
In Praise of Praise

by Aliza, who wrote this the other day for us, the day of the lunar eclipse:

That this could be a Full Moon of self-loathing and I want to encourage you not to fall into the pit and you're gonna want to fall into the pit and never get out, just stay there because that's where you belong, in the pit, in the wilderness, in hell. All the voices in your head: it'll never get any better it'll never get any better it'll never get any better and it is what it is.

And yet (here comes the counterpoint) the divine (define it how you wish, if you wish, sometimes I see a giraffe) never doesn't know who you are and in this take some solace even while you smash it against the wall, screaming to no one there: thanks for nothing. You're in the pit, in the wilderness, in hell, you've set up a bed there and a microwave and you've stocked the fridge with the snacks of self-loathing and you are not alone. Oh great. Just what you wanted, a witness.

I woke up this morning with my own pain feeling like a sacrifice and then remembering what I do, what I'm supposed to do here, in this life, in this moment, which is talk to you, and I thought of my clients of the past week and the past month and the past year and how scared they are and how angry they are and how in love they are and how we have ONE MORE eclipse of this cycle, the last of the summer and the last of Cancer (home) and Capricorn (work). We don't know where we belong, we don't know what to do, and we're never not homeless.

The advice. I got some.

My advice for today (and tomorrow and this month and these days) is praise. Praise the dead you miss and praise death. Praise the sickness you have and the cure you don't. Praise your face no matter how wrong. Praise how scared you are and how sad you are and how helpless you feel and are. We are.

I don't know what else to tell you. Full Moons are hard, eclipses are hard. I just wanted to say hello. This full moon is wrapped up in Chiron and Mars and Jupiter and Pluto and if you get through the next 24 hours intact, you win. Another day.

So that's my advice for the eclipse: praise the wall. Praise the ceiling. Praise the books you buy and never read. Praise the paint chip and the rotting fruit and the unpaid bills and the paid bills. Praise your ears which hear the upset noise of daily life and your eyes which cry until they burn for no reason. Praise your body in its horrifying betrayal and praise the confusion of our leaders and praise your family who destroyed you and your lover who didn't love you, not even a little, and they never could, and praise every scar, every sticking your neck out, every hope. Praise the failure you can't forget. We are so human.

One card. I drew one card. The Star.

4th of the lie - Awakening Fatigue


Post Eclipse Season July 2020 Ascension Symptoms

- Physical exhaustion; body feels heavy, weakness, extreme fatigue.
- Letting go of huge chunks of trauma, transmutation of shadow aspects.
- Feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness.
- In your face 3D lower consciousness, conflict.
- Losing faith and hope, feeling disapointment.
- Needing to sleep more.
- Aches, arms and legs and feet numbness.
- Surrender, retreat, feels like defeat.
- Dry mouth, dry eyes.
- Nausea, acid reflux
- Sensitivity to sound (even more than usual)
- Feeling like there is no support from the higher realms.
- Waiting for the next wave.

and yet....what will come of this....

- Clearing for the collective
- Polarity integration.
- Coming to terms with what just happened these last months/years/life.
- Fully anchoring higher awareness.
- Letting go of outdated patterns and thoughts.
- Releasing ancient beliefs and dogma's that no longer work.
- Very deep internal shifts.
- Upgrade of everything 3D including unaware humans.
- Next chapter.
- New level.
- Fresh inspiration and connectivity.
- Solid foundation on which to build a new life (new earth)
- Taking full responsibility, independence.
- Better energy management.

how to deal...

- Let go.
- Take one day at a time.
- Avoid crowds, people.
- Self care.
- Take extra vitamins, minerals, CBD.
- Foot baths, comfort showers.
- Sleep.
- Know this too shall pass.


Mushrooms are healing the earth, starting with Colorado’s forests


Through it all, one fact remains clear to Ravage, Wilson and other fungi fans: Mushrooms are one of our biggest allies if we hope to have any chance of healing the earth.

“We all know that woody debris can be decomposed by lots of different organisms,” Wilson said, “but there are no organisms on the planet that do it with the level of effectiveness and efficiency of fungi.”

Combining therapy with the psychedelic drug psilocybin results in large reductions in anxiety and depression

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic compound found in so-called “magic mushrooms”. A recent meta-analysis published in Psychiatry Research provides tentative support for psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

How one teaspoon of Amazon soil teems with fungal life

A teaspoon of soil from the Amazon contains as many as 1,800 microscopic life forms, of which 400 are fungi.

Largely invisible and hidden underground, the "dark matter" of life on Earth has "amazing properties", which we're just starting to explore, say scientists.

The vast majority of the estimated 3.8 million fungi in the world have yet to be formally classified.

Yet, fungi are surprisingly abundant in soil from Brazil's Amazon rainforest.

To help protect the Amazon rainforest, which is being lost at an ever-faster rate, it is essential to understand the role of fungi, said a team of researchers led by Prof Alexandre Antonelli, director of science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

"Take a teaspoon of soil and you will find hundreds or thousands of species," he said. "Fungi are the next frontier of biodiversity science."


Personal inner shift from what your Volunteer life and energetic Work and Mission was...

The more we individually I mean, become energetically self-sovereign, the less need each of us has for etheric guides, physical ascension teachers/writers, religious middlemen, multi-D ETs, new age gurus and all the rest of it/them. WE each individually (that is SO important) become ONE in ourselves. We become our “guides”, our “teachers”, our spiritual assistants and so on and all of it/that is internally within each of us. This is at the top of the entire Ascension Process — getting humans out of separation consciousness and reality from everything and back into direct ONENESS within themselves. Talk about a huge shift!

Old everything was external, NEW everything is internal and the First Everythingers Embodying have been living this and increasingly discovering this is fact. Reaching a certain level within the Embodiment Process means one increasingly finds that they individually are now responsible for their own daily energy supply, their own energetic sovereignty, and increasingly their own personal reality. When that level is reached you quickly understand why Angelics and very advanced ETs and other highly evolved Others never waste energies on silly crap of any sort for any reason. When it’s your own personal divine Source life-force food and fuel that you are entirely responsible for and with, you don’t get stupid with it, you don’t get wasteful with it, you don’t get careless with it and you don’t give it away to anyone for any reason. This is another aspect of becoming increasingly individually sovereign energetically. Think of this as adult spirituality on an energetic level.