Showing posts with label MEDITATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MEDITATION. Show all posts


2012 so far

Expansion, clearing and cleansing of blokkages in the energy field. Anxiety at the speed of the transformative waves of energy but a thrill to be alive is there too. There is a will to focus on inner balance, purity of thought and speech, insight and awareness into one's core motivations. More feelings of lightness in the body because of a pure and whole diet, a respect for all beings because of increasing compassion. Feeling of spinning and vibrating, periods of intense peace and relaxation, the calm. Negativity seen for what it is, on all levels the duality on full display, pressure for a few days and then suddenly release, rollercoaster energy patterns. Final testing. Detachment and grounding easier, everything is getting easier to aquire through mental/spiritual approach. Visualization greatly enhanced. Experience of time is all different now.


In this age of truth, people will increasingly see government claims and promises, their debts, and their currencies as lies.

It is wise to refuse the Dark Forces' pervasive attempts to dumb-down the population, and to raise one's discernment to ever-higher levels via study, questioning, meditation, and logic.


more distinguishable way

The energy of your guides will become familiar to you
always making contact, you will begin to feel more with your body,
you will become even more sensitive to- and aware of  -
subtle changes in energy  (response)
as the process of enlightenment or transition unfolds



From the far reaches of the universe comes sound and born unto us: time. I find myself sitting alone, every night staring upwards, wondering:
What is this life?
I lye down, eyes only half open, mind only half shut-down, looking up at the light, staring into the black of night. Just observing this breath, watching this life, I am bewildered at what this is as if I had awoken from a strange dream.
Where is the light?
Receptive to the answer but comforted by the mystery I am somehow just hanging here in space and time, so far away from all of you, separated from each and every thing but close to being united with myself.
All the form falls away, it is slipping from my grasp, and all the attachments are dissolving. I know not what reality is, I am hence removed from it.
I am sitting alone, in a sanctuary of my own making, floating towards the far reaches of the universe, this life born to me, this body of mine holding this soul incarnated like a flower in the palm of my hand: so delicate I might crush it. I am staring upwards wondering:
What is this life?
What is this light?
It’s weird. I don’t know. I really don’t.


i need not

Are you the blackbird high in the tree?
I look around at all the abundance
How can it be that I doubt?
Evening falls. I listen to the singing. I rejoice
Is this not what life is about?
Even though I am without a companion
I can share my happiness with you
They may think me mad
As I converse with the angels
Dancing to the music of nature
Comfortable for the hours of silence
When they come with the night


i am elusive but never far away from you

In this omnipresence you may feel the ambience of remote landscapes and secret dwellings. Move closer to the earth.
You may linger in streams of the divine; there is animation in my aura.
I would not have you doubt yourself. I would not shake that which you have laboured on for many years; I would not let that crumble.
Experience this; let it awaken a spontaneous remembrance within you.
It is but natural for you to deny, it is probable that you will try a defense but this is the present, you will not forget this for many days.
Know that this is how the world has always looked; this is how we have always been. There is always this light around you.


Self Healing

Human beings carry within themselves the seed of healing. Our choices affect us more than we realize, and it is because of this that we tend to place responsibility for our wellness in the hands of others. As beneficial as regular visits to a healer can be, we have the power to heal ourselves at will. When we dedicate a day to the pursuit of wellness, we can relax and renew ourselves in a nourishing and comfortable environment. A sincere desire to open ourselves to the highest realities of our physical and spiritual selves is the key to self-healing so that healing energy can flow into us unimpeded.
A self-healing day should address the vital needs of the self as a whole while directing healing energy where it is needed most. Solitude is an important part of the process as is the ability to take refuge in a space that is both beautiful and peaceful. Start your healing day by setting the intention that you are dedicating this time to healing yourself. Flowers, candlelight, incense, and music can guide our focus toward a more tranquil state. For a more intense session, try listening to music through headphones since tuning out can help you tune in. It is up to us to decide what we need to do to cultivate wellness in our lives. For some, it may be time spent in reflection. Others will turn to calming activities that help them remember their purpose, such as journal writing, being in nature, or studying. Our healing may even take a more direct form as we use color, sound, or crystals to balance and ground ourselves.
Ultimately, your wholesome intentions transform what might otherwise be a simple day of rest into a day of healing. Grant yourself permission to relax and savor the stillness. If you attune yourself to the calm around you, worldly distractions will be minimized and the unadulterated flow of your consciousness will reestablish itself in the forefront of your mind. The needs of the body, the heart, and the soul will then be revealed to you, empowering you to tap into the essential healing energy of the universe. The mechanism you use to channel this energy will be dependent on your shifting requirements, so each day of healing you enjoy will be unique. All will replenish you, however, allowing you to recreate yourself in a perfect image of health.


Attitude of silence

In the attitude of silence what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Mahatma Gandhi



The prana is a vital physical force, that exists universally, which underlies all physical actions of the body. It causes the circulation of the blood, movement of cells, and all motions which life of the body depends. It is a force sent forth from the nervous system by an effort of the will to direct healing.
Prana also is known by different names such as ch’I in Chinese medicine and ki in Japanese medicine; the Japanese call healing by touch "giving seiki."
The individual receives prana from the food eaten, water drank, and air breathed. All force or energy received comes from one primal source, and everyone can increase their supply and give it as a "gift" to others through healing. By the act of living each receives this gift and therefore can freely share it with others.
The amount of prana which everyone possesses can be increased through visualization. For example, when one takes a deep breath one can visualize the prana, or vital force, coming into his body, circulating through it, and penetrating every part of it. One can visualize this prana, the love of the Lady and the Lord, building up in himself or herself.
Correct breathing establishes an equilibrium between positive and negative currents. It calms the nervous system, regulates and slows heart activity, reduces blood pressure, and stimulates digestion.


global meditation

SUMMER SOLSTICE - Thursday June 21, 2007
Join Millions of people across the planet by taking time to meditate on the Solstice for Unity and Peace and send healing to mother earth. The effects of mass meditation have been proven and this is another chance to flood the collective consciousness with prayers and healing energy for the highest good.
It is time to come together as brothers and sisters of humanity and call for an end to all violence, war and greed.
We are all ONE.
ONE love


enter other world

The ability to enter the other worlds, in which the human exists parallel to his or her physical existence, is a byproduct of meditation, awakening the chakras and harmonizing the auric field. This does not necessarily mean that there must be full consciousness of the chakras and auras, for meditation will adjust these automatically, but quieting of the mind is the first step to attaining the ability to reach these other worlds. As the aspirant quiets the human mind, the kundalini is released, and experiences in the upper layers of the auric field begin, which might very well be directly related to other worlds that the human being might simultaneously exist in, and a more expanded "mind."
University Of Metaphysical Sciences


make everything you do a meditation

When we use the word ‘meditation’ we do not mean something that is practiced. We have no method. Meditation means awareness; to be aware of what you are doing, what you are thinking, what you are feeling, aware without any choice, to observe, to learn. Meditation is to be aware of one’s conditioning, how one is conditioned by the society in which one lives, the society in which one has been brought up, by the religious propaganda—aware without any choice, without distortion, without wishing it were different. Out of this awareness comes attention, the capacity to be completely attentive. Then there is freedom to see things as they actually are, without distortion. The mind becomes unconfused, clear, sensitive; such meditation brings about a quality of the mind that is completely silent—of which quality one can go on talking, but it will have no meaning unless it exists.


Meditative Art

What is Meditative Art?
Meditative Art is a new current in modern international art. It originates from the many opportunities offered now also in the West, to explore the inner through meditation. Meditative Art is as ancient as the Zen masters, who became renowned for their calligraphy scrolls and Haikus.Unlike modern art, where the subjectivity (angst, despair, boredom, madness) of the artist is given free reign to express itself, Meditative Art gives a taste of the centred calmness that the artist has experienced during meditation.
The onlookers’ health and wholeness is taken into account. They will be able to resonate with the paintings and let themselves fall into their own centre as well. In the centre of our being we find calmness and relaxation. It is also the seat of our creativity and vitality. Meditative Art finds its place in living rooms, board rooms, treatment rooms, homes and offices.
Source: Amiten


Here and Now

Amiten was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK) in 1955 and since 1980 he has been involved in meditation. His main endeavour has been to integrate what he has learnt through meditation in his ordinary day-to-day life. In 1999 Amiten started creating personal paintings on commission and in the following months expanded his creativity to works aimed at a broader public. At present he lives and works in Glasgow (Scotland).


You must have heard about the haikus of the Zen masters of Japan. They are examples of objective art. One of the famous haikus of Basho...and Basho is a genius, but he is not writing through the mind. Whatever he is writing is growing within him in his silence like a flower, and he gives it as a gift to the world.
Listen deeply to this haiku. You have to visualize it; then only will you be able to feel its freshness, its beauty, and its penetration into your own being. Just visualize:

An ancient pond.

A frog jumps in.

This sound.

Just these three lines...not even lines.
If you visualize it, you will find yourself sitting by the side of an ancient pond...a frog jumps in. You will hear the sound of the frog jumping in, and after the sound, an immense silence. That silence is the message. Basho is trying to give you the message which he has lived, felt, and he feels a responsibility that it should reach to anybody who is in search of it.
Osho: The Razor's Edge, Chapter 22


Space is a Fabrication of Consciousness

Space is no more than a concept in consciousness. It isn't really "out there." Everything made from consciousness is "in here," within you. Space is a projection within consciousness, manufactured for a specific effect. What appears to be “over there” is really just another one of an infinite number of viewpoints within the great “Here and Now.” The universe was created as a living theater of expression and humanity opted for total immersion within the drama of this theater of life. We live in search of the truth about life, and yet we feel disconnected from its source. We focus upon a world that appears to be exterior to us. Our five senses keep our brains so busy that it takes determination to find the peace and wisdom which lies within. Enormous resources of information, guidance and support are available through our inner being. When we direct our attention within, we gain access to those resources. Infinate Being


dwelling is the light

"And I have felt
A presence that disturbs me with the joy
Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns
And the round ocean and the living air
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man
A motion and a spirit, that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought
And rolls through all things."
William Wordsworth



Amiten - Art expressed through meditation