Showing posts with label FREEDOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FREEDOM. Show all posts


You are now part of the solution

We may all be on the same journey but some of us have been travelling for longer than others.

I often assume you’ve all been through numerous rabbit holes but I realise many may have just jumped on board the red pill roller coaster. If that is the case, brace yourselves, it’s not fun.

Above all, learn to be both open minded and skeptical, curious and discerning, analytical and inquisitive but mostly capable of embracing the notion that everything is possible.

The first stop on this journey is accepting that you have been fooled. Conned. Manipulated. Indoctrinated. Brainwashed. Deceived. If it’s any consolation, we all have.

Take it, accept it, swallow it and learn from it - you know how it goes: ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…’ So fooled no more. It ends here and now.

With this newly found humility, one can continue the journey of shock and horror. The truth is ugly, very ugly, and evil, very evil. This phase is the toughest, you will try to reject it, not believe it, walk away from it, but it’s there, and now you know, and ignoring it doesn’t really work.

At this stage you will be enraged, agitated, frustrated, horrified, hurt and wanting to shout out on the roof tops about it. Here comes the next stop on the journey: social rejection.

Welcome my friend to the club of the rejected! The tin hat, conspiracy theorist nutters, that according to them we all are! It’s upsetting, frustrating and hurtful, but it’s almost a rite of passage on this transformation and the good news is that you are not alone, we’ve all been there, and we are all better people for it; stronger, wiser and more courageous, so as much as it hurts, embrace it, there is no other way.

The longer you keep going the more you will develop new capacities for understanding, acknowledging and accepting certain things without them destroying you but rather empowering you, as you make better choices from a place of knowledge, rather than trusting ignorance.

You will then start discovering your own strength, your intuition, your instinct, your spirituality and your divinity. This is when the light starts to drive the darkness away from your reality, when despite everything that might be going on, your light is constant, your inner power is activated and you learn to balance the matrix reality with your own inner, limitless existence.

The journey doesn’t end here, in fact this is really the beginning.

Now that you have a better sense of who you are, of the nature of your soul and the purpose you should follow, now you must start building a new reality for yourself, one based in truth, in health, in cooperation, in unity but always in individuality and freedom.

Only when you understand how truly wonderful and powerful you are, can you begin to appreciate humanity and all of God’s creation as it deserves. And only when we all do this, can we start to create the reality we dream of.

Wherever you are on this journey, congratulations, you are now part of the solution, of the transformation, of the dream we share. We are slowly getting there as more people jump on board, so know that you are very, very welcome here.



We have reached a turning point of consciousness on planet earth, humanity is beginning to take charge of the energy field that they live in. That being the collective consciousness. The few have turned the tide for the many.

It’s the soul that matters

The goal of this end-game is to destroy the human spirit, dislodge the soul from the body and install their own [draconian] essence. Schwab, Harari, Gates, Fauci, Soros and the rest of the deep state actors are soulless humans , empty vessels occupied/possessed by anti-divine asuric occult draconian entities, trying to play God and take over the human race. They see you as slaves and commodities, resources to exploit and feed on.

They are powerful beings, written about in the occult teachings and mystery schools over the ages. Millions if not Billions of people will follow them into hell with the dangling transhumanist carrot. The jab was already “the mark of the beast”. It’s the ultimate alien invasion through our bodies. It started thousands of years ago. But your true self/essence in the divine is way more powerful than them. It’s the soul that matters in this multidimensional spiritual warfare. Soul embodiment is the cure and the way “out”.


Embodiment = Ascension


When despair for the world grows in me

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Wendell Berry

from New Collected Poems (Counterpoint, 2012)

Copyright (c) 2012 by Wendell Berry, reproduced by permission of Counterpoint


A dimension holding infinity structures, domains and concepts

Magenta, it's FINITE nonetheless. We can't escape that. Therein lies the task: you (we) as an INFINITE being find our way in a FINITE reality. Seems impossible. The planet IS what we are on with rules and regulations in place. You must pay TAX, must do this that, housing, car... no escaping the "prison planet" so to speak, no matter how we try "positively thinking" our way out of it.

My reply; What is finite is the dark negative structure. The presentations of light/New Earth is not finite for it upgrades into 5D which is a dimension holding infinity structures, domains and concepts. So whilst you cannot 'positively think' your way out of prison planet, you can hold the 5D paradigm as a construct. You therefore operate within 3D but are connected to a 5D network running through the 3D reality and that frees you from prison planet into liberty/freedom. Holding awareness of the 3D and 5D simultaneously and where you are located in each dimension is the key for navigation through. Each choice we make, every day leads us into a 3D, 4D or 5D domain for we walk through time when we walk through space and can choose our locational co-ordinates in each dimension. X

MagentaPixie Telegram


Power vs Force: The inevitable collapse of the New World Order

Those who use force to impose their will on humanity always succumb to power. As history has shown, all totalitarian regimes eventually come crashing down - not on account of some divine intervention, but because each of us is born with inalienable rights that are intrinsic to human creation.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the transhumanist force implodes. However, the time it takes for that to happen is dependent on our ability to reduce disorder and increase power. A lower entropy consciousness means more energy available to do work which results in more power, freedom, happiness and love. As our power collectively grows, we create an immovable wall able to repel any and all negative influences and nefarious threats.


The more they are likely to say no

The more you try to bribe or coerce an authentic, sovereign being, the more they are likely to say no. Bribery only makes genuine, real people even more determined to stick to their guns. The push/resist energies simply do not exist in 5D. Freedom & abundance is always flowing to the open hearted receptive ones. 5D is inaccessible to anyone who manipulates, coerces, bribes or forces for this is not the energy of the heart ❤️

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


Climate doom pantomime at Glasgow

Think of Glasgow as a costume party for the Uber rich and it all makes sense.
Everyone gets to hobnob, dress up in a Superhero prophet-of-doom outfit and pretend to save the world.

When the richest people in the world turn up, with PM's and Presidents, and even the Royals do live photo tweets — you know the dry UN science conference has turned into the unmissable Olympics of Social Events. Just being there is the fashion statement of the year.

comment by Winternights3 · about 11 hours ago

The pathway of tomorrow is already mapped out and in their hands.

It amounts to the dismantling of our rights, laws and beliefs of yesterday and the introduction of the new concept of tomorrow.

The financial institutions are spearheading this change and soon your money will be a distant memory and credit scoring will rule and govern the land.

What was once yours, will become a means of disciplining you for noncompliance and degrading you to the lowest of the low.

Those who have gathered in Glasgow almost certainly know this already, their as smug as smug can be and frankly they don't give a shit about what you think. Their parasitic, they feed endlessly off our good nature and enjoy watching you squirm.

To ensure that there can be NO rapprochement, those ultimately in control placed puppets in high authority and these gleefully bunch of idiots are now in Glasgow.

There are many agenda's, Covid was only the start of this torrid journey, Climate change will help them cement further changes that will shape our future.

There's worse to come, the dismantling of all natural processes like farming so that the food that we eat is controlled by the food chemical and pharmaceutical industries, they'll feed us their concoctions and further increase their profits whilst controlling what we eat to their own ends.

I was once called a conspiracist, no doubt that the way forward in ensuring the truth is deemed nonsensical and ridiculed.

Well those who called me that, can now eat their own words, along with the rest of the shit found on the supermarket shelves today.


5D Isn't A Place, Stop Searching For It!

This franken shot is offered as the only solution to their orchestrated bio-weapon through the ongoing mainstream propaganda PR stunt that is hell bent on terrorizing people, so that they are willing to give up their personal freedom for the illusion of physical safety.

There will not be a return to the status quo of pre-2020, whether we like it or not. Every individual will be forced to adapt to the massive cultural transitions ahead, both at consciousness levels and for most of us it will also necessitate changes in physical lifestyle. Humanity will be exposed to very unpleasant and painful information that will educate and inform us on how it is possible, that a large majority of the population are allowing radical tyrannical agendas run by a smaller group of pathological psychopaths to carry out real time global human genocide in our midst. Sadly and tragically, many of us will potentially suffer the loss of some people we know, friends or family members as they develop severe autoimmune illness, spiritual disconnection and injuries as the result of the shots over time.


These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity.

The Matrix is currently being put into overdrive mode – and the controller’s (the “evil magician”) actions are intensifying – in order to try to counter-act the “awakening” that more and more people are experiencing (to a degree). The machinations of these Predators are designed to lock in as many humans as possible into a “time loop” (and frequency prison) before the window of opportunity closes during this Time of Transition, for there is indeed a way “up” and a way “down”.

This transitional phase we’re in right now is not an “overnight” event. It spans a whole age, yet we will see tremendous changes, breakdowns and transformations within our lifetime (as we are already experiencing) and it will increase even more in the coming years. It’s like we’re in the midst of birth pangs that are ushering us towards a new level of Being – a process that depends on our own inner work, our soul potential, and what we align ourselves with.

These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity. Any (re)birth is painful and beautiful at the same time.

It is important to point out that “wishful thinking” and a lack of creativity are the Achilles heel of the negative realm STS (Service to Self) Matrix consciousness – these flaws in their approach to manipulating humanity are reflected in the desperate acts being seen now across the world, which are becoming more and more apparent and predictable…the same patterns under different guises.

Many of us who have done our research over the years – and worked through the conditioning/programming in our own awakening process – can connect the dots and “see the unseen”, identifying the invisible thread that weaves through all of these events, which seem to be unrelated on a surface level but all point towards the same goal: global enslavement under the disguise of “freedom”, “unity” and “protection”.

From a hyperdimensional perspective, the end-game/goal of their agenda is to completely take-over/’body-snatch’ our physical/emotional/mental selves in order to lock us into a frequency prison – all of their various chessboard-level ‘triggers’ are designed to prime our bodies so as to facilitate the hosting of their vibrational essence within our human ‘mainframe’.

Hence the push for dis-embodiment in all of its various guises: increasing the body-mind split via increased mental activity/distraction through technology/A.I., as well as poisoning the individual through GMOs, EMF radiation, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc. – all of which are environmental factors that collude with the original series of genetic modification experiments conducted by “the Predator from beyond the stars” in order to disconnect us more and more from our original DNA blueprint [soul essence]. This is a program of Hybridization that is priming humanity’s transmutation into shell-vessels for hyperdimensional possession.

- Bernhard Guenther

@timeoftransition Telegram


When they have nothing you want they have no power.

"Them: You won't be able to attend a concert or football games

Me: I don't mind

Them: You can't go to a large shopping mall

Me: I'll survive

Them: You can't drink at the pub

Me: I no longer drink

Them: You can't enter night clubs

Me: I don't go out at night

Them: We'll tell your employer

Me: I don't have one

Them: We'll take it from your salary

Me: I don't have a salary

Them: You can't go to your job

Me: I don't have or want your job

Them: You can't be in the city

Me: I prefer living out in nature

Them: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King

Me: I haven't in years anyway

Them: You can't eat at restaurants

Me: I'll order takeaway

Them: You can't shop at large grocery stores

Me: I grow my own food and buy from local farmers

Them: You can't be part of society

Me: I already checked out

Them: Your kids can't come to school

Me: I'll homeschool

Them: You'll be on your own

Me: I'm surrounded by my family and tribe and all the people reaching the same conclusion all over the world

Them: You can't choose for yourself

Me: I just did

Them: What can we tempt you with?

Me: Nothing


When they have nothing you want they have no power.

And that's when power comes to the people."

- Pierce Love


A 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition >> March 2022

Again, remember what is happening right now is temporary. The current state of hiding the massive agendas cannot be sustained for the longer term. The truth of the contents of these shots and the larger agendas, the humans being harmed, all of this is going to be known one day. It is going to surface in the divine right timing. Not our timing, but in divine right timing. And in that moment we will know it is time then to come out from our isolation to come out from the self protective mechanisms of defending ourselves, which is required right now. And further when this happens when the whole iceberg comes to the surface and we begin to see it in the masses, this is when we will know it is time to step into a new role.

Each person is unique; it will not be the same for every individual. The messages you get, the awareness that you have, the steps you may need to take in this period of time and again what I'm getting is about a 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition.

Again, I'm thinking, some time feeling at this point, which is subject to change, approximately March 2022 we will be stepping into a new role. A role where your knowledge and your awareness, what you know as you know it in this moment will be greatly valued and needed by many others around you. All you have been holding as a light bearer for all these years, all you have been holding as a truth seeker for all these years, along with the knowledge you have carried throughout the darkness, this knowledge, this light, this truth will surface through you and it will begin to be seen by others around you. Others will know the truth that you protected, the truth that you preserved, the truth that you held for them. Until we reach that moment together, we must support each other as a group to stay the course and to not give up to despair or what the outer propaganda and character assassination campaigns may appear to be.

Know all is not lost. On the contrary we have won this spiritual war, yet the enemy of freedom, the enemy of self sovereign liberation of this planet must reveal itself to everyone. This revelation, seeing who is the enemy of humanity, this has implications on the material plane and on the spiritual plane. Please recognize and know timing is everything when considering the upward momentum required for positive direction forward.

Right now we face the energies of death on this global scale; there is ego death and there is physical death at a global scale. Now, with all of our spiritual might we dig deep into our hearts and souls and we connect with our inner spirit for our love for God, for humanity and Christ, our love for all living creatures on this earth. We must say with authority in our stance here me now: “There is no death”. Our consciousness is eternal and from one dimension to another we transit. Some will transition to another dimension dropping their current physical body and others will not. Yet remember no matter what it looks like they will still be transitioning with us to a higher plane of existence. As we know the planet is ascending.

Nothing can and nothing will stop this from happening.


You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

“As you claim yourself and build a bridge in this fleeting moment of opportunity, it is important to understand that evil cannot be eradicated. What you call evil has a purpose, and sometimes the same tools can be utilized to access either light or dark energies. We have referred to the dark side of living as Family of Dark.

We ask you to recognize that darkness is greatest before the dawn, and that the darkness holds many keys….Whenever you go somewhere new, you are bound to meet an unknown. The presumptions you apply to the unknown territory determine what you will experience. You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

Wayshowers are repatterning many realities now. They live quietly, and you may never hear their names, yet they are pioneering new avenues of frequency where the dark conspiracy stories of planetary, solar, and galactic control can be understood. This is no mystery to those of you who have spotted the clues over the years, the synchronicities that have shown you a bigger picture of existence, where everything is much more connected. Yet you have been encouraged to believe that nothing is connected. To understand the restructuring of Earth’s frequency, you must first learn about the controllers of Earth.

Some of you will eventually ask, “How could things have become so corrupt?” Well, how could they? That is for you to answer. Your challenge is to go from the lowest of frequencies to the highest, and exploring the dark misuse of power will take you there.

When we talk about power and darkness, do not feel that you have to run away from this realization to have light. You must learn about the power of darkness in order to understand the wounds and waywardness in the souls of these beings, who are desperately seeking something that was never given to them by their parents or by anyone else. Because of this lack the practice stays in their bloodline.

What is missing? You already know: It is love.

The wayward ones on your planet, whether murderers, rapists, pedophiles, or mass manipulators, are all devoid of love and do not know it. And so your task of healing the planet will grow greater as the dark secrets of the world’s ruling families and their dark occult practices are discovered.

When darkness crosses your path, you cannot run from it….When you run from the dark you give it more power, allowing it to perpetuate itself….We ask you to rethink and reevaluate your lives as you are called to regenerate yourselves. You shall change, you will change, you must change, because it is the season of change. When the storms become dark, find your courage and face your fears.

You cannot reach the light without knowing the dark, and the dark comes now in massive amounts asking to be healed.

The form of love we speak of has not been practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years. Genetically you are dealing with the cleansing of a long long line of humanity, generation upon generation of wounds….It is a challenging time in which you live, a challenge to examine how degenerate humankind’s frequencies have become as a whole.

The task ahead is to not underestimate the job, but to truly look at the darkness and see the work that has been cut out for you: to regenerate yourselves and your planet by finding what is really important, what you are going to value. Shocking changes will create a destabilization of civilization, and this is all meant to be.

Some of you want to experience the time of light as if you were driving from one picnic to another. That is not the case. The issue of accountability must be addressed on your planet; not to blame people but to teach them that at this time each person must be his or her own leader. The truth is that no one is going to lead you.”

– Barbara Marciniak, Family of Light