Showing posts with label ITALY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ITALY. Show all posts



DISCLAIMER: Due to the sensitive content discussed in this podcast, I suggest you don't listen to it with young children around; ideally over 18 years and under parental supervision. Also if you are a survivor, be aware that there may be triggers here for you. Use your discretion and if in doubt, don't listen. It is not our intention to upset anyone with what we discuss, but it is important to share stories like Max's, in order to expose the corruption and evil that sadly, way too many innocent children, experience. The more people understand how this dark network operates, the better. Thank you for watching and please share if it's appropriate for you to do so.


There are few people in this world that I would refer to as heroes. Max Lowen is one of them. A survivor - or "overcomer" as she prefers - of satanic ritual abuse Max now shares her story with others to draw attention to what she believes (as do me and many others), is the REAL global pandemic.

Max is a survivor, truth teller, healer and advocate for children. She shares her experiences as a survivor of SRA (satanic ritual abuse), torture and sex trafficking within the Vatican and amongst the globalist (d)elites. Her journey of healing and recovery and her work (as a psychotherapist) with trauma survivors, illustrates the resilience of the human spirit and is a guide to how all of us can heal ourselves and come together to end the abuse of children forever.

Naturally, there will be those who deny these things happen, simply because it challenges every foundation and belief they have and possibly because they have suffered the same and it's too difficult for them to process. That is understandable, however, the reality is, that this kind of abuse IS happening and it lies at the very core of every government, religious and educational faction in the world. Has for CENTURIES. This is not just something that just popped up as a "conspiracy theory" when Q was in the spotlight either. Civilizations have been built on occult satanic sacrifice and the harvesting (looshing) of energy. I remember speaking about it at the start of the C19 circus, and many yogis and spiritual "teachers" vehemently refuting this (and attacking me for saying it does). I hope they have since woken up and developed more compassion and wisdom.

Please remember that whilst it is difficult for us to listen to these kinds of things and accept that they exist, imagine how the children (and animals) who have EXPERIENCED IT, feel. This is their reality and as conscious human beings, I believe we simply must find the courage to speak out in defense of them and against a such unfathomable evil. We must find the strength to do the right thing.
FYI, this video lasted 30 minutes on my YouTube channel before being removed. I often wonder how other "truthers" sharing similar content, manage to escape the cull and are able to remain online? Interesting...

Source: Denby Sheather


What about the mushrooms we don’t notice? And how many of them are endangered?

For almost a decade, one lone mushroom was classified as an endangered species, and scientists say more could be in trouble.

When Italian botanist Giuseppe Inzenga first tasted the white ferula mushroom in 1863, he described it as one of the tastiest he had ever had.

Found primarily in Sicily’s Madonie mountain range growing in limestone and at elevations of over 1,000 feet, the prized mushroom is sold for around 50 euros for two pounds.

“This mushroom is really delicious. You can eat it raw and also cooked,” says Giuseppe Venturella, a mycologist at the University of Palermo in Sicily. He compares it to a porcini, notes that it’s rich in B vitamins, and says the best way to experience the taste is eating it raw, with a little olive oil and parmesan cheese.

Fast forward 100 years from Inzenga’s enthusing, and the same mushroom species, still prized for its taste, is now listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, an organization that tracks population numbers for many of the world’s species.

Picking the mushroom is off limits in protected areas inside the Madonie National Park region, but foragers can pluck mature mushrooms, indicated by a cap with sides growing longer than three centimeters, in surrounding regions. Unlike most mushroom species, the white ferula fruits in spring, with its season lasting from April to late May.

The white ferula was the first mushroom to be recognized for the impact humans were having on its survival, and from 2006 to 2015 it was the only one of its kind to be globally recognized as endangered.

“It was so beloved by people in [Sicily] that when the numbers began to decline, it was part of popular conversation,” says Nicholas Money, a mycologist at Miami University in Ohio.

But what about the mushrooms we don’t notice? And how many of them are endangered?

“We think the true biodiversity of fungi is somewhere between one million and six million species,” says Anne Pringle, a University of Wisconsin-Madison mycologist—as fungus experts are called—and a National Geographic explorer. Yet despite their global prevalence, fungi have historically been left out of conservation initiatives.

“Because people eat it,” says Pringle of the white ferula, “they notice and care. There might be more than a thousand stories like that of fungi in trouble that we just don’t know about.”

So how do we conserve organisms we can’t see and don’t understand? And why should we try?

“Life on the planet wouldn’t exist without fungi as we know it,” says Greg Mueller, a mushroom conservation expert and the chief scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Conserving them, Money says, “is an urgent concern because of their relationship with forests and trees. You can’t have the trees without the fungi…. We cannot survive without them. In terms of the health of the planet, they’re incredibly important.”


In search of sun

The weather here in the Netherlands has been grey and rainy for several weeks now but this afternoon I am leaving for Italy in search of sunshine, mountains, forests and freedom. It will be my first time south of Switzerland and I'll be back in about 7 or 8 days.


This Folk

There is smoke here, drinks everywhere and conversation ranging from quiet talks in crowded corners to boisterous loudness and extraversion in the corridor. People are milling around, everyone is on some kind of mission.
Green is the only game being played, cannabis fumes fill my nostrils and the eyes I look into are hazed. As I make my way around, people smile and smirk, laugh out loud, greet me, and eye me. I feel good in this place, I feel a buzz in this place, and I have space with this folk.
I left my heart in one of the rooms next to a painting; it was a landscape, a small building on a hill at sunrise, somewhere in Italy by a lake. I got lost with my fellow astronauts, petting the cat, watering the plants, lost in my thoughts.
A year on the Broad Red Avenue (2003)