
cold of this climate 2

Every evening when I leave the room I wonder: what happened to us?
I see that you lit a candle, you hope to bring back the warmth we shared even as you know it is too late for that. You changed so suddenly to a harsh, cold and desolate landscape.
I was bringing summer to the house, changing the hangings, burning incense, waiting for you to come home each day. Now I'm waiting to leave, I can't wait to depart from you. Soon you will have no one to confide in, to share your day with, to cook for you.
I am not enamored by women like you, I will not be again, for you intentionally close down when men open up. I do not suffer from the pathology of loving women that do not show me love.
No more,  thanks to you, for that I am in gratitude!
Thank you for letting me in the door. Now that we do not need each other (anymore); I wish you well.
It seems like a cliche, like every man and woman have had these days, like we were playing out some age old drama, past lives with you seeped into this one and threw me so, so far. I spent many a night searching for answers and reasons and found only mystery and self-pity; yours and mine.

Wheel of fortune lost

It turns out that no one could tell me:
why these things happened? 
why life was set up this way? 

For my own learning process
I guess. 

All I can do is push forward
make the best of it.

I have to accept that answers 
are not forthcoming 
nor truth revealed 
on demand

To live with dignity
In the midst of chaos
May be 
my only way


Following your inner guidance

Inner guidance comes from your higher self and speaks to you in the form of feelings, insights, and inner knowing. Inner guidance brings you information from sources other than those that can be detected by your physical senses. By getting quiet and listening to your thoughts and feelings, you can tap into a much larger spectrum of information than is ordinarily thought to be available.

Keys to abundance
Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer


How is a balanced sexual expression even possible?

It seems to me that growth/development could be towards something more balanced and the universe or creative life-force that we are an embodiment of wants us to respect and nurture the masculine and feminine energies and bring them into expression in a balanced way. Yet despite my arduous attempts to align myself with this reasoning I continue to not get any tangible results at all.

I feel that people, especially men need better role-models and have the whole forces of media against them, especially sexually.

My struggles to become more balanced have not achieved anything honorable, in any sense, because the physical and emotional needs that I have are not met at all. (Right now it seems that way). It doesn't seem to matter which way I go on this, the middle road at any rate has not turned out to be very rewarding (so far) with the sexual desire thing.

There just doesn't seem to be a viable alternative when it comes to sexual expression, I have worked incredibly hard to understand how I can be of more service to others or have I not?

At the end of the day we have bodies, senses, expressions, drives and sexual desire/needs; so suppression is not the way and yet if those needs are not met in any kind of loving way by another, what then?

They can be taken care of and met by the self in a loving way.

How to not get frustrated?
I'm sure most people want and need intimacy, so why do they run and hide at the first glimpse of it?

It seems to me that growth/development just isn't that balanced, at least not in a way I understand it. Most expression is apparently chaotic and loathes respect. Reality asks of us that we change continuously and no-one ever said that happiness is the way except the Dalai Lama.

What if I let compassion and courage think and speak on my behalf?

What if my thoughts and words were really instruments of revelation and empowerment?

Thanks astrologer coach for the questions.
I listen now for answers.

Transform my thoughts, rearrange my energies.


There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought.


Why are people so polite? Why are they so patient?

You can do what you love

Be open to pleasant suprises, for your higher self may bring you what you want in a bigger and better way than you thought possible. Trust that you will receive whatever is perfect for you to have.

Keys to Abundance - Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer


Steady in the light; quit smoking

I'm trying to stay steady.
All I need is an affordable living space.

As soon as I start looking I'm just filled with feelings of extreme rage at the situation.
Even though I am feeling generally good.
I am the one that has to get an appartment.

As for angels, I do not talk about them alot.
Would be foolish to believe that anyone was looking out for me.
After all; many, many people have gotten alot more by doing a lot less than I have.
Like getting appartments, flats, decent affordable living quarters.

I hate life, I hate the fact that it costs so much effort.
Praying for others always gets them stuff but as for me...
suffer, I always suffer.

I'm just just having another rant.
I need ciggies, at least I always had the feeling that I was slowly killing myself.
That was always a pleasant thought.

I deserve a great house to live in after all I have been through.
I deserve alot of things, too stupid to even imagine.