Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts


The Long Range Matrix Agenda and What We Can Do About It

By Bernhard Guenther, March 4, 2021

Despite, or perhaps because of, all the censorship by the MSM and Big Tech of anyone who dares to have a different opinion about the COVID vaccine, lockdowns, masks, election fraud, etc, more and more people are starting to “wake up” and see through the lies of official [cancel] culture and formulate opinions that go beyond the “narrative”. Many people, in their search for truth, were “red-pilled” over the past year, as they kept seeing how things stopped making sense, and began asking WHY and what the deeper long-term agenda of the cabal is—beyond the obvious global loss of basic human rights and overwhelming Orwellian control measures and medical tyranny.

There are various levels to look at what the long-range matrix agenda could be. Here are some possible scenarios in a nutshell [and it certainly is not the whole picture]. Based on connecting the dots over the past 25 years, my own insights, and a lot of what I’ve written about over the years being confirmed, I see two major trajectories unfolding from a 3D and 4D Matrix perspective which I have already explored in more depth in older articles and videos. We are moving towards the “end game” at an accelerated rate.


Ascension symptoms December 2020 into 2021

After two eclipses and now the buildup towards the jupiter saturn conjunction on the solstice, planetary energies have been intense like never before! Ascension energies pulsing in from the galactic centre, the cosmic rays now pouring into our reality put tremendous pressure on our physical bodies as we try to accomodate these very high frequencies. We are becoming multidimensional as these energies upgrade our dna. Here is a summary of the current and coming ascension symptoms that you could be experiencing during this second wave of awakening. This is not medical advice.

- Amplified aches and pains.
- Nervous system feels overstimulated, frayed nerves. 
- Insomnia
- Lymph drainage/detox
- Skin breakouts/rashes
- Dehydration/dry eyes
- Tongue/throat burning
- Heart pain/chest pain/stabbing pains
- Light flashes/blurred vision
- Ear itchiness/clearing blokkages
- Pelvic pain
- Digestion problems
- Muscle aches/cramps/headaches
- Feeling like you are being fried alive/powerful energy currents in the body
- Weird feeling in the body of being stretched or turned inside out
- Numbness
- Sadness
- Letting go/weight being lifted
- Joy for the future/realisation of the awakening

How we support these transitions:

- Drink water/herbal tea/flush toxins
- Rest/sleep/spiritual practise
- Magnesium/essential fatty acids/black seed supplements/cbd oil
- Stay calm as much as possible/trust the shifts

Following comments on HighHeartLife from Denise:

Wow have the incoming energies been extremely intense all day and night today, Tuesday December 15, 2020!!! Experienced a few hours today that were really rough physically. A LOT of all day HighHeart expansion from embodying more of these incoming energies that cause upper chest, heart area pounding, thumps and bumps and some related pains and pressures in surrounding areas front and back. Greater HighHeart expansions and embodying always makes me feel extremely weak physically and incapable of doing much of anything but be still and quiet while it’s happening. Severe bloating today too, head stuff, need to sleep/nap when the heart and body embodying stuff becomes too much. Same old stuff really but at much higher levels and lasting longer than usual now. This is December 2020!

Today, Wednesday December 16th continues with these very intense incoming NEW energies, some via the Sun, while others from the GC. The body aches, head pains, constant ear tones, severe belly and diaphragm bloat, emotions from having to disconnect and move on from loved ones etc., and entire body swelling (like water retention) continues with every cell and its water/fluids being further altered from embodying more Light plasma energies and more. I’m all for the ascension blankie and fuzzy slippers as I still feel pretty abused today and yet it’s less severe than it was yesterday! More to come too.


The Golden Bridge : Full Moon to 11/11

The period of 11 days after the October Blue Moon/Full Moon will be a Bridge between the old and the new. Those of you who are “conscious” and “awakened” will seek to cross this bridge with Inner Peace and Tranquility. Stay Calm and Stay Balanced.

The Bridge opens with the Full Moon on October 31st. This is the time known as “Halloween” or “All Saints Eve”, or Samhain in the Celtic Festival cycle. It is also the time of the Dias de Los Muertos” in the Hispanic culture. It is a time when the veils between the dimensions are very thin, and there is a celebration of our ancestors and those within the Spirit Realms. This is aligned with a very powerful Blue Moon/Full Moon; the Blue Moon being the second Full Moon in October.

This is the opening of the Golden Multi-dimensional Bridge - and it is a powerful time for Ancestral and deep DNA healing and cleansing of old beliefs and “programs”. Beloveds, just “Let Go” and release all past fears and stories that are encoded in your Ancestral DNA. Allow yourself to feel close to the Angelic Families and call on them to assist in your healing and balancing as you prepare to manifest the New Earth. The Full Moon energy will magnify energies as they come up, so it is so important to remain within your Sacred Heart Temple of Love and to not allow yourself to be triggered into anger and division.

There will be many opportunities to fall into anger and enmity as emotions run high around the elections in the USA. We ask that you do not get drawn into the energy of division and conflict and duality, for this will ensure that you are pulled down into the old and crumbling third-dimensional reality. Rather, focus on making your way across the Golden Bridge of Light towards the 11/11 Portal. The Angelic and Galactic families will support you, and the Antares Council of Light will be sending Light Codes of supportive energy as Earth passes into the energy zone of the Antares system.

The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process. And the final Power energy of this Portal will be the energy of the Great Mother/Divine Feminine or Shekinah, whose loving presence will be available as Divine Love and Compassion for All.

These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire. But, we ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep your inner eye focussed on the Golden Bridge of Light and move gracefully through the 11/11 Wisdom Portal.

The more intense the chaos, the more intense the Flowering and Birthing of the New as the Bennu Bird/`Phoenix begins to manifest its new form and shape.

We wish you Grace and Love in these powerful Times.
Remember always that you never alone and that you are Loved and Supported.
You need only ask and the Angels are with you!


Full Disclosure Event

Humanity is enduring a hidden multidimensional battle for Disclosure which is gradually happening as the Collective Consciousness shifts into higher dimensional planes as the result of the Ascension Cycle.

Full Disclosure Event is referring to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveal the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History and not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records to enslave the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion

Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the Extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments, additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet, how earth, human resources and technology are used as bartering to trade for a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. 

Full Disclosure Event includes revealing the Power Elite groups and Negative Aliens that have abused power on earth and are required to restore energetic balance to make amends with the crimes they have made against humanity.

Full Disclosure Event


The Foundation of Healing is Ascension

True and authentic healing is a function of our consciousness body and it is through the realignment of our spiritual consciousness that effective healing of our body can take place. The functions of human spiritual ascension and evolution are directly entwined with the process of natural healing and personal wellbeing. Therefore, if we create the conditions in our lives that are organic to us and spiritually healthy for growing our lightbody and consciousness, we will naturally evolve and heal all of our multidimensional bodies. Thus, our biological and spiritual immune system will be much stronger and healthier in order to do its job. The organic human genetic code is based on the 12 Tree Grid manifestation body, thus when we align to the knowledge of our original genetic code imprinted on the human biology, we gain access to our consciousness that holds the intelligence of all of our stations of identity in time that can be accessed from our local incarnation.

Our physical body is a remote controller for the Universal Time Matrix in which we can potentially access all levels of consciousness, knowing that our higher consciousness and spiritual identities are completely intertwined and interdependent with our physical body. When we are in alignment to the natural and organic structures in creation, we are simultaneously in alignment with our internal spirit and God, which will activate genuine spiritual healing in our body, mind and spirit. Traumatic conditions that we have been exposed to or interacting with that are harmful to the body, mind and spirit, are also detrimental to the process of human evolution and spiritual ascension. Thus, continual exposures to these harmful forces and violating the natural order will deteriorate the consciousness and generate karmic imbalances in the biological and spiritual immune system. When our personal consciousness is aligned in ways that are natural to the expression of our inner spirit and divine blueprint, it is also in alignment to the Natural Laws. As a result of the congruence of our consciousness aligning with our true spiritual purpose, healing is the result of our aligned consciousness and we experience health and wellbeing in the manifestation of our earthly experience.

If we realize that the purpose of incarnation on the earth is to directly participate with human evolution and achieve ascension, and we are willing to master ourselves in order to achieve our self-actualization, we move forward in time and activate healing properties inside us and the earth grid, that current mainstream science does not understand.

Spiritual Immune System

Spiritual Immune System & Ascension Symptoms

The immune systems function is to fully eliminate the toxic exposure or foreign invasion of pathogenic material, along with its energetic components from continuing to infect the body by responding with an assortment of physical symptoms that are commonly known as the flu. Thus, viral flu symptoms reveal that our immune system is working as it should to destroy the pathogenic invasion or toxic exposure caused by many external or environmental factors, which includes the release of toxic waste or dead cellular material. Ascension flu is caused whenever the planetary body is rapidly increased into another global frequency pattern, and the human cells must drop the density pattern of toxic waste or miasmatic patterns to attune the cells to adjust into the higher frequency levels. This is one component that is actually happening now during the current crisis events. Flu like symptoms should not be feared but understood as the healthy response of a working immune system. Thus, it is wise to understand how our body functions to eliminate toxins and dead energies and then take steps to support our immune system in all ways to do its job, which is to clear and eliminate the toxins in the cells that are being released in the viral signature.

The key to restoring energetic balance and maintaining health for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force energy to circulate throughout our lightbody anatomy and physical structures in order to nurture our Spiritual Immune System. Both of our immune systems require the circulation of life force energy through the consumption of healthy and pure food, water, breathing fresh air, as well as a maintaining a healthy mental and emotional diet with adequate rest, self-care and time for prayer and meditation. Connecting with our inner spirit and God Source intentionally every day through prayer and meditation strengthens our life force and physical immunity, as well as increases the spiritual strength of our lightbody to withstand an array of challenging situations and pathogenic invaders.


Ascension Symptoms October 2019

From my own personal experience this month:

- Being all over the show; confused, scattered vibe.
- Anxiety, even panic attacks
- Nausea
- Feeling stretched physically
- Wired and speedy and then extreme exhaustion
- Neck pain, tense muscles in throat
- Headaches
- Difficulty being present
- Low blood sugar - sugar cravings
- Dehydration, thirsty all the time
- Huge discrepancy between self and unaware/non conscious portal people
- Feeling disconnected from former guidance
- Sudden downloads of information from higher dimensions

So far this has been one of the most intense months ascension-wise ever for me and I feel that things are only going to intensify from here. Try to stay in the now-moment, be present, be gentle, have compassion for yourself, take rest if needed. See a doctor if you are worried about a health situation. Try CBD oil. We are really doing this! All is well.


November Angelic - energies certainly will not disappoint

The 11 energies of November have always been important energy threshold crossover points within the ongoing Ascension Process. However, given how amplified 2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11) has been, this years November energies certainly will not disappoint.

Since June 2018, I’ve perceived a cluster of massive, never before experienced Energy Waves coming from the Angelics and Angelic realm and arriving in November 2018. That June awareness made me perk up and wonder what in the multidimensional cosmos was coming from the Angelics in November of this year?! I’ve had interactions with a few Angelic Lightbeings over these ascension years, but this is different and will be vastly more intense both personally and collectively, and consciousness, life and reality-changing for each of us and everyone else too.

Greater Embodiment Produces Greater Old Negative World Collapse

I’ve tried many times to convey the difficult concept of having positive evolutionary changes happening simultaneously to increasing negative old patriarchal world “end times” events. This is hard to wrap one’s awareness around until you remember that lower and higher frequencies cannot co-exist in the same space. Then this bit of different frequency, consciousness and reality weirdness makes perfect sense.

Another aspect of my June Angelic insights about November’s 11 energies had to do with this simultaneous “better and worse” Separation of Worlds business. The November 11 energies have always felt to me like spiritual energetic thresholds we cross through in that month. November 2018’s 11 threshold we’ll pass through, no matter which world or Stair-step each person is current on, will produce the largest collective shift for all groups and levels. If this confuses you, think back to last week or last month or four or five months ago and remember what all you and your body have gone through at this much higher amplified and quickened level. There have been important reasons for all those physical head and body pains, pressures, deeper Work on Self, and greater Crystalline Christ frequency Embodiment plus NEW DNA activations so that you’re capable of crossing this 2018 November threshold and Embody these NEW Angelic Light Codes. December 2018 should see some of us Embodiers going more Light than we’ve been able to before, plus more Light Crowns manifesting for more of us as well. But first we’ve got to live and Embody through the November 2018 Angelic Code arrivals.


Stephen Hawking's newly published essays reveal dark prediction: Wealthy will create 'superhuman race'

Hawking, who died in March, writes that he is sure breakthroughs in genetic engineering will allow people to create a superhuman race within this century. He also predicted that while laws will try to prevent it, the rich and greedy will be unable to resist the temptation.

"I am sure that during this century, people will discover how to modify both intelligence and instincts such as aggression," he wrote.

"Laws will probably be passed against genetic engineering with humans. But some people won't be able to resist the temptation to improve human characteristics, such as memory, resistance to disease and length of life."

Hawking added that the emergence of a superior race will soon lead to implications for "unimproved humans" who he presumed will eventually "die out or become unimportant."

He also warned that "once such superhumans appear, there will be significant political problems with unimproved humans, who won't be able to compete." His dire prediction continued that those being outpaced in the human development race will either die out or become unimportant, leaving "a race of self-designing beings who are improving at an ever-increasing rate."

Stephen Hawking's newly published essays reveal dark prediction: Wealthy will create 'superhuman race'


Changing Context of Evolution

Generally, the term Genetic Mutation has been considered detrimental to the evolution of an organism or species. We must change the context and discussion around Genetic Mutations to open dialogues to better understand how they impact the human race (or other species) in both positive and negative ways. Genetic Mutations are not always harmful. One glaring problem is that some declare genetic changes and activation of dormant DNA impossible beyond a certain point. This is fundamentally wrong and does not fully comprehend the function and purpose of DNA assembly, which is inherently responsible for activating higher consciousness intelligence.

We cannot fear evolution and the correct knowledge of how our own body, DNA and consciousness work. Many world religions have used this fear of self-knowledge to control humanity. All evolution and consciousness development of a species is based on genetic changes through DNA Activation, of what was previously nonexistent, undiscovered or dormant. Evolution is change and the primary mechanism behind evolution is activating DNA and thus, activating higher consciousness. The DNA subjected to change determines the nature of the organism, and this change would appear as a Genetic Mutation for those observing it. This is the natural process of ascending human consciousness on the earth, the organic nature of the spirit having a physical experience, and evolving throughout multidimensional reality.

Genetic Mutations are the main area of disagreement in competing theories of humanities origins, evolution and DNA potential. In biology, a mutation is a permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus or DNA. Mutations can occur as a natural process or unnatural process that makes changes to a DNA sequence. For our purposes, the unnatural process of mutation would include exposures to certain artificial intelligence, chemicals, laboratory made viruses, or toxic elements that alter or damage DNA sequences, to repel the spirit. Additionally, our planet has a history with extradimensional species competing to write DNA sequence coding into the planetary mind, Stargates and morphogenetic fields, in order to evolve their preferred bloodlines or tribes, while suppressing the DNA of genetic undesirables.


An anthropologist's theory on shamanism and the origins of knowledge completely rewrites our understanding of dna

The shaman’s world is one of allegory, symbolism, metaphor and transcendence into the realms of energy and spirit. Their understanding of the universe and the abundant sentient beings which inhabit it is wildly foreign to the mind of the material scientist. Our best chance, therefore, at bridging the gap between science and spirit may lie in the anthropological study of those tribal cultures whose operating systems permit them to move freely in the metaphysical realms with the assistance of natural hallucinogenic substances.

The shamanic explanation of the origins of life and of the intelligent nature of the plants and animals which inhabit the rainforest are quite unbelievable to most, but a rational approach to understanding their perspective lends extraordinary insight into some of the greatest mysteries of human consciousness.

Author and anthropologist Jeremy Narby set out in the mid 1980’s to do just this, hoping to learn from medicine men of the Amazon jungle about how it is they claim to be able to communicate directly with plants and unseen spirit beings of the forest.


This 2016 Lion’s Gate period was extremely intense and swept away a lot...

So, how was your 2016 Sirian Lion’s Gate period or what I lovingly refer to as our annual running with the lions? This 2016 Lion’s Gate period was extremely intense and swept away a lot, I mean A LOT of old lower inner energy structures in us while simultaneously replacing them with vastly higher frequency, more complex energetic structures, DNA, Codes of Light and consciousness etc. 2016’s Annual Running With The Lions


We are entering a surreal time that determines what kind of consciousness reality holograms we are going to be involved with or not

A human that chooses to connect to the Eternal God Spirit is aligned to the mechanics of living light consciousness, which interconnect to the mechanics of time and space made in Universal Law. The Laws will always protect that human while in any dimension or timeline, when making that conscious choice. This choice comes from deep within the heart of a loving, compassionate and empathic person, and not the mind.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) intentionally bends Universal Laws through forced light refraction, holographic inserts and replication of DNA code that is designed to enslave the people on earth through deception and trickery. This is why we must choose our consent and authority now during the height of the spiritual battle. Commanding our personal space and spiritual right in Universal Law to exist as sovereign and free human beings in the reality that we take full personal responsibility to co-create.

We are entering a surreal time that determines what kind of consciousness reality holograms we are going to be involved with or not. Ascending realities teaming with living consciousness and spirit or descending and dead artificial realities. With the current roll out of the Transhumanist agenda using artificial intelligence software systems, there will be many more artificially projected holographic realities and AI technologies than ever before. Any human or group that involves themselves in the artificial realities of AI holograms, will be subjected to its Law of Structure, which are the rules programmed in the machine and the creator’s intent for that holographic software program. This defines servitude to the machine.

This is the war over consciousness on earth, over how we accept personal responsibility, and how we participate in the hologram. We either accept full responsibility for our consciousness and want to commune with the living spirit in all things, or we give away our consent and personal power to the AI machinery to take full control over our life.



From sadistic bloodsucking to greener pastures

We carry on eliminating the BS, one second at a time, try to raise our consciousness to silently radiate peace to the world, meditate on courage. Polarity integration is like breathing or eating for us or the heart beating for us. 

As far as we create our own reality abraham stuff, how can the future not be bright, shining, fulfilling for us?

Knowledge protects; we accumulate knowledge and it changes us, the knowing changes our vibe, therefore we create based on what we know, it protects us....spiritually but we must put the knowledge into action somehow, being a passive bipolar in a sick world doesn't help or does it? 

As you were saying life is a bit of a dichotomy at all times, full of paradox, like for example the: do we need to fully get rid of the psychopaths or do we need them? a bit of both right?

or we create our own reality but did children really want to be sacrificed, or raped or starved? uno the first six years are the forming years, we are talking about the years in which a child learns its creation programme or mind is formed.

or we must take action, steps, movement, flow, work but really we don't need to know HOW we are going to get what we want, we don't need to be preoccupied with HOW we are going to do anything, our positive, pleasant vibe is enough. 

Work is joy, actions are gifts. 

HOW to deprogramme the mind without suffering? Again, the HOW? Apparently we can learn all of our lessons in bliss and happiness, it doesn't have to be negative.

The understanding I think is in the 'knowledge protects' theory/lifestyle/survival and the 'ignorance endangers' themes too.

Ultimately some of us humans do seek balance on all levels and therefore wholeness, completeness, healing and know that it could be so, some of us feel that the convictions/programming/studies that claim that man is naturally violent and self-seeking and its a nature problem, not a nurture problem are BS, and that man has inherent goodness inside, locked away due to trauma from outside forces. I would almost believe however that there are many different dna/breeds/types/mutations/genetic manipulation and that there are some f***ed up strands all mixed in there, one big juicy mess of polar opposite forces all tangled up.

Anyways being a soul-rebel uno, I speak rather the shamanic language, I look at the soul of a man, I speak to the spirit of man and I pass judgement but with a comforting nod or wink, for truly all is not lost.

Do the masses, fellow human beings all get destroyed? Whose soul lives on? The organic portals or those lacking soul potential or STS polarized do they get stuck or split? Do the 'generally 'good' people with STO potential do they transition to greener pastures?

So every one answer in this life is like a thousand new questions and so in order that we stay tuned into this frequency to be able to experience this physical life we jolly well need our ego or we would just burn, just go insane. Seems some negativity is grounding us or something, like the ego can control us, the me, me, me mode comes forth from survival fight or flight due to impending trauma from living life with the elements, roving beasts, diseases, pain, hunger, war, NWO, PTB etc. Who wants us stuck here on earth and why? 

Yes, life on earth can be paradise, it truly is at times, often pretty ok actually but still, we are like cattle to them, we are their prey, they feed on our negative emotions. We (all) are stuck here on earth like a fly that landed on the planet for a quick taste/sense, then the spider came to suck us dry, and we could have buzzed off quickly to a new system but we got trapped, stuck in a web of lies, hypnotized by the beast, it wants us alive for sadistic bloodsucking, but really, really, we can escape, we have wings, we can fly the solarsystem.

So I realized that I have been stressed, so stressed about my situation, fight or flight that I was not able to see the redemptive light.
The body says STOP! ultimately, the body is the 'enough is enough' shut down system, the body is amazing, such a brilliant, beautiful and compassionate one. The body speaks a language too. It says: I love you, I will endure for you, I love you enough to die for you and I will kill you if you fuck around for too long and don't listen to what I'm telling you.

Don't mind my musings, hope they amuse you.


Narcissistic projection and energetic interaction

It's not that I want to get into someones head and do a control trip on them, to overpower them or abuse their personal (psychic) space rights, I don't want that!

I would certainly not like anyone imposing themselves negatively upon my aura/thoughts.

Vibes/energies that are exciting/uplifting/thrilling to me though?
Now that is a different deal in my opinion.

On some level (intuitively) I have this figured out and it seems to happen easy. Telepathy is natural for me. It's just where to draw the line with this and not turn it into some kind of narcissistic projection project.

Then there are the protection understandings. The maintanance of a strong, healthy aura through physical and mental health. The way protection is granted to all who do not abuse their bodies and minds.

DNA activation, some parts of our brains/consciousness are still dormant, it is possible to use telepathy with all living things, especially humans and we do all the time, we communicate continuously with each other. There is really little to hide but for the sleeping and unconscious mire that we impose upon ourselves during this human experience. (for the contrast/for the game/school)

I am in a somewhat narcissistic state if I believe any ability or function or consciousness is all my doing and I am therefore better than...or if I need any kind of approval or attention (projection) from another based on percieved self-lack/insecurity.

No, quite the contrary; for me there is no 'ability' or energy 'work' without great reverance, knowing too that this is my experience, self absorbed, for now, yes, comes part and parcel. Later on reiki more.