
crazy game

I was born into a place where no-one understood me and I retreated often without them getting the point. I am surrounded by so many but with no connection; expression is wasted and seen as something like wanting attention when there just is none to be had.
This is no exaggeration now though tomorrow it might be, just my brain needing release. I’m tired of trying to explain myself when I know there is no comprehension in this prison, even though the light flooding in through my window is redirected through the prism, it can be cruel as well as beautiful.
I came here with a task but the force is swallowed up by hungry mouths and my ability to feel overwhelms me. Still they ask me how my path is and when I tell them they retreat, I am on a mission, there is no defeat.
The affinity that keeps me from going insane is with those long passed, so I play the game and pretend I feel the same, fighting against the fake, fighting against the mistakes they make, I shall not make them.
It scares me sometimes that I am so far removed from them but they are removed from me, this is the freedom, this is the space I need, this is the place I crave. This is how I save myself time and again; this is my master-move in this crazy game.
Avoid the manipulations, control and power of the lower realms by being responsible for the games you play.

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