Showing posts with label BERNHARD GUENTHER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BERNHARD GUENTHER. Show all posts


The Reincarnation Soul-Recycling Matrix Trap – Is Earth A Soul-Entrapment Prison?

 By Bernhard Guenther, January 28, 2024

I want to address a topic that seems to have become very popular in the fringe conspiracy scene: the idea that reincarnation is a trap of the alien hyper-dimensional matrix to recycle souls to keep us entrapped, providing more “food” for the hyper-dimensional overlords.

It also ties into another topic I see many people talking about: “the tunnel of light trap.” According to that idea, we should avoid going towards the light after we die since it is a trap that “recycles” us back into the Matrix and keeps us enslaved on this “prison planet.”

I’ve read about these concepts from various authors and researchers over the years and addressed them already in past articles. People keep asking me about it, so instead of referring to my articles where I have already written about it, here is a summary of what I wrote before with added commentary.

Full article:


Lisa Renee on Transhumanism

“Transhumanism is an international, cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition, by making available technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

Many transhumanists believe in the compatibility between the human mind and computer hardware, with the implication that human consciousness can be transferred to alternative media, known as mind uploading.

Since the Science of the Soul and the consciousness functions of the spiritual bodies, have not yet been discovered by scientists, this has potentially extremely destructive consequences to human consciousness and the electromagnetic functions of the Lightbody.

Transhumanism is a school of thought that seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition. Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans. Some examples are redesigning the human organism using advanced nanotechnology or radical technological enhancements.

Some of the proposed biological enhancements are using some combination of technologies such as genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, life extension therapies, neural interfaces, brain mapping, wearable or implanted computers, and entrainment of cognitive techniques.

Most of these options are designed to disconnect the human soul from the human body, and prepare the body to be used as a shell for a new host. Effectively, this is integrating technological and pharmaceutical hybridization to damage human DNA, as preparation for body snatching. [Note: Now we can see the real purpose of the COVID mRNA Vaccine as I’ve written about before]

The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism concept is the A.I. downloaded into the scientific human mind from the Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality by hijacking human consciousness and ultimately possessing the human host body. They do not have flesh and bone bodies and covet ours.

Transhumanism stresses the evolutionary perspective, yet it completely ignores the electromagnetic function of human DNA and the consciousness reality of the multidimensional human soul-spirit. They claim to want to stop human suffering but have no idea of the alien machinery and mind control implants used to imprison human consciousness. They know nothing about the afterlife, what happens during the death of the body or even how the human body or Universe really works, yet they want to control every aspect of the human body with artificial technology.

A primary goal of many transhumanists is to convince the public that embracing radical technology and science is in the human species best interest. With the False God Alien Religions used to spread the rhetoric of fear and mindless obedience on one end, and the primarily atheistic science used to mock all things religious without any comprehension of true spiritual understanding on the other, they have the bases covered. Consciousness and spiritual groups are quickly labeled conspiracy theorists by scientists to intimidate, discredit and shut us up.

None of these transhumanist people, are remotely qualified to be put in charge of scientifically directing the future evolution of the human species. Propping up egomaniacs and psychopaths, and giving them power and control over world affairs and influence over public perception is the game of the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) Controllers.

The true knowledge of the Sacred Sciences of the Soul and mechanics of human multidimensional consciousness have been obliterated from record and conveniently mind controlled out from the majority of sciences. If scientists integrate theories of the soul or consciousness outside of the consensus of the mind control standard, they risk ridicule and losing their funding and careers.

The quest for biological immortality on a prison planet is ludicrous when experiencing the capability of human multidimensional consciousness. After the human body expires, if the undeveloped and disembodied consciousness is merged and assimilated into artificial intelligence, the remnants of that human soul will not have a human body to incarnate into any longer. Hence, that person will lose their connection to organic spiritual biology and cease to be human. Transhumanism is a consciousness trap.

Archons and many of these negative groups are inherently parasites that require human life force and must feed on consciousness energy to survive. The Transhumanism movement is another level of the NAA satanic agenda to gain full control over the biological-neurological and brain networks of human beings, thus controlling the human collective consciousness.

Mind control is about complete control over the central neurological system and controlling all impulses firing into the brain centers. Once technology or an entity has control over the human neurological system and brain, they easily hack into the soul and siphon consciousness energy.

If they are successful in marketing transhumanism as the next sexy trend, made attractive with promises of human immortality and superhuman powers, they open the door wide to satanic force possession of technologically hybridized human bodies. These dark entities have been denied access into higher dimensional realms, and they think that if they possess human bodies they can ride the human consciousness like a galactic hitchhiker.

The grand deception of Transhumanism, is widely promoted as humans having control over their own evolution, when what they are really doing is selling their soul and losing access to organic human consciousness.”

The A.I. Transhumanism Occult Trap

By Bernhard Guenther, December 15, 2022


Consciousness Trap, Soul Harvesting, and Body Snatching
The Temptation of A.I. & Artificial Beauty
The Epidemic of Cosmetic Surgeries, Botox, and Fillers
The Erosion of Human Creativity and Relationships
The Trend Is Not Your Friend – Wetiko In Action
Soul Embodiment and the Necessity for Psycho-Spiritual Self-Work


I remember the days in the 90s when no one had a cell phone. I was in my 20’s back then. When you were on vacation or just out and about, getting groceries or hanging out with your friends, no one could get a hold of you, and no one you were hanging out with would get distracted by a device in their pocket. Maybe, at best, you had a message on the answering machine of your landline when you got home, but that was about it.

Fast forward 30 years, and most people can’t even live without their smartphone anymore, and not only for practical and/or business reasons but mainly because they are addicted to the dopamine hits they get when checking email, messages, social media, posting photos, playing games, or just browsing the internet. High-speed internet has also eroded most people’s attention span, focus, and concentration [by design]. If you’re one of those people, you’ll most likely have problems finishing reading this article.

We live in the digital age of information. A.I. has already taken over many tasks, and its role in our lives is only increasing exponentially as we move into a Transhumanism age with its attempt to merge man with machine.

My intention with this article is not to “black-pill” anyone, nor is it to project a doom&gloom fear frequency into the future. My intention is to give a sober reality check regarding the potential dangers of Transhumanism/A.I. (for the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear). I hope that with this awareness, we can become more conscious.

Instead of being “taken over” by A.I. through our unconscious programming, wounds, and blindspots, my hope is you can use this information as an inspiration and catalyst to deepen your inner work, your connection to the Divine, and embrace the friction and battle to rise up as the spiritual warriors you came here to be during this Time of Transition, maximizing your soul potential in The Process of Awakening.

A.I./Transhumanism is a very big topic. You could write a series of books about its dangers and benefits based on whatever angle you tackle it from. To be clear, I don’t see this topic in black or white myself, either. I’m not anti-technology; this article is not about rejecting technology, just retreating into the woods and living as our ancestors did. I’m not interested in reviving an archaic past. I embrace the pull of the future in this ongoing adventure of consciousness.

I enjoy technology and its conscious use, and I’m also not completely opposed to A.I. But I am also in favor of organic soul evolution and activating my “inner technology” [DNA activation] via the Great Work to spiritualize my Being and not letting outer technology “use” me instead.

In fact, it is inevitable: A.I., the Metaverse, and VR (Virtual Reality) will change humanity over the next 20 years in ways most people are not prepared for. Nothing can stop it either, as it’s already underway.


The joy is our increased capacity for living and feeling at home within ourselves, and experiencing our wholeness

Once your ego-personality has exhausted itself [over lifetimes] and realizes the futility of finding any fulfillment, joy, abundance, or even growth via improving the small self, which most self-help programs and coaches focus on, then you are ready to truly individuate and embark on the Great Work.

This path and work are not about manifesting your desires, dreams, a partner, or making millions of $$ as an entrepreneur. It is not about physical security anymore, your family or legacy. It is not about self-actualization and perfecting or improving your personality [which you have mistaken for the true Self].

It requires a level of surrender and letting go, which the hardened ego-personality will resist because "it wants what it wants" with all its social/cultural conditioning, attachments, desires, identifications, demands, and entitlements. This process occurs over lifetimes as the soul ripens and is ready to answer the call.

But here's the tricky paradox; you can't skip any steps. You need to have gone through the full ego development of the small self and inevitable disillusionment before engaging in the Great Work of Individuation, laying the groundwork for Divine Union. Otherwise, there is the trap of spiritual bypassing and over-estimating your level of Being.

This process is different for each of us. Yet, more and more people are being called to individuate during this Time of Transition and the ongoing "split of humanity." And there are forces that try to interfere with this process [of individuation and soul embodiment]...especially through a certain new medical treatment which more than half of the population of the world has received over the past two years.




“To begin with, individuation is not a self-improvement program. It is much more than firming up, losing weight, having more positive thoughts, or solving problems and getting on with your life. And, individuation is not self-actualization. The mythologist Joseph Campbell noted that self-actualization is for people with nothing better to do—people who don’t know their personal myth or deeper purpose in life.

The humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for security, prestige, self-development, and even personal relationships are not the primary values a person inspired by their deeper Self, or the thread of their individuation, lives for.

Simply put, individuation is about transformation. It means being willing to embrace a lifetime of full-fledged metamorphosis analogous to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly over and over again.

It means letting go of the defining characteristics that make up our identity for the sake of becoming something further enhanced by the Self, with a capital “S”, the Divine spark within us.

The pain in this process is the pain of breaking through our own limitations. The joy is our increased capacity for living and feeling at home within ourselves, and experiencing our wholeness.”

- Bud Harris, Becoming Whole - A Jungian Guide To Individuation


Alcohol is especially harmful

"Alcohol only arose after the Atlantean epoch to help men to become individualized. It closes man off from his higher capacities and encloses him in himself.

But now all civilized people have reached that stage so that alcohol is an unnecessary evil today. Through its use one loses the ability to get along with others and to understand them. Alcohol is especially harmful for esoterics since its use changes all developed higher forces into forces of the personal ego, repeatedly locks it into itself.

By consuming alcohol one prepares a fertile soil for hosts of spiritual beings, just as a dirty room gets filled with flies."

- Rudolf Steiner

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 266 – From the Contents of Esoteric Classes: Esoteric Lesson – Stuttgart, August 13, 1908



What It Really Means To "Take The Red Pill

[...] Once you face “the terror of the situation” within yourself and the automated mechanical nature of many of your feelings, actions, and behaviors where there is no “free will,” you will also see this robotic mechanical behavior in others. You will notice that most people are unconscious automatons driven by unconscious trauma and wounding, conditioning, and programming.

You see how people suffer, but they don’t know that they are suffering as their pain is masked up and suppressed, shoved deep into the unconscious, and hardened in the body-mind. Billions of people are sleepwalking, dreaming of being awake.

At the same time, you don’t look down at them anymore, for you can see the same mechanical nature, shadow, and trauma responses within yourself. You will have deeper and more authentic access to compassion and empathy but without blind compassion. You learn to make boundaries and become more selective and discerning about who you let enter your life.

But you also realize the true “horror of the situation” and how far away we are from any “collective awakening”.

You also realize the futility of looking for any significant change externally – a new system, any new -ism, or any political, social, institutional changes – all of it is useless as long as it is coming from people who are not aware of the true nature of their Being but live mechanically and automate under the influence of the “General Law” [the esoteric description of the matrix forces.]

It’s a humbling experience. It is dark, disturbing, yet liberating and enlightening at the same time. It’s impossible to put it into the limited constructs of language and words. Once you cross that threshold and start to “see the unseen”, there is no turning back to your “normal” life.

At that moment you really took the “red pill”. It will prioritize what truly matters in your life. You won’t waste time and energy anymore on the trivialities of official mainstream cult-ure and you cannot relate to the goals, pleasures, and desires you had in the past. You realize that they were stemming from your conditioned personality.

It is the starting point of the process of individuation where you will also need to face isolation, loneliness, and alienation as part of the process to escape the sleepwalking consensus state of humanity. This phase of alienation and isolation are lessons to test the sincerity of the seeker.

They have been symbolized in many esoteric metaphors of “crossing the moat-threshold” to “enter the Kingdom” with guardians providing riddles and tests for the soul that wishes to find and realize itself and leave the “wilderness” of the matrix.

Many people tend to get stuck in this stage. The alienation and loneliness can make people become hardened, cynical, and nihilistic, and they tend to blame the world for their misery in a victim mentality. They get caught in doom & gloom, negativity, and self-pity, and they resist the necessary [internal] death-rebirth process to individuate.

This resistance and inability to face oneself can also tempt the seeker to go back to “the wilderness of the matrix” as it was symbolized in the first Matrix film when the character Cypher decided to take “the blue pill” to go back to the illusion of the matrix. He made a deal with Agent Smith [symbolizing a Faustian Pact with the Devil] who granted him all the materialistic riches, fame, and popularity that consensus people cherish, worship and are tempted by as well.

Individuation is a necessary stage before we can embark on deeper spiritual/esoteric work to spiritualize our being. Embarking on the process of Individuation is “taking the red pill” from an esoteric perspective. [...]

- From "The Most Important Realization On The Path Towards Awakening"



COVID Vaccines – Consequences On The Soul, Spirit, And Life After Death

By Bernhard Guenther, May 24, 2022


Introduction and Disclaimer

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Supersensible Research

Supersensory Observations On Vaccinated People [case studies]

The Schism In The Wellness And Alternative Health Community

Detailed Effects Of Corona Vaccinations On The Constitution Of Human Beings

Three Types Of Beings/Entities Gaining Access Through The COVID Vaccine

Spiritual Healing And How To Counteract The Adverse Effects of the Vaccination

Supersensible Study Of The Vaccines

Authoritarian Followers And The Zombification Of Humanity

Soul Snatching And The “Alien” Invasion Through Our Bodies

The Soratic Spirits of Transhumanism: The Consciousness Trap

Is It Possible To Absorb These Intrusive Spirits Without Actual Physical Vaccinations?

How To Protect Yourself From Intrusive Adversary Spirits

The Effects Of Allopathic Medicine And Psychiatric Drugs In The Afterlife

Corona Vaccination Damages In The Life After Death

The Situation Is Not Hopeless – The Importance To Engage In The Great Work



"It took many attempts before we understood the powerful effects of BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson. Important thing is that - spiritually speaking - at the core, these are filled with Soratic beings. Of course, all other groups of adversarial spirits are also involved. At first glance one can experience Ahrimanic beings, perhaps also Asuric beings. However, inside of them the Soratic beings are at work, setting the tone.

These beings do not originate from the development of our solar system and in this respect must be considered as outer-planetary spirits. Unlike the Luciferic and Ahrimanic fallen angelic beings, they are not part of the development of our spiritual planetary system, described in detail in Rudolf Steiner's "Occult Science".

Through human unconscious attraction or conscious invitation, they gain access and can thus influence our life on earth. The Soratic beings are known for thousands of years; they inspire oppression, abuse, hatred, war, black magic, etc. But today a new kind is also emerging.

Some people within my research network are skilled in perceiving the Soratic beings. Yet, this new species was at first incomprehensible and unclassifiable to us. There is also no established terminology for this species. We have chosen the term “Spirits of Transhumanism” because these beings seem to be at the spiritual core of transhumanism. Transhumanism wants to merge human being with machines and thus to abolish our soul-spiritual being forever.

Supersensibly, the transhumanism spirits do exactly that. The spiritual effects are already here even if the brain is not yet connected to a computer – a dream of the transhumanists. They reach for the human being, and if they gain access, human beings loose - partially or completely - their spiritual connection.

For this purpose, these beings possess especially the Phantom body (physical spirit body) and the etheric body. They “glue" them together and shut them off from soul and spirit and the soul-spiritual surroundings. In this respect these beings want to turn the human being into a “Machine-Man", cut off from the spirit.

We found that all group spirits of the four examined vaccines are occupied by the spirits of transhumanism. Moreover, we found them in individual ampules, through which they enter the human being by means of vaccination.

To spiritual experience they appear as “devoid of the “I” metallic”, “brute” and threatening.

A colleague encountered a leading group spirit of one of the vaccines. Its intention came clearly to light:

'I saw a high spirit being of the vaccine, a narrow, rugged, sinister figure, extremely evil, with a will of annihilation of everything that is human: The angel is as if cut off, the etheric pulverized, the soul subjugated, the Self extinguished. What remains are devoid of I, empty shelled automaton people; scrawny, rickety, metallic; they are to be held like puppets on a long string.'"

- translated from the original German book “CORONA-IMPFUNGEN AUS SPIRITUELLER SICHT: Auswirkung auf Seele und Geist und das nachtodliche Leben” by Thomas Mayer

More in our recent podcast:


It’s the soul that matters

The goal of this end-game is to destroy the human spirit, dislodge the soul from the body and install their own [draconian] essence. Schwab, Harari, Gates, Fauci, Soros and the rest of the deep state actors are soulless humans , empty vessels occupied/possessed by anti-divine asuric occult draconian entities, trying to play God and take over the human race. They see you as slaves and commodities, resources to exploit and feed on.

They are powerful beings, written about in the occult teachings and mystery schools over the ages. Millions if not Billions of people will follow them into hell with the dangling transhumanist carrot. The jab was already “the mark of the beast”. It’s the ultimate alien invasion through our bodies. It started thousands of years ago. But your true self/essence in the divine is way more powerful than them. It’s the soul that matters in this multidimensional spiritual warfare. Soul embodiment is the cure and the way “out”.


Embodiment = Ascension



Some people believe themselves to have finally “woken up” from the manipulation of the Matrix Control System. However, the word “awake” seems to be a very abused and overused word these days.

What I notice is that more people are becoming aware, for the most part, of the symptoms of the Matrix on a 3D surface level (which is encouraging to see and a good start), but mistake that for having truly “woken up” in the holistic sense of the term, and therefore most of them oftentimes don’t follow up or keep “going”, especially with regards to inner self-work.

Our inner voice – stemming from the real self (“speaking” to us through a sense-embodied intuitive knowing, not via head-centric thought-injections), hidden behind the socially/cultural conditioned/programmed mask of personality we identify with – also whispers to us to go deeper, if we can hear and heed its “signals”.

These echoes are hardly recognizable at first, but become more audibly-apparent as we shed our layers of conditioning, programming and trauma/wounding. It’s the voice of Spirit and the Divine, asking us to recognize our true nature, to keep going deeper within…to self-realize, self-actualize.

For example, relatively speaking, you can be “awake” to the basic 3D aspects of the Matrix, but if you get stuck there (especially when there is lack of sincere inner work taking place), you’ll still be subjected to hyperdimensional interferences and manipulation, especially when you’re caught in the external expression of shadow-projection.

Being “awake” about the matrix and the various control mechanisms and deceptions – and based on a purely intellectual informational level – is a necessary stage of growth, but only the very beginning stage of a true Awakening …and cannot even be called “taking the red pill” from an esoteric perspective.

This stage of awareness is mere baby steps that must be taken prior to crossing the threshold towards self-realization, which entails esoteric self-work, Individuation, embodiment [soul integration] and alchemical internal transformation in order to reach a higher level of being/consciousness.

This is not a very pleasant process at times, for it results in utter disillusionment and death of the conditioned personality, which doesn’t like to give up and let go of control that easily.

For that reason, many people in their process of seeking “truth” wind up avoiding sincere inner work by constantly externalizing the “dark” (especially with regards to shadow projection) side of reality, and thus get lost in the information swamp or hooked on sensationalism, mechanical activism, or wind up locked in the tunnel vision of the 3D matrix, decorated as it is with shadows on the wall, which is a puppet-on-a-string-pulling trap in itself, and only works in favor of the occult matrix architects.

But “self-work” – to truly “Know Thyself” – is also a tricky thing, and self-deceptions in this pursuit are very common.

Some people tend to over-estimate themselves with regard to their level of being/awareness. They claim to “know themselves” when they actually mistake “the Self” for their personality (with its more subtle programming/conditioning features) …or they talk about “living their truth”, which can also be a falsehood which misleads the actual calling of the True self, and instead acts as a self-justification, a denial, and a buffer.

It is important to understand the fundamentals of true deep self-work, especially since much of that has been corrupted and over-simplified via New Age/pop-spirituality and pop-psychology.

The most difficult aspect to grasp in esoteric self-work is detecting and confronting the lies we are telling ourselves, and the buffers/masks we create so as to avoid the internal friction that is necessary to ignite the alchemical fire of transformation within.

- Bernhard Guenther, from “The Perilous Path Towards Awakening”

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”.

“Esotericism seeks to develop consciousness of the Divine. The problem is that our consciousness is, for the most part, simply a program that runs in our machine. The higher consciousness that is sought in terms of ascension is the real “I” or the soul; it is the theorized permanent point that exists within us throughout many incarnations.

This real “I” is something like an impartial referee whose small voice is mostly obscured in the roar of external events and personality programs. Nevertheless, it is this tiny spark of the real self that is the seed of the possibility of esoteric development.

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”. Yet, the personality pretends that it has achieved this level of consciousness. We should note that an individual who has actually reached such a level of firm contact and expansion of the real “I” will also possess attributes such as the ability to accurately judge the consequences of his or her actions, the constant exercise of his own will, an ability to do - to initiate acausal events - as well as a bearing or attitude that is consistent with itself in all situations and conditions. Most of all, such a person does not lie to himself.

An objective examination of many of those who claim such qualities is sufficient to demolish such pretensions. There is so vast a chasm between the qualities that people ascribe to themselves, and what they can really DO,.

Nevertheless, to establish contact with the higher self, for lack of a better term, this very small seed of the soul connection that exists within us is the object of esoteric science. It seems that the only people who have a real hope of accomplishing this process are those who are “bankrupted” [disillusionment].

In other words, all the beliefs, all the programs, all the lies that have been part of the self from childhood, must collapse or be stripped away.

We are all corrupted by the exterior world of matter - the domain of Non-being and its gravitational lures. Even when experience contradicts what a person believes about him or herself, they are seldom able to make the cause and effect connection because of the serious deficiencies that are programmed into us from birth.

We generally explain our failures as “lack of will”. What people do not realize is that failure is not generally due to a lack of will or desire, but to a lack of BEING. It is only with the development of BEING that we begin to understand the knowledge we have acquired. Only then, with understanding combined with BEING, do we have the ability to Do."

- Laura Knight, The Secret History of the World



The waves of change

Whatever is happening NEEDS to happen. It couldn’t even be any other way. Even the plandemic and dark forces’ agenda that is unfolding is being used as part of the “Divine Plan.” For even the Divine is in “evil”; as paradoxically, contradictory or illogical as it may sound for our little mind (caught in linear binary thinking) which cannot possibly comprehend what is unfolding and what the true meaning/purpose is behind these events right now; for none of us can see with the “eyes of the Divine”. So, it’s also about embracing the unknown.

The wave of change is on its way. Everyone will be “forced” to ride the wave eventually after more and more of the “old” will be destroyed and washed away—including outdated dogmatic belief systems. This is not just an external event. It’s as much if not even more so, an internal process; facing our own lies, wounds, traumas, attachments, and disillusionment, and allowing anything that is not in alignment with who you TRULY ARE to be washed away by the metaphorical waves of change.

No one can escape or run away from what is unfolding. No place in the “old world” is safe from it, no country, no island. It cannot be stopped but it requires our participation. This is not an overnight process, but a whole new age that’s begun and it’s a long process in linear time. In the meantime, the ones of us “riding the wave” already are also here to assist and help others during this Time of Transition—and that’s also the main reason why many of us chose to incarnate during this time and age.

During this intense collective process and consecutive “waves” washing over us, we may indeed experience a more apparent “Timeline-Reality Split” with people riding the wave experiencing a different reality than the one’s still holding on to the old world and who don’t resist the asuric hostile forces but go along with the “New Normal”.

This split may not be that obvious at first for everything is still interrelated as all is ONE, however, one’s level of Being, soul embodiment, and lessons also determines what “personal reality” each of us may experience which is beyond the ego’s control but in the hands of the Divine. What I’m stating here is not to be mistaken for the distorted and oversimplified New Age version of “Reality Creation.”

There is a plan indeed. It's not a human-made plan but a Divine plan and we all have our individual roles to play in it but I’d say, trust the Divine Plan; which also requires us to show up and surrender to God and ride the wave. This is nothing passive, like waiting for something to happen or someone to save us—quite the opposite: we must learn to embody the spiritual warrior and participate in conscious action during these times of change, upheaval, collective “waves”, and “tsunamis”…in service of the Divine.

The “Great Awakening” is a perilous path, indeed. It requires both, conscious action and sincere self-work to align with the occurring changes and Divine Will. Any external fixation of gathering information alone or just waiting for some “event” will drain you and tire you, stuck in anxiety, getting trapped in the mind. It can also get you trapped in blame/victim consciousness and disconnected from your own power as a sovereign divine being and inner guidance that is specific to YOU.

There is something bigger happening which we need to (or will be forced to) align ourselves with so that we can ride the wave without getting tumbled under. The mind is the trickster, as always, getting caught up in mental analysis paralysis.

But if we open ourselves to God/Divine/Supreme/Spirit with sincere aspiration, we connect to our true Self/Being and consciously receive messages (or even visions) and guidance in alignment with Divine Will as the Supreme speaks through the cracks between the thoughts of the egoic monkey mind and acts *through* us. This is not an easy process, for the resistance of the anti-divine forces is strong, but it is what we signed up for.

- Bernhard Guenther 🔥🙏🔥


A hyperdimensional frequency war operating through outlets claiming to be the bastions of truth.

Another example of the frequency war is the media, especially alternative news media. These take up a lot of our time and attention since news never runs out of stories and so much internet activity and conversation depends on sharing news and links. Despite exposing the 3D level of the conspiracy and thus serving a positive political purpose, these news outlets simultaneously serve a negative 4D agenda [hyperdimensional matrix/occult forces] by choosing the most emotionally enraging and upsetting events possible and repeating these on a daily basis with endless varieties, ad nauseum, to the point of redundancy.

The redundancy shows that the ultimate aim is not to inform and educate, but to pummel with frequency depleting triggers [reactive emotional 'loosh' that serves as 'food' for occult hostile forces]. And so people who get emotionally addicted to news and rage in their chairs without being able to do anything about what they read, they gradually succumb to a hyperdimensional frequency war operating through outlets claiming to be the bastions of truth. Thus they would do well to return to the perennial, spiritual, archetypal, and practical considerations instead of being hooked on the transient and trivial.

- Tom Montalk, Realm Dynamics


“out of convenience”

Anyone advocating for the vaxx passport or mindlessly getting the vaxx passport “out of convenience” anywhere in the world is responsible for the enslavement of humanity and the coming social credit system [with the dangling carrot of universal income (“free money”) and “debt forgiveness” [relates to the New Age Cointelpro Psy-op NESARA] which most people will swallow and accept, hook, line, and sinker] for the vaxx passport is just the beginning

…besides the short and long term detrimental effects of the vaxx and consequent booster shots on physical and metaphysical levels. It is the prophesied “mark of the beast”.

Just say NO!

For the others, forgive them for they do not know what they do. This is multi-dimensional warfare. Be in warrior mode but don’t let hate, resentment or toxic anger cloud you heart. Do not become what you fight against.

Remember who your are, remember your mission, and engage in the Great Work. YOU are the one you have been waiting for.


- Bernhard Guenther


These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity.

The Matrix is currently being put into overdrive mode – and the controller’s (the “evil magician”) actions are intensifying – in order to try to counter-act the “awakening” that more and more people are experiencing (to a degree). The machinations of these Predators are designed to lock in as many humans as possible into a “time loop” (and frequency prison) before the window of opportunity closes during this Time of Transition, for there is indeed a way “up” and a way “down”.

This transitional phase we’re in right now is not an “overnight” event. It spans a whole age, yet we will see tremendous changes, breakdowns and transformations within our lifetime (as we are already experiencing) and it will increase even more in the coming years. It’s like we’re in the midst of birth pangs that are ushering us towards a new level of Being – a process that depends on our own inner work, our soul potential, and what we align ourselves with.

These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity. Any (re)birth is painful and beautiful at the same time.

It is important to point out that “wishful thinking” and a lack of creativity are the Achilles heel of the negative realm STS (Service to Self) Matrix consciousness – these flaws in their approach to manipulating humanity are reflected in the desperate acts being seen now across the world, which are becoming more and more apparent and predictable…the same patterns under different guises.

Many of us who have done our research over the years – and worked through the conditioning/programming in our own awakening process – can connect the dots and “see the unseen”, identifying the invisible thread that weaves through all of these events, which seem to be unrelated on a surface level but all point towards the same goal: global enslavement under the disguise of “freedom”, “unity” and “protection”.

From a hyperdimensional perspective, the end-game/goal of their agenda is to completely take-over/’body-snatch’ our physical/emotional/mental selves in order to lock us into a frequency prison – all of their various chessboard-level ‘triggers’ are designed to prime our bodies so as to facilitate the hosting of their vibrational essence within our human ‘mainframe’.

Hence the push for dis-embodiment in all of its various guises: increasing the body-mind split via increased mental activity/distraction through technology/A.I., as well as poisoning the individual through GMOs, EMF radiation, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc. – all of which are environmental factors that collude with the original series of genetic modification experiments conducted by “the Predator from beyond the stars” in order to disconnect us more and more from our original DNA blueprint [soul essence]. This is a program of Hybridization that is priming humanity’s transmutation into shell-vessels for hyperdimensional possession.

- Bernhard Guenther

@timeoftransition Telegram


The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come.

Real science and real scientists/doctors with conscience, courage, and integrity are being censored, canceled, and fired left and right from speaking out about the truth and the very real life-threatening dangers of this experimental treatment [that cannot even be called a vaccine in the true meaning of the word [which they state as well]]. You will not hear about them on the MSM as they are being systemically censored and suppressed.

This “experiment” has already injured and killed hundreds of thousands of people [if not millions] worldwide but these numbers are suppressed, ignored, or falsely associated with other “causes of death/illness”. The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come. It’s a ticking time bomb and the real bioweapon.

The only blind spot these courageous doctors who speak out have is that they do not understand the real intention and goal of these jabs—which is as evil as it gets—and how it relates to the long-planned depopulation/eugenics agenda that was decided upon a long time ago. There is tons of material out there that proves that this is not a “conspiracy theory” anymore but a conspiracy fact based on books, white papers, and documents written by the psychopathic globalists themselves.

Other teachers and guides warn us that the ascension process is no longer available or possible for the vaccinated as the poison and MRNA components block the awakening process and inhibit spiritual awareness and perception of higher dimensions; locking the jabbed into the '3D matrix' indefinitely and severing the memory of the soul-consciousness. This is something that must be taken into consideration as family members, friends and other loved ones may not be with us on our path for much longer and calls for compassion and understanding as we move forward.


This is the majority of human beings, and they don’t even think... they don’t even ask themselves, “But indeed, why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why are there men? Why do I live?”

"Love to learn, always learn, not waste your time in... well, in filling yourself with useless things or doing useless things. You must do everything with this aim, to enrich your possibilities, develop those you have, acquire new ones, and become as complete, as perfect a human being as you can. That is, even on this line you must take things seriously, not simply pass your time because you are here, and waste it as much as possible because you have to pass it somehow.

That is the attitude of men in general: they come into life, they don’t know why; they know that they will live a certain number of years, they don’t know why; they think that they will have to pass away because everybody passes away, and they again don’t know why; and then, most of the time they are bored because they have nothing in themselves, they are empty beings and there is nothing more boring than emptiness; and so they try to fill this by distraction, they become absolutely useless, and when they reach the end they have wasted their whole existence, all their possibilities — and everything is lost.

This you will see: take a thousand men, out of them at least nine hundred and ninety are in this condition. It happens that they are born in certain circumstances or certain others, and they try, you see, to pass their time as well as they can, to be bored as little as possible, to suffer as little as possible, to have as good a time as possible; and everything is dull, lifeless, useless, stupid, and absolutely without any result.

There, then. This is the majority of human beings, and they don’t even think... they don’t even ask themselves, “But indeed, why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why are there men? Why do I live?” No, all these things are absolutely uninteresting. The only interesting thing is to try to eat well, to have good fun, be nicely distracted, well married, have children, earn money and have all the advantages one can get from the point of view of desires, and above all, above all not think, not reflect, not ask any questions, and avoid all trouble. Yes, and then get out of it like that, without too many catastrophes.

This is the general condition; this is what men call being reasonable. And in this way the world can turn round indefinitely for eternity, it will never progress. And this is why all these are like ants; they come, crawl, die, go away, come back, crawl again, die again, and so on. And it can last for eternities like this. Fortunately, there are some who do the work of all the others, but it’s only these who will make everything change one day.

So the first problem is to know on which side one wants to be: on the side of those who are doing something or the side of those who do nothing; on the side of those who, perhaps, will be able to understand what life is and do what is necessary for this life to culminate in something, or else of those who hardly care to understand anything at all and try to pass their time in having as few botherations as possible. Above all, no botherations! There we are. This is the first choice. After this, there are many others."

- The Mother, Integral Yoga
Time of Transition Telegram