Showing posts with label GURDJIEFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GURDJIEFF. Show all posts


In order to awaken...

“You are in a prison. If you wish to get out of the prison, the first thing you must do is realize that you are in a prison. If you think you are free, you can't escape. In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep.

And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep, or hypnosis.

It is absurd to think that this can be done by seeking information from the very source which induces the hypnosis.

One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.”

- G.I. Gurdjieff



Climate Change and the Time of Transition

In this quote below, Gurdjieff talked about climate change (literally using the same words) almost a century ago, taking a look at the issue from the perspective of cycles, esotericism, and the pursuit of higher Knowledge:

“There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture.

Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge. This, in its turn, necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.

This aspect of the question is clear. The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear. It is even difficult to imagine all the horror of this slavery. We do not understand what people are losing.

But in order to understand the cause of this slavery it is enough to see how people live, what constitutes the aim of their existence, the object of their desires, passions, and aspirations, of what they think, of what they talk, what they serve and what they worship….”

- Gurdjieff

More in this article 👇


Knowledge depends on being

"The [level of] being [soul embodiment] of two people can differ from one another more than the being of a mineral and of an animal. This is exactly what people do not understand. And they do not understand that knowledge depends on being. Not only do they not understand this latter but they definitely do not wish to understand it." 

~ G. I. Gurdjieff


Holding The Tension Between Opposites

Reflections and Recommendations by Bernhard Guenther

There is something bigger happening way beyond what we see on a 3D level right now. The mind can't grasp it. There is a great opportunity right here and right now and this is a huge spiritual lesson more than anything else.

This IS an opportunity for alchemical transformation but it is also an internal job for the outside will always reflect the inside. The mud and forces of the unconscious and the underworld are rising up; all that you/I/we have suppressed (fears, wounds, and traumas) is coming to surface, begging to be integrated, healed, and transmuted so we can ascend to a higher state of Being while transforming the world as embodied frequency anchors.

In fact, the supramental consciousness of the Divine is also descending, stirring up the shadow of the collective to be transmuted into Light. This is a long process spanning over lifetimes but there are key "junctures" like what's happening now and each individual's choice determines the outcome. Disillusionment IS part of the process. As the Mother (and Sri Aurobindo) prophesized, we are approaching (or already in) the Dark Night of Civilization. The collective Dark Night of the Soul. A necessary process for the outer reflects the inner, as above, so below. The only way out is in and through.

Again, this is an amazing opportunity for the ones answering the call seeing through the veil of reality and what lays ahead.

This alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities, creativity, and abundance but it must be rooted in integrity and sincerity, and ultimately a spiritual foundation and aspiration embodied and grounded in the body as conscious transducers of the Divine Force. It's not about trying to escape anything. No place in the world is "safe" from what is happening.

One thing that is fascinating to observe on the sidelines (without identifying with any side) whenever I was checking-in recently on social media is the increasing posts of projections towards Trump.

On the one side, you have all the negative shadow projections towards the man, blaming him for everything up to mass murder because of "negligence", desperately trying to "get him out of power". On the other side, you have all the positive shadow projections (what Jung called "golden shadow") towards Trump, hailing him as the savior/lightworker who is going to take down the cabal, desperately trying to "keep him in power".

And it is starting to get extreme. In the view of the one side (mostly people self-identified as "the left"), Trump cannot possibly do anything right and is being demonized. In the view of the other side (mostly people self-identified as "the right" intermixed with New Age Types and Christians too), Trump cannot do possibly wrong to the point of being worshipped.

As Robert Bly wrote in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow": "The issue is not so much that we do project but how long we keep the projections out there. Projection without personal contact is dangerous."

And then both sides (pro/anti-Trump) hate on each other too. What a "loosh" fest, especially on social media, getting trapped in the duality of left/right...and we know who feeds off of all that.

Trump has to carry a LOT of psychic pressure due to these negative/positive projections of the masses. Bly wrote about the danger of that as well when projected on one single person.

Here's something to self-reflect on, even beyond Trump but in your everyday life, especially during these times for there is something much bigger at works on unseen levels:

Are you able to hold the tension between opposites without identifying with either side, without any preferences of outcome, without likes or dislikes, without desire? Are you able to go beyond Hope or Fear, Attraction or Repulsion? Are you able to withdraw all projections (positive and negative) and stay with that friction internally in your body without externalizing - without blame or savior projections - without rationalizing or analyzing?

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the Great Work to transmute Lead into Gold, connecting you to Truth, the Divine within and without which will eventually transmute the world. Shadow work and Inner Alchemy. It's not an easy process as I experience in myself, for a lot of "shit" does and will come up which you can't blame on anything or anyone externally anymore.

This alchemical inner process of not attaching to either side has also nothing to do with being "neutral" or "apathy" as some people seem to mistake it. The former is mostly a disassociative state, trapped in the mind, the latter based on "inverted" negative emotions. It's not an intellectual or philosophical exercise. In fact, the more head-centric you are - the more intellectually driven you are - the harder it will be for you to drop down and into the body and connect with the Truth of your Being.

This process has also nothing to do with non-action or just being passive. Quite the contrary, right conscious action (that is unique to YOU) in alignment with the Divine arises out of this process, less distorted through our ignorance, projections, and conditioning (including wounds and trauma).

But we have a long way to go. This is just a beginning.

None the less, the opportunity is here, right now and it doesn't depend on anything or anyone out there but on YOU.

So, as a suggestion, use the self-isolating time wisely. Don't waste it on relentless media news consumption.

As Gurdjieff said, the moment we're born, we live on borrowed time. You could extend that exercise to meditate/contemplate on Death as well. It will lead you to the cure out of this collective Death/Fear Anxiety (which is what this virus scare triggers, ultimately), holding the tension between the seeming opposites of Birth and Death....and witness what comes up within, the thrid Firce....or the opposition between life and death....or is it an opposite? ;-)

Bernhard Guenther


If you help others, you will be helped

If you help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in one hundred years, but you will be helped. Nature must pay off the debt...It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics.

- G. I. Gurdjieff


Working for a Soul

In order to understand the interrelation of truth and falsehood in life, a man must understand falsehood in himself, the constant incessant lies he tells himself.
- G.I. Gurdjieff



By Bernhard Guenther, January 29th, 2017

As the the cosmic energies of our planet become increasingly-infused with the contrasting expression of light and dark frequencies during this Time of Transition, many of us (whether we are conscious or not of this elevation in contrasting vibrations) are experiencing breakdowns and breakthroughs at an accelerated pace. We are being pushed to awaken – to align with the divine force. This process is bringing up anything that is not of the same frequency that our spirit is currently “downloading” in order to be transmuted. Many things are transpiring and shifting on multi-dimensional levels which lie outside of our conscious awareness. The strong currents of these galactic waves are pressuring us to ride the flow of transformation. Any resistance and/or desperate need to control this process (based on fear) can cause us to get sucked into the undercurrent and be held under, until such a time as we can get back on the wave again, i.e. learn our lessons and keep doing the necessary clearing work in order to embody the higher frequencies.

Read more of this amazing, deeply inspiring and highly informative essay here.

The chief method of self-study is self-observation

“Knowledge of oneself is a very big, but a very vague and distant, aim. Man in his present state is very far from self-knowledge. Therefore, strictly speaking, his aim cannot even be defined as self-knowledge. Self-study must be his big aim. It is quite enough if a man understands that he must study himself. It must be man’s aim to begin to study himself, to know himself, in the right way.

Self-study is the work or the way which leads to self-knowledge. But in order to study oneself one must first learn how to study, where to begin, what methods to use. A man must learn how to study himself, and he must study the methods of self-study. The chief method of self-study is self-observation. Without properly applied self­ observation a man will never understand the connection and the correlation between the various functions of his machine, will never understand how and why on each separate occasion everything in him ‘happens.'”

– G.I. Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous


Five strivings for daily effort by G.I. Gurdjieff:

1. Preserve your life
Be just to the planetary body; satisfy its needs; treat it as a good master treats a good servant, not being overly indulgent and conditioned by physical desires, the stomach and sex organs.

2. Develop yourself
Constant, unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection and self-knowledge in the sense of Being, striving for the attainment of the real “I,” one’s individuality.

3. Find your place in the scheme
Understand the meaning and aim of existence, seeking after truth about self and the nature of the world, striving to understand the fundamental cosmic laws which create and sustain life.

4. Pay back
To lighten the load of the Creator, pay back in gratitude and effort for the fact that Evolution has helped you to get this far, overcoming egoism and striving to lessen the suffering and unhappiness within the world.

5. Help others to develop
Assist and help others towards their self-perfection, to attaining real “I.”

not everyone is here to awaken

Researching the topic of Organic Portals and Spiritless Humans – as well as the frequency of “Evil” – are key elements of understanding, for “Evil” cannot be fully eradicated within our level of existence. It is part of the duality which serves its purpose, and it is also an expression of the “One” or “God”. Hence, a person who is trying to “save the word” or “save people” without understanding the bigger picture can see their efforts back-fire on themselves. Not everyone can be “saved”, nor is everyone here to awaken. It comes back to the principle of free will, despite all of the deceptions placed in its way.