
What is appropriate and what is not?

Growth is not measured by what one accomplishes (in life) but rather by (our realization of) inner truths. These inner truths are always available from within. There is no greater help than what you carry within yourself. Hear your own song so that you may learn to sing…

Hale Makua


The common welfare

Dickens' The Christmas Carol has a profound message for us regarding our agenda.

Marley's Spirit has learned "on the other side" that:

Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business.The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!


Creation is conducive to the particular lessons

Each and every soul, depending on their past lives and depending on their evolutionary intention for this life will create a family, a religion, and a belief system that is conducive to the particular lessons that they are seeking learn in this lifetime.
Timelines offer various choices for our collective experience, and infinite possibilities for our individual experience...
To me that says that there is a certain amount of subjectivity to the truth, that God is evolving, creator is evolving and as each one of us expands our consciousness, we are expanding as the leading edge of the universe and god is creating and expanding with and through us and is so experiencing itself in new ways. There are natural laws and also specific subjective truths that we each need in order to learn and to develop certain soul aspects in each specific incarnation.
Kaypacha Astrology for the Soul May 3, 2017


Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.

The truth is not arbitrary or a matter of opinion, but can be investigated, and those who earnestly search for the truth will find It. The truth is hidden to the blind, but he who has the mental eye sees the Truth.
- Buddha - The Three Personalities of Buddha, XCVIII


The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul

The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul -- Science of the Spirit

...Participants walking in urban environments had markedly higher instances of "rumination"—a brooding and self-criticism the researchers correlated with the onset of depression. And, just as parts of the brain associated with rumination lit up on urban walks, they calmed down during nature walks.

Photos of nature will increase your sense of affection and playfulness. A quick trip into the woods, known as "forest bathing" in Japan, reduces cortisol levels and boosts the immune system. Whether rich or poor, students perform better with access to green space. And a simple view of greenery can insulate us from stress and increase our resilience to adversity. Time in nature even boosts, in a very concrete way, our ability to smell, see, and hear.

To walk out of our houses and beyond our city limits is to shuck off the pretense and assumptions that we otherwise live by. This is how we open ourselves to brave new notions or independent attitudes. This is how we come to know our own minds.


Friendship goes through (extreme) pluto in capricorn during mercury retrograde

I'm sorry that I cause you extreme pain, that you feel that my vibe is like a fist crushing you, that u sense a huge amount of anger/rage in my vibe and that it is somehow aimed at you.
I feel I have spent my whole life making concessions for everyone around me, especially emotional ones. 
The conversation we just had and your accusations really bother me. So much that I feel that our friendship has now changed.
I refuse to become a watered down version of myself because you feel threatened. 
Threatened by what exactly?
Is this cognitive dissonance on your part in relation to the subject matter that threatens your entrenched view of the subjects and people (politicians) involved?
Politics is part of most things, nothing is really devoid of politics or view-compromise, so I feel we can no longer have an honest dialogue. 
I'm unsure why exactly my apparent vibe hurts you so intensely.
What exactly is happening to your sense of self and safety while I'm giving off this 'vibe' and why is that?
I never intend to make anything personal and yet you feel this personally...as an attack on your person?
Thank you for shedding light on our friendship, though I don't know how I will ever be exonerated from your accusations when they are aimed at a perceived transitory state as far as I am concerned and not within my conscious awareness.
Should this behavior become part of my conscious awareness then I will question whether of not I shall feel justified to make changes. I feel now more than ever that I need to allow and give space for my whole being and not feel like I have to hide or adjust anything. This is part of my integrity. 
I will give it thought obviously as the whole thing (his political stance is pain-inducing and threatening because it's also seething with rage directed at my person????) is quite obscure to me and perplexes me, mostly because it's so vague and I never, ever seek to cause anyone pain, on the contrary I seek to allow harmony between all people. 
I feel no attachment to politics on any deep level, my attachment is to seeking truth and speaking my truth. This I have found can cause others distress and I understand why that is and so it would be better if we never discuss anything remotely political again and seeing as most things we discuss have a political element maybe it is better we stick to discussing the weather and the state of the roads from now on.


Egyptian Blue Lotus

Lotus Soma-theories | Secret Drugs of Buddhism

Named in imitation of Wasson’s SOMA: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, David L. Spess’s SOMA the Divine Hallucinogen offers the hypothesis that soma was a species of lotus. Or, rather, that it may have been any of a number of lotus or water-lily species of the Nympaea and Nelumbo genera. Spess bases his reasoning on the แนšig Veda and on Vedic mythology, supplemented with appeals to European and oriental alchemy. Yet despite the intricacy of his arguments, Spess does not tell us what, if any, psychoactive substances are to be found in lotuses. Richard Rudgley does, though. In an account of Meso-American drug traditions, he mentions the presence of apomorphine-like compounds in the Egyptian blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulens) and noted that it is used in North Africa as “an effective substitute for opium”. (Could this be the source of Homer’s North African lotophagoi?) Jonathan Ott, however, dismisses all claims to psychoactivity in lotuses and water-lilies as unfounded and pharmacologically unsound.

Secret Drugs of Buddhism pdf


What we do not hold onto does not exist

In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist.