
not obvious to people that something is seriously wrong

We each answer for ourselves. And once we do answer the call to wake up we take action. That's the only rational response. We'll tell others like there's no tomorrow, because there may not be one if we don't. We take appropriate action in our own lives first and move to prepare our loved ones for what may be immediate consequences of what we've realized is going on and how to avoid or mitigate it. We change our eating and buying habits, we re-evaluate our livelihood, personal attachments and living conditions.

All the while intelligently yet passionately sharing what we've discovered to be true and the possible consequences.

That's called waking up. And it's not comfortable. It's a lot of hard work, and takes a lot of courage. But really we're only acting in a responsible manner when we do so, simply doing what's right. It's not that big of a deal - unless our priority is how we appear to others, and keeping old patterns of behavior and possessions that we call "comforts".

Ignoring the blatantly obvious...

waking up is a choice?

No one can take away our right to choose. We can comply with circumstances or we can make our own path. We can be true to the truth at any time we choose, or we can go along with the deceit and cover up all around us and just get by, thinking that's the way of self preservation. Ignoring the blatantly obvious...

normalcy bias

The Normalcy Bias condition is well known to psychologists and sociologists. It refers to a mental state of denial in which individuals enter into when facing a disaster or pending danger. Normalcy Bias leads people to underestimate and minimize both the possibility of a catastrophe actually happening, as well as its possible consequences to their health and safety.


freedom timelines

To be free, to live in present time, to live on the co-creation timelines and not on the chaos to armageddon timelines means to live by faith, avoiding the psychic attacks through reverance for life, means allowing self respect to guide us forward and remaining at all times in the temple; the body temple. Many times we jump backwards and forwards from one timeline to the other, trying out these different worlds. To know which timeline you are on: know true freedom!


the secret force and energetic interaction 3

some answers to the secret force and energetic interaction 2:

Every Entity is bound to the Universal Truth of Cause and Effect which is ultimately, an accountability to the personal use of consciousness energy that they have been given or have stolen from others. Every Entity, human or nonhuman, is responsible for its directional use of life force and therefore is made accountable for the choices they make with their own Consciousness Power from a point of knowing or not knowing. The intention held in a being that knows the Laws and continues to abuse them for his own selfish agendas at the harm, expense and killing of other beings, has a harsh energetic consequence of which to face in the stealing of others energy when they refuse to stop. Many entities refuse to stop their behaviors of harming or killing others even when they have been given the internal knowing. This is a great consequence of feeling pain, as the pain you create is the pain you will be given to heal and transmute. The NAA will be rehabilitated into forms with emotional bodies so they can experience all the pain they have created in others as the result of their actions. This is a benevolent action because we only learn what we have created by having the capacity to feel the actual experiences. We have to feel in order to heal. This ability to feel deeply and profoundly is the process of becoming a true divine human. artificially bent light - energetic synthesis


strange sounds in the sky

a theory: When stellar transmissions occur, such as the recent connection made between Canis Major, Sirius and the Carina (Argo Navis), the flow of cosmic energy can be directed to previously dormant sites. The earth grid is filled with energetic impressions from ancient spiral vortex systems that were imprinted in the earth eons ago. When these ancient spiral vortexes are activated they act as massive sound resonators that play celestial music in the ethers that elevate human consciousness.
Awakening Albion

Restoring Energetic Balance

Revelations are happening for extra-dimensionals, who have been siphoning resources, and are now being shown the door. Controllers who have usurped power and pretended to uphold the laws governing social contracts, while committing grievous crimes against humanity, will be undergoing a sequential stripping of their power over others. First, this is happening behind the scenes in the blueprint structure, and many people in power will be scrambling to keep up appearances that they are still in control. This will be very confusing to both the human order and those fallen entities who, have acted in the role as the great pretender or deceiver of others. They will not comprehend why things are not working to their favor, or why they are losing authority over sections of their energetic-power sources. Newsletter: Shifting Timelines

Is porn harmful?

Pornography has taught me much about the nature of lust, sexuality and perversion, about human nature, the potential of man and the spiritual self and its relationship to the whole.

As for the experience of the astral, telepathy and the control-dynamics, well that would be self-explanatory to those that are conscious of these aspects and how they relate to porn, though how conscious is the man that consumes flesh in this way?
Conscious enough to know that it can be harmful and even destructive (the porn and the energy aroused by it)?
Are the harmful and destructive elements the most attractive maybe, beyond the image, movie or act of sex itself and how in-tune is a man with his inner nature (sexual-spiritual-animal) while using porn?

Pleasure and fulfillment through porn-consumption seems to depend on those participating, I say 'those' because there are beings/spirits/entities as well as humans involved ultimately in any act.

It would be wise at all times to think of the consequences, sex though, it being physical for the most part and instinctive largely, the energy being often volatile and spontaneous can be difficult to handle wisely, if handle/control at all. Complete suppression certainly is not recommended.

May we be aware of the abuse and misery that comes from exploitation and lust, the control dynamics that always involve dark and disruptive elements for all involved and try at least to balance if possible these things with our personal needs and desires.

To condemn porn would be foolish in my opinion, pornography in all of its multiplicity is just too illusive as to be properly understood, at least from any kind of moral standing. It serves a purpose, it exists not without reason, created and purported by man, all part of the show.

Like other aspects of life, the ugly truths sound forth with or without our personal consent or control, or do they, and are they ugly?

The consequences of denying truth may well be considered ugly, the consequences of denying our nature may also be considered ugly; uncomfortable.

Obviously we can choose to be sovereign in our thoughts and our actions to the best of our ability and intent. I have found that there may well be a place for porn in this world; as a teacher, however; once the class has been taken and the lessons learnt, it would be well to move on to the next grade and not get stuck.

This has been and is a lesson about service to others during a time of indulgent service to self.


melancho remix 2

music in the night
dub reggae

slow down 
meet the memory 

cloud movies 
of the mind 

skin on skin 
perfume lingers 

the band plays on
the floating chords