Showing posts with label NEW EARTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEW EARTH. Show all posts


We do know where we are going

Magenta, as a psychic can you not tell us when all this will end and how?

My reply; Not exactly when, it doesn't work like that. There are multiple timelines as we move towards the singularity. However we can say how because we see what the singularity actually is. It's what they are so very afraid of and why all this is happening. The singularity is the coming together of all timelines where the same thing happens in every timeline. All the various playouts converge and the same thing occurs no matter which way you go. It becomes an inevitability. It cannot be changed (only delayed) but they, in their spiritual arrogance believe they can change this eventuality. What is this singularity/eventuality? It is the coming together in unity of all the peoples of the world to stand as one for what is right, honest, good and pure. The people come together in mass gathering across the world, expose all the darkness, watch it crumble and then together they create a whole new world of harmony and peace and togetherness which takes reality into a higher octave and this lasts thousands and thousands of years. So whilst we may not pinpoint the exact timing we do know where we are going and that we are very, very close to this singularity.

Magenta Pixie Telegram


This is a very sophisticated, complicated, high level chess game

"This is a very sophisticated complicated, high level chess game"

I 100% agree with this. Exactly what I am getting. Feelings of anger from some places, shock from others lots of fear, frustration and panic. But the awake & aware starseeds & many truthers are feeling excitement.........they don't even know why they feel this but it is because they know things are moving at last, for the more these things happen, the faster the Great Awakening occurs. We all know how this story ends........with a completely new dimensional reality & New Earth which is why we feel excitement. Not because we want the system to collapse but because we know the system collapsing (or appearing to) signifies the shift of the ages that we have all been waiting for, for so long ❤️

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


When they have nothing you want they have no power.

"Them: You won't be able to attend a concert or football games

Me: I don't mind

Them: You can't go to a large shopping mall

Me: I'll survive

Them: You can't drink at the pub

Me: I no longer drink

Them: You can't enter night clubs

Me: I don't go out at night

Them: We'll tell your employer

Me: I don't have one

Them: We'll take it from your salary

Me: I don't have a salary

Them: You can't go to your job

Me: I don't have or want your job

Them: You can't be in the city

Me: I prefer living out in nature

Them: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King

Me: I haven't in years anyway

Them: You can't eat at restaurants

Me: I'll order takeaway

Them: You can't shop at large grocery stores

Me: I grow my own food and buy from local farmers

Them: You can't be part of society

Me: I already checked out

Them: Your kids can't come to school

Me: I'll homeschool

Them: You'll be on your own

Me: I'm surrounded by my family and tribe and all the people reaching the same conclusion all over the world

Them: You can't choose for yourself

Me: I just did

Them: What can we tempt you with?

Me: Nothing


When they have nothing you want they have no power.

And that's when power comes to the people."

- Pierce Love


The negative factions can never hope to have even a poor copy

What is occurring now on Earth has been planned years and years in advance. The plan of the light is so complex, so precise, so organised and so hermetically sealed that the negative factions can never hope to have even a poor copy.

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


March 2021 - 3rd Wave of Awakening - Improvements & Success

As March arrives we will start to see improvements in our perspective, there will be a return of hope and relief. The start of the year was rough and depressing for many. We were asked to let go of the old world, we were grieving for a way of life that was no longer sustainable, a life we were invested in. The harder we tried to cling to our beliefs and attachments to the dying paradigm of control, the more suffering ensued. That suffering was conscious and that awareness has made it possible for us to let go. We spent some time processing all that had happened in 2020 and now as March rolls in, we will start to see some results of our hard work. It was much clearing for the collective, clearing the shadow, the miasma from our reality that felt so dark these past months.

Hope will return as we see how much work we have done on ourselves and with it a feeling of achievement. The great awakening is still in full-swing and will continue for some time as the masses now are moving into the ascension. The veil is thinning, the truth is everywhere and can no longer be ignored. Everyone will have moments of realisation of truth about something in their lives. Governments and elites of this world are desperate but they have overplayed their hand and their corruption and greed is obvious now. The people of earth are demanding their freedom and as the spring comes, as the light returns, we will start to unite and resist even more. The 3rd wave of virus will initiate a massive pushback against the restrictions and matrix control system. The pandemic narrative will start to fail and lose credibility.

Those of us working in the disclosure community, the lightworkers and starseeds will see huge improvements in our lives as we move further into the healing energies of the 5th dimension. Ancient healing gifts and abilities will increase as will our joy and inner peace. It will be a time for celebration. As the 3rd wave of awakening sweeps in there will be new codes available for download. Very expansive codes of manifestation and realisation incoming! Warriors of light unite! More and more humans are now moving onto the freedom timelines! There will be blessings big and small for all in March 2021! 


21st December 2020: Saturn conjunct Jupiter in the 1st degree of Aquarius

Jupiter and Saturn form their Great Conjunction on the Solstice at 18:22 UT in the first degree of Aquarius. The rigid and asphyxiating consciousness that has shaped our world beyond recognition this year, has caused immeasurable suffering. Countless lives have been devastated and untold suffering has occurred in the shadows, often ignored to further a questionable agenda. But this meeting of the Great Benefic (Jupiter) and the Lord of Karma (Saturn) in the first degree of the sign of collective humanity (Aquarius) signals that our time has come. Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Capricorn have had their chance, and whilst Pluto’s journey through Capricorn continues until the end of 2024, the end of its cosmic alliance with Saturn and Jupiter marks a significant reduction of authoritarian influence in this new cycle of becoming. This is a shift to a horizontal, egalitarian connection from one of vertical superiority. The people – you and me – are arriving in our power.

From one conjunction to another

2020 began with the Saturn Pluto conjunction lending its support to those with aspirations for domination and emboldening those for whom oppression is simply another tool to further personal goals. We all know where that’s got us! As the year ends with Saturn shifting alliance to Jupiter, the planet of inspiration, faith, optimism, freedom and resilience, our personal and collective capacity to embody this shift is potentised. But this is only the beginning. There’s still much to be done and, at times, endured. Saturn works slowly and with great care as it strengthens us for the road ahead. But we must each do our part. We’re not about to be saved, but instead have reached a tipping point at which our influence over the future is coming into its own. This is cause for hope!

Conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter occur every twenty years. They speak to humanity’s efforts to create sustainable structures which allow for a meaningful experience of life on planet earth. Jupiter is a future-focused planet, and Saturn the planet of linear time and the maturation that accompanies it. Together they seek to fulfil the potential of the human family in line with its collective karmic load and combined potentiality. When these planets meet, the old and new co-exist with not a moment’s space between. Whilst we think in terms of linear time, truth exists outside of it, revealing itself in ways we can now better appreciate. The most ancient truths can be as vibrant as cutting-edge thought and the latest perspective as jaded as the most oft repeated lie. This conjunction in Aquarius weaves the past and present into a vivid singularity, creating a perceptual shift which casts both the past and future in a new and illuminating light.

A new dimension of truth

As Jupiter and Saturn herald the beginning of a new twenty-year cycle they expand, beyond our wildest dreams, future possibilities. Who we think we are is changing. More of the mystery is being revealed. They say you can’t change the past but outside of linear time even that isn’t true. Timelines shift and change constantly and within them we can create in ways not possible when we ‘stick to the rules’! Simply casting the eye of the present over our past changes it, for we see in new ways and from fresh perspectives. We know ourselves now to be someone we hadn’t met then, and our present being places the past in its own particular light. Events may remain but their meaning changes and significance shifts as we uncover ever deeper layers of who and what we really are.

In Aquarius our minds are expanded and renewed. Outmoded mental paradigms can be released, unlocking unseen promise of future potentiality. Willingness to embrace the freshest of perspectives allows them to blossom into truth from a new dimension. We must live in full knowledge that what we see is but a fraction of what is, who we are a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos and what we believe may be entirely wrong in every respect. This conjunction plugs us into the cosmic circuitry. It feels electrical, high voltage. It may blow a few fuses but that’s all part of the process. If we can’t take the current we must expand until we can. Dare to think new thoughts, contemplate the impossible, envision a fantastical future. Without doing so we cannot honour the potential of the coming months which will demand great things of us. As Jupiter triggers new perceptions and Saturn tests the validity of our perspective, rather than waiting for change we must be it. If we’re so invested in being right that truth has gone out the window, if we take refuge in false certainty to avoid the chaos of confusion, it’s time to up our game and trade conviction for the mystery, and certainty for a mind so open that nothing’s off the table!
Evolution or entropy

The new age of which many speak is born through us. We do not arrive in it fully formed, nor find ourselves delivered through external intervention. Instead, we birth it from our own becoming. All things move towards evolution or entropy and both states live in this conjunction. Saturn in Aquarius can be stubborn and self-righteous. Unwilling to consider a different perspective, so sure of its own moral certainty. But Jupiter frees it from its moral prison to become a guiding source of wisdom not a stifling source of judgement and fear. Together they invite us to the very edge of consciousness before pushing us into the unknown abyss where all answers ultimately reside.

The Moon is travelling through the final degrees of the zodiac as this conjunction comes to exactitude. Void of Course in Pisces, it warns of the risks of complacency and denial. The stakes are high and nothing is set in stone. We are our own saviours. We must know this without doubt. For in that very knowing is found the sovereign self that fears nothing and no one – radiant, unsullied and free.

As we journey into 2021 this Great Conjunction will light our way. Whoever and whatever we believe ourselves to be is now, more than ever, open to question. We can re-invent ourselves afresh and choose a different future; cast aside the yoke of limiting belief and refuse to be diminished by endless fear. This is our time. Our beginning. Our birth into freedom and endless possibility.

From this single moment in the Solstice silence, we can all arise anew.

Sarah Varcas


Matrix System Collapse - New Earth Rising - 2021

News of the future, the paradigm shift and the 'New Earth' has been going around for decades now. However this past year we have really felt and experienced first hand what all that mythology has been about; we could really believe the hype, see it all unfolding before our eyes. 

As more and more people continue to awaken, there is more and more disclosure available and the shift in consciousness gains momentum. 

2021 will be even more futuristic in every now moment as no-time also begins to be more of a reality. We are moving outside of time and space as we embody our multi-dimensionality. In fact there won't be much of the old to hang on to as the dense structures and systems are collapsing. 

Those who put their trust in these old systems and institutions will be left empty handed, at a loss, depleted. 

The old causes fear, anxiety and pain beacause it is no longer sustainable and can no longer support us as we expand. In fact our reality must now be based on righteousness and truth, harmony and trust. 

2021 will offer a series of events and experiences that will allow us to learn and practise letting go of the old that is crumbling away and opening up to the new that is rapidly birthing. 

The new means rememberance, we are light-being, we are conscious creators. The new is safe, the new is in us, the new is a community.


First Half, Second Half Of 2020

Physical Earth is in this massive Light field, frequency, space, level and more now. Because of this everything and everyone on Earth is now—in Phase 2 of the evolutionary Ascension Shift Process—having to let go of everything that has been, what was of the old lower frequency insane patriarchal Earth like it or not. The NEW is finally being entirely physicalized throughout 2020, which is why it looks, sounds and feels like most everything and many more people are about to have colossal meltdowns. Humanity is in that difficult zone where the old negative familiar is physically disintegrating simultaneously to very high NEW manifesting constantly. It’s simply a tumultuous time and shift zone we’re in this year and next. If you’re normally fond of demolition and getting rid of old stuff that doesn’t work, fit or isn’t appropriate anymore, then you’re probably enjoying the old lower everything being obliterated and disappeared because you know the NEW is finally replacing it all physically.

Phase 2 of the Ascension Process is when a certain energy frequency and level is reached and the Ascension Process becomes fully physical in the physical dimension and global humanity partakes of it or physically leaves. This is no longer just the Volunteers doing all the unseen energy Work etherically while humanity goes along not aware that anything out of the ordinary has even been happening. Phase 2 abruptly involved all of humanity in the Ascension Process, in compressed evolution on the physical level. There isn’t one big “Shift”, there are many smaller shifts and 2020 has numerous shifts happening every few days, weeks and months.

Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process the Volunteers energetically Worked both internally and externally within themselves as they continuously embodied more and more higher and higher frequency Light energies while simultaneously transmuting enough old patriarchal density filth across Earth over thousands of years and more. Like the drawing shows, Phase 1 was about the Volunteers incrementally but continuously increasing the Light and frequency in ourselves and our physical bodies and seeding, anchoring it all into Earth—what’s becoming NEW Earth—for ourselves and mass humanity to evolve or ascend to in the near future.

Phase 2 of the Ascension Process started on January 1, 2020 and was energetically muscled into physical manifestation levels by the powerful, reality-changing Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction that was exact on January 12, 2020. The Saturn Pluto conjunction is still in effect energetically and will be all of 2020 and 2021. There were innumerable other energy events and energy stair-steps that the Volunteers had to live, embody and energetically seed into Earth throughout Phase 1, but it was the January 2020 Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction that caused and continues to cause physical Earth reality to shift out of the old lower frequencies and into the NEW higher ones. Once this was physicalized for Earth, the Volunteers and mass humanity, there is nowhere else to go but into Phase 2 of the Ascension Process because Earth and humanity has energetically shifted from the Phase 1 stage, level and energies of the evolutionary ascension to the NEW higher stage, level and energies of it with the start of 2020. To help with this monumental shift from Phase 1 to Phase 2 levels, frequencies and energies, this energetic ascension transfer SHIFT of January 2020 had to happen to make everyone consciously aware that things had changed dramatically and will continue to for the rest of our lives and beyond.

The old everything of lower frequency Earth is currently being pushed out of existence because it’s time to shift into the NEW higher frequency and Light range in the physical. We’re not in the old lower past patriarchal Earth world reality anymore, nor are we entirely in the NEW that’s in this process of becoming NEW Earth for NEW Humanity either. An incredibly important transfer was finally reached energetically and physically in January 2020. That transfer was that everything had finally reached a high enough energetic frequency overall that it Shifted the Earth and humanity from the Phase 1 frequency up into the higher NEW Phase 2 frequency. In other words everything and everyone—not just the Volunteers—is now within this much higher Light energy, NEW codes and frequency range and must shift into it all. That means tremendous releasing and constant change is happening and will continue every minute of this year and next. And it won’t all be neat, clean, gentle or calm, but it will be okay. This is Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn doing precisely what they do to altogether corrupt man-made dead-ended physical reality systems and structures — they permanently remove them physically. Like I said, if you like large scale demolition, throwing out the trash, and Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn doing what they do so very well during the Ascension Process doesn’t scare the poo outta you, then most likely you find all this exciting and fulfilling. I mean, remember what it took us Volunteers going through in Phase 1 to get everything to this point and level! To other people however Phase 2 looks and feels like the “end times”, which it is — it’s the end times of what has been.

We’re no longer trying to get out of the old lower energies and frequency range, we’re now IN the NEW higher energies, frequencies and range and must physically shift and adapt to them. Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process the Volunteers were on the other side of this, constantly energetically pushing, pulling, dragging, lifting, hauling, transmuting, clearing and embodying until we’d embodied, seeded and energetically anchored enough Light, higher frequencies, NEW codes, NEW grids etc. to have the entire collective transfer shift be capable of happen in the physical. It has with the start of Phase 2 which is why everything in 2020 is as crazy as it’s been. It’ll get worse for a while as the last dredges of the global patriarchy and matching consciousness and external reality dies-off, some of it/them fighting to the bitter end to never change but change everything will regardless.

Read the article here: First Half, Second Half Of 2020