
Women, The Conscience of Humanity

When the ancient civilization of Atlantis reached the same point of evolution as ours today, there was little difference between men and women, except for the obvious physical ones. At that stage in their evolution, Atlanteans discovered that sound, like our laser beam technology today could be used for many wonderful healing applications. But on the diabolical side, the so-called Sons of Belial in Atlantis wanted to use this invention for warfare. Like a bullet, sound could be aimed at a man's heart and cause it to explode. Masses could be exterminated at once.
On this issue, a great rift developed between the men and women of the Atlantean scientific community. Curiously, on one side there were a lot of women while on the other, a majority of men with some exceptions. The women maintained that, "Just because we can do something is no reason to say we should do it. Wherein are we, therefore, beholding to ethics or morals of any kind? Wherein is conscience to be found?"
The opposing side, comprised mostly of men, argued that women were getting soft in the head. They were letting sentimentality get in the way of scientific skill. The men than launched a campaign against the women to discredit, belittle and humiliate them. They won their campaign and unfortunately also destroyed their fairly advanced civilization.
Those same masculine-influenced souls have come to occupy earth over the centuries, carrying with them the same antagonism they had left off with in Atlantis. This has created a "macho" civilization where men dominate business, politics and power. This unbalanced masculine dominating ray is primarily associated with the so-called white races on earth and has a tendency to take and dominate matters by force. These souls promote the "might makes right" syndrome. The result is, that the earth again stands at the same threshold as the Atlanteans did before their destruction, on the brink of war.
Read the rest of this article about the balancing feminine ray now on the earth here.

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