
self-actualized Buddha

by Osho
A buddha is a self-actualized person: that is why we picture Buddha, Mahavir and others - that is why we have made sculptures, pictures, depictions of them - sitting on a fully blossomed lotus. That fully blossomed lotus is the peak of flowering inside. Inside they have flowered and have becomed fully blossomed. That inner flowering gives a radiance, a constant showering of bliss from them. All those who have come even within their shadows, all those who come near them, feel a silent milieu around them.
There is an interesting report about Mahavir. It is a myth, but myths are beautiful and they say much what cannot be said otherwise. It is reported that when Mahavir would move, all around him, in an area of about 24 miles, all flowers would bloom. Even if it was not the season for the flowers, they would bloom. This is simply a poetic expression, but even if one was not self-actualized, if one were to come into contact with Mahavir his flowering would become infectious, and one would feel an inner flowering in oneself also. Even if it were not the right season for a person, even if he was not ready, he would reflect. He would feel an echo within himself, and he would have a glimpse of what he could be.
Self-actualization is the basic need. And when I say "basic" I mean that if all your needs are fulfilled, all except self-realisation, self-actualization, you will feel unfulfilled. On the contrary, if self-actualization happens and nothing is fulfilled, still you will feel a deep, total fulfilment. That is why Buddha was a beggar, but yet an emperor.
Buddha came to Kashi when he became enlightened. The king of Kashi came to see him and he asked, "I do not see anything with you. You are just a beggar, but yet I feel myself a beggar in comparison to you. You do not have anything, but the way you walk, the way you look, the way you laugh, makes it seem as if the whole world is your kingdom - and you have nothing visible - nothing! So where is the secret of your power? You look like an emporor. Really, no emperor has ever looked like that - as if the whole world belongs to you. You are the king, but where is your power, the source?"
So Buddha said, "It is in me. My power, my source of power, whatsoever you feel around me, is really within me. I do not have anything except myself, but it is enough. I am fulfilled; now I do not desire anything. I have become desireless."
Fulfillment Through Becoming Centered
- The Book Of Secrets


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