
relax in the higher vibration

At this stage in humanity we are still very much connected and living through the mind and we definitely still need it but we are approaching a time in which we will start to connect more and more through the heart and seek to re-connect with the earth and with the cosmos.

There will be a new way of communicating and expressing our love and gratitude because this is the only way we will save the planet and ourselves. It is the next step, we have come this far.

We will get to this place soon because we want to learn, we want to grow and we want to experience more. We can be in that place now anywhere.

Once we start living through the heart, we become more accepting and more "at home", we strengthen our connection with ‘source’ and we attract more, we experience more but we are content with what we have and this is a higher vibration.

End duality. Enter unity.


  1. Great to see your posting again!!!

  2. It's great to see posting again, but I also think you can do a whole lot better than this post. You're saying stuff you have already said 20 times before. I would love to see you express yourself in more rational terms for a change, using different forms than the abstract.

  3. This is a thoughtful and meditative post. It is nice to see you back online and thanks for the little visit.

  4. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Wow amazing post...loved it. I really enjoy reading your blog; it always has great dialogue. I was wondering if your readers have heard anything about online carbon calculators. I am not an environmental nerd but I came across a couple, and with everyone going green these days I thought I would check out my footprint. I took my test at WWF.com, and the EPA site along with www.earthlab.com. Does anyone know about any other ones? Let me know, and it would be cool to hear any thoughts on these things. Oh and I think Earthlab.com is the best site it has the easiest calculator to use and they are doing stuff with the super bowl, spinning football and global warming together is pretty impressive.

  5. Hello anomynous, http://www.globalfootprint.org/ is also a good site to check your footprint!

  6. Thanks for the comments and the constructive feedback.

    It's weird suddenly blogging again and I do feel as if I have said alot of things before on certain subjects and I should maybe leave what I have already said to speak for itself and move on to a different less abstract form of communication.
    Still thinking this over...in the mean time I am getting up to date with some of my favourite bloggers (like princess Haiku) and getting some of the blog-inspiration I was missing.

    hello anonymous, Thanks for the comments, I like earthlab.com, its great to see more green consciousness spreading and being presented in such a down to earth way.
    Global footprint is good, its simple and takes only a few seconds. My total footprint was 2.7which is below average but still not good. I would like to cut down on animal intake to reduce that score.
    Thanks J for the link.

  7. yo Anonymous, there is nothing wrong in being an environmental nerd by the way.
    I wish everyone was crazy about saving this sacred planet.
