I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn, The great creators with wide brows of calm, The massive barrier-breakers of the world
Showing posts with label PINEAL GLAND. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PINEAL GLAND. Show all posts
COVID Vaccines – Consequences On The Soul, Spirit, And Life After Death
By Bernhard Guenther, May 24, 2022
Introduction and Disclaimer
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Supersensible Research
Supersensory Observations On Vaccinated People [case studies]
The Schism In The Wellness And Alternative Health Community
Detailed Effects Of Corona Vaccinations On The Constitution Of Human Beings
Three Types Of Beings/Entities Gaining Access Through The COVID Vaccine
Spiritual Healing And How To Counteract The Adverse Effects of the Vaccination
Supersensible Study Of The Vaccines
Authoritarian Followers And The Zombification Of Humanity
Soul Snatching And The “Alien” Invasion Through Our Bodies
The Soratic Spirits of Transhumanism: The Consciousness Trap
Is It Possible To Absorb These Intrusive Spirits Without Actual Physical Vaccinations?
How To Protect Yourself From Intrusive Adversary Spirits
The Effects Of Allopathic Medicine And Psychiatric Drugs In The Afterlife
Corona Vaccination Damages In The Life After Death
The Situation Is Not Hopeless – The Importance To Engage In The Great Work
Your December 4th 2021 solar eclipse was the portal opening for this final shift, allowing the Trifurcation energies into your reality and heightening the psychic abilities of all receptive, organic human souls. This initiation you undergo at this time is known as the 'solar body' or 'diamond sun light body' and this is that which you come into now.
Decalcify your pineal gland - The average person by the time they are in their mid-thirties has a pineal gland that is more like a small, hard, fluoride-based pebble
In most populated environments we are bombarded with different toxic stressors -- biologically, chemically, environmentally, nutritionally, physically, physiologically and spiritually. Although fluoride has become the most popular showning the most evidence on damaging the pineal gland, all heavy metals collaborate in blocking the pineal and other internal organs.
The size of only a grain of rice, this tiny gland is an essential player as to how we perceive reality, make decisions, perform and how we sleep. A healthy-functioning pineal is essential for psychological development, peak performance, and spiritual awakening.
“Unlike most of our brain, the blood-brain barrier doesn’t isolate the pineal from the rest of our body. Instead, the pineal gets a tremendous amount of blood flow, second only to the kidneys. Surrounded by and immersed in cerebrospinal fluid, this gland camps out in a tiny cave-like area behind and above the pituitary gland.” - Pub Med
The pineal gland secretes melatonin (through the conversion of serotonin), which activates the pituitary gland to release MSH — the melanocyte stimulating hormone that produces melanin.
In a study done by British scientist Jennifer Luke back in the 1990s, she discovered high concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland on her subjects.
Fluoride, is found in most municipal water around the world, along with many more pesticides and chemicals. In this study here you find how there are a load of pharmaceuticals and toxins within our water supply, deliberately added, as well as due to poor waste water management and lack of proper filtration. To read more about the truth on tap water, and whats added depending amongst regions in the US, here's a good article.
Pesticides and heavy metals within water accumulates in the pineal more than any other part of the body. This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal called calcification. See image above.
Studies show that pineal gland calcification:
• Lowers productions of melatonin
• Impairs the sleep-wake cycle
• Disrupts the regulation of the circadian rhythm
Fluoridated water is believed to be one of the chief causes of calcification in the pineal gland. Evidence suggests that children reach puberty earlier now as a consequence of fluoridated water. And, fluoride exposure in animal studies has found to decrease melatonin significantly.
According to a scientific study on the effect of fluoride on the pineal, the average person by the time they are in their mid-thirties has a pineal gland that is more like a small, hard, fluoride-based pebble.
Simply put, when our pineal gland is calcified, we’re out of balance with our basic biological functioning. On another note, ancient traditions knew of the pineal gland and enshrouded its mysteries in their lore. They knew that it played a key role with our intuition, and spiritual development. With an increasingly toxic world, we must be aware to keep it active and healthy, to further unlock our potential.
Post Eclipse Season July 2020 Ascension Symptoms
- Physical exhaustion; body feels heavy, weakness, extreme fatigue.
- Letting go of huge chunks of trauma, transmutation of shadow aspects.
- Feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness.
- In your face 3D lower consciousness, conflict.
- Losing faith and hope, feeling disapointment.
- Needing to sleep more.
- Aches, arms and legs and feet numbness.
- Surrender, retreat, feels like defeat.
- Dry mouth, dry eyes.
- Nausea, acid reflux
- Sensitivity to sound (even more than usual)
- Feeling like there is no support from the higher realms.
- Waiting for the next wave.
and yet....what will come of this....
- Clearing for the collective
- Polarity integration.
- Coming to terms with what just happened these last months/years/life.
- Fully anchoring higher awareness.
- Letting go of outdated patterns and thoughts.
- Releasing ancient beliefs and dogma's that no longer work.
- Very deep internal shifts.
- Upgrade of everything 3D including unaware humans.
- Next chapter.
- New level.
- Fresh inspiration and connectivity.
- Solid foundation on which to build a new life (new earth)
- Taking full responsibility, independence.
- Better energy management.
how to deal...
- Let go.
- Take one day at a time.
- Avoid crowds, people.
- Self care.
- Take extra vitamins, minerals, CBD.
- Foot baths, comfort showers.
- Sleep.
- Know this too shall pass.
- Letting go of huge chunks of trauma, transmutation of shadow aspects.
- Feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness.
- In your face 3D lower consciousness, conflict.
- Losing faith and hope, feeling disapointment.
- Needing to sleep more.
- Aches, arms and legs and feet numbness.
- Surrender, retreat, feels like defeat.
- Dry mouth, dry eyes.
- Nausea, acid reflux
- Sensitivity to sound (even more than usual)
- Feeling like there is no support from the higher realms.
- Waiting for the next wave.
and yet....what will come of this....
- Clearing for the collective
- Polarity integration.
- Coming to terms with what just happened these last months/years/life.
- Fully anchoring higher awareness.
- Letting go of outdated patterns and thoughts.
- Releasing ancient beliefs and dogma's that no longer work.
- Very deep internal shifts.
- Upgrade of everything 3D including unaware humans.
- Next chapter.
- New level.
- Fresh inspiration and connectivity.
- Solid foundation on which to build a new life (new earth)
- Taking full responsibility, independence.
- Better energy management.
how to deal...
- Let go.
- Take one day at a time.
- Avoid crowds, people.
- Self care.
- Take extra vitamins, minerals, CBD.
- Foot baths, comfort showers.
- Sleep.
- Know this too shall pass.
Incoming ET Galactic Codes
Over the weeks it’s become increasingly obvious that the Volunteers — those who volunteered to drop a lot of Light to be able to incarnate into a physical body on physical Earth to directly assist with the current Universal Ascension Process — Starseeds, Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Embodiers, Transmuters, Gridworkers, Pathpavers, Wayshowers are incrementally embodying NEW ET Galactic codes, some specific ones etherically hand-delivered by certain ETs.
Volunteers have been having their Pineal and Pituitary glands repeatedly evolved, expanded, upgraded, turned more complex and crystalline etc. since they each began the Ascension Process, but this is Phase 2 level different and you can feel that difference in your head, eyes, awareness, consciousness, HighHeart and abilities. Do not fear this as it’s part of the current embodiment of some more of these NEW Galactic codes. Just like all else in the Ascension and Embodiment Processes this too will take some linear time for us to safely embody them all. From here on out however, expect the weird factor to amplify and in ways also NEW to you, even if you’re a Starseed. It’s been busy there and it’s been busy here and this will continue all year as the Volunteers continue embodying these many NEW, different, higher frequency and much more complex ET Galactic codes.
While the Volunteers continue embodying these NEW ET Galactic codes this year, those at lower levels of consciousness and focus continue to look to the external old world, people, groups and governments etc. to finally reveal all their long-hidden secrets about ETs, UFO and whatnot. We’ve embodying NEW ET Galactic codes and those people continue playing around in the external expecting that the corrupt will suddenly come clean and share all publicly. What’s happening is that the Volunteers are embodying this first, just as they do with all the NEW energies, Light, frequencies and NEW codes etc., to make them available for mass humanity to quickly evolve, step into when it’s time for them to do so. It’s not going to happen externally — it’s going to happen internally.
From today until the June 20, 2020 Solstice and same-day eclipse, I suggest you sleep as much as your body and CNS now needs, give yourself and your body all the care, respect and room they need to embody so much NEW and so much higher frequency Galactic codes. This too is exciting but we and our bodies need to take this step-by-step to safely embody it all physically. We may be having more time anomalies during this period, more mild to moderate moments of disorientation, more head and eye Pineal and Pituitary glands pressures and visions and who knows what all! Our HighHearts are intimately connected to these NEW ET Galactic codes and brain glands upgrades so expect anything in that location, space and level now through the June 2020 Solstice. I suspect the July 4, 2020 (big hint there!) eclipse will be more whole body, more all-encompassing for the Volunteers, and more all-encompassing at lower levels for mass humanity.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020.
Ascension Symptoms March/April 2020
From HighHeartLife:
These latest NEW energies that many Volunteers/Forerunners/Embodiers etc. have been embodying the past few weeks have been different from anything prior which is easy to feel in our physical bodies. The sense of greatly amplified weight or density is a common side effect of embodying a large amount of NEW Light energy etc. For the past weeks my head, skull and face has felt this amplified energy pressure causing head pains, headaches, face numbness, eyes, jaw side effects that far surpass all the many times I’ve experienced more NEW Light being embodied into and through my head. I’ve also been hearing inner ear NEW sound tones I’ve never heard before which shows how much we’re in NEW Phase 2 territory and energies. What we’re feeling are the energies arriving via the first Equinox of Phase 2, 2020. This will continue because there’s A LOT of NEW that has to quickly be embodied by those of us capable of doing so now so that those NEW codes, templates, Light energies etc. are seeded, inserted and anchored into NEW Earth and available for other people willing to evolve now.
- Lymph system swelling pain, detox happening, drink plenty of water
- Electrical nerve pains - nerves swelling - physical anxiety
- Calmness and empowerment during this intense time
- Depth of spiritual practise - deep self-healing with reiki
- Some difficulty navigating the collective fear, pestilence programme, rollercoaster, up and down
- The discrepancy between awakened conscious people and the 'zombies' increasing to never before levels
- CBD is helpful, also herbs that support the immune system, high doses of Vit. C
- Get lots of rest
There is always a thought that slipped in below the level of our mindfulness practice that brings it on.
Good to hear that your tooth thing is better.
I had a depressive episode at work this afternoon, it was the kind of episode that comes on without warning, although last night I felt some of those isolation feelings so that was sort of a prelude. The pain has been quite bad, waking up from it in the night and just the usual vibe of complete alienation I suppose triggered the slide, also Leo made a remark about this one guys girlfriend being attractive/hot that somehow just caused me to energetically deplete. I can only conclude that subconsciously I have some kind of pathetic ego wound/sense of entitlement that my soul/being doesn't really care much for, is disinterested in. It would seem that happiness and experience/learning/growing are not mutually inclusive when the soul/higher self is concerned. As usual I can also conclude that support in life for meaning and joy is meager/mediocre at best. What else is new?
Anyways I was feeling quite good this morning, I found a book at the store; Dying. A memoir. The book starts out with the author (Cory Taylor) explaining how she acquired a euthanasia-solution/medication from China. As you can imagine I got into it rather fast, death being a fascination of mine and I've now almost finished it. Reading has rekindled a sense of solace for me and I hope to read more now.
Pain level has been quite bad recently although I am managing it. I have been trying my best to understand the meaning of this condition. As usual I am trying to discover if there are lessons involved, if somehow there is wisdom to be gleaned from such incessant torment and suffering. The very notion is somewhat infuriating because I am often prone to approach life in this way, to my detriment.
I hate to think of the future as a place where I am rewarded for my suffering due to acquired insight that may help others. Although I can be very compassionate I see day by day the ever growing numbers of zombified, pineal-gland calcified fellow humans who I have to interact with and yet also 'be myself' with. I think depression is a fair response to feeling misunderstood and undervalued. What else is new?
I had a depressive episode at work this afternoon, it was the kind of episode that comes on without warning, although last night I felt some of those isolation feelings so that was sort of a prelude. The pain has been quite bad, waking up from it in the night and just the usual vibe of complete alienation I suppose triggered the slide, also Leo made a remark about this one guys girlfriend being attractive/hot that somehow just caused me to energetically deplete. I can only conclude that subconsciously I have some kind of pathetic ego wound/sense of entitlement that my soul/being doesn't really care much for, is disinterested in. It would seem that happiness and experience/learning/growing are not mutually inclusive when the soul/higher self is concerned. As usual I can also conclude that support in life for meaning and joy is meager/mediocre at best. What else is new?
Anyways I was feeling quite good this morning, I found a book at the store; Dying. A memoir. The book starts out with the author (Cory Taylor) explaining how she acquired a euthanasia-solution/medication from China. As you can imagine I got into it rather fast, death being a fascination of mine and I've now almost finished it. Reading has rekindled a sense of solace for me and I hope to read more now.
Pain level has been quite bad recently although I am managing it. I have been trying my best to understand the meaning of this condition. As usual I am trying to discover if there are lessons involved, if somehow there is wisdom to be gleaned from such incessant torment and suffering. The very notion is somewhat infuriating because I am often prone to approach life in this way, to my detriment.
I hate to think of the future as a place where I am rewarded for my suffering due to acquired insight that may help others. Although I can be very compassionate I see day by day the ever growing numbers of zombified, pineal-gland calcified fellow humans who I have to interact with and yet also 'be myself' with. I think depression is a fair response to feeling misunderstood and undervalued. What else is new?
No doubt I will bounce back in due time as I always do, perhaps the whole thing is more meaningful as you always say, even though we don't know exactly how or why.
The pineal gland doesn't produce enough DMT for psychedelic experiences, says researcher
The pineal gland doesn't produce enough DMT for psychedelic experiences, says researcher -- Science of the Spirit -- Sott.net:
Psychedelic researcher David E. Nichols is pushing back against the belief that the pineal gland in the brain produces mystical experiences because it creates a powerful psychoactive substance called N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT).
The pineal gland is a small structure inside the brain that influences the sleep cycle by secreting the hormone melatonin. But claims have spread that the pineal gland also can produce DMT, a claim that has been used as a biological explanation for dreams, UFO abductions, and other out of body experiences.
Trace amounts of DMT have been detected in the pineal gland and other parts of the human body. But Nichols, an adjunct professor of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry at the University of North Carolina, said in an article published the scientific journal Psychopharmacology that there is no good evidence to support the link between the pineal gland, DMT, and mystical experiences.
Psychedelic researcher David E. Nichols is pushing back against the belief that the pineal gland in the brain produces mystical experiences because it creates a powerful psychoactive substance called N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT).
The pineal gland is a small structure inside the brain that influences the sleep cycle by secreting the hormone melatonin. But claims have spread that the pineal gland also can produce DMT, a claim that has been used as a biological explanation for dreams, UFO abductions, and other out of body experiences.
Trace amounts of DMT have been detected in the pineal gland and other parts of the human body. But Nichols, an adjunct professor of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry at the University of North Carolina, said in an article published the scientific journal Psychopharmacology that there is no good evidence to support the link between the pineal gland, DMT, and mystical experiences.
third eye
The third eye is metaphoric. There is not a third eye physiologically in your body but it represents a region of the head that the conscious mind uses to perceive psychic information and dreams and it consists of the pineal gland.
When you are seeing through physical eyes, you are seeing through the physical body. The third eye is not part of the physical body; but part of the subtle body. That's why physiology denies its existence.
With the third eye functioning, you enter different dimensions, things which are invisible to the physical eye become visible, and when you look at a person you look at the person's soul, at their spirit, not their physical body.
When you move into the third eye or third eye chakra you enter a subtle world. You start seeing things you have never seen before and the whole world becomes transformed. The third eye holds the power of discernment and the end of duality.
The third eye is the conscience, the two physical eyes see the past and present, while the third eye reveals the insight of the future. The two physical eyes represent the duality but the third eye is unity.
New Light On Chakras
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