Showing posts with label MYSTICISM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYSTICISM. Show all posts


You will need to be a lover of truth, over a lover of personal comfort to persevere on the path

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.  ~Buddha



By Bernhard Guenther, January 29th, 2017

As the the cosmic energies of our planet become increasingly-infused with the contrasting expression of light and dark frequencies during this Time of Transition, many of us (whether we are conscious or not of this elevation in contrasting vibrations) are experiencing breakdowns and breakthroughs at an accelerated pace. We are being pushed to awaken – to align with the divine force. This process is bringing up anything that is not of the same frequency that our spirit is currently “downloading” in order to be transmuted. Many things are transpiring and shifting on multi-dimensional levels which lie outside of our conscious awareness. The strong currents of these galactic waves are pressuring us to ride the flow of transformation. Any resistance and/or desperate need to control this process (based on fear) can cause us to get sucked into the undercurrent and be held under, until such a time as we can get back on the wave again, i.e. learn our lessons and keep doing the necessary clearing work in order to embody the higher frequencies.

Read more of this amazing, deeply inspiring and highly informative essay here.

The non-physical occult hostile forces and their mechanisms which aim to keep us spiritually asleep

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.”

~ Rudolf Steiner [Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes – Berlin, 1907]

The chief method of self-study is self-observation

“Knowledge of oneself is a very big, but a very vague and distant, aim. Man in his present state is very far from self-knowledge. Therefore, strictly speaking, his aim cannot even be defined as self-knowledge. Self-study must be his big aim. It is quite enough if a man understands that he must study himself. It must be man’s aim to begin to study himself, to know himself, in the right way.

Self-study is the work or the way which leads to self-knowledge. But in order to study oneself one must first learn how to study, where to begin, what methods to use. A man must learn how to study himself, and he must study the methods of self-study. The chief method of self-study is self-observation. Without properly applied self­ observation a man will never understand the connection and the correlation between the various functions of his machine, will never understand how and why on each separate occasion everything in him ‘happens.'”

– G.I. Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous


Stellar Man with cosmic function

"Due to the lack of a state of higher awareness, the planet Earth is a small hell, where by divine grace or infernal evil, the individual neither notices nor evaluates his precarious condition or the cloudiness of his awareness. Like true madmen, each sapiens, like Don Quixote, the Castilian nobleman, strikes out against his own windmill. Thus, battle after battle, youth is lost, illusions die, purity withers, and the last glimmers of lucidity gradually disappear.

If we were perverse gods or immoral despoilers, we could not invent a better method to make a group of slaves work peacefully than to make them believe, by means of collective hypnosis, that they are happy and important. We would then have perfect robots who would work untiringly, producing what we desire. In addition, these robots would make and maintain themselves. It could be argued that sapiens, unlike other species, sows, produces, and labors only for himself and not for other beings. This is true for the products and material sapiens uses for his own maintenance. No non-human species steals the material product of sapiens' efforts.

On the other hand, this is not the case with the subtle fruit produced by the human nervous system in everyday life. This fruit is rapidly reaped by certain beings who are much higher on the evolutionary scale than the human being; veritable gods of space, who profit from human efforts, but in turn fulfill certain cosmic functions and occupy an important position in the universal economy. These beings have been mentioned previously: they are the Archons of Destiny.

All of Earth's inhabitants are under the sway of one or more of these gods, who regulate, shape, and direct the destiny of humanity. But this is not so for the destiny of the Hermeticist, who attains his vital autonomy at a certain moment, releasing himself from the mandate of the Archons.

The Archons of Destiny are terrifying beings, not because they are evil, but due to their cold and inexorable severity in the manipulation of sapiens. If we were to establish a symbol for these beings, no doubt they would be depicted with a whip in their hands, a girdle of bristles or netted wire with which they chastise humanity in order to ensure their progress, although this evolution may be imperceptible during our earthly time. For example these occult judges pitilessly provoke a world war in which millions of people die.

Sapiens, in his extreme fight for existence and in his various relations with the natural and social environments surrounding him, inevitably experiences all kinds of tribulations, suffering, deceptions, and other experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant. As a consequence, his emotional and nervous systems develop certain embodied elements, that are extremely powerful, and which abandon the human body in the form of vibrations (everything vibrates; matter is only vibratory energy). These vibrations are transmitted through antennae incorporated in the biological unit which are tuned to the frequency of the Archons, who then reap this power and use it for purposes we cannot divulge, again stating that they accomplish a cosmic function.

It is thus that sapiens is unwittingly stripped of the most noble product he has produced; the final distillate of human experience, the broth in which lies the blood, the soul, and the very life of the individual. The individual lived for this, suffered, loved, enjoyed, worked, built things, went to war, studied, investigated, only to prepare the golden broth of his life. We must understand that the central computer only exists in relation to the Archons of Destiny as an instrument to control sapiens.

The object of life, the reason for which sapiens was created [via genetic modification/engineering], is not for him to enjoy life in the garden of the Lord, but rather to be a pawn in his vineyards, a worker so perfect he can act as cultivator and food at the same time.

If man could prevent his golden broth from being stolen, with this vital product he could become equal to the gods, rapidly evolving by integrating within himself the products from the chemical laboratory of his physical body. This is exactly what is done by the student of Hermeticism, who is temporarily freed by the Archons of Destiny. This individual, by virtue of his understanding and responsibility, has no need for an overseer with whip in hand to oblige him to evolve through suffering, as he takes responsibility for his evolution into his own hands, and if he deems it necessary, submits himself to the same temporary suffering in order to attain eternal happiness. This is in contrast to the profane or worldly person who chooses fleeting pleasure at the expense of eternal suffering.

Enough revealing of secrets which are hidden from sapiens. Let us spread a cloak of silence on this subject in order to comply with the mandate of the esoteric Sphinx who demands silence. Speech and silence are two swords, which must be handled with sublime skill in order not to disrupt universal harmony. Those who have "eyes to see" will understand everything not stated in the written word, but in the cryptic language of the initiate. For those not in this state, it is best that they understand nothing and continue to sleep tranquilly. Ultimately, the Archons run no risk of a bad harvest from a possible rebellion of sapiens. Sapiens is too blind to see where the danger is really found.

It is sad to observe the tremendous limitation of sapiens, who shuts himself up in the small world of stereotypical concepts, of memorized knowledge, of imitation, and mechanisms of compensation and defense. His mental disability prevents him from realizing just how small the cubicle is which imprisons him. And, thus, with a mind made up in advance, he accepts, condemns, or tolerates without bothering to intelligently analyze the situations with which he is confronted."

~ John Baines, The Stellar Man


we choose behaviors that build trust

To increase the quality of our life and to feel more connected, we choose behaviors that build trust inside ourselves and further build trust with others. This awareness as a daily practice with conscious participation will increase the trust frequency in our auric field, and this frequency of trust to circulate into our lives. As we practice this with ourselves, those people who do not resonate with trustworthy behaviors will fall away, while those people that are resonating to qualities of trustworthiness, will be attracted. These are the exact same virtues we will need to value, before we can really increase our human and spiritual connection, as well as deepen intimacy. Being clear and authentic requires we have an truthful and intimate connection with our authentic self. When this quality of intimacy is present within the self, we can develop deep intimate bonds and connections with others.This is a key to healthy and balanced relating. timeline-shift/2792-frequency-of-trust


Positive and loving thoughts emanate intensely bright colors of high frequency light

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Soul Psychology


There are spirits that are benevolent, loving, and truthful and there are spirits that are harmful, hateful and deceptive...

All of what we can see with our eyes in the physical realm has a spiritual or energetic component, or type of consciousness, that exists in the same space or another dimension of time. All of what we cannot see wth our physical eyes reveals a vast system of interconnected spiritual energetic components that also co-exist with us in the material world. Spirits do not need to be incarnated into a human body or any kind of physical body, in order to co-exist with us right here in this realm.

What are Negative Disincarnates or Negative Spirits?

All gridworkers and those on the earth that represent and support the Christos-Sophia reclamation, support humanitarian issues and God Forces to help heal the earth and humanity, will be targeted by high level sorcery and Black Magicians in order to stop that person or groups spiritual mission. This is why in every case, we must never give up our spiritual practices, dedication to serve God STO, or defer our authority or will to any Negative Spirits, Archontic Deception Strategy or Black Magician. Pray, meditate and communicate with your Higher Self or God forces to help strengthen your spiritual power, as much as possible, until you are always in direct contact.


Dare I contemplate...

...that all of the darkness, pain, anxiety, mental illness, any illness, control system etc etc is really my greatest teacher/gatekeeper and the teacher of mankind, serving a purpose....?

The body pain ultimately may be the teacher that forces me to change/move/evolve.

It's all about (re)remembering again and again.

O and the being postive thing all the time is really just proof that there is underlying negativity that I want to escape from, it's mostly an illusion, obviously not adressing the negativity or the duality is the problem and neutral is the natural state i should be naturally in, balance and harmony is the true nature.

Wanting to be positive is really just actually being in a negative place, it is helpful to do affirmations, have dreams etc but not as an escape from the now moment, gratitude should be a grounding practise, so it seems there are different types of 'being positive': the escapism positivity (illusion) and the gratitude/inspiration positivity (a return to balance).

Shadow work is so important, involves so much resistance from the ego (survival/trauma)

Karma is ignorance, dharma is purpose!

Personal conduct becomes everything! The ultimate healer!

Mental illness may be a myth that has generated a huge industry of shrinks and pharmeceutical drugging of the masses.


Five strivings for daily effort by G.I. Gurdjieff:

1. Preserve your life
Be just to the planetary body; satisfy its needs; treat it as a good master treats a good servant, not being overly indulgent and conditioned by physical desires, the stomach and sex organs.

2. Develop yourself
Constant, unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection and self-knowledge in the sense of Being, striving for the attainment of the real “I,” one’s individuality.

3. Find your place in the scheme
Understand the meaning and aim of existence, seeking after truth about self and the nature of the world, striving to understand the fundamental cosmic laws which create and sustain life.

4. Pay back
To lighten the load of the Creator, pay back in gratitude and effort for the fact that Evolution has helped you to get this far, overcoming egoism and striving to lessen the suffering and unhappiness within the world.

5. Help others to develop
Assist and help others towards their self-perfection, to attaining real “I.”

not everyone is here to awaken

Researching the topic of Organic Portals and Spiritless Humans – as well as the frequency of “Evil” – are key elements of understanding, for “Evil” cannot be fully eradicated within our level of existence. It is part of the duality which serves its purpose, and it is also an expression of the “One” or “God”. Hence, a person who is trying to “save the word” or “save people” without understanding the bigger picture can see their efforts back-fire on themselves. Not everyone can be “saved”, nor is everyone here to awaken. It comes back to the principle of free will, despite all of the deceptions placed in its way.



to construct an Ark

Religious myths might be the narratives of an ancient technology and knowledge of the cosmos that far surpasses our present day understanding, as well as a warning to us about some perilous state in which we are living, and some future event toward which we are heading. The myths, rituals and ceremonies of the ancient religions are but surviving fragments of this technology from which the true significance has vanished.

Out of time - The secret history of the world - Laura Knight-Jadczyk


True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into a jail.

Love is the lotus, lust is the mud the lotus arises out of.

Freedom: to walk free and own no superior

I am all of those men, all of the potential of man moves within me and yet I know that this lifetime is not to be wasted on these archetypes, on these prototypes, I have been all of these passions. I have spent lifetimes in these desires, whole cycles in these persuasions. I have been all men and all woman.

The mystic knows that this life is about transcendence of this performance, moving beyond the traumatic mastershow of survival. The mystic knows that all of this is seperation, fear and vanity, for he knows the life beyond. He knows he is nearing the end of matter and moving into spirit, moving into balance.

The maya is so incredibly enticing, the drama is so familiar, the beauty of this life is just mezmerizing. It is not without struggle for the moves come natural; being the human comes easy. Deeply engrained in the body and the many lives; the habitual persistance of roles.

There could be great success from some perspectives, if he would just entrain to the game but he cannot. He must leave all to become all, this much is true, he looks at each path and laughs knowing all are filled with many attachments and equally filled with pleasure and pain. He knows he has had enough, he has had his fill and now it is time to transcend all of them, devote himself to the freedom timelines.

The dance, the eternal dance, who can escape?
Who of us will stand like stone as the music plays and we feel forced to dance?
We choose to dance? 



Graham Hancock and Lorna Byrne in conversation

In this fascinating dialogue, two bestselling authors and explorers of the spiritual realm discuss the big questions at the heart of their latest books: Is there a battle between Good and Evil? Why are some people drawn to the dark side? Do we only see a fraction of reality? Do angels really walk amongst us and what would it take to see them? How much do the daily choices we each make affect the positive future of the universe? Also discussed is the influence of angels and demons on human affairs, the threat posed by science for limiting our spiritual experience and the power of the internet as a tool of global awakening.


mystery of the alter

Post 8/8 returned to normalcy minus the fairytale programme, the connectedness of all things is just too obvious. Only the flesh now holds me back on this frequency of loss. My only vice is impurity through biological urges that pollute my pristine nature, so although the connectedness is obvious; the appropriate action to take in order to stay balanced remains elusive.

For some reason I don't trust or appreciate balance or the peace vibration enough to move away from lust and surely having a body entails sensation of a physical nature, seems mind is more invloved in this than matter.

Many men go to great lengths to humor me, to catch my eye, it must be the lust for life, the strength, I shrug them off. This will never leave me though it may grow less. I really don't want anxiety or depression but the link is there; the connection to all people and things.

Life has more to do with inclusion through acceptance than elimination through discrimination. Life is holistic. Moving up on the spiral is still the spiral. Leaving behaviour behind that no longer serves us, naturally and in due course, entails accepting the present moment as somehow appropriate. Choose to react in one way or the other based on knowledge and knowing or based on denial of truth, the path of ignorance, deceit and numbness. Constant fulfillment of pleasure equals constant loss of energy.

This dynamic calls for me to master it, I just don't know exactly how and I lack discipline. It calls for me to indulge in it with equal measure. If I flirt with death for too long, it shows me the agenda, causes me to delve deeper; curiosity and pain both force me to see that the body and the mind still control me. Soul rebel would train me, I can't properly enjoy the tension anymore, i can't be enticed long enough to build on such a foundation. In a nutshell: I still havn't kept a space of earth long enough for substance to remain, maintenance of substance is so important.