Showing posts with label LYRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LYRA. Show all posts


As the root races of planet earth were originally seeded into subraces that sourced from 12 Tribes, so it was the same for the first seeding on Tara.

Mutations started to form in which one group of Tarans started to be genetically slanted towards more aggression, domination over others and service to self. This group formed into what eventually played out as the Atlantians, a patriarchal dominating culture that was very mentalized and scientific. The other culture was much more passive, spiritual and willing to capitulate through service to others. This group formed into what eventually played out as the Lemurians, a matriarchal culture that was very balanced with nature and was following the Law of One.

Lyran Wars and Humanity’s Genetic Origins

It may be hard to fathom that in this moment in the metaphysical realms we are re-living the seed of the first wars of the Anti-Christ that began in Lyra. This takes us into our true Galactic history where this war further spread into the Orion constellation, when divine humans were seeded upon our first home world, 5D Tara. There were those that were so terrorized by the pure eternal light of the forces of Love we carried in our crystal heart, that in fear they tried to eliminate us from ever incarnating again into this Universe. We are again at that same juncture in time where we have to make a decision moving forward into the next cycle of evolution, to learn from and move beyond our past history. We must call upon our true humanity, the power of our eternal sacred crystal hearts, and put all of our best efforts upon the altar of serving humanity, God and spirit. We stand at the precipice of great transformation and positive change in the possibility of making choices that integrate great forces of spiritual healing, health and harmony into our world, in order to end the great Galactic War cycles that began in Lyra, from continually repeating the same destructive events of human genocidal agendas and planetary cataclysms, once and for all.

During these critical events happening on the earth now that have opened access into previous timelines, we are going back in time to observe humanity’s original seeding and genetic ascendancy that is sourced directly from the Cradle of Lyra and the Lyrans. Through trans-time connection, if we can do our part to stay out of fear and continually choose love and peace, we can create a link through time in which our present timeline can phase lock into the future timeline of the Christos realignment where spiritual freedom and human freedom have already manifested. These destructive events of human genocidal campaigns and holocaust which have haunted our race for millions of years in the Galactic history will lose their power over our future destiny and will cease to manifest in this present time.

The Lyran Wars are the very first seed of anti-Christ conflict recorded in the Universal Time Matrix, in which the black hole entities intended to conquer the entire Milky Way system. This resulted in the first Galactic war intended as a rebellion over the Lyrans creation of the 12D Christos template human seedings that first began on Planet Tara. This is the original timeline in the Solar Logos Avatar Matrix where the first electronic wars and time rips were used as a genocidal campaign for committing the first Christos human holocaust when the neighboring black hole entities attacked the Royal Houses and destroyed the Lyran Gates in order to sever the Milky Way matrix from its Mother Universe, Andromeda.

The aftermath of the destruction caused by the Lyran Wars resulted in the Milky Way time matrix digressing into a Fallen Universe, in which these original Lyran coded fragments were used to form the Phantom Matrix and the Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life, that essentially became the new home for the invading forces of the NAA. After the destruction of the Lyran 12th Stargate and Lyra-Aramatena, the Emerald Order Lyran-Elohim-Feline races were appointed to serve as the primary Universal security team to repair the timeline architecture, but also to carry out the reclamation of the Christos mission and assist the many other fallen races in order to be able to continue a path of evolution to Ascension. These fallen races have been partially or fully assimilated into AI programs, black hole technology that was historically used both as a technological weapon to enslave other living matrices, and to pull them into phantom matrices where those captured would be consumed and eaten. The point of AI infection of this black hole technology ripping holes into our matrix and infecting our system began during the Lyran Wars, which was also intended to stop the seeding of Founder and Christos races.

can only happen if more people are willing to use critical thinking and common sense while doing some due diligence in researching the actual facts

As we restore energetic balance to the planetary architecture and energy grid networks, to be governed by Universal Laws, we establish the new laws to be made manifest through our physical body. All change begins within the self. As each of us holds value for all life, we are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that restores energetic balance, which increases our discernment in choosing to demonstrate life affirming actions for ourselves and humanity.


The Lyrans are the advanced races that created the Elohim in the Avatar Matrix

The Lyrans are the original ancestors of our galactic family. Many thousands of years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level, however fell into disagreement and factions within their culture. These factions went to war and destroyed much of their society. Many of these beings from Lyra, left in their star ships to colonize the Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Vega system. Some of these Pleiadians of Lyran ancestors also came to Earth during the Lemurians and Atlanteans period. (Ages of Humanity) The Lyrans now have long evolved past the conflict, or war-like stage of evolution. These other civilizations could be considered as as our galactic cousins.

The Atlantian brotherhood conflict is still playing out its karmic patterns in the contemporary world at this time

Since the Nephilim Wars the Nibiru Annunaki Resistance and Patriarchal Melchizedek factions decide to take over the Inner Earth and start aggressive campaigns to take over the earth territories 30,000 years ago. The Sirians warned them about the abuse of crystal technology in the earth core and these groups continued to force massive power generators into the earth and Crystal Caverns. Several power generators exploded and ripped apart the surface continents of the earth, more powerful than the previous Cataclysm at the time of the Lemurian Holocaust, killing many humans again.

The planet Earth tilted on its axis which damaged all Planetary Gates, Planetary Grid Networks the portals and Stargates on the planet. All the Pyramids and ET technology disconnected and went offline. Flooding and cataclysm destroyed the Atlantian colonies and much of the earth surface. This timeline is also referred to as the Atlantian Flood.

The Atlantian brotherhood conflict is still playing out its karmic patterns in the contemporary world at this time. There are multidimensional levels, pinnacles of conflicts in the middle east, Iran Gate that are fighting over energies and control in ancient inter-dimensional portal gateways going back to the Lyran Wars.