
The plastic inside us

What does plastic in tap water mean for human health, how did it get there, and what can people do about it? We went looking for answers in a ten-month investigation across six continents.


It is everywhere: the most enduring, insidious, and intimate product in the world.


Forget McDonald's - Farmed salmon is the new toxic 'junk food'

Forget McDonald's - Farmed salmon is the new toxic 'junk food'

If you're aware of the health benefits of animal-based omega-3 fats and the fact that salmon is a great source, you may be shocked to discover that farmed salmon has more in common with junk food than health food. This is the grim reality revealed in Nicolas Daniel's documentary "Fillet-Oh-Fish," which includes exclusive footage from fish farms and factories across the globe.

Among the experts featured is Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist who claims salmon farming is an unmitigated disaster, both from an environmental and human health perspective. Below the salmon farms dotted across the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste some 15 meters (49.2 feet) deep, teeming with bacteria, drugs and toxic pesticides, and since the farms are located in open water, this pollution is in no way contained.

Farmed salmon also pose a more direct toxic threat to your health. Fish has always been considered a health food, but food testing reveals that today's farmed salmon is one of the most toxic foods in the world. As noted by the producers of the film, "through intensive farming and global pollution, the flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail."


Until I meet everything with unconditional love, my work is not done.

A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.

Byron Katie

20 Quotes To End All Suffering By Byron Katie

We don't attach to people or to things; we attach to uninvestigated concepts that we believe to be true in the moment.
Byron Katie, Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life


Wild oregano oil and its many health benefits

Wild oregano oil and its many health benefits

It's very exciting to also know that oregano oil can treat a whole array of health problems that can often be very serious. In an article by Dr Josh Axe, he shared that there are over 800 (actually the number at the time of writing this article it is now well over 1000) pubmed studies showing the benefits of carvacrol (the healing part found in oregano oil), and 583 studies on oregano oil for things such as:

Bacterial infections
Fungal infections


If we were living in rented accommodation, humanity would have been evicted ages ago

12 Rolando

But life as a whole doesn't care.

Humans, as the ultimate apex predictor has not yet grokked that. The meek shall inherit the earth. The bacteria, the viruses, the very simplest forms of life.

Then it will start again. The striving for primacy. The individual death battles. Perhaps bi-gender species will emerge again, and once again the personal will become politic(s)


Future of the Sea report: Ocean plastic projected to triple within seven years -- Earth Changes

Future of the Sea report: Ocean plastic projected to triple within seven years -- Earth Changes

If we don't act now, plastic pollution in the world's oceans is projected to increase three-fold within seven years, according to a startling new report.

The Future of the Sea report, released Wednesday for the UK government, found that human beings across the globe produce more than 300 million metric tons of plastic per year. Unfortunately, a lot of that material ends up in our waters, with the total amount of plastic debris in the sea predicted to increase from 50 million metric tons in 2015 to 150 million metric tons by 2025.

Roughly 70 percent of all marine litter is plastic, and the effect of this non-biodegradable waste can be devastating for marine biodiversity.

"There is extensive evidence that entanglement in, or ingestion of, plastics can cause injury and death to a wide range of marine organisms, including commercially important fish and shellfish," the report says.

The report also warns about the prevalence of microplastics and other tiny plastic debris in the ocean. "Plastic does not decompose, instead breaking down into ever smaller pieces," it states. "The full effects are not understood, but there is growing evidence of plastic harming sea creatures and restricting their movement, as well as polluting beaches."


Altered States of Entrapment: The Plant Medicine Manipulation - The Dark Side of Aya

Medicine plants are not a magic pill that miraculously heal all wounding and trauma, even though they can be of assistance in revealing what needs to be healed and processed (and can also be beneficial when dealing with intense addiction issues).

The deception – or rather, the misperception – my friend and I (and many others) have realized in respect to ‘plant therapy’ is similar to that which arises when one “intellectually” knows (or even “feels”) their issues, but has failed to work through them on an embodied level.

My friend had an interesting insight about this point: looking back, she felt that, during her ayahuasca ceremonies, the wounds opened up and “projected” all of her “stuff” and shadow aspects into her awareness. That experience – combined with the euphoria/bliss/ecstasy of getting “high” (based on the medicine/drug induced DMT rush) – can transmit the idea that a deep healing has occurred…a perception that can last for weeks or even months. Hence, many people keep going back to work with medicine plants when they feel “stuff” resurfacing, in order to have that “peak” experience again and again.