupiter saturn conjunction on the solstice, planetary energies have been intense like never before! Ascension energies pulsing in from the galactic centre, the cosmic rays now pouring into our reality put tremendous pressure on our physical bodies as we try to accomodate these very high frequencies. We are becoming multidimensional as these energies upgrade our dna. Here is a summary of the current and coming ascension symptoms that you could be experiencing during this second wave of awakening. This is not medical advice.
- Amplified aches and pains.
- Nervous system feels overstimulated, frayed nerves.
- Amplified aches and pains.
- Nervous system feels overstimulated, frayed nerves.
- Insomnia
- Lymph drainage/detox
- Skin breakouts/rashes
- Dehydration/dry eyes
- Tongue/throat burning
- Heart pain/chest pain/stabbing pains
- Light flashes/blurred vision
- Ear itchiness/clearing blokkages
- Pelvic pain
- Digestion problems
- Muscle aches/cramps/headaches
- Feeling like you are being fried alive/powerful energy currents in the body
- Weird feeling in the body of being stretched or turned inside out
- Numbness
- Sadness
- Letting go/weight being lifted
- Joy for the future/realisation of the awakening
How we support these transitions:
- Drink water/herbal tea/flush toxins
- Rest/sleep/spiritual practise
- Magnesium/essential fatty acids/black seed supplements/cbd oil
- Stay calm as much as possible/trust the shifts
Today, Wednesday December 16th continues with these very intense incoming NEW energies, some via the Sun, while others from the GC. The body aches, head pains, constant ear tones, severe belly and diaphragm bloat, emotions from having to disconnect and move on from loved ones etc., and entire body swelling (like water retention) continues with every cell and its water/fluids being further altered from embodying more Light plasma energies and more. I’m all for the ascension blankie and fuzzy slippers as I still feel pretty abused today and yet it’s less severe than it was yesterday! More to come too.
- Lymph drainage/detox
- Skin breakouts/rashes
- Dehydration/dry eyes
- Tongue/throat burning
- Heart pain/chest pain/stabbing pains
- Light flashes/blurred vision
- Ear itchiness/clearing blokkages
- Pelvic pain
- Digestion problems
- Muscle aches/cramps/headaches
- Feeling like you are being fried alive/powerful energy currents in the body
- Weird feeling in the body of being stretched or turned inside out
- Numbness
- Sadness
- Letting go/weight being lifted
- Joy for the future/realisation of the awakening
How we support these transitions:
- Drink water/herbal tea/flush toxins
- Rest/sleep/spiritual practise
- Magnesium/essential fatty acids/black seed supplements/cbd oil
- Stay calm as much as possible/trust the shifts
Following comments on HighHeartLife from Denise:
Wow have the incoming energies been extremely intense all day and night today, Tuesday December 15, 2020!!! Experienced a few hours today that were really rough physically. A LOT of all day HighHeart expansion from embodying more of these incoming energies that cause upper chest, heart area pounding, thumps and bumps and some related pains and pressures in surrounding areas front and back. Greater HighHeart expansions and embodying always makes me feel extremely weak physically and incapable of doing much of anything but be still and quiet while it’s happening. Severe bloating today too, head stuff, need to sleep/nap when the heart and body embodying stuff becomes too much. Same old stuff really but at much higher levels and lasting longer than usual now. This is December 2020!
The Golden Bridge : Full Moon to 11/11
The period of 11 days after the October Blue Moon/Full Moon will be a Bridge between the old and the new. Those of you who are “conscious” and “awakened” will seek to cross this bridge with Inner Peace and Tranquility. Stay Calm and Stay Balanced.
The Bridge opens with the Full Moon on October 31st. This is the time known as “Halloween” or “All Saints Eve”, or Samhain in the Celtic Festival cycle. It is also the time of the Dias de Los Muertos” in the Hispanic culture. It is a time when the veils between the dimensions are very thin, and there is a celebration of our ancestors and those within the Spirit Realms. This is aligned with a very powerful Blue Moon/Full Moon; the Blue Moon being the second Full Moon in October.
This is the opening of the Golden Multi-dimensional Bridge - and it is a powerful time for Ancestral and deep DNA healing and cleansing of old beliefs and “programs”. Beloveds, just “Let Go” and release all past fears and stories that are encoded in your Ancestral DNA. Allow yourself to feel close to the Angelic Families and call on them to assist in your healing and balancing as you prepare to manifest the New Earth. The Full Moon energy will magnify energies as they come up, so it is so important to remain within your Sacred Heart Temple of Love and to not allow yourself to be triggered into anger and division.
There will be many opportunities to fall into anger and enmity as emotions run high around the elections in the USA. We ask that you do not get drawn into the energy of division and conflict and duality, for this will ensure that you are pulled down into the old and crumbling third-dimensional reality. Rather, focus on making your way across the Golden Bridge of Light towards the 11/11 Portal. The Angelic and Galactic families will support you, and the Antares Council of Light will be sending Light Codes of supportive energy as Earth passes into the energy zone of the Antares system.
The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process. And the final Power energy of this Portal will be the energy of the Great Mother/Divine Feminine or Shekinah, whose loving presence will be available as Divine Love and Compassion for All.
These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire. But, we ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep your inner eye focussed on the Golden Bridge of Light and move gracefully through the 11/11 Wisdom Portal.
The more intense the chaos, the more intense the Flowering and Birthing of the New as the Bennu Bird/`Phoenix begins to manifest its new form and shape.
We wish you Grace and Love in these powerful Times.
Remember always that you never alone and that you are Loved and Supported.
You need only ask and the Angels are with you!
The Bridge opens with the Full Moon on October 31st. This is the time known as “Halloween” or “All Saints Eve”, or Samhain in the Celtic Festival cycle. It is also the time of the Dias de Los Muertos” in the Hispanic culture. It is a time when the veils between the dimensions are very thin, and there is a celebration of our ancestors and those within the Spirit Realms. This is aligned with a very powerful Blue Moon/Full Moon; the Blue Moon being the second Full Moon in October.
This is the opening of the Golden Multi-dimensional Bridge - and it is a powerful time for Ancestral and deep DNA healing and cleansing of old beliefs and “programs”. Beloveds, just “Let Go” and release all past fears and stories that are encoded in your Ancestral DNA. Allow yourself to feel close to the Angelic Families and call on them to assist in your healing and balancing as you prepare to manifest the New Earth. The Full Moon energy will magnify energies as they come up, so it is so important to remain within your Sacred Heart Temple of Love and to not allow yourself to be triggered into anger and division.
There will be many opportunities to fall into anger and enmity as emotions run high around the elections in the USA. We ask that you do not get drawn into the energy of division and conflict and duality, for this will ensure that you are pulled down into the old and crumbling third-dimensional reality. Rather, focus on making your way across the Golden Bridge of Light towards the 11/11 Portal. The Angelic and Galactic families will support you, and the Antares Council of Light will be sending Light Codes of supportive energy as Earth passes into the energy zone of the Antares system.
The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process. And the final Power energy of this Portal will be the energy of the Great Mother/Divine Feminine or Shekinah, whose loving presence will be available as Divine Love and Compassion for All.
These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire. But, we ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep your inner eye focussed on the Golden Bridge of Light and move gracefully through the 11/11 Wisdom Portal.
The more intense the chaos, the more intense the Flowering and Birthing of the New as the Bennu Bird/`Phoenix begins to manifest its new form and shape.
We wish you Grace and Love in these powerful Times.
Remember always that you never alone and that you are Loved and Supported.
You need only ask and the Angels are with you!
FIVE months of continual very potent, hot, fiery, volatile physical level reality-changing astrological transits one after another after another the rest of this year into 2021
Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020
FIVE months of continual very potent, hot, fiery, volatile physical level reality-changing astrological transits one after another after another the rest of this year into 2021. This is some Phase 2 rapid-fire evolutionary shift changes that will rock humanities physical reality repeatedly for the rest of this year. Aries is a FIRE sign and Capricorn is a EARTH sign and squares are tense, difficult, pressurized 90° angle positions of two or more planets energetically connected to and interacting upon each other. Squares are anything but comfortable and relaxed which means we’re all going to feel these repeated pressures and tensions between the planets in square aspects the rest of this year. Obviously some more energetic and physical level exertion will be happening to completely break apart all remaining stuff that needs cracking open and permanent changing into a NEW higher state and frequency. There’s no way around it, all this transformation in the physical is going to get intense and heavy-duty.
August 13, 2020 Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn.
August 15th Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde
August 24th Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
September 9th Mars in Aries goes retrograde
September 12th Jupiter in Capricorn goes direct
September 28th Saturn in Capricorn goes direct
September 29th Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
October 4th Pluto in Capricorn goes direct
October 9th, Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn
October 13th Mercury goes retrograde until USA Election Day, November 3, 2020
October 18th Mars in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn
November 12th the third and final Jupiter and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happens. The 1st one was April 4, 2020, second one was June 29, 2020.
November 13th Mars goes direct
November 28th Neptune goes direct
November 30th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini 38′
December 14th New Moon Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius 8′
December 16th Saturn enters Aquarius AIR returns and everyone will be breathing just fine.
December 19th Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 21, 2020 Solstice
December 21st the first (250 yearlong cycle in AIR) Jupiter in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius and trines the Pleiades. Welcome to the physicalized Age of Aquarius!
December 23, 2020 Mars 23° Aries and Eris 23° Aries squares Pluto 23° Capricorn. Welcome back Divine Mother/Mommy and Female Co.!
August 15th Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde
August 24th Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
September 9th Mars in Aries goes retrograde
September 12th Jupiter in Capricorn goes direct
September 28th Saturn in Capricorn goes direct
September 29th Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
October 4th Pluto in Capricorn goes direct
October 9th, Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn
October 13th Mercury goes retrograde until USA Election Day, November 3, 2020
October 18th Mars in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn
November 12th the third and final Jupiter and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happens. The 1st one was April 4, 2020, second one was June 29, 2020.
November 13th Mars goes direct
November 28th Neptune goes direct
November 30th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini 38′
December 14th New Moon Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius 8′
December 16th Saturn enters Aquarius AIR returns and everyone will be breathing just fine.
December 19th Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 21, 2020 Solstice
December 21st the first (250 yearlong cycle in AIR) Jupiter in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius and trines the Pleiades. Welcome to the physicalized Age of Aquarius!
December 23, 2020 Mars 23° Aries and Eris 23° Aries squares Pluto 23° Capricorn. Welcome back Divine Mother/Mommy and Female Co.!
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