
If not the mind then what?

Read this post first: Stress and the Mind
So we have this situation and I think it’s all registering on you, isn’t it? So, now, it’s pretty evident that we are all going to be going completely out of our minds. It’s gonna happen. So we might as well go ahead and look at what’s out there, outside of your mind. What’s out there is your intuition. What is outside of your own mind is your Intuition. Your own personal knowing. Your own personal power. Intuition—your own knowing without having to rely on any outside information or evidence whatsoever—was given a death sentence by the Catholics during the Inquisition. They murdered over 4 Million women for having intuition. [There was a news story, where the Pope was asking for forgiveness for what the Catholic Church had done during the Inquisition.] Should we go ahead and forgive them? I think so. Those 4 million women, anybody, anybody who professed to know something without first producing the actual physical evidence on how they came to know it, was declared a witch and they were burned and dragged and stabbed. They were persecuted. As a result, intuition went out of style. We just put it on the shelf. The Catholics knew what they were doing because this is your personal power, it’s your own power, and you know the law of supply and demand. If everyone’s got power then what’s mine worth. If nobody’s got power and I’ve got it, mine’s worth a whole lot more. And that’s what they were doing to everybody. And that caught on and has been brought forward to the situation we’re in right now. And thank you Pope for asking for forgiveness; it’s about time.
You know we pay athletes a lot of money, don’t we? To play silly games, don’t we? It’s almost ludicrous, almost crazy, millions of dollars a year to go out and play a game. Are we nuts? Maybe not. Because you see these athletes when they’re out there under very stressful conditions; playing for a national championship, with all kinds of money and your next year’s career on the line and all kinds of endorsements and all that; under tremendous stress. Instead of going into the fight or flight syndrome, which would have them kicked off the court or off the team, instead of doing that, these guys routinely go into the zone and they make the spectacular play. Under tremendous stress, with everything happening all at once, they just go step back, see and know everything about the moment. Have you read any of those interviews with the quarterbacks or hockey players who see the play in slow motion? Have you heard about that? That’s how they stay in the game, by being in the zone, riding their intuition. There is no time to think about it; if you think about it, you’ve lost.
Being in the zone, being in their intuition is why we pay them the money, because they are doing something that we know is vitally important, something that we admire. We admire it; that’s why we pay for it. Those clothes that you’re wearing, I bet that at some time or another you bought them. And the reason you paid anything for them is because you admired that apparel. And the more you admire something, the more it is worth to you, and the more you will pay. And that’s really the basis of all exchange; is how much it is admired. You can even admire how much you hate something, or how much distaste you have for it, or how ugly something is, can’t you? Ugh, that’s ugly. It’s an amount of admiration. In fact, it’s what beings exchange. Beings exchange admiration rather than money or thoughts or communication. They really exchange admiration between one another. If you want to know where the economy is moving to, it’s moving away from money, isn’t it? It’s moving into the exchange of admiration, rather than physical goods.
But this intuition, being in the zone is very, very important. And, since we are all going to be going out of our minds…oh, you’ll still have one. It’s sort of like you still have bodies; we’re using those as a vehicle. You’ll still have a mind, you can still add 2 and 2 and that kind of thing. But when it comes down to dealing with changes, and the amount of rapid change that is coming, this is the only thing that will work (Intuition). We will not have time to think it through, you will only have time to take the action. And when you’re thinking, when you’re using the mind, what’s also in there is all the fears, doubts, worry. Big clue, how do you know it’s your intuition and not your mind? Your intuition is always, no matter the circumstance—and you guys that were in the accidents, remember—when you are engaged in your intuition, there is no fear. There was a calm certainty a knowing of what to do. There was no time to worry about whether you were doing this right or wrong; it was direct action. Your intuition no matter what or how dire the circumstances, your intuition will always be calm and knowing. Your mind, on the other hand, will throw in the kitchen sink. I’ve talked to some people who have shared experiences about these accidents and whatnot, they made it through the experience and other passengers or companions didn’t survive the situation. And these people knew exactly why the passengers didn’t survive and they did. It was because they personally stayed right there in the moment. While the other passenger was going... “Oh, no, I’m denying this is happening at all.” They were in their mind; the survivor was in their intuition. That’s how important this is.
Source: Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North

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