
Focus Shift

I have been enjoying experimenting with the new energy and the Law of Attraction, I have been feeling so grateful and at home in my new surroundings. There is an abundance of things around me, I have everything I need, these kinds of thoughts, and the universe is responding. I am aware of how this works now more than ever before. (Relax in the higher vibration)
Last week though: struggles, feeling stuck, disorientation, suddenly back in the old energy. There were some issues (money and addictions) and they floored me in one dismal sweep and it was like once again everything I have ever learned had disappeared.
I know that most of the humans on earth (because we are all linked) are going through a psychological shift that has been quite intense of late. The inner is now being manifested in the outer and you can see that all over the world: the shift. The old structures are collapsing and I was feeling it.
Enter Valley.
Because of my relaxation months and the abundance and balance (and the organic food) I had become a little self absorbed and oblivious, nothing wrong with that, it was after all a Capricorn-good-living-vibe that I had not yet fully experienced and it was good. (Sweet indulgence)
My chakra’s have been over stimulated these past weeks and kind of had an overload. I have been open and speaking, I have shown more of myself in the past few months than I have in years. I have had a lot of acceptance for myself. The chakras have been aligned but had been overrun by the powerful new energy that my body just can’t handle yet and they spun out. I am overwhelmed by the intensity (drama queen). My body is incorporating the new energy but it needs time, it needs devotion.
I am being forced to change, if I want to fully embody the new energy I must change my lifestyle and my focus. The reminders were unpleasant, they were necessary. Although the suffering is unpleasant, it is necessary.
Although I feel stuck (because I can’t have everything at once) I have to trust and open my eyes. Shift my focus. I have to get back into that flow of gratitude for what I have again, gratitude for all these things around me, for all these things within me.
I have everything I need right now. Patience. Trust.


  1. It's great to read such a personal post! Respect
    Let go of all your presumptions, in order to adapt much easier.

  2. Lately I've been bringing out the J(judging) in INFJ.
    Trying now to be less self-judgemental and more accepting, even of those aspects that cause me to squirm and writhe in anger, pity or lust.
    Presumptions cause stress, true.
