Experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines.
The previously-unknown condition - dubbed 'post-vaccination syndrome' - appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.
Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.
The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.
I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn, The great creators with wide brows of calm, The massive barrier-breakers of the world
Covid vaccines linked to alarming new syndrome causing 'distinct biological changes': Yale scientists
Excessive DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines presents "substantial risk" of cancer, say 52 scientists and academics
The Australian Government should immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines due to accumulating evidence of high levels of synthetic DNA contamination in the shots, which present a "substantial risk" of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, including cancers, say leading scientists and academics.
Sudden Deaths Accelerating? Tipping Point on Horizon w/ Dr. Makis
Sudden Deaths Accelerating? Tipping Point on Horizon w/ Dr. Makis
Dr. William Makis, expert in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology, joins the program to share his incredible experience creating much more effective cancer treatments only to see his work be taken over and shut down by Canada. Fortunately, top cancer institutions in the United States do allow his life saving treatments, but only at stage 4, not initially which would ease suffering, cost less and be more effective. Makis also is on the front lines exposing the sudden deaths occurring all over the world. You can learn more about Dr. William Makis at
Phony Covid Dissidents - Beware the Dream Team Narrative Police
As the WEF and WHO drum up fear of “Disease X” there is a new set of narrative gatekeepers assembling a phony Dream Team of ‘covid dissidents’. The trouble is most of them supported all the mandates!
None of their plans are working
“The globalists are getting desperate. None of their plans are working.
"Covid" wasn't successful as a pretext for rolling out their pre-packaged technocratic "solutions" (vaccine passports, digital ID, CBDCs, WHO pandemic treaty etc), and in fact had the adverse affect of waking millions of people up. Nowhere near as many people took their lethal mRNA injections as they were hoping for.
The "man-made global warming" hoax is proving to be even less successful as a pretext for rolling out the very same pre-packaged technocratic "solutions" as "Covid", with a few extra ones added (personal carbon allowances, 15 minute cities, bans on meat, cars, agriculture etc). Millions are waking up to the tyrannical and impoverishing nature of Net Zero, and the non-existence of any kind of "climate crisis".
Everywhere they turn, people are onto them now. All their unelected globalist organisations, including the World Economic Forum, United Nations and World Health Organisation, are becoming more and more unpopular by the day.
Every time they open their mouths, people can see right through their globalist doublespeak, and the ulterior motives behind their stated intentions.
With every day that passes, millions more awaken, so—in a panic-stricken race against time—they are rushing to roll out their control apparatus before it's too late. But that is causing them to make mistakes, and the more they rush their various agendas, the more openly tyrannical and authoritarian they are being forced to become, which only serves to wake up even more people, even faster.
In the months and years ahead, expect even more deliberately manufactured global "crises", which only further centralisation of power, into the hands of unelected globalist bodies, can "save" us from—from food and water shortages, to economic collapses, to cyber attacks, to wars.
So buckle up, because we're probably in for a bumpy ride, as they become increasingly more desperate to finish constructing their digital open-air prison, before too many of the intended inmates realise what's happening and put an end to it.
But none of it's going to work. Too many people are aware of their modus operandi now. Every fake, manufactured "crisis" will be even more transparent than the last, and less and less people will fall for them.
These are dangerous but exciting times, so stay strong, live fearlessly and resist the incoming tyranny as if your lives depend on it, because they do.”
- Wide Awake Media on X
The link between the massive drop in birth rates and mRNA vaccines is undeniable
Wot's in the Shots?
mRNA vaccines injure the heart of all vaccine recipients and cause myocarditis in up to 1 in 27, study finds
I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause...
I've noticed that I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause. They have made a choice, they are no longer on the fence so to speak. As Magenta would put it: they have chosen regenesis and not ascension. They have lost their ticket to 'New Earth'. They have given themselves over to the 'Great Reset' and can no longer play any meaningful role in the 'Great Awakening' that will overthrow the power elites.
I have noticed so many changes in the vaccinated. A loss of depth, a loss of soul, a loss of personality, a loss of meaning and purpose. Now more than ever, all seems lost because it has become so difficult to engage them in any meaningful way. Many seem to be only half-living, asleep at the wheel; nobody's home. Many seem to be going through the motions of life, living life as if it were just a programme that's running in the background; not fully animated. How to interface with them?
As always the truth is not so black and white and actually all is definitely not lost. Although it may be true that they can no longer wake-up spiritually and grow towards ascension in these end times and have made the choice to not inherit the (new) earth, they still have a very important role to play.
It will most likely not be the minority of awakened and embodied starseeds and truthers that will overthrow the satanic elites although they will instigate this through their anchoring of a higher more expansive truth frequency. It will be the vaccinated masses that will rise up, if they are still alive at that point.
The vaccinated masses will be so angry and bitter, furious, like cornered animals, they will attack their oppressor and from a purely third dimensional perspective, in a very political-uprising kind of way will want some kind of retribution when confronted by the truth that by that time will be self-evident.
They were manipulated and coerced, lied to, robbed of their health, their dignity and even their birthright, robbed of their freedom. They will be the movement and the unvaccinated will be somewhere else manifesting 5d or at least connecting with their tribe on their way to a new earth. The cabal will fall and it will be on them, it will be the result of their own work, their own undoing. Evil after all contains the seed of it's own destruction. Their system is entropic after all.
Will the vaccinated play any further role?
Well yes, they are the majority and so as this all plays out, they will have a 3d playing field based on an awakening of sorts and there will be healing modalities for them, to purge the disharmonic frequencies and nano-tech from their bodies. The soulless humans, the organic portals may by then no longer be incarnate, we hope, or perhaps they will have moved further into matter, the transhuman route.
The vaccinated have made a choice to remain fully in 3d consciousness, they can still have a great life as we move away from the dark, inverted systems of the old world. They will not experience ascension or multi-dimensional consciousness, at least they have chosen not to at this time. We can still be together, vaccinated and unvaccinated, maybe.
This is just a hypothesis. I need to remain hopeful in the face of so many around me, friends and family included who I have lost a certain connection to. It is very sad and tragic to be able to 'see' the loss of so many. A part of them will never be the same after the jabs. My relationships with them for now; different.
Covid Vaccines and Fertility - Substantial decrease so far
COVID Vaccines – Consequences On The Soul, Spirit, And Life After Death
By Bernhard Guenther, May 24, 2022
Introduction and Disclaimer
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Supersensible Research
Supersensory Observations On Vaccinated People [case studies]
The Schism In The Wellness And Alternative Health Community
Detailed Effects Of Corona Vaccinations On The Constitution Of Human Beings
Three Types Of Beings/Entities Gaining Access Through The COVID Vaccine
Spiritual Healing And How To Counteract The Adverse Effects of the Vaccination
Supersensible Study Of The Vaccines
Authoritarian Followers And The Zombification Of Humanity
Soul Snatching And The “Alien” Invasion Through Our Bodies
The Soratic Spirits of Transhumanism: The Consciousness Trap
Is It Possible To Absorb These Intrusive Spirits Without Actual Physical Vaccinations?
How To Protect Yourself From Intrusive Adversary Spirits
The Effects Of Allopathic Medicine And Psychiatric Drugs In The Afterlife
Corona Vaccination Damages In The Life After Death
The Situation Is Not Hopeless – The Importance To Engage In The Great Work
These beings do not originate from the development of our solar system and in this respect must be considered as outer-planetary spirits. Unlike the Luciferic and Ahrimanic fallen angelic beings, they are not part of the development of our spiritual planetary system, described in detail in Rudolf Steiner's "Occult Science".
Through human unconscious attraction or conscious invitation, they gain access and can thus influence our life on earth. The Soratic beings are known for thousands of years; they inspire oppression, abuse, hatred, war, black magic, etc. But today a new kind is also emerging.
Some people within my research network are skilled in perceiving the Soratic beings. Yet, this new species was at first incomprehensible and unclassifiable to us. There is also no established terminology for this species. We have chosen the term “Spirits of Transhumanism” because these beings seem to be at the spiritual core of transhumanism. Transhumanism wants to merge human being with machines and thus to abolish our soul-spiritual being forever.
Supersensibly, the transhumanism spirits do exactly that. The spiritual effects are already here even if the brain is not yet connected to a computer – a dream of the transhumanists. They reach for the human being, and if they gain access, human beings loose - partially or completely - their spiritual connection.
For this purpose, these beings possess especially the Phantom body (physical spirit body) and the etheric body. They “glue" them together and shut them off from soul and spirit and the soul-spiritual surroundings. In this respect these beings want to turn the human being into a “Machine-Man", cut off from the spirit.
We found that all group spirits of the four examined vaccines are occupied by the spirits of transhumanism. Moreover, we found them in individual ampules, through which they enter the human being by means of vaccination.
To spiritual experience they appear as “devoid of the “I” metallic”, “brute” and threatening.
A colleague encountered a leading group spirit of one of the vaccines. Its intention came clearly to light:
'I saw a high spirit being of the vaccine, a narrow, rugged, sinister figure, extremely evil, with a will of annihilation of everything that is human: The angel is as if cut off, the etheric pulverized, the soul subjugated, the Self extinguished. What remains are devoid of I, empty shelled automaton people; scrawny, rickety, metallic; they are to be held like puppets on a long string.'"
- translated from the original German book “CORONA-IMPFUNGEN AUS SPIRITUELLER SICHT: Auswirkung auf Seele und Geist und das nachtodliche Leben” by Thomas Mayer
More in our recent podcast: