
Changing Context of Evolution

Generally, the term Genetic Mutation has been considered detrimental to the evolution of an organism or species. We must change the context and discussion around Genetic Mutations to open dialogues to better understand how they impact the human race (or other species) in both positive and negative ways. Genetic Mutations are not always harmful. One glaring problem is that some declare genetic changes and activation of dormant DNA impossible beyond a certain point. This is fundamentally wrong and does not fully comprehend the function and purpose of DNA assembly, which is inherently responsible for activating higher consciousness intelligence.

We cannot fear evolution and the correct knowledge of how our own body, DNA and consciousness work. Many world religions have used this fear of self-knowledge to control humanity. All evolution and consciousness development of a species is based on genetic changes through DNA Activation, of what was previously nonexistent, undiscovered or dormant. Evolution is change and the primary mechanism behind evolution is activating DNA and thus, activating higher consciousness. The DNA subjected to change determines the nature of the organism, and this change would appear as a Genetic Mutation for those observing it. This is the natural process of ascending human consciousness on the earth, the organic nature of the spirit having a physical experience, and evolving throughout multidimensional reality.

Genetic Mutations are the main area of disagreement in competing theories of humanities origins, evolution and DNA potential. In biology, a mutation is a permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus or DNA. Mutations can occur as a natural process or unnatural process that makes changes to a DNA sequence. For our purposes, the unnatural process of mutation would include exposures to certain artificial intelligence, chemicals, laboratory made viruses, or toxic elements that alter or damage DNA sequences, to repel the spirit. Additionally, our planet has a history with extradimensional species competing to write DNA sequence coding into the planetary mind, Stargates and morphogenetic fields, in order to evolve their preferred bloodlines or tribes, while suppressing the DNA of genetic undesirables.


Surely it is up to each individual to decide what they find intolerable

At least with this system (voluntary euthanasia), anyone with depression, particularly reactive depression, might be flagged up and helped and counselled rather than taking matters into their own hands and leaving relatives wringing their hands and saying "if only s/he had said something". If, after counselling and/or treatment if possible, the individual still finds their life intolerable, who is anyone else to tell them otherwise?
Of course it’s terribly sad, but assisted dying is essential. Denying a person the right to die on their own terms is unethical. Obviously strict standards and criteria need to be maintained to absolutely eliminate any possibility of coercion and to ensure that the individual is of sound mind, but if those criteria are met, then I’m 100% in favour of this.


Feelings being thoughts mixed up with hormones

There was something very neat about him, a tidy countenance, a clear presence.
None would have guessed that he suffered from physical aches and from mental maladies though these were growing less as he grew older. He liked to think of them as growing pains as insufferable as they were, he had to see them that way.
To experience life without reflection would surely cause some depression at least until that got boring. It was necessary for him to contemplate matters of suffering and to ask questions about the nature of the body and the soul.
What is this biological vehicle that senses pain and pleasure and houses a personality of sorts that also has feelings of deprivation and satisfaction?
There is nothing more tedious than a human that never questions the nature of reality, not that tedious equates to boring rather it just isn't interesting.
Should one always feel some sense of unease, whether it be doubts about sex or anxiety concerning identity?
What after all are feelings other than thoughts mixed up with hormones?
It was these above mentioned states that allowed him his movement.

Empathic people process music differently than others

Empathic people process music differently than others

Highly empathic people process familiar music with greater involvement of the brain's social circuitry, such as the areas activated when feeling empathy for others. They also seem to experience a greater degree of pleasure in listening, as indicated by increased activation of the reward system.

The new study indicates that among higher-empathy people, at least, music is not solely a form of artistic expression.


There is always a thought that slipped in below the level of our mindfulness practice that brings it on.

Good to hear that your tooth thing is better.

I had a depressive episode at work this afternoon, it was the kind of episode that comes on without warning, although last night I felt some of those isolation feelings so that was sort of a prelude. The pain has been quite bad, waking up from it in the night and just the usual vibe of complete alienation I suppose triggered the slide, also Leo made a remark about this one guys girlfriend being attractive/hot that somehow just caused me to energetically deplete. I can only conclude that subconsciously I have some kind of pathetic ego wound/sense of entitlement that my soul/being doesn't really care much for, is disinterested in. It would seem that happiness and experience/learning/growing are not mutually inclusive when the soul/higher self is concerned. As usual I can also conclude that support in life for meaning and joy is meager/mediocre at best. What else is new?

Anyways I was feeling quite good this morning, I found a book at the store; Dying. A memoir. The book starts out with the author (Cory Taylor) explaining how she acquired a euthanasia-solution/medication from China. As you can imagine I got into it rather fast, death being a fascination of mine and I've now almost finished it. Reading has rekindled a sense of solace for me and I hope to read more now.

Pain level has been quite bad recently although I am managing it. I have been trying my best to understand the meaning of this condition. As usual I am trying to discover if there are lessons involved, if somehow there is wisdom to be gleaned from such incessant torment and suffering. The very notion is somewhat infuriating because I am often prone to approach life in this way, to my detriment.

I hate to think of the future as a place where I am rewarded for my suffering due to acquired insight that may help others. Although I can be very compassionate I see day by day the ever growing numbers of zombified, pineal-gland calcified fellow humans who I have to interact with and yet also 'be myself' with. I think depression is a fair response to feeling misunderstood and undervalued. What else is new?

No doubt I will bounce back in due time as I always do, perhaps the whole thing is more meaningful as you always say, even though we don't know exactly how or why.


even when these influences make us incredibly uncomfortable

There is no real emotional and spiritual growth without some personal discomfort. It is impossible to make a spiritual impact in the world, if you are unwilling to be uncomfortable and are unwilling to learn something new to improve yourself. Learning never ends, and there is always something new to learn and improve. This is how it is.

Plan to Force Us on the Digital Grid


Was Ludwig Wittgenstein a Mystic?

Was Ludwig Wittgenstein a Mystic?

The philosopher's greatest work, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, only makes sense in the light of mysticism

If you bring together two enigmas, do you get a bigger enigma, or do they cancel each other out, like multiplied negative numbers, to produce clarity? The latter, I hope, as I take on Wittgenstein and mysticism.

I've been puzzling over these topics since my philosophy salon met to discuss "The Mysticism of the Tractatus," written in 1966 by B.F. McGuinness. The salon consists of eight or so people, most with graduate degrees in philosophy, who gather in the salon-runner's living room to jaw over a paper. Ludwig Wittgenstein, whom Bertrand Russell described as "the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived," published only one book during his lifetime, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. First issued in German in 1921, Tractatus is a cryptic meditation on what is knowable and unknowable.

"Mysticism" is often used as a derogatory term to describe obscure, fuzzy thinking, or woo. But in "The Mysticism of the Tractatus," McGuiness uses the term to refer to an extraordinary form of perception described by sages east and west. In Varieties of Religious Experience, still the best scholarly treatment of mysticism, William James notes that during a mystical experience you feel as though you are encountering absolute truth, the ground of being, God. These revelations are laden with spiritual significance and accompanied by intense emotions. You often feel a sense of blissful timelessness and oneness with everything (although the experience can also be hellish).

The knowledge imparted by the vision seems to transcend philosophy, science and reason itself. James calls mystical experiences ineffable, which means that they cannot be expressed in ordinary language. The author of the mystical ancient Chinese text Tao Te Ching expressed this idea when he wrote, "Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know." The author violates the rule in stating it.

The Tao Te Ching and other mystical tracts seethe with these sorts of Godelian, "this-sentence-is-false" paradoxes, and so does Tractatus. Wittgenstein writes, "Not how the world is the mystical, but that it is." He elaborates: "We feel that even if all possible scientific questions be answered, the problems of life have still not been touched at all. Of course there is then no question left, and just this is the answer. The solution of the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of the problem." Even when the world has been thoroughly explained by science, Wittgenstein seems to be saying, it hasn't really been explained at all. The answer to the riddle of life is that there is no answer.

In his 1966 paper, McGuiness notes that in a "Lecture on Ethics" published after his death in 1951, Wittgenstein described personal experiences with mystical overtones. In one he felt "absolutely safe" and "in the hands of God." In another he was filled with astonishment at existence and saw "the world as a miracle."


Embracing an ennobling vision by rejecting cynicism and nihilism

Embracing an ennobling vision by rejecting cynicism and nihilism -- Science of the Spirit

It is the responsibility of every man to keep himself out of the abyss. Yet he cannot do this job alone; a set of guiding principles must light the way along the dark and confusing pathways of the forest. In some cases, he must be hectored, badgered, cajoled, and-in the end-forced to keep along the path; in other cases, he need only be guided by gentle instruction in the illuminating lights of philosophical inquiry. Every situation is different, and calls for different remedies.

And yet man is a slippery animal. Often he does not say what he means; he likes to cloak his true desires and motivations in garments of varying shape and color. Rare is the man who is honest with others; even rarer is he who is honest with himself.