Showing posts with label ORGANIC PORTALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ORGANIC PORTALS. Show all posts


I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause...

I've noticed that I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause. They have made a choice, they are no longer on the fence so to speak. As Magenta would put it: they have chosen regenesis and not ascension. They have lost their ticket to 'New Earth'. They have given themselves over to the 'Great Reset' and can no longer play any meaningful role in the 'Great Awakening' that will overthrow the power elites. 

I have noticed so many changes in the vaccinated. A loss of depth, a loss of soul, a loss of personality, a loss of meaning and purpose. Now more than ever, all seems lost because it has become so difficult to engage them in any meaningful way. Many seem to be only half-living, asleep at the wheel; nobody's home. Many seem to be going through the motions of life, living life as if it were just a programme that's running in the background; not fully animated. How to interface with them? 

As always the truth is not so black and white and actually all is definitely not lost. Although it may be true that they can no longer wake-up spiritually and grow towards ascension in these end times and have made the choice to not inherit the (new) earth, they still have a very important role to play. 

It will most likely not be the minority of awakened and embodied starseeds and truthers that will overthrow the satanic elites although they will instigate this through their anchoring of a higher more expansive truth frequency. It will be the vaccinated masses that will rise up, if they are still alive at that point. 

The vaccinated masses will be so angry and bitter, furious, like cornered animals, they will attack their oppressor and from a purely third dimensional perspective, in a very political-uprising kind of way will want some kind of retribution when confronted by the truth that by that time will be self-evident. 

They were manipulated and coerced, lied to, robbed of their health, their dignity and even their birthright, robbed of their freedom. They will be the movement and the unvaccinated will be somewhere else manifesting 5d or at least connecting with their tribe on their way to a new earth. The cabal will fall and it will be on them, it will be the result of their own work, their own undoing. Evil after all contains the seed of it's own destruction. Their system is entropic after all. 

Will the vaccinated play any further role? 

Well yes, they are the majority and so as this all plays out, they will have a 3d playing field based on an awakening of sorts and there will be healing modalities for them, to purge the disharmonic frequencies and nano-tech from their bodies. The soulless humans, the organic portals may by then no longer be incarnate, we hope, or perhaps they will have moved further into matter, the transhuman route.

The vaccinated have made a choice to remain fully in 3d consciousness, they can still have a great life as we move away from the dark, inverted systems of the old world. They will not experience ascension or multi-dimensional consciousness, at least they have chosen not to at this time. We can still be together, vaccinated and unvaccinated, maybe.

This is just a hypothesis. I need to remain hopeful in the face of so many around me, friends and family included who I have lost a certain connection to. It is very sad and tragic to be able to 'see' the loss of so many. A part of them will never be the same after the jabs. My relationships with them for now; different.



COVID Vaccines – Consequences On The Soul, Spirit, And Life After Death

By Bernhard Guenther, May 24, 2022


Introduction and Disclaimer

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Supersensible Research

Supersensory Observations On Vaccinated People [case studies]

The Schism In The Wellness And Alternative Health Community

Detailed Effects Of Corona Vaccinations On The Constitution Of Human Beings

Three Types Of Beings/Entities Gaining Access Through The COVID Vaccine

Spiritual Healing And How To Counteract The Adverse Effects of the Vaccination

Supersensible Study Of The Vaccines

Authoritarian Followers And The Zombification Of Humanity

Soul Snatching And The “Alien” Invasion Through Our Bodies

The Soratic Spirits of Transhumanism: The Consciousness Trap

Is It Possible To Absorb These Intrusive Spirits Without Actual Physical Vaccinations?

How To Protect Yourself From Intrusive Adversary Spirits

The Effects Of Allopathic Medicine And Psychiatric Drugs In The Afterlife

Corona Vaccination Damages In The Life After Death

The Situation Is Not Hopeless – The Importance To Engage In The Great Work


This is the majority of human beings, and they don’t even think... they don’t even ask themselves, “But indeed, why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why are there men? Why do I live?”

"Love to learn, always learn, not waste your time in... well, in filling yourself with useless things or doing useless things. You must do everything with this aim, to enrich your possibilities, develop those you have, acquire new ones, and become as complete, as perfect a human being as you can. That is, even on this line you must take things seriously, not simply pass your time because you are here, and waste it as much as possible because you have to pass it somehow.

That is the attitude of men in general: they come into life, they don’t know why; they know that they will live a certain number of years, they don’t know why; they think that they will have to pass away because everybody passes away, and they again don’t know why; and then, most of the time they are bored because they have nothing in themselves, they are empty beings and there is nothing more boring than emptiness; and so they try to fill this by distraction, they become absolutely useless, and when they reach the end they have wasted their whole existence, all their possibilities — and everything is lost.

This you will see: take a thousand men, out of them at least nine hundred and ninety are in this condition. It happens that they are born in certain circumstances or certain others, and they try, you see, to pass their time as well as they can, to be bored as little as possible, to suffer as little as possible, to have as good a time as possible; and everything is dull, lifeless, useless, stupid, and absolutely without any result.

There, then. This is the majority of human beings, and they don’t even think... they don’t even ask themselves, “But indeed, why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why are there men? Why do I live?” No, all these things are absolutely uninteresting. The only interesting thing is to try to eat well, to have good fun, be nicely distracted, well married, have children, earn money and have all the advantages one can get from the point of view of desires, and above all, above all not think, not reflect, not ask any questions, and avoid all trouble. Yes, and then get out of it like that, without too many catastrophes.

This is the general condition; this is what men call being reasonable. And in this way the world can turn round indefinitely for eternity, it will never progress. And this is why all these are like ants; they come, crawl, die, go away, come back, crawl again, die again, and so on. And it can last for eternities like this. Fortunately, there are some who do the work of all the others, but it’s only these who will make everything change one day.

So the first problem is to know on which side one wants to be: on the side of those who are doing something or the side of those who do nothing; on the side of those who, perhaps, will be able to understand what life is and do what is necessary for this life to culminate in something, or else of those who hardly care to understand anything at all and try to pass their time in having as few botherations as possible. Above all, no botherations! There we are. This is the first choice. After this, there are many others."

- The Mother, Integral Yoga
Time of Transition Telegram


No, "we" are not all the same >> Organic Portals >> There have always existed two types of humans, souled and soulless humans indistinguishable from the outside and nothing to do with color or status.

Most people - including well-meaning "truther" folks, speaking out trying to "wake up" others about the lies, propaganda, and matrix programs - do not realize that the splitting of humanity is at full force. There won't be a collective awakening by any stretch of the imagination. The separation has been prophesized by various esoteric traditions and it is part of the evolution of consciousness.

There have always existed two types of humans, souled and soulless humans indistinguishable from the outside and nothing to do with color or status. In the esoteric Christian tradition (not to be confused with the mainstream Christian religion) they've been called adamic man and pre-adamic man. I've written about it in the depth with many resources in my essay "Organic Portals - Soulless Humans".

This knowledge is imperative to understand during this Time of Transition so we don't keep fighting shadows on the wall or try to reach people who cannot be reached. It can be heartbreaking because they can very close friends and even within your own family.

I said it before, this is not the time to spiritually bypass with sayings like "let's not be divisive, we're all in this together". No, "we" are not all the same.

It's time to stop throwing pearls in front of swine but unite with your soul/spiritual family and engage in the Great Work to make this Transition successful which is an internal state of Being to anchor the Divine within so we can ward off a possible cataclysm as it happened many times before.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also warned of this possibility - the Dark Night of civilization and the possibility of complete destruction to repeat the human cycle, i.e. the Divine pressing the "reset" button, the REAL "Great Reset" based on Divine Law, nothing man-made.

Super-efforts to engage in the Great [esoteric] work are needed by the "spiritual elite", i.e. the spiritual warriors and souled beings who came here to participate, the Children of Light as they are called in Gnosis. The transformation doesn't happen by itself and it certainly doesn't happen just by posting on FB or trying to convince others by information or by physical preparation alone. [P.S. All the crypto/assets in the world are not going to help you if you do not engage in the Real Work necessary to help this Transition turn out positive].

Time to step up to the plate and heed the voice of the Divine. You know who you are.


Bernhard ⚔🔥⚔