
inner transformation

I have been thinking a lot lately about where I am right now, on every scale and in every aspect. Most of the time it is hard to be positive at all although sometimes it comes very easily and with great power and inner peace.
I have noticed that I am able to feel global struggles internally and have to be careful not to dwell on them or internalize them. I feel negativity as being a direct result of my own doings and most of all my thoughts about my doings; this is of course the case, only not on the scale I once thought.
Through me flows the collective consciousness and I give back what I feel, that is why it is so important to stay positive because I am effecting the way the rest of the world is feeling and evolving.
Although I’m sure to be looked upon as a strange and eccentric person, one who seems to be going nowhere but deeper and deeper into his own self, I am less bothered by this, like never before I see my own course and respect it; I enjoy its exclusivity.
Inner transformation leads to outer transformation, different I have become and far-out the changes seem to be.
Those around me may well be alarmed, puzzled and even disgusted, but this is becoming less and less of an issue for me. I can’t really care less and that is the positive because as soon as I start questioning these developments as being abnormal, strange and maybe wrong than I fall into a negative perspective and affect the world in the same way.
Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose.

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