Showing posts with label STARSEED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STARSEED. Show all posts


New Earth is here | They will try to tear you down

New Earth is upon us, but only for those who have the eyes to see. There are going to be a lot of people who are not yet tuned into, or not going to be tuned into it. They will find a problem for every solution, they will attack your ease of being, your light, your perspectives because they are still enmeshed in their pain and unable to take personal responsibility. Because of that, they will blame you and project their hurt upon you. 

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Shirley very openly speaks about her thoughts on death and dying

Shirley very openly speaks about her thoughts about death and dying. Shirley is looking forward to death, she has enjoyed an amazing life, not all a bed of roses but many life experiences that she has learnt from and is happy to share with everyone. Author of 9 books and a set of cards Shirley has channeled thousands of words from her guides to help humanity. Some back from the late 90's still very relevant for these times we find ourselves in.



Potential communication with an assortment of extradimensional enlightened beings will commence, ushering in the next stages of our planetary liberation.

As we enter phases of the breakdown in society, many people are losing trust in the rules and regulations of the establishment and are seeking to reorganize into parallel structures with those that have similar values or like-mindedness. These are the Starseed groups of ascending angelic humans that choose to self-lead from the immense love guiding them from within their hearts, in order to form cooperative alliances with others in which to remove dependence upon this corrupted system that has fueled the death culture of war and division. From within this place of choosing love over fear, many of us are fully guided by our hearts and we will be ushered into a new beginning of co-creation which offers protection, support and meaningful connections. Embarking on these humanitarian and service oriented projects are subjected to divine timing and spiritual guidance, as timing is everything in such matters and many of us will receive more clarity during this year.


Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

Magenta, If this earth is a 3D “manipulated” planet, why would we choose to use THIS experience to be the determining factor of either ascension or re-genesis into another 26,000 year cycle. Why wouldn’t we choose another dimensional experience that didn’t consist of so much trickery, manipulation and downright cosmic tyranny to attempt at an ascension?

My reply; Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

MagentaPixie Telegram


To help others transition as peacefully as possible, is a sacred honor and duty for many Starseed people that came to this planet for this exact purpose.

With the planetary initiation that is occurring now and being heightened this year as brought on by the systematic reclamation of the Albion planetary grid network by the Paliadorian Solar Dragon Kings or Cosmic Christos Consciousness, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense spiritual initiation occurs and reaches its pinnacle in our own individual consciousness body, it brings the karmic or miasmatic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality.

This dark night of the soul phase is deeply uncomfortable for all of us as we shed obsolete patterns or are faced with unpleasant truths. This is for the purpose of seeing the dysfunctional patterns in our lives, so that these frequency patterns can be released and shifted as the new frequency sets of ascension coding are being transmitted in ways they can actually embody. Effectively, this year is the pinnacle of the planetary ascension initiation that is imposing a personal spiritual initiation as a great consciousness shift and transformational change is being made upon us all. If the mental and emotional body is not prepared to know how to integrate the forces of polarity or neutralize these karmic imprints by making changes in belief or lifestyle, the person can persist with co-creating these destructive karmic imprints which will make them extremely ill or psychologically imbalanced.

The current outerscape of the plandemic and the many fear-based deceptions are also macrocosmic manifestations of these massive shadows and energetic imbalances held within the collective consciousness. These dysfunctions are being highlighted for all to see in order to impact a global awakening that introduces radical changes throughout the existing culture. First, we must see how our civilization came to be anti-human through the promotion of the death culture and how this death culture is being technologically controlled by off planet entities engaged in an active war with humanity for total domination over all of the planetary resources. The truth is very hard to process for many that do not have a strong connection with God source, and as such, as the planetary body ascends there are many souls that are leaving this reality in order to transition to a space that is much easier to spiritually heal. To help others transition as peacefully as possible, is a sacred honor and duty for many Starseed people that came to this planet for this exact purpose. Be strong in your spiritual armor and keep your heart and mind focused upon strengthening your direct relationship with God and Christos.

The external energies and interrelationships are drastically impacted as the karmic imprints begin to manifest in the current station of identity, similar to the shadow selves, these karmic imprints and miasmatic records are all beginning to purge at once. This can bring extreme chaos to people’s life conditions if they remain fixated on these unhealthy patterns and don’t make an effort to change their lifestyle. This is a radical time of change and personal transformation, in which we must learn to let go of obsolete or unhealthy ways of being. The least prepared people will experience overwhelm as these karmic patterns manifest into uncontrolled emotions, exploding into chaos as their life careens out of control and their physical and mental health deteriorates. This is why we all must learn how to direct and control our personal mental energies and thought patterns. This skill is one that all people can learn to release negative and chaotic energy from building up the shadow selves and then redirect it into more harmonious patterns, practicing self-love and self-acceptance, in the moment to moment.

In the current now moment of present awareness we all have the power to change, shift and release these karmic patterns, which changes the station of our consciousness into a higher timeline and allows more light to be embodied. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the solar consciousness of eternal light, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome.

Whatever quality of energy is generated from thought, emotion or behaviors, this combination sets into motion a cycle of energy that must eventually return back to its causal source, completing its circuit. There are many dimensional planes of causation, but nothing will escape the law, because at the end of the cycle all is being accounted for. It is up to each of us to understand and make proper use of this law, because on the path of expanding consciousness, we learn that we will have to answer for our actions, we will account for the energy we were given. There is no such thing as randomness, chance or luck, as there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause. The empowering point of aligning to this principle is to make the conscious choice to rise above the negative or limiting thoughtforms of the masses, and choose to become your own cause in reality, not just the effect of others and the situations that you find yourself in. This important distinction gives one the ability to rise above the archetypal roles of Victim-Victimizer or Master-Slave and thus, take responsibility for self-ownership.

We all are required to understand the differences between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our lives. If we do not understand the causality of effects that happen in our lives, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

Positive and loving actions bring positive and loving results.
Negative and fear-based actions bring negative and fear-based results.
Our actions bring our own results, through the quality based in the polarity chosen, love or fear.

Humanity was given the freedom to choose, and according to the alignment of our thoughts and decisions, we experience contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion. The caveat with this statement is that humanity is currently enduring the biggest psychological warfare of farfetched lies being perpetrated to incite terrorizing fears. The masses will be forced to wake up when the truth reveals very painful realizations of ongoing betrayals from those whom we had trusted and given away our power as the result of the ongoing demands being made from corrupted experts and authorities with sinister hidden agendas. We must learn from our past decisions, and take what we learned from any disagreeable results in order to make more positive and loving choices in the future. Learning from our mistakes is the process of cultivating right thinking and right alignment, if our pain increases, the awareness is that change and transformation of the way we do things is required. If we are getting unproductive results such as increased pain and illness from the choices we have made, this is a blaring red flag that means we have to change our direction and stop repeating the same mistakes or we will suffer greatly from the consequences.

As a result, we must be very clear about where we place our attention, time and focus, as where we direct our interest will initiate movement forward through the Law of Cycles, and either love or fear vibrations will be magnified a thousandfold in our personal lives.


5D Isn't A Place, Stop Searching For It!

This franken shot is offered as the only solution to their orchestrated bio-weapon through the ongoing mainstream propaganda PR stunt that is hell bent on terrorizing people, so that they are willing to give up their personal freedom for the illusion of physical safety.

There will not be a return to the status quo of pre-2020, whether we like it or not. Every individual will be forced to adapt to the massive cultural transitions ahead, both at consciousness levels and for most of us it will also necessitate changes in physical lifestyle. Humanity will be exposed to very unpleasant and painful information that will educate and inform us on how it is possible, that a large majority of the population are allowing radical tyrannical agendas run by a smaller group of pathological psychopaths to carry out real time global human genocide in our midst. Sadly and tragically, many of us will potentially suffer the loss of some people we know, friends or family members as they develop severe autoimmune illness, spiritual disconnection and injuries as the result of the shots over time.


This is a very sophisticated, complicated, high level chess game

"This is a very sophisticated complicated, high level chess game"

I 100% agree with this. Exactly what I am getting. Feelings of anger from some places, shock from others lots of fear, frustration and panic. But the awake & aware starseeds & many truthers are feeling excitement.........they don't even know why they feel this but it is because they know things are moving at last, for the more these things happen, the faster the Great Awakening occurs. We all know how this story ends........with a completely new dimensional reality & New Earth which is why we feel excitement. Not because we want the system to collapse but because we know the system collapsing (or appearing to) signifies the shift of the ages that we have all been waiting for, for so long ❤️

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

“As you claim yourself and build a bridge in this fleeting moment of opportunity, it is important to understand that evil cannot be eradicated. What you call evil has a purpose, and sometimes the same tools can be utilized to access either light or dark energies. We have referred to the dark side of living as Family of Dark.

We ask you to recognize that darkness is greatest before the dawn, and that the darkness holds many keys….Whenever you go somewhere new, you are bound to meet an unknown. The presumptions you apply to the unknown territory determine what you will experience. You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

Wayshowers are repatterning many realities now. They live quietly, and you may never hear their names, yet they are pioneering new avenues of frequency where the dark conspiracy stories of planetary, solar, and galactic control can be understood. This is no mystery to those of you who have spotted the clues over the years, the synchronicities that have shown you a bigger picture of existence, where everything is much more connected. Yet you have been encouraged to believe that nothing is connected. To understand the restructuring of Earth’s frequency, you must first learn about the controllers of Earth.

Some of you will eventually ask, “How could things have become so corrupt?” Well, how could they? That is for you to answer. Your challenge is to go from the lowest of frequencies to the highest, and exploring the dark misuse of power will take you there.

When we talk about power and darkness, do not feel that you have to run away from this realization to have light. You must learn about the power of darkness in order to understand the wounds and waywardness in the souls of these beings, who are desperately seeking something that was never given to them by their parents or by anyone else. Because of this lack the practice stays in their bloodline.

What is missing? You already know: It is love.

The wayward ones on your planet, whether murderers, rapists, pedophiles, or mass manipulators, are all devoid of love and do not know it. And so your task of healing the planet will grow greater as the dark secrets of the world’s ruling families and their dark occult practices are discovered.

When darkness crosses your path, you cannot run from it….When you run from the dark you give it more power, allowing it to perpetuate itself….We ask you to rethink and reevaluate your lives as you are called to regenerate yourselves. You shall change, you will change, you must change, because it is the season of change. When the storms become dark, find your courage and face your fears.

You cannot reach the light without knowing the dark, and the dark comes now in massive amounts asking to be healed.

The form of love we speak of has not been practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years. Genetically you are dealing with the cleansing of a long long line of humanity, generation upon generation of wounds….It is a challenging time in which you live, a challenge to examine how degenerate humankind’s frequencies have become as a whole.

The task ahead is to not underestimate the job, but to truly look at the darkness and see the work that has been cut out for you: to regenerate yourselves and your planet by finding what is really important, what you are going to value. Shocking changes will create a destabilization of civilization, and this is all meant to be.

Some of you want to experience the time of light as if you were driving from one picnic to another. That is not the case. The issue of accountability must be addressed on your planet; not to blame people but to teach them that at this time each person must be his or her own leader. The truth is that no one is going to lead you.”

– Barbara Marciniak, Family of Light


We will be required to witness the painful truths hidden behind genocidal agendas and the many revelations of disclosure events

Observing the bifurcation load out stage on the physical plane in the context of current global events can be very difficult emotionally, especially for those unaware that we will be required to witness the painful truths hidden behind genocidal agendas and the many revelations of disclosure events. Thus, for lightworkers and Starseeds this is an event to prepare for and work your spiritual tools. It is important to keep an open mind, learn how to become more flexible and adaptable to spontaneous changes of perception, and to stay calm, peaceful and in the observer consciousness. This is a momentous time for human liberation, pray and meditate, awakening into greater realizations of the possibilities of emotional betrayal that may be prevalent in many situations as they are being revealed to us. This is the time for radical self-care and knowing your physical and emotional limits, while supporting our loved ones and friends as best we can. Especially as they are rudely shaken awake and startled by the ongoing revelations of the disclosure information surfacing in the mainstream.

Love and GSF for All,


Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet

Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness.

Regardless of any individual’s belief system or personal choice on whether or not to participate with the planetary ascension, every living being existing on the planet will undergo some form of transformation that results in a consciousness shift and ascension event. The individuals that refuse to elevate themselves beyond negative ego and awaken their heart center and inner spirit in order to practice the Universal Law of One principles of unity, unconditional love, peace, and compassion will leave the planet. Although every human being will experience some level of the planetary ascension event in their consciousness body, not everyone will make the choice to remain on the matter plane and ascend with the Earth. Thus, they will be returning back to the spiritual world or Guardian hosted interdimensional transit station for an appropriate reeducation beyond mind control with a briefing to understand our inherent connection to divinity and the spiritual nature of reality. This is known as the load out stage through the Trinity Gates during the bifurcation of time and this form of mass consciousness transiting for souls has already begun and will continue ongoing.