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Showing posts sorted by date for query no right no wrong. Sort by relevance Show all posts


The Fading Family / Life, Death, and Changing Attitudes

Unlike traditional religious holidays, sacralized Earth Day festivities likely will not celebrate the family or human fecundity. Around the world, the ties between parents, children and extended family are clearly weakening and thus undermining the bonds that have held human society together from the earliest times.

Increasingly the very idea of family is under assault, particularly from universities and media that openly criticize monogamy and the nuclear family while extolling a wide array of alternatives including polyamory and some form of collectivized childrearing. Columnist David Brooks of the New York Times, who last week fretted that "human beings are soon going to be eclipsed" by AI, also argued in The Atlantic in 2020 that "the nuclear family was a mistake." Brooks, no woke zealot, oddly echoed the group Black Lives Matter, which made opposition to the nuclear family a part of its basic original platform, even though family breakdown has hurt African American boys most of all. One prominent feminist, Sophie Lewis, advocates "full surrogacy" as a replacement for the traditional family.

To be sure, many children are being brought up without two parents. The number of children living in single parent households has more than doubled in the last 50 years. In the United States, the rate of single parenthood has grown from 10% in 1960 to over 40% today.

Rather than a nation of families, the United States is becoming a collection of autonomous human beings and childless households. The impacts of a weaker family, as Brookings Institution scholar Richard Reeves and others have noted, are felt most among poorer people, and particularly their offspring. "This is probably the best documented fact in sociology in America that no one wants to admit," observed demographer Mary Eberstadt.

The links between family dysfunction and crime have been clear since at least the 1970s. This breakdown has worsened as city leaders in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, New York and other urban centers now accept homelessness, open drug markets, and petty crime. This can be viewed as another aspect of anti-humanism, rejecting the notion that people are capable of productive and fulfilling lives. Instead of seeing people as members of a community with obligations to one another, it reflects a kind of live-and-let-die individualism that leads to isolation, despair, and anger.

The Friendless American

Family decline reflects just one aspect of an increasingly dehumanized social order. The U.S. Census Bureau has found that 28% of American households had just one person in 2020. In 1940, this number was just 8%. In a recent survey conducted by Cigna, researchers found that almost 80% of adults from the ages of 18 to 24 reported feeling lonely. In 2018, even before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, one study showed that 54% of Americans felt like no one in their life knew them well. The "atomization" of America, first examined 20 years ago by Robert Putnam in books such as "Bowling Alone," has been simply "speeding out in the wrong direction," warns journalist Jennifer Senior.

As the pandemic wound down in the spring of 2022 and many were looking to resume their lives as normally as possible, a survey of American adults revealed that many people found it harder to form relationships now, and one-fourth of adults felt anxious about socializing. The biggest source of anxiety, shared by 29% of respondents, was "not knowing what to say or how to interact." As social commentator Arthur Brooks notes, "Many of us have simply forgotten how to be friends."

But it's young people who bear the brunt of the loneliness wave. Data from the American Enterprise Institute's Survey on Community and Society indicate that younger Americans are, in fact, considerably more lonely and isolated than older Americans. For instance, 44% of 18 to 29-year-olds report feeling completely alone at least sometimes, compared with just 19% of 60 to 70-year-olds. Perhaps most troubling, 22% of younger Americans stated that they "rarely" or "never" have someone they can turn to when in need. For older Americans, this number was just 5%.

So, what replaces human connections? The solution is increasingly expressed as self-love -- the notion that the individual, however flawed, needs to be celebrated above all other human connections. According to one recent survey, 44% of people believe self-love is an essential aspect of mental health. For some, like pop singer Lizzo, self-love means accepting even traits such as obesity, which are clear threats to basic health.

In this tech-dominant future, even the most pleasurable direct human contact is being supplanted by artificial stimulus. Many younger people are falling into what researchers have characterized as a "sex recession." There has been a significant rise in artificial sex and numerous reports have found that pornography consumption can negatively impact marital intimacy and reduce relationship satisfaction. Younger generations are having sex less often and experiencing far more relationship instability, leading to fewer marriages and more atomization. In Japan, the harbinger of modern Asian demographics, roughly a third of men enter their 30s as virgins and a quarter of men over 50 never marry. Nearly a third of Japanese in their 30s have never had sex.

Psychologist Maytal Eyal, writing in Time, quotes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggesting that that loving yourself is "the one foundation of everything." She also quotes Nicole LaPera, a clinical psychologist with 6.4 million followers, who claims "Self-love is our natural state," citing Miley Cyrus, whose recent hit "Flowers" proclaims, "I can love me better than you can."

Life, Death, and Changing Attitudes

As reflected in "self-love," anti-humanism rests on a beliefsystem that substitutes the sanctity of human life with a new ideology centered on the autonomous individual's wants and desires. This extends to changing views on the most basic events of human existence, birth and death.

Attitudes towards euthanasia are increasingly permissive and expansive. Today a majority of Americans (54%), according to Gallup, think that doctor-assisted suicide is morally acceptable. Ten states now provide euthanasia. Several others, including Massachusetts and Vermont, also want to expand the use of "end of life" procedures.

The United States is behind the curve on this issue. In Canada, euthanasia is being made available even to those not terminally ill. Some apply to be killed due to homelessness or depression; since the new euthanasia law went into effect in 2016, the numbers using it have grown ten-fold. Canadian medical professionals have been reported to urge terminally ill patients to end their lives earlier, in part to defray hospital expenses. There are even government plans to consider allowing assisted suicide for minors without parental consent.

These trends can be seen as well in some European nations, such as Switzerland, where people not terminally ill can orchestrate their own extermination. In Spain, one convicted murderer opted for suicide even before sentencing. Belgium allowed the assisted suicide of a 23-year-old woman with depression, something that has sparked considerable controversy. In Japan, it is widely discussed whether that rapidly aging population should institute euthanasia for the elderly, even those who are not sick or dying. Last year the country experienced twice as many deaths as births.

The shifts here and abroad reveal a diminishing value placed on human life. A Connecticut civil rights lawyer, a former strong supporter of liberalized euthanasia laws, reports how physicians advocated assisted suicide for patients with disabilities, even those able to live longer and thrive.

Similar attitudes toward life define the ever more contentious abortion debate. When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his platform was that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare." Today, the nation's most prominent abortion advocates - like their opposite number in the pro-life movement - leave no room for compromise. Pro-choice leaders often view abortion as an unchallengeable "human right." Just as the idea of limiting abortions for rape and incest, and placing very strict time limits, seems extreme to most Americans, the alternative view that has taken hold is that abortion idea is no longer something to be regretted, but celebrated. And this attitude has only intensified after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.


Potential context for these visions

In the novel, when Gloria Love was a very young Fae and just beginning to connect with the Pleadian Council of Light she had a profound vision. She went into a trance state with her brother and a friend present. The three activated Fae created a trinity portal (one female and two males) for Gloria to be able to access a higher dimensional trance state. In that vision (1993 in Earth time) Gloria saw two things. 

1) Many Fae ending their own lives across all domains within the village. 
2) Many newborn Fae passing away shortly after birth across all domains within the village.

Gloria was shocked and horrified at these awful visions and wondered if there was something wrong with her to see such horrible things occur with absolutely no context whatsoever. Gloria was right at the beginning of her spiritual training, she had not learned how to be objective to her visions and take the observer standpoint. These visions affected her due to their extreme clarity. She never forgot them.

Now all these years later, as Gloria sees developments within the village of the Fae and in the mortal world, she sees the potential context for these visions and is able to share them with those who also understand the importance of remaining focused and intuitively adept via objectivity and the observer viewpoint.

Excerpt from the fictional novel "The Bifurcated Village" by Magenta Pixie 👆 Telegram


21st December 2020: Saturn conjunct Jupiter in the 1st degree of Aquarius

Jupiter and Saturn form their Great Conjunction on the Solstice at 18:22 UT in the first degree of Aquarius. The rigid and asphyxiating consciousness that has shaped our world beyond recognition this year, has caused immeasurable suffering. Countless lives have been devastated and untold suffering has occurred in the shadows, often ignored to further a questionable agenda. But this meeting of the Great Benefic (Jupiter) and the Lord of Karma (Saturn) in the first degree of the sign of collective humanity (Aquarius) signals that our time has come. Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Capricorn have had their chance, and whilst Pluto’s journey through Capricorn continues until the end of 2024, the end of its cosmic alliance with Saturn and Jupiter marks a significant reduction of authoritarian influence in this new cycle of becoming. This is a shift to a horizontal, egalitarian connection from one of vertical superiority. The people – you and me – are arriving in our power.

From one conjunction to another

2020 began with the Saturn Pluto conjunction lending its support to those with aspirations for domination and emboldening those for whom oppression is simply another tool to further personal goals. We all know where that’s got us! As the year ends with Saturn shifting alliance to Jupiter, the planet of inspiration, faith, optimism, freedom and resilience, our personal and collective capacity to embody this shift is potentised. But this is only the beginning. There’s still much to be done and, at times, endured. Saturn works slowly and with great care as it strengthens us for the road ahead. But we must each do our part. We’re not about to be saved, but instead have reached a tipping point at which our influence over the future is coming into its own. This is cause for hope!

Conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter occur every twenty years. They speak to humanity’s efforts to create sustainable structures which allow for a meaningful experience of life on planet earth. Jupiter is a future-focused planet, and Saturn the planet of linear time and the maturation that accompanies it. Together they seek to fulfil the potential of the human family in line with its collective karmic load and combined potentiality. When these planets meet, the old and new co-exist with not a moment’s space between. Whilst we think in terms of linear time, truth exists outside of it, revealing itself in ways we can now better appreciate. The most ancient truths can be as vibrant as cutting-edge thought and the latest perspective as jaded as the most oft repeated lie. This conjunction in Aquarius weaves the past and present into a vivid singularity, creating a perceptual shift which casts both the past and future in a new and illuminating light.

A new dimension of truth

As Jupiter and Saturn herald the beginning of a new twenty-year cycle they expand, beyond our wildest dreams, future possibilities. Who we think we are is changing. More of the mystery is being revealed. They say you can’t change the past but outside of linear time even that isn’t true. Timelines shift and change constantly and within them we can create in ways not possible when we ‘stick to the rules’! Simply casting the eye of the present over our past changes it, for we see in new ways and from fresh perspectives. We know ourselves now to be someone we hadn’t met then, and our present being places the past in its own particular light. Events may remain but their meaning changes and significance shifts as we uncover ever deeper layers of who and what we really are.

In Aquarius our minds are expanded and renewed. Outmoded mental paradigms can be released, unlocking unseen promise of future potentiality. Willingness to embrace the freshest of perspectives allows them to blossom into truth from a new dimension. We must live in full knowledge that what we see is but a fraction of what is, who we are a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos and what we believe may be entirely wrong in every respect. This conjunction plugs us into the cosmic circuitry. It feels electrical, high voltage. It may blow a few fuses but that’s all part of the process. If we can’t take the current we must expand until we can. Dare to think new thoughts, contemplate the impossible, envision a fantastical future. Without doing so we cannot honour the potential of the coming months which will demand great things of us. As Jupiter triggers new perceptions and Saturn tests the validity of our perspective, rather than waiting for change we must be it. If we’re so invested in being right that truth has gone out the window, if we take refuge in false certainty to avoid the chaos of confusion, it’s time to up our game and trade conviction for the mystery, and certainty for a mind so open that nothing’s off the table!
Evolution or entropy

The new age of which many speak is born through us. We do not arrive in it fully formed, nor find ourselves delivered through external intervention. Instead, we birth it from our own becoming. All things move towards evolution or entropy and both states live in this conjunction. Saturn in Aquarius can be stubborn and self-righteous. Unwilling to consider a different perspective, so sure of its own moral certainty. But Jupiter frees it from its moral prison to become a guiding source of wisdom not a stifling source of judgement and fear. Together they invite us to the very edge of consciousness before pushing us into the unknown abyss where all answers ultimately reside.

The Moon is travelling through the final degrees of the zodiac as this conjunction comes to exactitude. Void of Course in Pisces, it warns of the risks of complacency and denial. The stakes are high and nothing is set in stone. We are our own saviours. We must know this without doubt. For in that very knowing is found the sovereign self that fears nothing and no one – radiant, unsullied and free.

As we journey into 2021 this Great Conjunction will light our way. Whoever and whatever we believe ourselves to be is now, more than ever, open to question. We can re-invent ourselves afresh and choose a different future; cast aside the yoke of limiting belief and refuse to be diminished by endless fear. This is our time. Our beginning. Our birth into freedom and endless possibility.

From this single moment in the Solstice silence, we can all arise anew.

Sarah Varcas


Nature conservation is "New Colonialism"

Nature conservation is "New Colonialism" - Africa "A place for white elitists to enjoy"

The ugly face of environmentalism exposed...

"Nature conservation is the new colonialism," Kenyan ecologist Mordecai Ogada told German magazine GEO.

A Kenyan biologist thinks white Europeans and Americans are using "nature conservation" for "self promotion" and have created nothing but failure in Africa.

He accuses NGOs and nature conservation organizations of creating a "permanent crisis" to justify their work and transform Africa into a place for white people to enjoy.

Dr. Ogada, who is author of The Big Conservation Lie, called nature conservation in the GEO interview "elitist, violent and often racist" and that it is a "right-wing agenda enforced with money from the left".

Instrument of power over Africa

He also refers to nature conservation scientists as "prostitutes" and NGOs as "pirates".

"Environmental protection in Africa is above all a mendacious instrument of power for him," commented GEO.

In his book, Ogada, who has worked as a biologist for NGOs for more than 18 years, compared nature conservation in Africa to apartheid because "projects are run by whites" who make all the decisions and use black researchers as window dressing, adding: "you suddenly realize that decisions are forced on you by people who are less qualified and often white."

Rules of colonial times

Dr. Ogada told GEO: "Nature conservation in Africa still follows the rules of colonial times: keep black people away from nature so that white people can enjoy it."

"White saviors" and nature conservation above all

In Kenya, because of the religious nature conservation fervor by elitists, no crime is as grave as poaching and it is the only one that leads to an immediate death penalty."

"In Kenya, we arrest robbers, kidnappers, murderers and bring them to justice. But we shoot poachers. Sometimes it happens to someone who is just walking through a protected area," he told GEO. "Nature conservation organizations spend millions to bring their romantic message to the people: the story of white saviors who save the wildlife in Africa - from the Africans."

Six gorillas more important than hundreds of Africans

Ogada also illustrates how western values are gravely out of whack, using the example of six poached gorillas at Virunga that made western headlines but not widescale killing and raping of women and children: "But the worst thing about it was that at the same time Virunga was considered one of the world's worst rape scenes. Hundreds of women were raped every day, children were killed. And none of it made the news. Just the six dead gorillas. And that is so fundamentally wrong."

NGOs in it for money, power..."no angels"

Ogada also doubts that the millions of dollars protect animals at all: "No. That money makes some people very rich. These organizations pay high salaries. They buy guns, ammunition, helicopters. They build up a kind of parallel government, including security agencies."

Dr. Ogada claims big nature conservation organisations create crisis to justify their work. "Nature conservation is the only area where we reward failure. They have done nothing or the wrong thing for 40 years." He tells GEO: "Nature conservation is a business. And environmentalists are no angels."

Goodall, Fossey: In it for "self-promotion"

Ogada also thinks very little of conservationists like Jane Goodall or Dian Fossey and that it's about "self-promotion above all else", adding: Dian Fossey's militias killed people they suspected of being poachers. She was murdered in revenge for violating other people's rights."


Holding The Tension Between Opposites

Reflections and Recommendations by Bernhard Guenther

There is something bigger happening way beyond what we see on a 3D level right now. The mind can't grasp it. There is a great opportunity right here and right now and this is a huge spiritual lesson more than anything else.

This IS an opportunity for alchemical transformation but it is also an internal job for the outside will always reflect the inside. The mud and forces of the unconscious and the underworld are rising up; all that you/I/we have suppressed (fears, wounds, and traumas) is coming to surface, begging to be integrated, healed, and transmuted so we can ascend to a higher state of Being while transforming the world as embodied frequency anchors.

In fact, the supramental consciousness of the Divine is also descending, stirring up the shadow of the collective to be transmuted into Light. This is a long process spanning over lifetimes but there are key "junctures" like what's happening now and each individual's choice determines the outcome. Disillusionment IS part of the process. As the Mother (and Sri Aurobindo) prophesized, we are approaching (or already in) the Dark Night of Civilization. The collective Dark Night of the Soul. A necessary process for the outer reflects the inner, as above, so below. The only way out is in and through.

Again, this is an amazing opportunity for the ones answering the call seeing through the veil of reality and what lays ahead.

This alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities, creativity, and abundance but it must be rooted in integrity and sincerity, and ultimately a spiritual foundation and aspiration embodied and grounded in the body as conscious transducers of the Divine Force. It's not about trying to escape anything. No place in the world is "safe" from what is happening.

One thing that is fascinating to observe on the sidelines (without identifying with any side) whenever I was checking-in recently on social media is the increasing posts of projections towards Trump.

On the one side, you have all the negative shadow projections towards the man, blaming him for everything up to mass murder because of "negligence", desperately trying to "get him out of power". On the other side, you have all the positive shadow projections (what Jung called "golden shadow") towards Trump, hailing him as the savior/lightworker who is going to take down the cabal, desperately trying to "keep him in power".

And it is starting to get extreme. In the view of the one side (mostly people self-identified as "the left"), Trump cannot possibly do anything right and is being demonized. In the view of the other side (mostly people self-identified as "the right" intermixed with New Age Types and Christians too), Trump cannot do possibly wrong to the point of being worshipped.

As Robert Bly wrote in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow": "The issue is not so much that we do project but how long we keep the projections out there. Projection without personal contact is dangerous."

And then both sides (pro/anti-Trump) hate on each other too. What a "loosh" fest, especially on social media, getting trapped in the duality of left/right...and we know who feeds off of all that.

Trump has to carry a LOT of psychic pressure due to these negative/positive projections of the masses. Bly wrote about the danger of that as well when projected on one single person.

Here's something to self-reflect on, even beyond Trump but in your everyday life, especially during these times for there is something much bigger at works on unseen levels:

Are you able to hold the tension between opposites without identifying with either side, without any preferences of outcome, without likes or dislikes, without desire? Are you able to go beyond Hope or Fear, Attraction or Repulsion? Are you able to withdraw all projections (positive and negative) and stay with that friction internally in your body without externalizing - without blame or savior projections - without rationalizing or analyzing?

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the Great Work to transmute Lead into Gold, connecting you to Truth, the Divine within and without which will eventually transmute the world. Shadow work and Inner Alchemy. It's not an easy process as I experience in myself, for a lot of "shit" does and will come up which you can't blame on anything or anyone externally anymore.

This alchemical inner process of not attaching to either side has also nothing to do with being "neutral" or "apathy" as some people seem to mistake it. The former is mostly a disassociative state, trapped in the mind, the latter based on "inverted" negative emotions. It's not an intellectual or philosophical exercise. In fact, the more head-centric you are - the more intellectually driven you are - the harder it will be for you to drop down and into the body and connect with the Truth of your Being.

This process has also nothing to do with non-action or just being passive. Quite the contrary, right conscious action (that is unique to YOU) in alignment with the Divine arises out of this process, less distorted through our ignorance, projections, and conditioning (including wounds and trauma).

But we have a long way to go. This is just a beginning.

None the less, the opportunity is here, right now and it doesn't depend on anything or anyone out there but on YOU.

So, as a suggestion, use the self-isolating time wisely. Don't waste it on relentless media news consumption.

As Gurdjieff said, the moment we're born, we live on borrowed time. You could extend that exercise to meditate/contemplate on Death as well. It will lead you to the cure out of this collective Death/Fear Anxiety (which is what this virus scare triggers, ultimately), holding the tension between the seeming opposites of Birth and Death....and witness what comes up within, the thrid Firce....or the opposition between life and death....or is it an opposite? ;-)

Bernhard Guenther


not obvious to people that something is seriously wrong

We each answer for ourselves. And once we do answer the call to wake up we take action. That's the only rational response. We'll tell others like there's no tomorrow, because there may not be one if we don't. We take appropriate action in our own lives first and move to prepare our loved ones for what may be immediate consequences of what we've realized is going on and how to avoid or mitigate it. We change our eating and buying habits, we re-evaluate our livelihood, personal attachments and living conditions.

All the while intelligently yet passionately sharing what we've discovered to be true and the possible consequences.

That's called waking up. And it's not comfortable. It's a lot of hard work, and takes a lot of courage. But really we're only acting in a responsible manner when we do so, simply doing what's right. It's not that big of a deal - unless our priority is how we appear to others, and keeping old patterns of behavior and possessions that we call "comforts".

Ignoring the blatantly obvious...



In him nothing is left undone, every thing becomes complete once taken in his hands.
His light allows all things to become what they are and they are neither right nor wrong but beyond these things.
Where there is no question, that is where he is. He draws all doubt toward him and then up and beyond to where everything is certain.
There no blame exists, no eyes differentiate, the mind can think no thoughts. Liken that place to a clear sky for in him no person is lesser than he nor greater.
He shall give you back your honesty; then he will lift you up, go back to where you came from and start anew.
For in him all things are what they are: innocent as if they had just been awoken from the birthing and yet silent as if they were passing, onwards from this life to the next.


the write riddle

I must write what I know, but I know not what to write. I don’t know what to make of this life.
One moment I feel joy to be part of this world and another moment I fall apart on the floor and I know tears. For many years I have known sorrow and war.
Is this what I know?
I must write what I feel, but I don’t feel right.
Sometimes I take delight in simple things but later on I‘m afraid about future states of mind that are unkind.
This must be what living is like for me. These are the eyes with which I see.
Are these my hands with which I write?
I must write what is real but what is there at the core?
There are stories about people, images of moments, emotions and more.
Who am I? What am I here for?
I am here to write about something real knowing then that I cannot write.
At the core there is no right or wrong only silence, no words, and no violence. No reason for writing or fighting.
Nothing exists at the core.
Does nothing real exist?
These last few days I have felt a deep sadness. I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore.


no right no wrong

There are those who truly believe there is a right and a wrong; there is one way and all other ways are wrong. They are not happy people. Only when they are surrounded by others who say, "Yes, we are right" do they approach any form of happiness. Even then it is not happiness, it is agreement. Agreement to what? Not to their own spirit, but to someone else's vision of what spirit should be.
Onereon through Jeff Michaels


If not the mind then what?

Read this post first: Stress and the Mind
So we have this situation and I think it’s all registering on you, isn’t it? So, now, it’s pretty evident that we are all going to be going completely out of our minds. It’s gonna happen. So we might as well go ahead and look at what’s out there, outside of your mind. What’s out there is your intuition. What is outside of your own mind is your Intuition. Your own personal knowing. Your own personal power. Intuition—your own knowing without having to rely on any outside information or evidence whatsoever—was given a death sentence by the Catholics during the Inquisition. They murdered over 4 Million women for having intuition. [There was a news story, where the Pope was asking for forgiveness for what the Catholic Church had done during the Inquisition.] Should we go ahead and forgive them? I think so. Those 4 million women, anybody, anybody who professed to know something without first producing the actual physical evidence on how they came to know it, was declared a witch and they were burned and dragged and stabbed. They were persecuted. As a result, intuition went out of style. We just put it on the shelf. The Catholics knew what they were doing because this is your personal power, it’s your own power, and you know the law of supply and demand. If everyone’s got power then what’s mine worth. If nobody’s got power and I’ve got it, mine’s worth a whole lot more. And that’s what they were doing to everybody. And that caught on and has been brought forward to the situation we’re in right now. And thank you Pope for asking for forgiveness; it’s about time.
You know we pay athletes a lot of money, don’t we? To play silly games, don’t we? It’s almost ludicrous, almost crazy, millions of dollars a year to go out and play a game. Are we nuts? Maybe not. Because you see these athletes when they’re out there under very stressful conditions; playing for a national championship, with all kinds of money and your next year’s career on the line and all kinds of endorsements and all that; under tremendous stress. Instead of going into the fight or flight syndrome, which would have them kicked off the court or off the team, instead of doing that, these guys routinely go into the zone and they make the spectacular play. Under tremendous stress, with everything happening all at once, they just go step back, see and know everything about the moment. Have you read any of those interviews with the quarterbacks or hockey players who see the play in slow motion? Have you heard about that? That’s how they stay in the game, by being in the zone, riding their intuition. There is no time to think about it; if you think about it, you’ve lost.
Being in the zone, being in their intuition is why we pay them the money, because they are doing something that we know is vitally important, something that we admire. We admire it; that’s why we pay for it. Those clothes that you’re wearing, I bet that at some time or another you bought them. And the reason you paid anything for them is because you admired that apparel. And the more you admire something, the more it is worth to you, and the more you will pay. And that’s really the basis of all exchange; is how much it is admired. You can even admire how much you hate something, or how much distaste you have for it, or how ugly something is, can’t you? Ugh, that’s ugly. It’s an amount of admiration. In fact, it’s what beings exchange. Beings exchange admiration rather than money or thoughts or communication. They really exchange admiration between one another. If you want to know where the economy is moving to, it’s moving away from money, isn’t it? It’s moving into the exchange of admiration, rather than physical goods.
But this intuition, being in the zone is very, very important. And, since we are all going to be going out of our minds…oh, you’ll still have one. It’s sort of like you still have bodies; we’re using those as a vehicle. You’ll still have a mind, you can still add 2 and 2 and that kind of thing. But when it comes down to dealing with changes, and the amount of rapid change that is coming, this is the only thing that will work (Intuition). We will not have time to think it through, you will only have time to take the action. And when you’re thinking, when you’re using the mind, what’s also in there is all the fears, doubts, worry. Big clue, how do you know it’s your intuition and not your mind? Your intuition is always, no matter the circumstance—and you guys that were in the accidents, remember—when you are engaged in your intuition, there is no fear. There was a calm certainty a knowing of what to do. There was no time to worry about whether you were doing this right or wrong; it was direct action. Your intuition no matter what or how dire the circumstances, your intuition will always be calm and knowing. Your mind, on the other hand, will throw in the kitchen sink. I’ve talked to some people who have shared experiences about these accidents and whatnot, they made it through the experience and other passengers or companions didn’t survive the situation. And these people knew exactly why the passengers didn’t survive and they did. It was because they personally stayed right there in the moment. While the other passenger was going... “Oh, no, I’m denying this is happening at all.” They were in their mind; the survivor was in their intuition. That’s how important this is.
Source: Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North

Stress and the Mind

The mind is a tool that’s suppose to do its job: seeing the similarities and differences so that you can make decisions concerning your survival. Now when the mind—which is a self-preserving mechanism—when the mind understands that it can’t do its job, or its not adequately able to make good decisions about your future, it’s got a built in, evolved in, safety over-ride system. And it goes in stages. The first stage of that safety over-ride is called stress. When your mind is not sure of what’s coming, it sends your body a signal. This is your walk-away response. You’re supposed to get up and walk away. Animals have this down really good. A dog will smell something weird and will just get up and leave. Us on the other hand, we have had parents and teachers and now employers who would not have us just get up and walk away, right. So, we have adapted to stress; as a matter of fact, stress is a character evaluation on you. How much stress can you handle?? That’s right, because if you could handle more stress, you’d go further up the corporate ladder. That’s really what the glass ceiling is on each person; how much stress can you handle? [I was just going to say that most disability companies no longer accept stress as a reason for being away from work. You cannot get that coverage anymore, as of 2 years ago.] Right. Meanwhile, doctors, the AMA, proclaims that 80% of everything that goes wrong with your body begins with stress. Stress is such an epidemic proportion that all the benefits that used to be afforded to workers for stress have been cut off. Everybody’s got stress; it’s a pandemic.
If you make a telephone call, you’re hooked up to computers that are making something like 4-5 billion decisions per second. Your mind is doing 24. Consciousness is moving at at least 5 billion decisions per second.
Do you understand that consciousness is as fast as you can realize, so now we’re talking about nano-seconds which is one hundredth thousandth of a second. Wow. Consciousness has just sped away from your mind. It used to be, when this territory was settled the people who settled it built everything in their house from the foundation, to the floor, to the windows, to the bunk beds, to the chairs, to the tables. Everything they built with their own hands didn’t they? Except maybe the pump and the skillet; everything else, they built it. They even had a certain amount of knowing about how to do it; they knew how to do it. Go ahead, go home and build a light bulb. That kind of thing is a source for stress. When your computer goes down, there’s a whole lot that the mind doesn’t know about, and it generates this stress. Like I said it’s a pandemic everywhere.
Fight or Flight
Okay so you’re supposed to handle the stress; you’re suppose to adapt to stress and the stress builds and as we’ve just seen that this acceleration continues to accelerate. So what’s next, if you don’t handle the stress, then you go into this. The mind goes into the fight or flight. Now here, all logic is suspended. There is no similarity or difference any more. It’s just a drop of adrenaline in your system and the body is supposed to either run away or fight its way out to preserve your way of survival. That’s the mechanism. This though, this fight or flight, this is desk-rage, this is road-rage, this is Columbine High School, this is terrorism and all wars. That’s what this is. And that is on a massive increase, isn’t it?
Going Unconscious
So what happens if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away? For instance, if you go in and punch the boss in the nose or your teacher, you’re going to end up in jail or at least out of a job. Right. So if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away, what’s left? There’s one last ditch effort on the part of the mind to survive this: unconsciousness. If you can’t run away or fight your way out, what are you supposed to do if a bear attacks you? You’re supposed to play dead. Maybe he’ll only eat your arm. You’ve seen other animals use that technique, haven’t you? They get caught and they just turn over on their back with their belly up and they play dead. It is a survival tactic. It also happens to be the mother of all addictions and the father of all suicides. Basically this is the denial of experience. All addictions are a person’s chosen method to remain unconscious. And it doesn’t matter if it’s alcohol or drugs or work or gambling or shopping or sitcoms. All addictions are a chosen method to stay unconscious. And how many people do you know, yourself excluded, who are stuck in that sort of thing? A whole bunch of people, huh? You’re starting to get the impact of what this acceleration means. 400 years ago, people had lots of time to sit and ponder things, before they changed. And 400 years ago, you had lots of 24ths of a second to work it out. Now it’s not that way and it’s going to get faster and faster on everybody you know, including yourself. This is a serious situation; this is why the world looks like it’s going to pieces, because it is. The mind was not built for speed. It was evolved when things were going a lot slower. Trying to keep your mind up to speed is sort of like taking your donkey for a run behind the family station wagon at 75 miles per hour. It’s just not pretty. But that’s what’s happening to everyone and it’s going to get even more dramatic in the future. If it's not the mind then what?
Source: Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North


Prejudice in the Twilight, the Special Edition

by draconian_animator
I guess I sit mighty pretty on my throne glancing down at everyone who is flawed - those who cannot forgive, those who cannot understand, those that repress and live in denial, those that cannot admit they are flawed.
I am not trying to be holier than thou, but being brought up by sages, the right course of action seems very clear to me. I have not taken any course of action that I have not repeatedly questioned myself, is what I am doing hurting anyone, am I doing something that will lead to another problem, is what I am doing worth hurting someone; the last one's answer is always no, and therefore by deduction I will know where I have gone wrong. There is not a moment when I don't question my actions. Am I blinded by my pride, am I blinded by ego, am I considerate. I have seen Tobiases, I have seen the Comtes and the Serges. I have seen Angels and Demons, and that is why I will not be them. I will not cause the problems, I will not impose my judgement on them. I can only advise them, when they are born, when they arm themselves for battle, during the battle even, but it is their decision. Once I have said my piece, I am only along to let the events unfold.
I have not been caught in the whirlpool of drama yet, but time will see that I will have it light. Aquarian Fire