Showing posts with label PSYCHOLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHOLOGY. Show all posts


Lisa Renee on Transhumanism

“Transhumanism is an international, cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition, by making available technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

Many transhumanists believe in the compatibility between the human mind and computer hardware, with the implication that human consciousness can be transferred to alternative media, known as mind uploading.

Since the Science of the Soul and the consciousness functions of the spiritual bodies, have not yet been discovered by scientists, this has potentially extremely destructive consequences to human consciousness and the electromagnetic functions of the Lightbody.

Transhumanism is a school of thought that seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition. Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans. Some examples are redesigning the human organism using advanced nanotechnology or radical technological enhancements.

Some of the proposed biological enhancements are using some combination of technologies such as genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, life extension therapies, neural interfaces, brain mapping, wearable or implanted computers, and entrainment of cognitive techniques.

Most of these options are designed to disconnect the human soul from the human body, and prepare the body to be used as a shell for a new host. Effectively, this is integrating technological and pharmaceutical hybridization to damage human DNA, as preparation for body snatching. [Note: Now we can see the real purpose of the COVID mRNA Vaccine as I’ve written about before]

The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism concept is the A.I. downloaded into the scientific human mind from the Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality by hijacking human consciousness and ultimately possessing the human host body. They do not have flesh and bone bodies and covet ours.

Transhumanism stresses the evolutionary perspective, yet it completely ignores the electromagnetic function of human DNA and the consciousness reality of the multidimensional human soul-spirit. They claim to want to stop human suffering but have no idea of the alien machinery and mind control implants used to imprison human consciousness. They know nothing about the afterlife, what happens during the death of the body or even how the human body or Universe really works, yet they want to control every aspect of the human body with artificial technology.

A primary goal of many transhumanists is to convince the public that embracing radical technology and science is in the human species best interest. With the False God Alien Religions used to spread the rhetoric of fear and mindless obedience on one end, and the primarily atheistic science used to mock all things religious without any comprehension of true spiritual understanding on the other, they have the bases covered. Consciousness and spiritual groups are quickly labeled conspiracy theorists by scientists to intimidate, discredit and shut us up.

None of these transhumanist people, are remotely qualified to be put in charge of scientifically directing the future evolution of the human species. Propping up egomaniacs and psychopaths, and giving them power and control over world affairs and influence over public perception is the game of the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) Controllers.

The true knowledge of the Sacred Sciences of the Soul and mechanics of human multidimensional consciousness have been obliterated from record and conveniently mind controlled out from the majority of sciences. If scientists integrate theories of the soul or consciousness outside of the consensus of the mind control standard, they risk ridicule and losing their funding and careers.

The quest for biological immortality on a prison planet is ludicrous when experiencing the capability of human multidimensional consciousness. After the human body expires, if the undeveloped and disembodied consciousness is merged and assimilated into artificial intelligence, the remnants of that human soul will not have a human body to incarnate into any longer. Hence, that person will lose their connection to organic spiritual biology and cease to be human. Transhumanism is a consciousness trap.

Archons and many of these negative groups are inherently parasites that require human life force and must feed on consciousness energy to survive. The Transhumanism movement is another level of the NAA satanic agenda to gain full control over the biological-neurological and brain networks of human beings, thus controlling the human collective consciousness.

Mind control is about complete control over the central neurological system and controlling all impulses firing into the brain centers. Once technology or an entity has control over the human neurological system and brain, they easily hack into the soul and siphon consciousness energy.

If they are successful in marketing transhumanism as the next sexy trend, made attractive with promises of human immortality and superhuman powers, they open the door wide to satanic force possession of technologically hybridized human bodies. These dark entities have been denied access into higher dimensional realms, and they think that if they possess human bodies they can ride the human consciousness like a galactic hitchhiker.

The grand deception of Transhumanism, is widely promoted as humans having control over their own evolution, when what they are really doing is selling their soul and losing access to organic human consciousness.”

The A.I. Transhumanism Occult Trap

By Bernhard Guenther, December 15, 2022


Consciousness Trap, Soul Harvesting, and Body Snatching
The Temptation of A.I. & Artificial Beauty
The Epidemic of Cosmetic Surgeries, Botox, and Fillers
The Erosion of Human Creativity and Relationships
The Trend Is Not Your Friend – Wetiko In Action
Soul Embodiment and the Necessity for Psycho-Spiritual Self-Work


I remember the days in the 90s when no one had a cell phone. I was in my 20’s back then. When you were on vacation or just out and about, getting groceries or hanging out with your friends, no one could get a hold of you, and no one you were hanging out with would get distracted by a device in their pocket. Maybe, at best, you had a message on the answering machine of your landline when you got home, but that was about it.

Fast forward 30 years, and most people can’t even live without their smartphone anymore, and not only for practical and/or business reasons but mainly because they are addicted to the dopamine hits they get when checking email, messages, social media, posting photos, playing games, or just browsing the internet. High-speed internet has also eroded most people’s attention span, focus, and concentration [by design]. If you’re one of those people, you’ll most likely have problems finishing reading this article.

We live in the digital age of information. A.I. has already taken over many tasks, and its role in our lives is only increasing exponentially as we move into a Transhumanism age with its attempt to merge man with machine.

My intention with this article is not to “black-pill” anyone, nor is it to project a doom&gloom fear frequency into the future. My intention is to give a sober reality check regarding the potential dangers of Transhumanism/A.I. (for the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear). I hope that with this awareness, we can become more conscious.

Instead of being “taken over” by A.I. through our unconscious programming, wounds, and blindspots, my hope is you can use this information as an inspiration and catalyst to deepen your inner work, your connection to the Divine, and embrace the friction and battle to rise up as the spiritual warriors you came here to be during this Time of Transition, maximizing your soul potential in The Process of Awakening.

A.I./Transhumanism is a very big topic. You could write a series of books about its dangers and benefits based on whatever angle you tackle it from. To be clear, I don’t see this topic in black or white myself, either. I’m not anti-technology; this article is not about rejecting technology, just retreating into the woods and living as our ancestors did. I’m not interested in reviving an archaic past. I embrace the pull of the future in this ongoing adventure of consciousness.

I enjoy technology and its conscious use, and I’m also not completely opposed to A.I. But I am also in favor of organic soul evolution and activating my “inner technology” [DNA activation] via the Great Work to spiritualize my Being and not letting outer technology “use” me instead.

In fact, it is inevitable: A.I., the Metaverse, and VR (Virtual Reality) will change humanity over the next 20 years in ways most people are not prepared for. Nothing can stop it either, as it’s already underway.



DISCLAIMER: Due to the sensitive content discussed in this podcast, I suggest you don't listen to it with young children around; ideally over 18 years and under parental supervision. Also if you are a survivor, be aware that there may be triggers here for you. Use your discretion and if in doubt, don't listen. It is not our intention to upset anyone with what we discuss, but it is important to share stories like Max's, in order to expose the corruption and evil that sadly, way too many innocent children, experience. The more people understand how this dark network operates, the better. Thank you for watching and please share if it's appropriate for you to do so.


There are few people in this world that I would refer to as heroes. Max Lowen is one of them. A survivor - or "overcomer" as she prefers - of satanic ritual abuse Max now shares her story with others to draw attention to what she believes (as do me and many others), is the REAL global pandemic.

Max is a survivor, truth teller, healer and advocate for children. She shares her experiences as a survivor of SRA (satanic ritual abuse), torture and sex trafficking within the Vatican and amongst the globalist (d)elites. Her journey of healing and recovery and her work (as a psychotherapist) with trauma survivors, illustrates the resilience of the human spirit and is a guide to how all of us can heal ourselves and come together to end the abuse of children forever.

Naturally, there will be those who deny these things happen, simply because it challenges every foundation and belief they have and possibly because they have suffered the same and it's too difficult for them to process. That is understandable, however, the reality is, that this kind of abuse IS happening and it lies at the very core of every government, religious and educational faction in the world. Has for CENTURIES. This is not just something that just popped up as a "conspiracy theory" when Q was in the spotlight either. Civilizations have been built on occult satanic sacrifice and the harvesting (looshing) of energy. I remember speaking about it at the start of the C19 circus, and many yogis and spiritual "teachers" vehemently refuting this (and attacking me for saying it does). I hope they have since woken up and developed more compassion and wisdom.

Please remember that whilst it is difficult for us to listen to these kinds of things and accept that they exist, imagine how the children (and animals) who have EXPERIENCED IT, feel. This is their reality and as conscious human beings, I believe we simply must find the courage to speak out in defense of them and against a such unfathomable evil. We must find the strength to do the right thing.
FYI, this video lasted 30 minutes on my YouTube channel before being removed. I often wonder how other "truthers" sharing similar content, manage to escape the cull and are able to remain online? Interesting...

Source: Denby Sheather


The joy is our increased capacity for living and feeling at home within ourselves, and experiencing our wholeness

Once your ego-personality has exhausted itself [over lifetimes] and realizes the futility of finding any fulfillment, joy, abundance, or even growth via improving the small self, which most self-help programs and coaches focus on, then you are ready to truly individuate and embark on the Great Work.

This path and work are not about manifesting your desires, dreams, a partner, or making millions of $$ as an entrepreneur. It is not about physical security anymore, your family or legacy. It is not about self-actualization and perfecting or improving your personality [which you have mistaken for the true Self].

It requires a level of surrender and letting go, which the hardened ego-personality will resist because "it wants what it wants" with all its social/cultural conditioning, attachments, desires, identifications, demands, and entitlements. This process occurs over lifetimes as the soul ripens and is ready to answer the call.

But here's the tricky paradox; you can't skip any steps. You need to have gone through the full ego development of the small self and inevitable disillusionment before engaging in the Great Work of Individuation, laying the groundwork for Divine Union. Otherwise, there is the trap of spiritual bypassing and over-estimating your level of Being.

This process is different for each of us. Yet, more and more people are being called to individuate during this Time of Transition and the ongoing "split of humanity." And there are forces that try to interfere with this process [of individuation and soul embodiment]...especially through a certain new medical treatment which more than half of the population of the world has received over the past two years.




“To begin with, individuation is not a self-improvement program. It is much more than firming up, losing weight, having more positive thoughts, or solving problems and getting on with your life. And, individuation is not self-actualization. The mythologist Joseph Campbell noted that self-actualization is for people with nothing better to do—people who don’t know their personal myth or deeper purpose in life.

The humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for security, prestige, self-development, and even personal relationships are not the primary values a person inspired by their deeper Self, or the thread of their individuation, lives for.

Simply put, individuation is about transformation. It means being willing to embrace a lifetime of full-fledged metamorphosis analogous to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly over and over again.

It means letting go of the defining characteristics that make up our identity for the sake of becoming something further enhanced by the Self, with a capital “S”, the Divine spark within us.

The pain in this process is the pain of breaking through our own limitations. The joy is our increased capacity for living and feeling at home within ourselves, and experiencing our wholeness.”

- Bud Harris, Becoming Whole - A Jungian Guide To Individuation


Canada to offer medically-assisted suicide for psychiatric suffering

One year from now, in March 2023, Canada will become one of the few nations in the world allowing medical aid in dying, or MAID, for people whose sole underlying condition is depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD or any other mental affliction. In the Netherlands, MAID for irremediable psychiatric suffering has been regulated by law since 2002, and a new study by van Veen and colleagues underscores just how complicated it can be. How do you define "grievous and irremediable" in psychiatry? Is it possible to conclude, with any certainty or confidence, that a mental illness has no prospect of ever improving? What has been done, what has been tried, and is it enough?


We gain integrity and value by living according to the truth

"Being honest and sincere means confronting our inner experience and our outer life in a truthful way. Being sincere means not lying to ourselves, not rationalizing, not comforting, not postponing, not bandaging difficulties. Being sincere means grappling with our life and coming to terms with it with a sense of integrity and self-respect.

Over time we gain self-respect by grappling with our deficiencies, by learning that we can do it. If we run away from the difficult parts, we’ll feel like a coward. If we feel like a coward, we won’t respect ourselves. And we can’t lie to ourselves about what we’re actually doing; on a deep level, we know the truth. So we have to grapple with the difficulties in a courageous way. That’s how we gain respect and value. If we run away from things, there’s no way we can value ourselves.

To have a sense of integrity, we have to prove to ourselves that we’re worthy of it. I don’t mean we have to prove something to our superego. I mean we have to bring forth what we are, bring forth all our resources to confront the difficulties that we have in our life. As far as I know, we can’t become real, can’t become truthful embodiments of reality unless we take the risks to live that way. We must make the necessary sacrifices to be and to live that reality.

It’s not likely to happen that you sit there meditating, have wonderful experiences, and then suddenly you’re a real human being. Living according to the truth requires sacrifices and risks. The Work is a self-confrontation, an attempt to be more and more truthful and sincere with yourself. We gain integrity and value by living according to the truth. The Work is not separate from being real, from living our lives. The Work simply guides us about how to go about living life in a real way.

For me, it’s sometimes much more satisfying to say one real word to somebody than to go on a vacation and have fun. Pleasure and relaxation are necessary and important, but it’s much more valuable to me if I can confront a situation squarely, and be what I can be in that moment."

~ A.H. Almaas



We can see this lack of substantial psychological awareness in many New Age writers and lecturers.

"James Hillman, whose works delve deeply in Jungian archetypes, sees most New Age therapeutic methods as failing to deal with the true complexities of the soul. We can see this lack of substantial psychological awareness in many New Age writers and lecturers. Though such spokespeople may specialize in Hindu and Buddhist terminology relating to the levels of consciousness, few speak with any background knowledge of Western art, literature, poetry, science, philosophy, and how these have contributed to highlighting the further heights and depths of the human situation today.

Many become popular because they speak and write with a reductionist style that brings the complex and disturbing down into canned formulas of what spiritual growth is supposedly all about. Dozens of such New Age authors could bring their works together into one large volume entitled, “How To Become Aware of the Depths of Your Being Without Disturbing the Routine of Your Comfortable Lifestyle.“”

~ Lew Paz




Some people believe themselves to have finally “woken up” from the manipulation of the Matrix Control System. However, the word “awake” seems to be a very abused and overused word these days.

What I notice is that more people are becoming aware, for the most part, of the symptoms of the Matrix on a 3D surface level (which is encouraging to see and a good start), but mistake that for having truly “woken up” in the holistic sense of the term, and therefore most of them oftentimes don’t follow up or keep “going”, especially with regards to inner self-work.

Our inner voice – stemming from the real self (“speaking” to us through a sense-embodied intuitive knowing, not via head-centric thought-injections), hidden behind the socially/cultural conditioned/programmed mask of personality we identify with – also whispers to us to go deeper, if we can hear and heed its “signals”.

These echoes are hardly recognizable at first, but become more audibly-apparent as we shed our layers of conditioning, programming and trauma/wounding. It’s the voice of Spirit and the Divine, asking us to recognize our true nature, to keep going deeper within…to self-realize, self-actualize.

For example, relatively speaking, you can be “awake” to the basic 3D aspects of the Matrix, but if you get stuck there (especially when there is lack of sincere inner work taking place), you’ll still be subjected to hyperdimensional interferences and manipulation, especially when you’re caught in the external expression of shadow-projection.

Being “awake” about the matrix and the various control mechanisms and deceptions – and based on a purely intellectual informational level – is a necessary stage of growth, but only the very beginning stage of a true Awakening …and cannot even be called “taking the red pill” from an esoteric perspective.

This stage of awareness is mere baby steps that must be taken prior to crossing the threshold towards self-realization, which entails esoteric self-work, Individuation, embodiment [soul integration] and alchemical internal transformation in order to reach a higher level of being/consciousness.

This is not a very pleasant process at times, for it results in utter disillusionment and death of the conditioned personality, which doesn’t like to give up and let go of control that easily.

For that reason, many people in their process of seeking “truth” wind up avoiding sincere inner work by constantly externalizing the “dark” (especially with regards to shadow projection) side of reality, and thus get lost in the information swamp or hooked on sensationalism, mechanical activism, or wind up locked in the tunnel vision of the 3D matrix, decorated as it is with shadows on the wall, which is a puppet-on-a-string-pulling trap in itself, and only works in favor of the occult matrix architects.

But “self-work” – to truly “Know Thyself” – is also a tricky thing, and self-deceptions in this pursuit are very common.

Some people tend to over-estimate themselves with regard to their level of being/awareness. They claim to “know themselves” when they actually mistake “the Self” for their personality (with its more subtle programming/conditioning features) …or they talk about “living their truth”, which can also be a falsehood which misleads the actual calling of the True self, and instead acts as a self-justification, a denial, and a buffer.

It is important to understand the fundamentals of true deep self-work, especially since much of that has been corrupted and over-simplified via New Age/pop-spirituality and pop-psychology.

The most difficult aspect to grasp in esoteric self-work is detecting and confronting the lies we are telling ourselves, and the buffers/masks we create so as to avoid the internal friction that is necessary to ignite the alchemical fire of transformation within.

- Bernhard Guenther, from “The Perilous Path Towards Awakening”

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”.

“Esotericism seeks to develop consciousness of the Divine. The problem is that our consciousness is, for the most part, simply a program that runs in our machine. The higher consciousness that is sought in terms of ascension is the real “I” or the soul; it is the theorized permanent point that exists within us throughout many incarnations.

This real “I” is something like an impartial referee whose small voice is mostly obscured in the roar of external events and personality programs. Nevertheless, it is this tiny spark of the real self that is the seed of the possibility of esoteric development.

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real “I”. Yet, the personality pretends that it has achieved this level of consciousness. We should note that an individual who has actually reached such a level of firm contact and expansion of the real “I” will also possess attributes such as the ability to accurately judge the consequences of his or her actions, the constant exercise of his own will, an ability to do - to initiate acausal events - as well as a bearing or attitude that is consistent with itself in all situations and conditions. Most of all, such a person does not lie to himself.

An objective examination of many of those who claim such qualities is sufficient to demolish such pretensions. There is so vast a chasm between the qualities that people ascribe to themselves, and what they can really DO,.

Nevertheless, to establish contact with the higher self, for lack of a better term, this very small seed of the soul connection that exists within us is the object of esoteric science. It seems that the only people who have a real hope of accomplishing this process are those who are “bankrupted” [disillusionment].

In other words, all the beliefs, all the programs, all the lies that have been part of the self from childhood, must collapse or be stripped away.

We are all corrupted by the exterior world of matter - the domain of Non-being and its gravitational lures. Even when experience contradicts what a person believes about him or herself, they are seldom able to make the cause and effect connection because of the serious deficiencies that are programmed into us from birth.

We generally explain our failures as “lack of will”. What people do not realize is that failure is not generally due to a lack of will or desire, but to a lack of BEING. It is only with the development of BEING that we begin to understand the knowledge we have acquired. Only then, with understanding combined with BEING, do we have the ability to Do."

- Laura Knight, The Secret History of the World



The Last Days of The Covidian Cult

This isn't going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. There's going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted "Safe and Effective Kool-Aid" servers get to them.

Yes, that's right, as I'm sure you've noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes. The "experts" and "authorities" are finally acknowledging that the "Covid deaths" and "hospitalization" statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle "vaccines" don't work (unless you change the definition of the word "vaccine"), and that they have killed a few people, or maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably "a serious mistake."

I am not going to bother with further citations. You can surf the Internet as well as I can. The point is, the "Apocalyptic Pandemic" PSYOP has reached its expiration date. After almost two years of mass hysteria over a virus that causes mild-to-moderate common-cold or flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, people's nerves are shot. We are all exhausted. Even the Covidian cultists are exhausted. And they are starting to abandon the cult en masse.

It was always mostly just a matter of time. As Klaus Schwab said, "the pandemic represent[ed] a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."

It isn't over, but that window is closing, and our world has not been "reimagined" and "reset," not irrevocably, not just yet. Clearly, GloboCap underestimated the potential resistance to the Great Reset, and the time it would take to crush that resistance. And now the clock is running down, and the resistance isn't crushed ... on the contrary, it is growing. And there is nothing GloboCap can do to stop it, other than go openly totalitarian, which it can't, as that would be suicidal. As I noted in a recent column:

"New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate 'global health crisis' ..."

The simulated "global health crisis" is, for all intents and purposes, over. Which means that GloboCap has screwed the pooch. The thing is, if you intend to keep the masses whipped up into a mindless frenzy of anus-puckering paranoia over an "apocalyptic global pandemic," at some point, you have to produce an actual apocalyptic global pandemic. Faked statistics and propaganda will carry you for a while, but eventually people are going to need to experience something at least resembling an actual devastating worldwide plague, in reality, not just on their phones and TVs.

Also, GloboCap seriously overplayed their hand with the miracle "vaccines." Covidian cultists really believed that the "vaccines" would protect them from infection. Epidemiology experts like Rachel Maddow assured them that they would:

"Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person," Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. "A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else," she added with a shrug. "It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people."

And now they are all sick with ... well, a cold, basically, or are "asymptomatically infected," or whatever. And they are looking at a future in which they will have to submit to "vaccinations" and "boosters" every three or four months to keep their "compliance certificates" current, in order to be allowed to hold a job, attend a school, or eat at a restaurant, which, OK, hardcore cultists are fine with, but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children's heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of "solidarity," or convenience, or herd instinct, or ... you know, cowardice.

Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we "tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists" have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought. They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in "a post-vaccine world," or how "the Science has changed," or how "Omicron is different," in order to avoid being forced to admit that they're the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.

Which ... fine, let them tell themselves whatever they need to for the sake of their vanity, or their reputations as investigative journalists, celebrity leftists, or Twitter revolutionaries. If you think these "recovering" Covidian Cult members are ever going to publicly acknowledge all the damage they have done to society, and to people and their families, since March 2020, much less apologize for all the abuse they heaped onto those of us who have been reporting the facts ... well, they're not. They are going to spin, equivocate, rationalize, and lie through their teeth, whatever it takes to convince themselves and their audience that, when the shit hit the fan, they didn't click heels and go full "Good German."

Give these people hell if you need to. I feel just as angry and betrayed as you do. But let's not lose sight of the ultimate stakes here. Yes, the official narrative is finally crumbling, and the Covidian Cult is starting to implode, but that does not mean that this fight is over. GloboCap and their puppets in government are not going to cancel the whole "New Normal" program, pretend the last two years never happened, and gracefully retreat to their lavish bunkers in New Zealand and their mega-yachts.

Totalitarian movements and death cults do not typically go down gracefully. They usually go down in a gratuitous orgy of wanton, nihilistic violence as the cult or movement desperately attempts to maintain its hold over its wavering members and defend itself from encroaching reality. And that is where we are at the moment ... or where we are going to be very shortly.

Cities, states, and countries around the world are pushing ahead with implementing the New Normal biosecurity society, despite the fact that there is no longer any plausible justification for it. Austria is going ahead with forced "vaccination." Germany is preparing to do the same. France is rolling out a national segregation system to punish "the Unvaccinated." Greece is fining "unvaccinated" pensioners. Australia is operating "quarantine camps." Scotland. Italy. Spain. The Netherlands. New York City. San Francisco. Toronto. The list goes on, and on, and on.

I don't know what is going to happen. I'm not an oracle. I'm just a satirist. But we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started. If that happens, things are going to get very ugly. I know, things are already ugly, but I'm talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler's final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family.

That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart. When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping we can avoid that. From what I have heard and read, it isn't much fun.


To help others transition as peacefully as possible, is a sacred honor and duty for many Starseed people that came to this planet for this exact purpose.

With the planetary initiation that is occurring now and being heightened this year as brought on by the systematic reclamation of the Albion planetary grid network by the Paliadorian Solar Dragon Kings or Cosmic Christos Consciousness, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense spiritual initiation occurs and reaches its pinnacle in our own individual consciousness body, it brings the karmic or miasmatic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality.

This dark night of the soul phase is deeply uncomfortable for all of us as we shed obsolete patterns or are faced with unpleasant truths. This is for the purpose of seeing the dysfunctional patterns in our lives, so that these frequency patterns can be released and shifted as the new frequency sets of ascension coding are being transmitted in ways they can actually embody. Effectively, this year is the pinnacle of the planetary ascension initiation that is imposing a personal spiritual initiation as a great consciousness shift and transformational change is being made upon us all. If the mental and emotional body is not prepared to know how to integrate the forces of polarity or neutralize these karmic imprints by making changes in belief or lifestyle, the person can persist with co-creating these destructive karmic imprints which will make them extremely ill or psychologically imbalanced.

The current outerscape of the plandemic and the many fear-based deceptions are also macrocosmic manifestations of these massive shadows and energetic imbalances held within the collective consciousness. These dysfunctions are being highlighted for all to see in order to impact a global awakening that introduces radical changes throughout the existing culture. First, we must see how our civilization came to be anti-human through the promotion of the death culture and how this death culture is being technologically controlled by off planet entities engaged in an active war with humanity for total domination over all of the planetary resources. The truth is very hard to process for many that do not have a strong connection with God source, and as such, as the planetary body ascends there are many souls that are leaving this reality in order to transition to a space that is much easier to spiritually heal. To help others transition as peacefully as possible, is a sacred honor and duty for many Starseed people that came to this planet for this exact purpose. Be strong in your spiritual armor and keep your heart and mind focused upon strengthening your direct relationship with God and Christos.

The external energies and interrelationships are drastically impacted as the karmic imprints begin to manifest in the current station of identity, similar to the shadow selves, these karmic imprints and miasmatic records are all beginning to purge at once. This can bring extreme chaos to people’s life conditions if they remain fixated on these unhealthy patterns and don’t make an effort to change their lifestyle. This is a radical time of change and personal transformation, in which we must learn to let go of obsolete or unhealthy ways of being. The least prepared people will experience overwhelm as these karmic patterns manifest into uncontrolled emotions, exploding into chaos as their life careens out of control and their physical and mental health deteriorates. This is why we all must learn how to direct and control our personal mental energies and thought patterns. This skill is one that all people can learn to release negative and chaotic energy from building up the shadow selves and then redirect it into more harmonious patterns, practicing self-love and self-acceptance, in the moment to moment.

In the current now moment of present awareness we all have the power to change, shift and release these karmic patterns, which changes the station of our consciousness into a higher timeline and allows more light to be embodied. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the solar consciousness of eternal light, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome.

Whatever quality of energy is generated from thought, emotion or behaviors, this combination sets into motion a cycle of energy that must eventually return back to its causal source, completing its circuit. There are many dimensional planes of causation, but nothing will escape the law, because at the end of the cycle all is being accounted for. It is up to each of us to understand and make proper use of this law, because on the path of expanding consciousness, we learn that we will have to answer for our actions, we will account for the energy we were given. There is no such thing as randomness, chance or luck, as there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause. The empowering point of aligning to this principle is to make the conscious choice to rise above the negative or limiting thoughtforms of the masses, and choose to become your own cause in reality, not just the effect of others and the situations that you find yourself in. This important distinction gives one the ability to rise above the archetypal roles of Victim-Victimizer or Master-Slave and thus, take responsibility for self-ownership.

We all are required to understand the differences between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our lives. If we do not understand the causality of effects that happen in our lives, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

Positive and loving actions bring positive and loving results.
Negative and fear-based actions bring negative and fear-based results.
Our actions bring our own results, through the quality based in the polarity chosen, love or fear.

Humanity was given the freedom to choose, and according to the alignment of our thoughts and decisions, we experience contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion. The caveat with this statement is that humanity is currently enduring the biggest psychological warfare of farfetched lies being perpetrated to incite terrorizing fears. The masses will be forced to wake up when the truth reveals very painful realizations of ongoing betrayals from those whom we had trusted and given away our power as the result of the ongoing demands being made from corrupted experts and authorities with sinister hidden agendas. We must learn from our past decisions, and take what we learned from any disagreeable results in order to make more positive and loving choices in the future. Learning from our mistakes is the process of cultivating right thinking and right alignment, if our pain increases, the awareness is that change and transformation of the way we do things is required. If we are getting unproductive results such as increased pain and illness from the choices we have made, this is a blaring red flag that means we have to change our direction and stop repeating the same mistakes or we will suffer greatly from the consequences.

As a result, we must be very clear about where we place our attention, time and focus, as where we direct our interest will initiate movement forward through the Law of Cycles, and either love or fear vibrations will be magnified a thousandfold in our personal lives.


Spirituality means waking up

"Spirituality means waking up. Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence. You know, all mystics—Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what their theology, no matter what their religion—are unanimous on one thing: that all is well, all is well. Though everything is a mess, all is well. Strange paradox, to be sure. But, tragically, most people never get to see that all is well because they are asleep. They are having a nightmare.

Most people tell you they want to get out of kindergarten, but don’t believe them. Don’t believe them! All they want you to do is to mend their broken toys. “Give me back my wife. Give me back my job. Give me back my money. Give me back my reputation, my success.” This is what they want; they want their toys replaced. That’s all. Even the best psychologist will tell you that, that people don’t really want to be cured. What they want is relief; a cure is painful."

- Anthony De Mello



This presents a dangerous dilemma for the political elites currently engaged in the biggest group brainwashing exercise in history.

Are our politicians facing their Ceausescu moment?

"NO matter how sophisticated a propaganda campaign, even the most witless eventually wake up when the reality they see bears no resemblance to the fantasy that’s been fed them.

This presents a dangerous dilemma for the political elites currently engaged in the biggest group brainwashing exercise in history. The Big Lie they are forcing upon us can be essentially summarised as follows: Covid-19 presents a mortal threat to everyone regardless of age and health, and the vaccines are both safe and effective.

To cement this Big Lie, governments have utilised behavioural psychologists to terrorise citizens into a submissive Pavlovian condition. This is an act of terrorism if we adhere to the dictionary definition – deliberately inculcating fear to achieve a political ambition."


The 30% that cannot be hypnotized

Prof. Mattias Desmet, the leading psychological expert on tyranny and totalitarianism and how a crowd hypnosis forms explains:

"Parents who are vaccinating their kids so eagerly are stepping into the crowd consciousness called “mass formation” –this social change happens when there is or has been a period of free floating anxiety — and it is a step on the road to a totalitarian state.

Totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population — it is not the same as dictatorship in a dictatorship people obey out of basic fear of the dictator at the top but Totalitarianism is the opposite ….. people are hypnotized into the obedience “for the good of the collective”.

We see this mass formation finding a new solidarity together as a collective –it brings them a solution to their anxiety- the narration and ideology around the pandemic and vaccines has become “the object of anxiety” where the free floating anxiety has found a target – an object. All they know is their anxiety is gone and they now have an answer to their anxiety and have new meaning and a new sense of solidarity — they are changed when this happens.

They are not rational anymore and not thinking critically like they once did. This is why we all know once very smart and compassionate friends that are now dumbed down and will not listen to any different voices — they are intolerant and even mean or cruel.

In hypnotism the focus narrows and narrows until the subject cannot see outside their very narrow view of what is real.

This has now happened. The anxiety and lonely isolation many felt before the pandemic and during the pandemic found their perfect “object of anxiety” and is solidly locked on to the pandemic and vaccine narrative…they cannot be tolerant or allow dissent or different voices and don’t want to even hear any questioning. If they wake up their “terrible anxiety” will return and the leaders of the mass formation cannot allow the mass to wake up either because when the mass wakes up and sees the true damage and loss they will be angry at those that did the damage and likely kill those leaders – in history the organizers of a mass formation are always killed by those once hypnotized that wake up and see the real world again.

 - this is currently a social crisis

 - and we do have a part to play

Prof Desmet explains….

30% of people are deeply hypnotized

40% are not but go along with the crowd — if this 40% stop hearing dissenting voices of reason they will unite with the hypnotized to go along

we are the last section–

the 30% that cannot be hypnotized; we must keep speaking out.

In totalitarianism when the last voices of dissent give up and become silent – the mass then starts committing atrocities — for the sake of the solidarity and of the collective.

The unhypnotized 30% are a mixed band of different groups and varied religion and politics. If we don’t find common ground to unite – we lose and without the brave and continued voices of dissent those 40% fall …

Prof Desmet says the hypnotism and mass formation he now sees is a condition clearly leading to totalitarianism.

In a totalitarian state, once normal people commit atrocities thinking they are righteous.

If we unite the 30% who are awake and we stand together speaking every day to everyone we meet against the mass formation — against the narrative — the mass dissolves and the crisis is ended.

You don’t have to say a lot – say little things like:

“none of this makes sense”

“the data says something different”

say it to the cashier

say it at the gas station

say it to the repairman

go out of your way to say it.

This is the art of resistance; spread seeds of doubt — words of dissent.


Inevitable disillusionment which subsequently arises

“Whether we use psychological or esoteric terminology, the basic fact remains the same: human beings do not earn free will except through self-discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things become so painful that they have no other choice. If the individual makes no effort to expand his consciousness so that he can understand the nature of his total unfoldment and can begin to coorperate with it, then it will seem that he is the pawn of fate and has no control over his life. He can only earn his freedom by learning about himself so that he can understand what value a particular experience has for the development of his whole self.”

– Liz Green


The NF Empathy Shift

Why I (INFJ) sometimes feel so restless, why I sometimes feel like people are sucking me dry, clinging to me, hooked on to me and why sometimes people have such high expectations of me?
This piece of writing explains why!
Although NFs (intuitive feeling) especially the male NF, become restless if others (including mates, children, or parents) are dependant, NFs have in their own personalities characteristics that promote this dependancy. They pride themselves on being sensitive to others and caring about them. It is almost impossible for NFs to be unaware of others psychological needs. Yet the NF becomes restless when these ties begin to bind, as they do when the amount of emotional input becomes a psychological overload for the NF. At this point the NF can seem cruel, insisting unexpectedly that the other "stand on his own two feet." This shift in attitude is usually abrubt and the person who heretofore believed that he was very special in the eyes of the NF now finds himself apparently rejected. The NF does not mean to be unkind; he or she is simply disconnecting a relationship which can no longer be handled - in spite of the reality that the NF created this dependant relationship through expressions of empathy and unique understanding. Building empathic relationships is second nature to this temperament, a master of the art of intimacy. But as those around the NF want more and more attention, more and more expressions of this unusual appreciation, more and more signals of deep affection, the NF becomes restless and resentful of pressures to deliver what had seemed promised: the ideal love, the perfect friendship, complete understanding, and total acceptance.
The NF is vulnerable to this kind of misunderstanding because of his extraordinary capabilities to introject. He can take into himself the point of view, the emotions, and the psychological state of another so completely that the other feels totally recieved. The other person may not realize that the NF does this in most relationships, and may be hurt on discovering that he is not valued as uniquely as he first thought. When the NF leaves each person, the NF no longer resonates to that person but relates to the person now present.
The Apollonian (NF) Mate
Please Understand Me - Character and Temperament Types - David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates