Showing posts with label REINCARNATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REINCARNATION. Show all posts


How much of the following do you believe?

1. The Creator of all existence is benevolent and is the ultimate source of goodness, life, wisdom, truth and light.

2. There is also an anti-Creator who is malevolent and the source of evil, death, ignorance, illusion, and darkness.

3. This world is a game-board between these dueling forces and their respective servants.

4. This duality is also active within us, via the opposing natures of our being: one authentic, the other counterfeit.

5. We have been endowed with freewill & individuated consciousness to choose between them.

6. By tapping into our inner god-spark and drawing upon its intrinsic goodness, we can discern and make the right choice.

7. In this way, we can choose righteous thoughts, feelings, and actions.

8. The more we do this, the more we transform and overcome inner/outer darkness.

9. Not only does this make us more attuned with higher benevolent beings who can then better help us, but we in turn become better at helping others.

10. We thereby participate in spiritualizing ourselves & the World.

11. There’s also a higher part of our own psyche (Higher Self) that remains up in the higher nonphysical realm while the lower part temporarily splits off and incarnates here in the physical as a human being.

12. By incarnating, we get to experience life and contribute to the grand interplay between darkness and light.

13. The advantage of physical incarnation is that we may impact the world not only via thoughts and feelings, but also via physical action.

14. Although we are by default unconscious of the Higher Self while here, the Higher Self is conscious of us and acts like a guardian angel to inspire us and guide the trajectory of our lives.

15. What we experience after death is determined by how our being has been impacted by the sum total of our freewill choices.

16. Those who consistently chose darkness and have thoroughly corrupted their essence end up in the gloomy miserable lower nonphysical realms.

17. Those who consistently chose goodness and have nurtured their essence end up reconnecting with their Higher Self, becoming whole again, and returning to their true spiritual home.

18. Those who chose neither sufficiently, end up in a realm that is neither their spiritual home nor the lowest realms.

19. One day, light will fully triumph over darkness, and the Creator will then clear the game-board through a grand reset.

20. A perfect symbol for the Higher Self and the Creator is fire since it provides warmth, protection, illumination, and purifying transformation.

Turns out these ideas are at least 3500 years old. They form the core beliefs of Zoroastrianism.

- Tom Montalk on Telegram


Greece 4

We need you for the war! We still need you for the awakening! You signed on for this. You knew the terms and conditions. 

Yes, I sigh, in a sort of resignation. This deal is a ball and chain, no offense. Tell me about the attacks, about the hyper-sensitivity that nearly drove me off the cliff. I'm no coward but there are limits to what my mind can handle. I'm of no use to the war effort when psychologically and spiritually burnt out.

Ever the dramatist, the drama queen!

Their laughter is like a spring, a waterfall. As always they seem good-natured and yet detached. Lacking physical vessels of course. How can you tell? 

You are important for the war, for the war on consciousness!

You walk among humans as a servant of the light. A lighthouse. You work as an antagonist for the shadow of man, yes that means you are always under some form of attack. See it as proof of your radiance!

Where is your sincere desire for ultimate freedom gone?

To once and for all transcend the wheel of death and rebirth?

Yes, you are needed for the war, for the great awakening, yet you do this for your own redemption.

Can you reconnect to that calling. That mission?  

This is starting to sound like a distorted Ayahuasca ceremony guys. I'm caught up in this grand duality play and I want out. The whole thing seems frightfully futile and yet here I am getting asked to go back into the play and put on a good show, be a good sport. I want out!

Take me back to the island. I need to stay in Greece. 

You are karmically bound to the fate of the earth. You are a generator of the new. Going through with your plan will only tighten the grip of your fate. If you succumb to this victim-hood you will lose your lead, lose your way, lose your ticket to play. Lather, rinse and repeat dear friend.  

My plan. My fate. This was not going well. The past was seeping in again. The pain. The trauma. Wake up! Wake up!


Grandiose claims on all levels will be seen - planting of disinformation throughout the truth community will be ramped up

As you are all aware the ‘truth community’ (which includes the light worker and spiritual communities but I speak specifically about the truth community) has been hijacked and infiltrated with deliberate disinformation peddled from you all know where (Overlords in the village). I am shown due to activation of multiple stargates both planetary and galactic, resulting in a huge step up in awakening starting with the Summer Solstice Gateway on June 21st - that the planting disinformation throughout the truth community will be ramped up big time especially on Telegram. Grandiose claims on all levels will be seen. This is done to shake the foundation within you so that you cannot process the new incoming galactic and cosmic information you will have access too. You simply cannot process this multidimensional photonic light encoded monadic stream of consciousness if your foundation is not solid. You just know what is what, who is who and why things are as they are. Mental health issues, anxiety, confusion, dementia type thinking, memory loss, depression, grief etc are all reactions to the inability to process these higher light codes which operate at genius level. 

Humanity has been given multiple opportunity and guidance for decades to prepare for this time and all souls were given briefings as they descended down the spiral of life into incarnation. Yes the briefings were hijacked but fail safe codes were also in place. Those who were so eager to incarnate for the grand show on Earth may of ignored or bypassed the briefings yet guidance has been given to all incarnated souls once in the physical vehicle. Now is the time to put all the learning and knowing into practice through higher discernment keys. Never has your discernment been so needed.

Holding that stable foundation does not mean you need know everything it means that your paradigm presents as logical, accurate and mathematically symmetrical to you. You can unravel the teachings in real time but if you start to take too much disinformation on board this could lead to confusion. However confusion triggers you into the search for clarity when the foundations are stable. This is another way of saying ‘remain grounded’. Allow your natural receptivity to hold a discernment filter so that receptivity does not become gullibility and believe everything incoming. It is okay to ‘not know’ and remain ‘open minded’ about a particular subject as long as the foundation of your belief system and paradigm remains cohesive (makes sense to you). The parts that ‘do not make sense’ can be left afloat within the new incoming monadic stream until processing has taken place. The deluge of information is reaching its peak - be ready. Your foundation is your Ark that will ensure you will not drown in the flood. Light workers be prepared to assist others to board your Ark when they lose their anchor and find themselves on rocky shores. The dark overlord infiltration cannot penetrate a sound mind 🙏💚💚💚

Magenta Pixie on Telegram


Did some people take on extra karmic balancing in this life, hoping to prepare for ascension?

Hi Magenta, I only found your teachings in January, so possibly you have already addressed these questions. I have been deeply pondering your and the 9’s teaching particularly this past week.

I have a few questions. Prior to incarnating, did we know this would be a choice point life?

My reply; This one has been addressed. Yes, every soul knew about the choice-point prior to incarnation into this current cycle.....not the incarnation necessarily. Depends how well they accumulated and held memory/charge.

Did some people take on extra karmic balancing in this life, hoping to prepare for ascension?

My reply; Extra karmic balancing, yes some souls take this on and these are the Indigo individuals. It is not necessarily for Ascension is related to "Jesus died for our sins" it is the same thing. Indigo souls are simply Karma clearers and that is the path they choose for growth, learning, expansion AND ascension but not for ascension per se.

Is the purpose of raising the collective vibration for those going into regenisis, to start from a higher collective vibration overall?

My reply; No this is not the purpose of raising collective vibration. It is for ascension of humanity, planet, solar system and galactic upgrade.

Regenesis begins again with new planetary life seeding and will raise vibration as they evolve.

So raising of vibration is for awareness, expansion, memory activation and ascension for those souls moving with that energy raise.

Many thanks for your dedication and service x

Source: Magenta Pixie Telegram


Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

Magenta, If this earth is a 3D “manipulated” planet, why would we choose to use THIS experience to be the determining factor of either ascension or re-genesis into another 26,000 year cycle. Why wouldn’t we choose another dimensional experience that didn’t consist of so much trickery, manipulation and downright cosmic tyranny to attempt at an ascension?

My reply; Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

MagentaPixie Telegram

From the higher perspective we chose it and created it.

Magenta, But did we CHOOSE it (reincarnation and DNA reduction) with “informed consent” or trickery? Did the dark overloads, in all fairness, declare to us that they manipulated us into “choosing”, and that this choosing isn’t TRULY who we are, but that they decided to unplug just enough of our memory (DNA) to make us “believe” we are “choosing”? Probably not.

My reply; Great question. On the 3D and 4D level it was absolutely manipulated. No informed consent. From the higher perspective we chose it and created it. See "The Thirteenth Question" the last chapter in my first book "Masters of the Matrix" where this is explained x

MagentaPixie Telegram


Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”.

“Esotericism seeks to develop consciousness of the Divine. The problem is that our consciousness is, for the most part, simply a program that runs in our machine. The higher consciousness that is sought in terms of ascension is the real “I” or the soul; it is the theorized permanent point that exists within us throughout many incarnations.

This real “I” is something like an impartial referee whose small voice is mostly obscured in the roar of external events and personality programs. Nevertheless, it is this tiny spark of the real self that is the seed of the possibility of esoteric development.

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”. Yet, the personality pretends that it has achieved this level of consciousness. We should note that an individual who has actually reached such a level of firm contact and expansion of the real “I” will also possess attributes such as the ability to accurately judge the consequences of his or her actions, the constant exercise of his own will, an ability to do - to initiate acausal events - as well as a bearing or attitude that is consistent with itself in all situations and conditions. Most of all, such a person does not lie to himself.

An objective examination of many of those who claim such qualities is sufficient to demolish such pretensions. There is so vast a chasm between the qualities that people ascribe to themselves, and what they can really DO,.

Nevertheless, to establish contact with the higher self, for lack of a better term, this very small seed of the soul connection that exists within us is the object of esoteric science. It seems that the only people who have a real hope of accomplishing this process are those who are “bankrupted” [disillusionment].

In other words, all the beliefs, all the programs, all the lies that have been part of the self from childhood, must collapse or be stripped away.

We are all corrupted by the exterior world of matter - the domain of Non-being and its gravitational lures. Even when experience contradicts what a person believes about him or herself, they are seldom able to make the cause and effect connection because of the serious deficiencies that are programmed into us from birth.

We generally explain our failures as “lack of will”. What people do not realize is that failure is not generally due to a lack of will or desire, but to a lack of BEING. It is only with the development of BEING that we begin to understand the knowledge we have acquired. Only then, with understanding combined with BEING, do we have the ability to Do."

- Laura Knight, The Secret History of the World



I'm Still with You: Love From The Other Side with Sherrie Dillard

These are unprecedented times on so many levels, not the least of which is people choosing to exit their earth life. The number of suicides, overdoses and deaths through wreckless activity has skyrocketed over the past two years according to Sherrie Dillard, a first-class medium who speaks with those who have passed. This isn't even taking COVID deaths into account. I chose to speak with Sherrie so we could begin finding the silver linings of these mass numbers of people transitioning. First and foremost is the understanding that we have far more help than we can even imagine waiting for our acknowledgement from our guides and loved ones on the other side where love is the medium souls are bathed in. Enjoy!  


When we work consciously with the higher power, we become co-agents in the great universal work.

"There is only one Force in the universe, but it bifurcates itself, and then bifurcates itself again, and still again, and so on, until it shows itself in the form of many apparently different forces; but trace them back to their original source, and they are found finally to be one.

People call this God, the Creator. It dwells hidden back of all other forces. When a man can humble himself sufficiently to acknowledge his spiritual ignorance, his emotional weaknesses, and his mental limitations, when he can do all this in the right spirit, he is making himself ready for the divine visitation.

You will consciously contact this power by becoming its instrument; you will intelligently cooperate with it. You cannot use the divine power, but it will use you. That power is able to manifest in every possible form and on every possible plane.

Working through you, it makes you a conscious constructive part of the great elemental creation of Nature so that you no longer act by your own personal understanding and strength alone, but as its agent.

You become literally conscious of this higher power acting through you, sensing a Force which is beyond and above that known by the vast majority of men. In the sequence you will see miracles happen before your eyes, whether they be material, mental, or spiritual, because that power has no limitations, no bounds.

When we understand the purpose of incarnation and the purpose of evolution, and when we work consciously with the higher power, we become co-agents in the great universal work which Nature is trying to accomplish. Then our own power becomes sublime and immense.

That power becomes your reward when you permit it to work through you. No one can dictate to it. You must submit and surrender, and then let it work as it wishes."

- Paul Brunton, The Inner Reality, 1939


Shocking Changes - The Tower - Everyone has to walk the path of spiritual ascension and do their own emotional work

This period of time is extremely difficult for many people on the earth that are enduring stages of the Dark Night of the Soul, whether consciously on the spiritual path or not. Recently, the larger collective consciousness themes are around the power struggles and deep conflicts that exist in the structure of falsity and delusions, when electrified by the lightning flash that cracks through the darkness and confusion to illuminate the contents in front of us so that we can see or gain deeper truth. When we are struck by lightning, this can be a terror based or painful event in our lives that activates intense energy pouring up and into the body, and this creates an inner conjunction with the energy blockages in the body which surfaces great discomfort, anxiety, pain or fear. Most of the time when we experience an event in our lives in which lightning strikes occur, it is uncovering not only false structures, but buried parts of the unconscious mind and cellular memories that are embedded in our bodies. Meeting the negative energy or blockages when this inner conjunction is made acts as the spiritual catalyst for great changes and potential transformation, it forces the surface or hidden fears located in the pain body to be brought out into the thoughts, emotions, behaviors or in the impulses of the person.

When the person has no spiritual context, and if they are not strong enough to discipline their mind to gain control over outward impulses, they may find themselves acting out destructive archetypes and narratives of pain, fear and dramas with the people around them that trigger these inner memory buttons. Some of these emotional triggers can be from other lifetimes and those experiences, as well as unhealed emotional conflicts in the current lifetime that have been carried over because the negative emotional theme was left unresolved in other lifetimes or identities. It is important to understand that we can compassionately witness these impulses and negative narratives as they surface to us, but we do not have to choose to play them out in our body. In fact, it can be very traumatic if a person just allows themselves to be a slave to their impulses and play these narratives out unconsciously, which is re-engaging automatic memories from the collective consciousness that can be recycled into our life experiences, over and over again. The more we repeat the same trauma pattern over and over, it registers imprints in our nervous system, brain and consciousness, making it harder to stop the destructive cycles of pain body triggers and ego wounds.

These pain body triggers and ego wounds can be further manipulated by negative entities, such as Fallen Angelics, which predictably will find wounds to jump onto and magnify the pain so the person is nearly a marionette puppet being pulled by attachment strings.

To stop the manipulation of painful and destructive emotional patterns, we have to stop acting them out, we must gain control over our impulses and make a strong decision to choose states of inner peace over succumbing to states of inner violence. Sometimes this means time out, take a break, turn off the mind and shift the body into passive and relaxed states, such as through meditation, and finding inner stillness. Inner violence is the contents of the collective unconscious mind and pain body, while inner peace is the state of the spiritual self or super-consciousness. To create a bridge between the unconscious contents recorded in the pain body, and link them with the highest spiritual self, not only will we be the recipient of lightning strikes from the heavens above, we will be placed in a position where we must choose peace and love, in order to remain inner connected.

Shocking Changes


Starseeds entered this planetary consciousness body to experience reincarnation and activate their spiritual mission for a wide variety of reasons and interests...

During this end evolution cycle that leads into the current Ascension timeline, many different variations of soul-spirit consciousness from a vast array of planets, galaxies and universes have joined the reincarnation cycle on 3D planet earth. Some are biologically organic future humans while others are not; yet, all have come in order to experience the shifting Consciousness fields on the 3D planet earth at this end cycle. These particular groups of soul-spirit beings that have incarnated in a 3D human body are referred to as Starseeds. Even though Starseeds hold more genetic memory from these future stations of identity, All is One and valued in its connection to the Eternal Source Creator. Starseeds have specific roles and a humanitarian spiritual mission based on the Law of One to help free the planetary soul from spiritual and energetic oppression enforced by the NAA through the False Father God Religions. This is to elevate and change destructive timelines through genetic rehabilitation and erase negative alien Mind Control software programs. These software program “religions” were put in place by the patriarchal dominate Negative Aliens in order to be worshipped as Gods and easily enforce the enslavement of the planetary population.

Starseeds entered this planetary consciousness body to experience reincarnation and activate their spiritual mission for a wide variety of reasons and interests. The primary goal was to re-establish the potential freedom from forced reincarnation through the restoration of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One through the reclamation of the Christos body krystal template. In order to do so the Negative Alien Agenda of planetary domination, enslavement, hybridization and abduction would have to be eventually revealed to humanity. However, the extraterrestrial agenda and the history of extraterrestrial genetic influence in both every day human events and the many historical records have been extinguished in every way possible. Both benevolent and malevolent extraterrestrials have been involved with this planet for millions of years, and they have never left this planet. This was known on planet until the last 5,500 years, when most of this knowledge and its written history were destroyed.(See the Galactic Wars). Only the reptilian bloodline manipulated humans were given this knowledge in secret to maintain their position for power and control. They are ultimately puppets for off planet Controllers that sold out the human race. History is re-written by the victor of war, and hence, the real extraterrestrial agenda is hidden while a false record of human history is put into its place.


The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension

The Starseed Contract

There are six components to the Starseed contract of which you, as a Starseed, need to be reminded. They are known as the Invitation, the Shattering, the Repair, the Gift Giving, the Return and the Dissolution. I shall discuss these components, one by one.

The Invitation

As a Starseed you arose to self-awareness from the matrix of a planetary civilisation elsewhere in this galaxy, such as upon the Pleiades, for example. After the dawning of your consciousness upon that distant world, you evolved spiritually, raising yourself through the densities of consciousness through numerous incarnations upon your home planet. At some point you would have come to be considered an advanced soul; ready to graduate from incarnation at the density of consciousness upon your home planet to the next higher density of consciousness. And then you would have been offered an invitation; an opportunity to give back to Life a gift commensurate with all that you had received across your lifetimes. This is a rite of passage for all those who evolve along the Service to Other (STO) path. When you have received, you give back at least as much as you have received.

There are many, many ways to give back at this juncture. One of these ways is to commit yourself to a Starseed contract: to agree to leave the comfort and security of your soul-family and spirit-home and to venture out and incarnate amongst a group utterly different to your own. In so doing you commit to first lowering your consciousness to the vibratory frequency of the civilisation you will be visiting. You cannot be born amongst them if you are not of their density, after all. And then you agree to awaken, to return yourself, whilst there amongst them, to your previous state of consciousness. And that is the heart of the Starseed contract: that you will heal yourself to your previous state of awareness whilst there upon that alien planet and whilst living amongst that alien culture. Perhaps you will not now intuitively understand what a vast gift you give in so doing. But you see, since all is One, what you do to yourself, you do to the other also. And if you do this work of self-healing upon a planet, you make available to others upon the planet the same healing path that you have walked. You don’t even need to speak a word of it to a single other. Just healing yourself whilst you are within their planetary consciousness grid is, in itself, a magnificent gift to their civilisation.

Of course it is so that you are a loving, kind, good-hearted being by nature. If you find something worth sharing with others, you will seek to share it. If you can help, you will. If you can serve, you will. If you can teach, you will. If you can offer healing, you will. Such is your basic nature, having evolved to a high level in a STO society. So you will not only heal yourself upon that alien planet, you will almost certainly also find yourself to be some kind of a gift-giver, as you do so.

Starseeds are a profound blessing wherever they go.

And when you have concluded your process of returning yourself to your previous level of consciousness, and your incarnation upon that planet comes to a close, then you may return to your home soul-group, having a triumphant and joyous reunion with them at the higher level of consciousness that you now inhabit.

And so it is that you received an invitation. You were living amongst your soul family upon your home planet. You had reached a high-point in your spiritual evolution. You were ready to move on to the next phase of your soul journey. And as you contemplated your Great Service, you were approached by a Returning Master. I shall tell you more about them in a little while. But a revered being of great wisdom and advancement approached you to let you know that you had been selected. If you were willing. You were found to be of the temperament and advancement to be suitable for the challenges and struggles of a Starseed contract to one of the many evolving planets within this galaxy.

After you agreed to this noble endeavour, a rigorous process of training and preparation began. You were told of the various planets in the galaxy that are in need of Starseeds. Planets whose planetary council had put out a call for contracts. And then you chose the destination for your Great Service!

Earth is, at this time, quite a focal destination. It is the single biggest destination for Pleiadian Starseeds. There are a number of reasons for this. One is the close familial relationship between Pleiadians and Earth Humans. Another is the great need, at this time, upon the Earth. Also there is the fact of the high degree of difficulty and challenge. Earth is, in fact, considered to be the very toughest assignment of all. And Pleiadians are by nature a brave lot. Some would say foolhardy. We are ever willing to give ourselves to the most challenging endeavours. But most of all we are here in great numbers because of the critical importance to the entire galaxy that Earth’s human population succeeds in the in-situ ascension process that is being attempted here. This has never been done before. And if it succeeds, it will irrevocably alter galactic relations. It will end, once and for all, the interplanetary wars that have raged since the beginning of time.

The reason Earth is so very crucial is complex, but I will explain it as simply as I can in a moment. Right now I wish you to understand that this is a truly crucial mission of literally galactic importance! I cannot imagine a way in which you might give a greater service than a Starseed contract upon planet Earth at this particular juncture.

So many, many Pleiadians are here, right now, serving out their Great Gift.

Before coming here, contractors would have spent time under the tutelage of the aforementioned Returning Masters. These are beings who have already completed their Starseed contract, ascended their consciousness upon their destination planet and returned to teach what they know. You would be prepared, trained and taught by the most respected of all Returning Masters: those that had returned from duty upon Earth. They would have told you what to expect. They would have impressed upon you the great difficulties inherent in this enterprise. The risk of becoming lost in that reality for many lifetimes. The shock of acculturation from the harmonious Pleiadian culture to the abrasive and aggressive Earth culture. The psychic noise upon the Earth that can drive you to the brink of insanity and disable your inherent spiritual abilities. The challenge of knowing that you are “different” from the Earth humans around, but not knowing why and not remembering your mission. The pain of isolation that most of you would experience as a result of incarnating “alone” amongst a sea of strangers. The pain of always being considered odd, strange and even deranged for simply speaking and acting in a way that is right, good and true for you.

All of this, and so much more, would you have been appraised of in your briefing. And you would also have been told of the incredible wonders of the Earth. The natural beauty and diversity that is beyond parallel, for example.

And then, duly prepared, you, the Starseed contractor, would leave to commence your Great Service.