Showing posts with label HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Show all posts


#7 Anneke Lucas with Yvonne van Riemsdijk

Yvonne van Riemsdijk was a victim of satanic ritual abuse for many years in the Netherlands. After years of struggle to recover, she managed to turn her pain into strength and has been speaking publicly about her experiences for several years. She supports care providers in specialist mental health care and related organizations, and also provides guidance to former victims.


The Netherlands - Sodom and Gomorra of the Modern World

Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State – Chapter 36 – Netherlands: The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorra of the Modern World

Turns out the Dutch elite are notorious historical traffickers of both illegal drugs as well as human slaves.

Illuminate the Netherlands is our team that is focusing on the victims, survivors and whistleblowers of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Netherlands. We provide moral support and advise to whistleblowers, survivors and people who want to leave the System (het Netwerk). We’re also educating families and friends, politicians, therapists and anybody who feels lead to help. We want them to become reliable, strong supporters of those who have escaped the Luciferian cult. Projects that are launched by & for survivors can be found on this page.

Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar

Jessie Czebotar, a courageous Chaplain who has done extensive work helping people who suffer from trauma to heal, joins the program. Jessie currently also works with organizations to hunt down human traffickers and free children from abusive hellish situations. She is uniquely qualified for this as she was raised to be the successor to one of the mothers of Darkness. The Mothers of Darkness are known to be the highest level of the illuminati or as she calls it “the System”. People also call this group the Cabal, deep state, or the Brotherhood.

Her childhood consisted of rigorous training preparing her for leadership in that system. As such, she has seen this Satanic group from the inside like no one else who has ever come forward to expose their inner workings.

The most important thing to take from this interview is to further your understanding of how this Luciferian group operates and what they believe. Even if you do not believe any of this, they do. Without understanding what they believe and how they operate, it’s impossible to understand why they do what they do and how to dismantle and neuter their grip on society.


Brice Taylor high level mind control sex slave

Karen Mulder: Depersonalized Monarch Doll

Karen Mulder (born 1 June 1970) is a Dutch model and singer. She is well known for her work with Versace, Dior, and Chanel as a supermodel during the 1990s. Mulder repeatedly was featured on the cover of Vogue and was also a Victoria's Secret model, making her one of the original "Angels" and the first from both the brand and from her country. In the early 2000s, she began to speak out about the dark side of the modeling industry and the dangers faced by underage girls and young women. (Wiki)

Most people don't know that Karen Mulder underwent extreme abuse as part of her MK-Ultra programming in order to serve the Dutch and other European Elites while also making them a lot of money. >> "produced" by programmers to be an 'top of the range' high-class Monarch sex-slave, "Karen Mulder is the latest masterpiece produced from the Netherlands" <<

Karen was born in Vlaardingen, South Holland; located near The Hague where she was moved to with her 'family', growing up in both The Hague and the smaller town of Voorburg. The Hague is of course the place where global government officials reside (and 'prosecute' their puppet "war-criminals"), it is safe to assume she was moved there as part of her government controlled 'Monarch' programming (I use that as a loose term for organized trauma-based mind control; not necessarily under the specific umbrella of the CIA Project Monarch) to be used as a child sex-slave for "elite" and government pedophiles ["In front of a live audience, the 33-year-old Dutch model claimed that she and other girls had been used as sex slaves by senior figures in the police and French government." (link to source below)] who live and work in The Hague. Her father 'Ben' was a civil servant/tax-inspector, so worked for the government suggesting her abuse/MK programming was establishment organized; further evidenced by her dissociated memories (dissociated to other parts/fragments of her fractured/fragmented/shattered mind) of her father hypnotizing and raping/traumatizing her at age 2, the rape/hypnosis/programming continuing long after childhood by countless establishment individuals who use these 'models' regularly, many of which are simply high-class sex-slaves + additional info on why Monarch victims often remember their initial abuse at the hands of their fathers before others.

EYES OF THE DEVIL - A documentary film by Patryk Vega

Dear Lord, let this be a prayer for all of us who are suffering after watching this documentary. To all the people who desperately want to help and stop this for good. And above all, please, please help all these poor babies and children who are subjected to this horror. Come back soon Lord and save us all from this dark, terrible, evil world we're living in. In Jesus name, Amen.



DISCLAIMER: Due to the sensitive content discussed in this podcast, I suggest you don't listen to it with young children around; ideally over 18 years and under parental supervision. Also if you are a survivor, be aware that there may be triggers here for you. Use your discretion and if in doubt, don't listen. It is not our intention to upset anyone with what we discuss, but it is important to share stories like Max's, in order to expose the corruption and evil that sadly, way too many innocent children, experience. The more people understand how this dark network operates, the better. Thank you for watching and please share if it's appropriate for you to do so.


There are few people in this world that I would refer to as heroes. Max Lowen is one of them. A survivor - or "overcomer" as she prefers - of satanic ritual abuse Max now shares her story with others to draw attention to what she believes (as do me and many others), is the REAL global pandemic.

Max is a survivor, truth teller, healer and advocate for children. She shares her experiences as a survivor of SRA (satanic ritual abuse), torture and sex trafficking within the Vatican and amongst the globalist (d)elites. Her journey of healing and recovery and her work (as a psychotherapist) with trauma survivors, illustrates the resilience of the human spirit and is a guide to how all of us can heal ourselves and come together to end the abuse of children forever.

Naturally, there will be those who deny these things happen, simply because it challenges every foundation and belief they have and possibly because they have suffered the same and it's too difficult for them to process. That is understandable, however, the reality is, that this kind of abuse IS happening and it lies at the very core of every government, religious and educational faction in the world. Has for CENTURIES. This is not just something that just popped up as a "conspiracy theory" when Q was in the spotlight either. Civilizations have been built on occult satanic sacrifice and the harvesting (looshing) of energy. I remember speaking about it at the start of the C19 circus, and many yogis and spiritual "teachers" vehemently refuting this (and attacking me for saying it does). I hope they have since woken up and developed more compassion and wisdom.

Please remember that whilst it is difficult for us to listen to these kinds of things and accept that they exist, imagine how the children (and animals) who have EXPERIENCED IT, feel. This is their reality and as conscious human beings, I believe we simply must find the courage to speak out in defense of them and against a such unfathomable evil. We must find the strength to do the right thing.
FYI, this video lasted 30 minutes on my YouTube channel before being removed. I often wonder how other "truthers" sharing similar content, manage to escape the cull and are able to remain online? Interesting...

Source: Denby Sheather


What the Media Won't Tell You About KING CHARLES III

                               What the Media Won't Tell You About KING CHARLES III (Part 2)


                                What the Media Won't Tell You About King Charles (Part 3)

                                The unbearable victim complex of Meghan Markle