Showing posts with label MULTIDEMENSIONAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MULTIDEMENSIONAL. Show all posts



Some people believe themselves to have finally “woken up” from the manipulation of the Matrix Control System. However, the word “awake” seems to be a very abused and overused word these days.

What I notice is that more people are becoming aware, for the most part, of the symptoms of the Matrix on a 3D surface level (which is encouraging to see and a good start), but mistake that for having truly “woken up” in the holistic sense of the term, and therefore most of them oftentimes don’t follow up or keep “going”, especially with regards to inner self-work.

Our inner voice – stemming from the real self (“speaking” to us through a sense-embodied intuitive knowing, not via head-centric thought-injections), hidden behind the socially/cultural conditioned/programmed mask of personality we identify with – also whispers to us to go deeper, if we can hear and heed its “signals”.

These echoes are hardly recognizable at first, but become more audibly-apparent as we shed our layers of conditioning, programming and trauma/wounding. It’s the voice of Spirit and the Divine, asking us to recognize our true nature, to keep going deeper within…to self-realize, self-actualize.

For example, relatively speaking, you can be “awake” to the basic 3D aspects of the Matrix, but if you get stuck there (especially when there is lack of sincere inner work taking place), you’ll still be subjected to hyperdimensional interferences and manipulation, especially when you’re caught in the external expression of shadow-projection.

Being “awake” about the matrix and the various control mechanisms and deceptions – and based on a purely intellectual informational level – is a necessary stage of growth, but only the very beginning stage of a true Awakening …and cannot even be called “taking the red pill” from an esoteric perspective.

This stage of awareness is mere baby steps that must be taken prior to crossing the threshold towards self-realization, which entails esoteric self-work, Individuation, embodiment [soul integration] and alchemical internal transformation in order to reach a higher level of being/consciousness.

This is not a very pleasant process at times, for it results in utter disillusionment and death of the conditioned personality, which doesn’t like to give up and let go of control that easily.

For that reason, many people in their process of seeking “truth” wind up avoiding sincere inner work by constantly externalizing the “dark” (especially with regards to shadow projection) side of reality, and thus get lost in the information swamp or hooked on sensationalism, mechanical activism, or wind up locked in the tunnel vision of the 3D matrix, decorated as it is with shadows on the wall, which is a puppet-on-a-string-pulling trap in itself, and only works in favor of the occult matrix architects.

But “self-work” – to truly “Know Thyself” – is also a tricky thing, and self-deceptions in this pursuit are very common.

Some people tend to over-estimate themselves with regard to their level of being/awareness. They claim to “know themselves” when they actually mistake “the Self” for their personality (with its more subtle programming/conditioning features) …or they talk about “living their truth”, which can also be a falsehood which misleads the actual calling of the True self, and instead acts as a self-justification, a denial, and a buffer.

It is important to understand the fundamentals of true deep self-work, especially since much of that has been corrupted and over-simplified via New Age/pop-spirituality and pop-psychology.

The most difficult aspect to grasp in esoteric self-work is detecting and confronting the lies we are telling ourselves, and the buffers/masks we create so as to avoid the internal friction that is necessary to ignite the alchemical fire of transformation within.

- Bernhard Guenther, from “The Perilous Path Towards Awakening”


Day before Total Solar Eclipse on 4th December

The area of Totality will be over Antarctica, and partial eclipses were observable in Southern Argentina, Cape Town in South Africa and Southern Australia.

Today is a very potent energy...although I found yesterday, the 3rd December, to be such a crazy day. The energy was just everywhere and all over!

I feel a bit disconnected and spacey as Earth prepares for this major Solar Shift and Transformation.

The New Golden Solar codes will be imprinted in the Crystalline White snows and ice fields of Antarctica!

These powerful higher dimensional energies will then travel up South America via the Andes to Central America and then through North Americas to Canada via the Rocky Mountains. The second route will be up Africa via the Nilotic Meridian, through the Middle East and into Africa. The third route will be through Australia and into Asia!

Stand by....the power is on its way!

You may feel a bit weird and wired today!

Rest where possible, drink lots of water...and listen for the rustle of Angel Wings...or the hum of Space ships!

Anything can happen in this crazy energy!

I see the whole thing crashing before this can happen on a global scale

Magenta, when they try to force you to get jabbed even if you don’t want to. Is it okay to run away or better to wait till the moment comes hoping maybe it will never occur somehow and even if it happens to stay calm and surrender?! Or better fight till the very last moment?

My reply; I see the whole thing crashing before this can happen on a global scale and most especially for anyone aware & awake and working with light. I was told very early into all this, that this would not be the reality for lightworkers & Wayshowers and I asked for a sign on this. We don't remain "hoping maybe it will never occur" that frequency holds no power and can draw in fear and resistance. We remain in knowing that it will never happen....however we remain open to the possiblity that it could occur (a paradox I know but reality/truth contains paradox for we live in a multidimensional, quantum multiverse) and if that eventuality were to occur we would each choose how to respond to that eventuality in the way that seems most in alignment for us in that moment. The majority of Indigo souls would do whatever it takes to remain organic. 

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


A hyperdimensional frequency war operating through outlets claiming to be the bastions of truth.

Another example of the frequency war is the media, especially alternative news media. These take up a lot of our time and attention since news never runs out of stories and so much internet activity and conversation depends on sharing news and links. Despite exposing the 3D level of the conspiracy and thus serving a positive political purpose, these news outlets simultaneously serve a negative 4D agenda [hyperdimensional matrix/occult forces] by choosing the most emotionally enraging and upsetting events possible and repeating these on a daily basis with endless varieties, ad nauseum, to the point of redundancy.

The redundancy shows that the ultimate aim is not to inform and educate, but to pummel with frequency depleting triggers [reactive emotional 'loosh' that serves as 'food' for occult hostile forces]. And so people who get emotionally addicted to news and rage in their chairs without being able to do anything about what they read, they gradually succumb to a hyperdimensional frequency war operating through outlets claiming to be the bastions of truth. Thus they would do well to return to the perennial, spiritual, archetypal, and practical considerations instead of being hooked on the transient and trivial.

- Tom Montalk, Realm Dynamics


“out of convenience”

Anyone advocating for the vaxx passport or mindlessly getting the vaxx passport “out of convenience” anywhere in the world is responsible for the enslavement of humanity and the coming social credit system [with the dangling carrot of universal income (“free money”) and “debt forgiveness” [relates to the New Age Cointelpro Psy-op NESARA] which most people will swallow and accept, hook, line, and sinker] for the vaxx passport is just the beginning

…besides the short and long term detrimental effects of the vaxx and consequent booster shots on physical and metaphysical levels. It is the prophesied “mark of the beast”.

Just say NO!

For the others, forgive them for they do not know what they do. This is multi-dimensional warfare. Be in warrior mode but don’t let hate, resentment or toxic anger cloud you heart. Do not become what you fight against.

Remember who your are, remember your mission, and engage in the Great Work. YOU are the one you have been waiting for.


- Bernhard Guenther


These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity.

The Matrix is currently being put into overdrive mode – and the controller’s (the “evil magician”) actions are intensifying – in order to try to counter-act the “awakening” that more and more people are experiencing (to a degree). The machinations of these Predators are designed to lock in as many humans as possible into a “time loop” (and frequency prison) before the window of opportunity closes during this Time of Transition, for there is indeed a way “up” and a way “down”.

This transitional phase we’re in right now is not an “overnight” event. It spans a whole age, yet we will see tremendous changes, breakdowns and transformations within our lifetime (as we are already experiencing) and it will increase even more in the coming years. It’s like we’re in the midst of birth pangs that are ushering us towards a new level of Being – a process that depends on our own inner work, our soul potential, and what we align ourselves with.

These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity. Any (re)birth is painful and beautiful at the same time.

It is important to point out that “wishful thinking” and a lack of creativity are the Achilles heel of the negative realm STS (Service to Self) Matrix consciousness – these flaws in their approach to manipulating humanity are reflected in the desperate acts being seen now across the world, which are becoming more and more apparent and predictable…the same patterns under different guises.

Many of us who have done our research over the years – and worked through the conditioning/programming in our own awakening process – can connect the dots and “see the unseen”, identifying the invisible thread that weaves through all of these events, which seem to be unrelated on a surface level but all point towards the same goal: global enslavement under the disguise of “freedom”, “unity” and “protection”.

From a hyperdimensional perspective, the end-game/goal of their agenda is to completely take-over/’body-snatch’ our physical/emotional/mental selves in order to lock us into a frequency prison – all of their various chessboard-level ‘triggers’ are designed to prime our bodies so as to facilitate the hosting of their vibrational essence within our human ‘mainframe’.

Hence the push for dis-embodiment in all of its various guises: increasing the body-mind split via increased mental activity/distraction through technology/A.I., as well as poisoning the individual through GMOs, EMF radiation, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc. – all of which are environmental factors that collude with the original series of genetic modification experiments conducted by “the Predator from beyond the stars” in order to disconnect us more and more from our original DNA blueprint [soul essence]. This is a program of Hybridization that is priming humanity’s transmutation into shell-vessels for hyperdimensional possession.

- Bernhard Guenther

@timeoftransition Telegram


(B) Are we going to be as vulnerable as I think we are going to be upon arrival in 4th density? I mean, we will be the new kids on the block!

A: Are you not already pretty damn vulnerable?

Q: (L) Well, yes we are already pretty vulnerable. Are we going to be MORE vulnerable?

A: What fear have ye, if ye remember that the soul is what counts, and that it is indestructible. Good night.


You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

“As you claim yourself and build a bridge in this fleeting moment of opportunity, it is important to understand that evil cannot be eradicated. What you call evil has a purpose, and sometimes the same tools can be utilized to access either light or dark energies. We have referred to the dark side of living as Family of Dark.

We ask you to recognize that darkness is greatest before the dawn, and that the darkness holds many keys….Whenever you go somewhere new, you are bound to meet an unknown. The presumptions you apply to the unknown territory determine what you will experience. You cannot go into a higher frequency of energy without exploring every territory; therefore the dark side of humanity and the dark side of existence now call to you to examine and understand them.

Wayshowers are repatterning many realities now. They live quietly, and you may never hear their names, yet they are pioneering new avenues of frequency where the dark conspiracy stories of planetary, solar, and galactic control can be understood. This is no mystery to those of you who have spotted the clues over the years, the synchronicities that have shown you a bigger picture of existence, where everything is much more connected. Yet you have been encouraged to believe that nothing is connected. To understand the restructuring of Earth’s frequency, you must first learn about the controllers of Earth.

Some of you will eventually ask, “How could things have become so corrupt?” Well, how could they? That is for you to answer. Your challenge is to go from the lowest of frequencies to the highest, and exploring the dark misuse of power will take you there.

When we talk about power and darkness, do not feel that you have to run away from this realization to have light. You must learn about the power of darkness in order to understand the wounds and waywardness in the souls of these beings, who are desperately seeking something that was never given to them by their parents or by anyone else. Because of this lack the practice stays in their bloodline.

What is missing? You already know: It is love.

The wayward ones on your planet, whether murderers, rapists, pedophiles, or mass manipulators, are all devoid of love and do not know it. And so your task of healing the planet will grow greater as the dark secrets of the world’s ruling families and their dark occult practices are discovered.

When darkness crosses your path, you cannot run from it….When you run from the dark you give it more power, allowing it to perpetuate itself….We ask you to rethink and reevaluate your lives as you are called to regenerate yourselves. You shall change, you will change, you must change, because it is the season of change. When the storms become dark, find your courage and face your fears.

You cannot reach the light without knowing the dark, and the dark comes now in massive amounts asking to be healed.

The form of love we speak of has not been practiced here for hundreds of thousands of years. Genetically you are dealing with the cleansing of a long long line of humanity, generation upon generation of wounds….It is a challenging time in which you live, a challenge to examine how degenerate humankind’s frequencies have become as a whole.

The task ahead is to not underestimate the job, but to truly look at the darkness and see the work that has been cut out for you: to regenerate yourselves and your planet by finding what is really important, what you are going to value. Shocking changes will create a destabilization of civilization, and this is all meant to be.

Some of you want to experience the time of light as if you were driving from one picnic to another. That is not the case. The issue of accountability must be addressed on your planet; not to blame people but to teach them that at this time each person must be his or her own leader. The truth is that no one is going to lead you.”

– Barbara Marciniak, Family of Light


The once reluctant mystic

Going through my bookhoard is like going through past lives, I leaf through my own leaves of grass. Whisperings of so many interests unpursued; so many possibilities and pathways. Many chances I had at living out my personality in the old world, a career I might have had or a book I could have written but I didn't. 

Why not then if all these subjects are so interesting and worth looking into? 

They all wither in the face of my awakening. They all fall short in the light of my transition. Even the deeper layers of personality and preference feel shallow and even pitiful as my consciousness returns from other dimensions. We are in a spiritual war, this is a prison planet.

Yet here they remain, remnants of my identity on which I can comfortingly reminisce. 

Everything academic has been reduced to hollow pretense, what once seemed so worthy now subtracted from what really matters. Aware I am of how mechanical this density has become to me. The inner voice becomes louder each day and now I can proudly say: I am not of the world although I am still in it.

I heard the call, many trumpets in the sky. 


Wonder at your ability to draw in and generate all experiences, whether you label them as positive or negative.

The freedoms you want to experience for yourself, extend that vision to all life in the Universe.

All life is free to explore whatever frequency is chosen, even if it's a negative.

The totality of light and dark combined create the universal structure.

- The 9D Pleiadian Collective


They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness

The Indigo Races refers to souls with the 6th dimensional frequency band of consciousness activated which is the 6th Chakra and its brain complex. Indigos are born with an active 6th DNA strand that gives them the Indigo Color Spectrum of Frequency in their Auric field. These races were sent to the Earth as representatives for the Guardians and protectors of the living light library and to prevent this planet from descension into a fallen or descending Phantom Matrix. The Indigos are here to fulfill this planet's Ascension cycle by holding the higher frequency and light codes required to support the planetary grids into activation of higher DNA coding.

Indigos have a larger group purpose as a task force for the Sirian Council (6D Gatekeepers) and Guardian races to be the Agents of Transformation as well as having a unique special skill set for individual soul purpose. They are incarnate here to be the system busters and harbingers of the huge paradigm shift of consciousness leading into the Mother principle to restore energetic balance.

Indigo Types


The Long Range Matrix Agenda and What We Can Do About It

By Bernhard Guenther, March 4, 2021

Despite, or perhaps because of, all the censorship by the MSM and Big Tech of anyone who dares to have a different opinion about the COVID vaccine, lockdowns, masks, election fraud, etc, more and more people are starting to “wake up” and see through the lies of official [cancel] culture and formulate opinions that go beyond the “narrative”. Many people, in their search for truth, were “red-pilled” over the past year, as they kept seeing how things stopped making sense, and began asking WHY and what the deeper long-term agenda of the cabal is—beyond the obvious global loss of basic human rights and overwhelming Orwellian control measures and medical tyranny.

There are various levels to look at what the long-range matrix agenda could be. Here are some possible scenarios in a nutshell [and it certainly is not the whole picture]. Based on connecting the dots over the past 25 years, my own insights, and a lot of what I’ve written about over the years being confirmed, I see two major trajectories unfolding from a 3D and 4D Matrix perspective which I have already explored in more depth in older articles and videos. We are moving towards the “end game” at an accelerated rate.