
Atomic Moment

Buddha was searching for how to regain purity of consciousness, how to be free from the past, because unless you are free from the past you will remain in bondage, you will be a slave. The past is heavy on you and because of the past the present is never known. The past is known; the present is a very minute atomic moment. You go on missing it because of the past, and because of the past you go on projecting into the future. The past is projected into the future and both are false. The past is no more, the future is yet to be. Both are not, and that which is, is hidden between those two which are not.
Buddha was in search; he went from one teacher to another. He searched, and he went to many teachers, all of the known teachers. He consulted them, he allowed them to work upon him, he cooperated. He disciplined himself in many ways, but he was not fulfilled, and the difficulty was this: the teachers were interested in the future, in some liberated state somewhere beyond death, after the life is over. They were interested in some God, some Nirvana, some Moksha - some Liberated state - somewhere in the future, and Buddha was interested in the here and now, so there really was no meeting. He said to every teacher, "I am interested in the here and now." And they would say, "Apply 'this' method, do 'this', and if you do it rightly, someday i the future, in some future life, in some future state, you will attain."
Sooner or later he left every teacher, and then he tried by himself alone. What did he do? He did a very simple thing. Once you know it, it is very simple and obvious, but when you don't know it it is so arduous and so difficult, it seems impossible. He did only one thing: he remained with the present moment. He forgot his past and he forgot his future. He said, "I will be here and now. I will simply exist." If you can exist even for a single moment, you have known the taste - the taste of your pure consciousness. And once it is tasted you can never forget it. Then the taste, the flavor, remains with you, and that flavor becomes a transformation.
Osho -The Book of the Secrets Part 3
Techniques to Witness the Flux-Like Film of Life

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to read this. A few weeks ago I read the book 'Buddha' by Deepak Chopra and it was interesting to read how he disagreed with his teachers. Those teachers were wise, but still sorting out so much of their own dilemma's that it clouded their vision, and blocked them from realizing that simple truth.
