Showing posts with label THE CALM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE CALM. Show all posts


deep forest - magic shroom

Forests promote healthy brain activity

Mother nature is a valuable resource for human health & wellbeing

"I saw this little flower as I was coming back from my class...and it really gave me a strong sense of hope."

Twentieth Century German social psychologist Erich Fromm first advanced the notion that humans hold an inborn connection to nature. Later, it was popularized by biologist E.O. Wilson as "the urge to affiliate with other forms of life." In the ensuing years, support for the positive effects of nature has gained considerable traction, grounded in a growing body of research.

In recent weeks, at least four new studies have emerged adding more validity to what science repeatedly has revealed: being around nature is good for us. The latest research shows that interacting with nature makes the brain stronger and soothes the psyche.


More than just folk wisdom: Immersing yourself in nature has a healing effect

More than just folk wisdom: Immersing yourself in nature has a healing effect

The longer the trip, the more healing occurs,' says the geologist Peter Winn, who has been leading expeditions down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon since the 1960s. 'Healing happens for people almost without exception.'


Reiki: Healing with the energy of life

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for healing, relaxation, and stress reduction. The healing energy of Reiki is transmitted through the palms of the hands. Some Reiki healers, then, practice the laying on of hands to transmit healing energy to others, while some healers practice a no-touch Reiki where the palms of the hands are held several inches from the body of the person receiving Reiki. Reiki is also a spiritual practice.

The concept behind Reiki posits that there is an invisible life force energy in the universe. It flows through all of us to varying degrees and is what causes us to be alive. If your life energy is low, you may feel sick, depressed, stressed, or anxious, whereas if your life energy is high, you are likely to feel healthy, happy, and energetic.

The word "Reiki" is made up from two Japanese words "Rei" and "Ki." "Rei" is often translated as "God's wisdom" or "the wisdom of a Higher Power," while "Ki" means "life force energy." Reiki, then, is life force energy that emanates from a higher power. Reiki, thus, is a practice that transmits energy that can be physically healing but also spiritually healing. Practicing or receiving Reiki can be a wonderful addition to anyone's spiritual practices, regardless of your religious beliefs.


The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul

The benefits of solitude: Balm for the harried urban soul -- Science of the Spirit

...Participants walking in urban environments had markedly higher instances of "rumination"—a brooding and self-criticism the researchers correlated with the onset of depression. And, just as parts of the brain associated with rumination lit up on urban walks, they calmed down during nature walks.

Photos of nature will increase your sense of affection and playfulness. A quick trip into the woods, known as "forest bathing" in Japan, reduces cortisol levels and boosts the immune system. Whether rich or poor, students perform better with access to green space. And a simple view of greenery can insulate us from stress and increase our resilience to adversity. Time in nature even boosts, in a very concrete way, our ability to smell, see, and hear.

To walk out of our houses and beyond our city limits is to shuck off the pretense and assumptions that we otherwise live by. This is how we open ourselves to brave new notions or independent attitudes. This is how we come to know our own minds.


Reducing mental and physical stress increases receptivity to creative solutions to resolve problems

Conservation Ethics

Conservation Ethics is the skill of being able to discern the Right Use of Action in proportion to the Resources that are available at any given time. Conservation ethics is about harnessing precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful through direct focus and right timing, it is the right use of proceeds and management of forces by listening and working with the natural flow of life. These skills expand and differ slightly as one develops into living harmlessly and applying conservation ethic in the management of personal energies, the management of children and family, the management of group resources, and the management of communities. harmlessness-and-cause-and-effect


Knowledge protects: Those who read books live longer

Reading books is tied to a longer life, according to a new report.
Knowledge protects: Those who read books live longer 

Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers. "Fiction and poetry are doses, medicines," the author Jeanette Winterson has written. "What they heal is the rupture reality makes on the imagination."


we choose behaviors that build trust

To increase the quality of our life and to feel more connected, we choose behaviors that build trust inside ourselves and further build trust with others. This awareness as a daily practice with conscious participation will increase the trust frequency in our auric field, and this frequency of trust to circulate into our lives. As we practice this with ourselves, those people who do not resonate with trustworthy behaviors will fall away, while those people that are resonating to qualities of trustworthiness, will be attracted. These are the exact same virtues we will need to value, before we can really increase our human and spiritual connection, as well as deepen intimacy. Being clear and authentic requires we have an truthful and intimate connection with our authentic self. When this quality of intimacy is present within the self, we can develop deep intimate bonds and connections with others.This is a key to healthy and balanced relating. timeline-shift/2792-frequency-of-trust


10 simple ways to move into more freedom, peace, knowledge

As I was writing these 10 tips I remembered that I had done a post like this before and I looked it up and it just happens that I wrote that post on exactly this day in 2012!

So exactly 4 years ago I wrote a similar post to this (10 simple calming tips for the shift) ...made me quite happy and look how far we have all come...truly amazing!

Here are the new 10 tips in no particular order:

1) Stop watching television! Stop the programming and mind-control of the mainstream media and fake celebrity. Protect your mind from the garbage. Use youtube or streaming instead.

2) Eat organic food; is better for nature, environment, animals, your body and it tastes better too.

3) Get at least one houseplant; learn to take care of something that's alive. Plants naturally detox homes and living spaces, relax you and they communicate with you too. Tune into nature.

4) Cancel all subscriptions to newspapers, magazines and other print media; we have the internet now; stop the clutter and waste. These are all forms of programming and use up resources and money, do you even read them?

5) Use supplements like Spirulina and Turmeric to detox the body of heavy metals and other toxins, there are hundreds of healing plants, get knowledgable on the foods that heal.

6) Never go to McDonalds, Burger King or any of these fast food places again, extremely low vibrations and toxic to body, mind and soul.

7) Turn off the wifi before you go to sleep. Wifi interferes with dreams and restoration, holds u in a lower programmed state. Research this.

8) Buy some gold and silver and use cash, just as a way of not complying 100% with the system and as an investment.

9) Develop a spiritual practise; meditation, reiki, yoga, prayer or anything that helps you to connect to your higher self and the truth vibrations. The benefits are endless.

10) Donate energy, be of service to others; you could donate money or your time, giving = receiving, just try it, you will see.

Can you think of any good tips for the freedom timelines? Add them below in the comments...


mind control programs circulating and operating in the asleep masses, artificial frequencies and artificial timelines are being written and pulsed out into the lowest frequency fields

When we feel anxious we can choose to shift and hold one's perspective to apply unconditional love and forgiveness to the now self and other selves. This is the requirement to achieve and maintain the state of inner peace and connection in the middle of this incredible chaos. Keep choosing love, harmlessness, compassion and mercy for everyone and everything while being as accurate and truthful with oneself by checking inner motivations. The planet's highest expression for those that choose this heroic pathway, the ascending timeline, is available and will stay available.