Showing posts with label DEATH/DYING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEATH/DYING. Show all posts


Sudden Deaths Accelerating? Tipping Point on Horizon w/ Dr. Makis

Sudden Deaths Accelerating? Tipping Point on Horizon w/ Dr. Makis 

Dr. William Makis, expert in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology, joins the program to share his incredible experience creating much more effective cancer treatments only to see his work be taken over and shut down by Canada. Fortunately, top cancer institutions in the United States do allow his life saving treatments, but only at stage 4, not initially which would ease suffering, cost less and be more effective. Makis also is on the front lines exposing the sudden deaths occurring all over the world. You can learn more about Dr. William Makis at


The Reincarnation Soul-Recycling Matrix Trap – Is Earth A Soul-Entrapment Prison?

 By Bernhard Guenther, January 28, 2024

I want to address a topic that seems to have become very popular in the fringe conspiracy scene: the idea that reincarnation is a trap of the alien hyper-dimensional matrix to recycle souls to keep us entrapped, providing more “food” for the hyper-dimensional overlords.

It also ties into another topic I see many people talking about: “the tunnel of light trap.” According to that idea, we should avoid going towards the light after we die since it is a trap that “recycles” us back into the Matrix and keeps us enslaved on this “prison planet.”

I’ve read about these concepts from various authors and researchers over the years and addressed them already in past articles. People keep asking me about it, so instead of referring to my articles where I have already written about it, here is a summary of what I wrote before with added commentary.

Full article:


The Fading Family / Life, Death, and Changing Attitudes

Unlike traditional religious holidays, sacralized Earth Day festivities likely will not celebrate the family or human fecundity. Around the world, the ties between parents, children and extended family are clearly weakening and thus undermining the bonds that have held human society together from the earliest times.

Increasingly the very idea of family is under assault, particularly from universities and media that openly criticize monogamy and the nuclear family while extolling a wide array of alternatives including polyamory and some form of collectivized childrearing. Columnist David Brooks of the New York Times, who last week fretted that "human beings are soon going to be eclipsed" by AI, also argued in The Atlantic in 2020 that "the nuclear family was a mistake." Brooks, no woke zealot, oddly echoed the group Black Lives Matter, which made opposition to the nuclear family a part of its basic original platform, even though family breakdown has hurt African American boys most of all. One prominent feminist, Sophie Lewis, advocates "full surrogacy" as a replacement for the traditional family.

To be sure, many children are being brought up without two parents. The number of children living in single parent households has more than doubled in the last 50 years. In the United States, the rate of single parenthood has grown from 10% in 1960 to over 40% today.

Rather than a nation of families, the United States is becoming a collection of autonomous human beings and childless households. The impacts of a weaker family, as Brookings Institution scholar Richard Reeves and others have noted, are felt most among poorer people, and particularly their offspring. "This is probably the best documented fact in sociology in America that no one wants to admit," observed demographer Mary Eberstadt.

The links between family dysfunction and crime have been clear since at least the 1970s. This breakdown has worsened as city leaders in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, New York and other urban centers now accept homelessness, open drug markets, and petty crime. This can be viewed as another aspect of anti-humanism, rejecting the notion that people are capable of productive and fulfilling lives. Instead of seeing people as members of a community with obligations to one another, it reflects a kind of live-and-let-die individualism that leads to isolation, despair, and anger.

The Friendless American

Family decline reflects just one aspect of an increasingly dehumanized social order. The U.S. Census Bureau has found that 28% of American households had just one person in 2020. In 1940, this number was just 8%. In a recent survey conducted by Cigna, researchers found that almost 80% of adults from the ages of 18 to 24 reported feeling lonely. In 2018, even before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, one study showed that 54% of Americans felt like no one in their life knew them well. The "atomization" of America, first examined 20 years ago by Robert Putnam in books such as "Bowling Alone," has been simply "speeding out in the wrong direction," warns journalist Jennifer Senior.

As the pandemic wound down in the spring of 2022 and many were looking to resume their lives as normally as possible, a survey of American adults revealed that many people found it harder to form relationships now, and one-fourth of adults felt anxious about socializing. The biggest source of anxiety, shared by 29% of respondents, was "not knowing what to say or how to interact." As social commentator Arthur Brooks notes, "Many of us have simply forgotten how to be friends."

But it's young people who bear the brunt of the loneliness wave. Data from the American Enterprise Institute's Survey on Community and Society indicate that younger Americans are, in fact, considerably more lonely and isolated than older Americans. For instance, 44% of 18 to 29-year-olds report feeling completely alone at least sometimes, compared with just 19% of 60 to 70-year-olds. Perhaps most troubling, 22% of younger Americans stated that they "rarely" or "never" have someone they can turn to when in need. For older Americans, this number was just 5%.

So, what replaces human connections? The solution is increasingly expressed as self-love -- the notion that the individual, however flawed, needs to be celebrated above all other human connections. According to one recent survey, 44% of people believe self-love is an essential aspect of mental health. For some, like pop singer Lizzo, self-love means accepting even traits such as obesity, which are clear threats to basic health.

In this tech-dominant future, even the most pleasurable direct human contact is being supplanted by artificial stimulus. Many younger people are falling into what researchers have characterized as a "sex recession." There has been a significant rise in artificial sex and numerous reports have found that pornography consumption can negatively impact marital intimacy and reduce relationship satisfaction. Younger generations are having sex less often and experiencing far more relationship instability, leading to fewer marriages and more atomization. In Japan, the harbinger of modern Asian demographics, roughly a third of men enter their 30s as virgins and a quarter of men over 50 never marry. Nearly a third of Japanese in their 30s have never had sex.

Psychologist Maytal Eyal, writing in Time, quotes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggesting that that loving yourself is "the one foundation of everything." She also quotes Nicole LaPera, a clinical psychologist with 6.4 million followers, who claims "Self-love is our natural state," citing Miley Cyrus, whose recent hit "Flowers" proclaims, "I can love me better than you can."

Life, Death, and Changing Attitudes

As reflected in "self-love," anti-humanism rests on a beliefsystem that substitutes the sanctity of human life with a new ideology centered on the autonomous individual's wants and desires. This extends to changing views on the most basic events of human existence, birth and death.

Attitudes towards euthanasia are increasingly permissive and expansive. Today a majority of Americans (54%), according to Gallup, think that doctor-assisted suicide is morally acceptable. Ten states now provide euthanasia. Several others, including Massachusetts and Vermont, also want to expand the use of "end of life" procedures.

The United States is behind the curve on this issue. In Canada, euthanasia is being made available even to those not terminally ill. Some apply to be killed due to homelessness or depression; since the new euthanasia law went into effect in 2016, the numbers using it have grown ten-fold. Canadian medical professionals have been reported to urge terminally ill patients to end their lives earlier, in part to defray hospital expenses. There are even government plans to consider allowing assisted suicide for minors without parental consent.

These trends can be seen as well in some European nations, such as Switzerland, where people not terminally ill can orchestrate their own extermination. In Spain, one convicted murderer opted for suicide even before sentencing. Belgium allowed the assisted suicide of a 23-year-old woman with depression, something that has sparked considerable controversy. In Japan, it is widely discussed whether that rapidly aging population should institute euthanasia for the elderly, even those who are not sick or dying. Last year the country experienced twice as many deaths as births.

The shifts here and abroad reveal a diminishing value placed on human life. A Connecticut civil rights lawyer, a former strong supporter of liberalized euthanasia laws, reports how physicians advocated assisted suicide for patients with disabilities, even those able to live longer and thrive.

Similar attitudes toward life define the ever more contentious abortion debate. When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his platform was that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare." Today, the nation's most prominent abortion advocates - like their opposite number in the pro-life movement - leave no room for compromise. Pro-choice leaders often view abortion as an unchallengeable "human right." Just as the idea of limiting abortions for rape and incest, and placing very strict time limits, seems extreme to most Americans, the alternative view that has taken hold is that abortion idea is no longer something to be regretted, but celebrated. And this attitude has only intensified after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Woe, the humanity: How AI fits into broadly rising anti-humanism

The future of humanity is becoming ever less human. The astounding capabilities of ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence have triggered fears about the coming age of machines leaving little place for human creativity or employment. Even the architects of this brave new world are sounding the alarm. Sam Altman, chairman and CEO of OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, recently warned that artificial intelligence poses an "existential risk" to humanity and warned Congress that artificial intelligence "can go quite wrong."

While history is littered with apocalyptic predictions, the new alarms are different because they are taking place amid broad cultural forces that suggest human beings have lost faith in themselves and connections with humanity in general.

The new worldview might best be described as anti-humanism. This notion rejects the idea that human beings are perennially ingenious, socially connected creatures capable of wondrous creations - religious scripture, the plays of Shakespeare, the music of Beethoven, the science of Einstein. Instead, it casts people, society, and human life itself as a problem. Instead of seeing society as a tool to help people to build and flourish, it stresses the need to limit the damage humanity might do.

Many climate change activists, for example, argue that humanity's extinction could be a net plus for planet earth. State-sanctioned euthanasia, which just a few years ago was considered a radical assault on the sanctity of life, is becoming common practice in many Western countries - available not just to the terminally ill but those who are just tired of living.

All this is taking place as social science research reveals that people are increasingly cutting themselves off from one another. The traditional pillars of community and connection - family, friends, children, church, neighborhood - have been withering, fostering an everyday existence defined for many people by loneliness. The larger notion of human beings as constituting a larger, collective project with some sense of common goal is being replaced by a solipsistic individualism, which negates the classical liberal values of self-determination and personal freedoms in a worldview that nullifies the societies they built.

These trends, which have been studied largely in isolation, could be amplified by the ascendance of artificial intelligence. As humanity wrestles with powerful new technologies, a growing body of research suggests that a more fundamental question may be whether human beings are willing to shape their own legacy in the new world order.


Lisa Renee on Transhumanism

“Transhumanism is an international, cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition, by making available technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

Many transhumanists believe in the compatibility between the human mind and computer hardware, with the implication that human consciousness can be transferred to alternative media, known as mind uploading.

Since the Science of the Soul and the consciousness functions of the spiritual bodies, have not yet been discovered by scientists, this has potentially extremely destructive consequences to human consciousness and the electromagnetic functions of the Lightbody.

Transhumanism is a school of thought that seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition. Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans. Some examples are redesigning the human organism using advanced nanotechnology or radical technological enhancements.

Some of the proposed biological enhancements are using some combination of technologies such as genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, life extension therapies, neural interfaces, brain mapping, wearable or implanted computers, and entrainment of cognitive techniques.

Most of these options are designed to disconnect the human soul from the human body, and prepare the body to be used as a shell for a new host. Effectively, this is integrating technological and pharmaceutical hybridization to damage human DNA, as preparation for body snatching. [Note: Now we can see the real purpose of the COVID mRNA Vaccine as I’ve written about before]

The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism concept is the A.I. downloaded into the scientific human mind from the Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality by hijacking human consciousness and ultimately possessing the human host body. They do not have flesh and bone bodies and covet ours.

Transhumanism stresses the evolutionary perspective, yet it completely ignores the electromagnetic function of human DNA and the consciousness reality of the multidimensional human soul-spirit. They claim to want to stop human suffering but have no idea of the alien machinery and mind control implants used to imprison human consciousness. They know nothing about the afterlife, what happens during the death of the body or even how the human body or Universe really works, yet they want to control every aspect of the human body with artificial technology.

A primary goal of many transhumanists is to convince the public that embracing radical technology and science is in the human species best interest. With the False God Alien Religions used to spread the rhetoric of fear and mindless obedience on one end, and the primarily atheistic science used to mock all things religious without any comprehension of true spiritual understanding on the other, they have the bases covered. Consciousness and spiritual groups are quickly labeled conspiracy theorists by scientists to intimidate, discredit and shut us up.

None of these transhumanist people, are remotely qualified to be put in charge of scientifically directing the future evolution of the human species. Propping up egomaniacs and psychopaths, and giving them power and control over world affairs and influence over public perception is the game of the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) Controllers.

The true knowledge of the Sacred Sciences of the Soul and mechanics of human multidimensional consciousness have been obliterated from record and conveniently mind controlled out from the majority of sciences. If scientists integrate theories of the soul or consciousness outside of the consensus of the mind control standard, they risk ridicule and losing their funding and careers.

The quest for biological immortality on a prison planet is ludicrous when experiencing the capability of human multidimensional consciousness. After the human body expires, if the undeveloped and disembodied consciousness is merged and assimilated into artificial intelligence, the remnants of that human soul will not have a human body to incarnate into any longer. Hence, that person will lose their connection to organic spiritual biology and cease to be human. Transhumanism is a consciousness trap.

Archons and many of these negative groups are inherently parasites that require human life force and must feed on consciousness energy to survive. The Transhumanism movement is another level of the NAA satanic agenda to gain full control over the biological-neurological and brain networks of human beings, thus controlling the human collective consciousness.

Mind control is about complete control over the central neurological system and controlling all impulses firing into the brain centers. Once technology or an entity has control over the human neurological system and brain, they easily hack into the soul and siphon consciousness energy.

If they are successful in marketing transhumanism as the next sexy trend, made attractive with promises of human immortality and superhuman powers, they open the door wide to satanic force possession of technologically hybridized human bodies. These dark entities have been denied access into higher dimensional realms, and they think that if they possess human bodies they can ride the human consciousness like a galactic hitchhiker.

The grand deception of Transhumanism, is widely promoted as humans having control over their own evolution, when what they are really doing is selling their soul and losing access to organic human consciousness.”

The A.I. Transhumanism Occult Trap

By Bernhard Guenther, December 15, 2022


Consciousness Trap, Soul Harvesting, and Body Snatching
The Temptation of A.I. & Artificial Beauty
The Epidemic of Cosmetic Surgeries, Botox, and Fillers
The Erosion of Human Creativity and Relationships
The Trend Is Not Your Friend – Wetiko In Action
Soul Embodiment and the Necessity for Psycho-Spiritual Self-Work


I remember the days in the 90s when no one had a cell phone. I was in my 20’s back then. When you were on vacation or just out and about, getting groceries or hanging out with your friends, no one could get a hold of you, and no one you were hanging out with would get distracted by a device in their pocket. Maybe, at best, you had a message on the answering machine of your landline when you got home, but that was about it.

Fast forward 30 years, and most people can’t even live without their smartphone anymore, and not only for practical and/or business reasons but mainly because they are addicted to the dopamine hits they get when checking email, messages, social media, posting photos, playing games, or just browsing the internet. High-speed internet has also eroded most people’s attention span, focus, and concentration [by design]. If you’re one of those people, you’ll most likely have problems finishing reading this article.

We live in the digital age of information. A.I. has already taken over many tasks, and its role in our lives is only increasing exponentially as we move into a Transhumanism age with its attempt to merge man with machine.

My intention with this article is not to “black-pill” anyone, nor is it to project a doom&gloom fear frequency into the future. My intention is to give a sober reality check regarding the potential dangers of Transhumanism/A.I. (for the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear). I hope that with this awareness, we can become more conscious.

Instead of being “taken over” by A.I. through our unconscious programming, wounds, and blindspots, my hope is you can use this information as an inspiration and catalyst to deepen your inner work, your connection to the Divine, and embrace the friction and battle to rise up as the spiritual warriors you came here to be during this Time of Transition, maximizing your soul potential in The Process of Awakening.

A.I./Transhumanism is a very big topic. You could write a series of books about its dangers and benefits based on whatever angle you tackle it from. To be clear, I don’t see this topic in black or white myself, either. I’m not anti-technology; this article is not about rejecting technology, just retreating into the woods and living as our ancestors did. I’m not interested in reviving an archaic past. I embrace the pull of the future in this ongoing adventure of consciousness.

I enjoy technology and its conscious use, and I’m also not completely opposed to A.I. But I am also in favor of organic soul evolution and activating my “inner technology” [DNA activation] via the Great Work to spiritualize my Being and not letting outer technology “use” me instead.

In fact, it is inevitable: A.I., the Metaverse, and VR (Virtual Reality) will change humanity over the next 20 years in ways most people are not prepared for. Nothing can stop it either, as it’s already underway.


Wot's in the Shots?

Graphene oxide? Nanobots?

What is in the Pfizer vaccines? Recently, Dr David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a dark-field microscope.


mRNA vaccines injure the heart of all vaccine recipients and cause myocarditis in up to 1 in 27, study finds

New evidence has emerged that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are routinely injuring the heart of all vaccine recipients, raising further questions about their safety and their role in the recent elevated levels of heart-related deaths.

The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels - indicating heart injury - across all vaccinated people, with 2.8% having levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.


Covid Vaccines and Fertility - Substantial decrease so far

Why is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany and Switzerland - nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?

Do covid vaccines influence male or female fertility?



COVID Vaccines – Consequences On The Soul, Spirit, And Life After Death

By Bernhard Guenther, May 24, 2022


Introduction and Disclaimer

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Supersensible Research

Supersensory Observations On Vaccinated People [case studies]

The Schism In The Wellness And Alternative Health Community

Detailed Effects Of Corona Vaccinations On The Constitution Of Human Beings

Three Types Of Beings/Entities Gaining Access Through The COVID Vaccine

Spiritual Healing And How To Counteract The Adverse Effects of the Vaccination

Supersensible Study Of The Vaccines

Authoritarian Followers And The Zombification Of Humanity

Soul Snatching And The “Alien” Invasion Through Our Bodies

The Soratic Spirits of Transhumanism: The Consciousness Trap

Is It Possible To Absorb These Intrusive Spirits Without Actual Physical Vaccinations?

How To Protect Yourself From Intrusive Adversary Spirits

The Effects Of Allopathic Medicine And Psychiatric Drugs In The Afterlife

Corona Vaccination Damages In The Life After Death

The Situation Is Not Hopeless – The Importance To Engage In The Great Work


Canada to offer medically-assisted suicide for psychiatric suffering

One year from now, in March 2023, Canada will become one of the few nations in the world allowing medical aid in dying, or MAID, for people whose sole underlying condition is depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD or any other mental affliction. In the Netherlands, MAID for irremediable psychiatric suffering has been regulated by law since 2002, and a new study by van Veen and colleagues underscores just how complicated it can be. How do you define "grievous and irremediable" in psychiatry? Is it possible to conclude, with any certainty or confidence, that a mental illness has no prospect of ever improving? What has been done, what has been tried, and is it enough?


Shirley very openly speaks about her thoughts on death and dying

Shirley very openly speaks about her thoughts about death and dying. Shirley is looking forward to death, she has enjoyed an amazing life, not all a bed of roses but many life experiences that she has learnt from and is happy to share with everyone. Author of 9 books and a set of cards Shirley has channeled thousands of words from her guides to help humanity. Some back from the late 90's still very relevant for these times we find ourselves in.



So, there's a portal in Ukraine?

Q: (L) Today is February 26th, 2022. Okay, here we go. I'm so wound up...

A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Puti-n is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.

Q: (Artemis) What is it about it that's so coveted?

(Joe) Because it's an ancient site of the landing of the Kantekkians? Why does that make it highly coveted? Some element of the population? But...

A: The geological profile complemented the energy profile making it ideal for transference.

Q: (L) Is that suggesting that the landing happened via some means other than just getting on a spaceship and flying and plopping down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it was some kind of transference that involved some kind of technology that we may not understand?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, there's a portal in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you once said there's a portal in the Middle East, didn't you?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) So, they said that unfortunately the resistance of power elite may lead to the deaths of many innocent people. Does that refer to the fact that the Ukainian elites will essentially sacrifice the people of Kiev in particular? In a sense, they'll create conditions where people are killed because of the Russian military advance on that city?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They gave out 18,000 assault rifles to the people in K-iev and told them to go at it against advancing Russian troops.

(Andromeda) That is SO stupid.

(Joe) Imagine doing that to your population.

(Niall) That's just the small guns. They've moved their big guns into residential areas to use the population as human shields.

A: Psychopaths in action.

Q: (L) Since you brought up this thing about the landing of Kantekkians, I was reading on Facebook and Twitter today, something posted by a Ukrainian in the United States who was declaring that ukrainians are entitled to their own country, their own language, customs, etc. and that the Russians are nothing and nobody, and the Ukrainians are the oldest people on Earth... that even their DNA was different than Russian DNA. And... what?

(Pierre) There's a coincidence maybe, but in the Caucasian population, the protein ACE2 is overexpressed. It suggests that the vaccine is an ethnic-specific weapon.

(Joe) We're talking about Ukrainians though.

(Pierre) Yes.

(L) So...

(Joe) The Ukrainians have always made that claim and see themselves as a people apart. They see themselves as being unique and different. It's an ideology. Not ALL Ukrainians, but a lot of them. It's really strange because you'd think they're genetically no different than other Slavs, Russians, etc. They do of course have this Nazi tendency towards being a 'master race' in a certain sense. It's very strange.

A: The ukrainians of today are not the original population. Many waves of conquest and migration have come and gone.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. But the gang there now...

A: Russians of Belarus are closer to the original UKrainians. And they were originally Kantekkians and had recently destroyed their own planet.

Q: (L) Alright. Let's open the floor to any particular member questions. [Scanning of member questions on Zoom chat...] Okay, here's one:

(Ryu) Does Putini knows about Ukrain having a portal? And does he know about Kantekkians?

A: No

Q: (SummerLite) It's said Putin is bombing US bioweapons sites.

A: Yes

Q: (Keit) I have a question about Russia. We have vocal anti-war sentiments within Russia. Will they lead to a change in power? Will it lead to Russia's destruction?

A: No

Q: (Niall) Can I do a follow-up about the bioweapons sites? There's a theory that these bioweapons sites were built there with a view to creating something like an ethnic-specific weapon to use against Russians. Is that what they were for?

A: Partly, indeed.

Q: (Andrian) Is it possible to know where the portal is located exactly? Western or Eastern, North, South Ukraine?

A: Near Kiev.

(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.

(Andromeda) Wow.

(L) Okay, next question:

(Seeker) Will the war expand into surrounding countries?

A: Not yet...


The Last Days of The Covidian Cult

This isn't going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. There's going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted "Safe and Effective Kool-Aid" servers get to them.

Yes, that's right, as I'm sure you've noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes. The "experts" and "authorities" are finally acknowledging that the "Covid deaths" and "hospitalization" statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle "vaccines" don't work (unless you change the definition of the word "vaccine"), and that they have killed a few people, or maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably "a serious mistake."

I am not going to bother with further citations. You can surf the Internet as well as I can. The point is, the "Apocalyptic Pandemic" PSYOP has reached its expiration date. After almost two years of mass hysteria over a virus that causes mild-to-moderate common-cold or flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, people's nerves are shot. We are all exhausted. Even the Covidian cultists are exhausted. And they are starting to abandon the cult en masse.

It was always mostly just a matter of time. As Klaus Schwab said, "the pandemic represent[ed] a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."

It isn't over, but that window is closing, and our world has not been "reimagined" and "reset," not irrevocably, not just yet. Clearly, GloboCap underestimated the potential resistance to the Great Reset, and the time it would take to crush that resistance. And now the clock is running down, and the resistance isn't crushed ... on the contrary, it is growing. And there is nothing GloboCap can do to stop it, other than go openly totalitarian, which it can't, as that would be suicidal. As I noted in a recent column:

"New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate 'global health crisis' ..."

The simulated "global health crisis" is, for all intents and purposes, over. Which means that GloboCap has screwed the pooch. The thing is, if you intend to keep the masses whipped up into a mindless frenzy of anus-puckering paranoia over an "apocalyptic global pandemic," at some point, you have to produce an actual apocalyptic global pandemic. Faked statistics and propaganda will carry you for a while, but eventually people are going to need to experience something at least resembling an actual devastating worldwide plague, in reality, not just on their phones and TVs.

Also, GloboCap seriously overplayed their hand with the miracle "vaccines." Covidian cultists really believed that the "vaccines" would protect them from infection. Epidemiology experts like Rachel Maddow assured them that they would:

"Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person," Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. "A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else," she added with a shrug. "It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people."

And now they are all sick with ... well, a cold, basically, or are "asymptomatically infected," or whatever. And they are looking at a future in which they will have to submit to "vaccinations" and "boosters" every three or four months to keep their "compliance certificates" current, in order to be allowed to hold a job, attend a school, or eat at a restaurant, which, OK, hardcore cultists are fine with, but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children's heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of "solidarity," or convenience, or herd instinct, or ... you know, cowardice.

Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we "tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists" have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought. They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in "a post-vaccine world," or how "the Science has changed," or how "Omicron is different," in order to avoid being forced to admit that they're the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.

Which ... fine, let them tell themselves whatever they need to for the sake of their vanity, or their reputations as investigative journalists, celebrity leftists, or Twitter revolutionaries. If you think these "recovering" Covidian Cult members are ever going to publicly acknowledge all the damage they have done to society, and to people and their families, since March 2020, much less apologize for all the abuse they heaped onto those of us who have been reporting the facts ... well, they're not. They are going to spin, equivocate, rationalize, and lie through their teeth, whatever it takes to convince themselves and their audience that, when the shit hit the fan, they didn't click heels and go full "Good German."

Give these people hell if you need to. I feel just as angry and betrayed as you do. But let's not lose sight of the ultimate stakes here. Yes, the official narrative is finally crumbling, and the Covidian Cult is starting to implode, but that does not mean that this fight is over. GloboCap and their puppets in government are not going to cancel the whole "New Normal" program, pretend the last two years never happened, and gracefully retreat to their lavish bunkers in New Zealand and their mega-yachts.

Totalitarian movements and death cults do not typically go down gracefully. They usually go down in a gratuitous orgy of wanton, nihilistic violence as the cult or movement desperately attempts to maintain its hold over its wavering members and defend itself from encroaching reality. And that is where we are at the moment ... or where we are going to be very shortly.

Cities, states, and countries around the world are pushing ahead with implementing the New Normal biosecurity society, despite the fact that there is no longer any plausible justification for it. Austria is going ahead with forced "vaccination." Germany is preparing to do the same. France is rolling out a national segregation system to punish "the Unvaccinated." Greece is fining "unvaccinated" pensioners. Australia is operating "quarantine camps." Scotland. Italy. Spain. The Netherlands. New York City. San Francisco. Toronto. The list goes on, and on, and on.

I don't know what is going to happen. I'm not an oracle. I'm just a satirist. But we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started. If that happens, things are going to get very ugly. I know, things are already ugly, but I'm talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler's final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family.

That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart. When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping we can avoid that. From what I have heard and read, it isn't much fun.