Showing posts with label NUMEROLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUMEROLOGY. Show all posts


CHECKMATE-21: URGENT PROPHECIES! “666 Moonshot - Black Swan & Economist World 2021

Decoding the hidden occult messages for the world on the recent 2021 front covers of the Economist magazines with Numerology and Gematria! 
Words, Numbers, Colors is THEIR secret KEY to revealing all the things you can´t see in plain sight..... 
Guests on Age Of Truth TV interviewed by Lucas Alexander: 
Gary Fraughen: Numerologist, Historian, Gematria Expert, Builder, Author 
Jay K. Of The Clapham Saints - The Clapham Sect: Numerologist, Historian, Prophecy Decoder, Gematria Expert



According to Numerology, 10 represents completions, closure, fulfillment, rebirth, and the return to Unity. 


triple digit numerology

A quick check in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book, “Serpent of Light, Beyond 2012″ told me the answer. If you are not familiar with this book, in it Drunvalo breaks down the meaning of triple digit numbers in our lives:

111 – energy flow: something is flowing to you: money, water, sex, etc…,
222 – new cycle: something new is beginning, wait on next triple # for guidance,
333 – decisions: a fork in the road where your decisions will lead to a 666 which repeat past lessons or to the 999 which means completion and lesson learned,
444 – mystery school: life lessons, real lessons, study, learning about Reality
555 – unity: highest number Christ Consciousness, when someone has attained unity
666 – can represent pure evil, watch out for physical events and exercise caution
777 – mystery school: practicing all you have learned
888 – completion of a lesson
999 – completion of a cycle of lessons or events, spiritual mastery
000 – meaningless



2009 - Initiation into Higher Consciousness

Source: Starchild Global and Celia Fenn
There have been several articles about how 2009 is an "11" year, and in numerology that is probably true, since 2009 added together produces 11. Eleven is the number of Initiation into Higher Consciousness, and we can expect that this process will continue and be accelerated in 2009. Along with that Higher Consciousness will go a new Joy in the Magical and Miraculous aspects of our lives on Earth, as we learn how to express our Mastery in these New Dimensions of Light and Love.
But, the 11 must be added together to produce 2 in true numerology, so in effect we are entering a number 2 year. The key numbers for 2009 will be 2 and 9 and 0. I like to use the archetypal keys of the Tarot to express the wisdom of these numbers as they vibrate in our consciousness. The number zero is the number of the "The Fool" and expresses a new beginning and deep trust as we take a step forward into the unknown and a new cycle, with the knowledge that we will be supported and cared for. The number 2 represents the "High Priestess", the Spiritual expression of the Divine Feminine and the Shekinah Light. I like to see her also as Mary Magdalene, the High Priestess of the Grail and the Mysteries of the Twin Flame that will become increasingly important in the coming year. The number 9 represents the "Hermit" or the Inner Wisdom, and this will indeed be the year when we will come to know our Inner Wisdom as the Light that will guide us forward. So, using this archetypal wisdom system, we can expect that 2009 will represent a new cycle of experience at a Higher Level of Consciousness, where we will come to work with our inner Divine Feminine energy, the Power of the Twin Flame, and the Wisdom of our own inner Mastery or Christ Light.