Showing posts with label ASCENSION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASCENSION. Show all posts


I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause...

I've noticed that I've started to view the vaccinated as a lost cause. They have made a choice, they are no longer on the fence so to speak. As Magenta would put it: they have chosen regenesis and not ascension. They have lost their ticket to 'New Earth'. They have given themselves over to the 'Great Reset' and can no longer play any meaningful role in the 'Great Awakening' that will overthrow the power elites. 

I have noticed so many changes in the vaccinated. A loss of depth, a loss of soul, a loss of personality, a loss of meaning and purpose. Now more than ever, all seems lost because it has become so difficult to engage them in any meaningful way. Many seem to be only half-living, asleep at the wheel; nobody's home. Many seem to be going through the motions of life, living life as if it were just a programme that's running in the background; not fully animated. How to interface with them? 

As always the truth is not so black and white and actually all is definitely not lost. Although it may be true that they can no longer wake-up spiritually and grow towards ascension in these end times and have made the choice to not inherit the (new) earth, they still have a very important role to play. 

It will most likely not be the minority of awakened and embodied starseeds and truthers that will overthrow the satanic elites although they will instigate this through their anchoring of a higher more expansive truth frequency. It will be the vaccinated masses that will rise up, if they are still alive at that point. 

The vaccinated masses will be so angry and bitter, furious, like cornered animals, they will attack their oppressor and from a purely third dimensional perspective, in a very political-uprising kind of way will want some kind of retribution when confronted by the truth that by that time will be self-evident. 

They were manipulated and coerced, lied to, robbed of their health, their dignity and even their birthright, robbed of their freedom. They will be the movement and the unvaccinated will be somewhere else manifesting 5d or at least connecting with their tribe on their way to a new earth. The cabal will fall and it will be on them, it will be the result of their own work, their own undoing. Evil after all contains the seed of it's own destruction. Their system is entropic after all. 

Will the vaccinated play any further role? 

Well yes, they are the majority and so as this all plays out, they will have a 3d playing field based on an awakening of sorts and there will be healing modalities for them, to purge the disharmonic frequencies and nano-tech from their bodies. The soulless humans, the organic portals may by then no longer be incarnate, we hope, or perhaps they will have moved further into matter, the transhuman route.

The vaccinated have made a choice to remain fully in 3d consciousness, they can still have a great life as we move away from the dark, inverted systems of the old world. They will not experience ascension or multi-dimensional consciousness, at least they have chosen not to at this time. We can still be together, vaccinated and unvaccinated, maybe.

This is just a hypothesis. I need to remain hopeful in the face of so many around me, friends and family included who I have lost a certain connection to. It is very sad and tragic to be able to 'see' the loss of so many. A part of them will never be the same after the jabs. My relationships with them for now; different.


New Earth is here | They will try to tear you down

New Earth is upon us, but only for those who have the eyes to see. There are going to be a lot of people who are not yet tuned into, or not going to be tuned into it. They will find a problem for every solution, they will attack your ease of being, your light, your perspectives because they are still enmeshed in their pain and unable to take personal responsibility. Because of that, they will blame you and project their hurt upon you. 

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Humanity is at the center of several ideological wars spanning into multiple dimensions of reality whereby massive hierarchies in charge of power structures are in a violent conflict over who is right, who has access to truth, and what is the nature of God.

This time is the annual period of the most potent Ascension wave during which many people will experience kundalini activation, spiritual awakening or a rapid consciousness expansion of their perception, as they are being exposed to increased electromagnetism and solar transmissions conducted throughout the planetary grid network. Recent events are revealing that the planetary architecture is enduring a massive Astral Reconstruction which has impacts on dissolving the veils of 3D reality, while the controlling forces are doing all they can to block or destroy these solar elements from awakening the masses.

As the collective consciousness rides these electromagnetic waves into Summer, the 3D narratives and the storefronts of the Controllers that weave incredibly complex webs of deceit and lies being peddled through their bribed and blackmailed mainstream puppets, become ever more apparent. To counter the many revelatory truths that are surfacing bits and bobs of disclosure information, the controlling factions are organizing for next level of strategic targeting of all dissent, as well as shutting down any unapproved ascension-disclosure topics. They are desperately employing an array of military grade psychological warfare surveillance tools from their secret space program arsenal, in order to capture all forms of media with a next generation attack against the alternative news, truther and UFO movements, as well as any and all content related to new age, ascension and disclosure. The censorship along with the reframing of language and shifting of cultural norms into transhumanism are already incredibly aggressive and about to come to blows, with anything and everything that is being used to distract the masses from accessing any form of unfiltered truth. What has been framed as the western democratic culture that values free speech and personal liberties is being transformed and reformatted for supporting the new NAA culture of transhumanism. The rise of the new AI hybrid species where social norms are to include an unlimited number of astral attachments, possessions and entities that can hijack a human body, are being normalized when the host refers to itself as a They-Them.

Humanity is at the center of several ideological wars spanning into multiple dimensions of reality whereby massive hierarchies in charge of power structures are in a violent conflict over who is right, who has access to truth, and what is the nature of God. As these power mongering entities lose access to their systems of harvesting the soul energy of living humans and the siphoning of astral energies from their worshipping disincarnates, they are rapidly digressing via entropy. They are further fracturing into destructive mental imbalances which rapidly descend into bizarre states of erratic behavior and total insanity. This event on the astral plane greatly impacts some humans on the physical plane that are enmeshed within these hierarchal systems on the astral, that have been purely designed for taking absolute control over the human soul.


You will notice you will begin to 'disappear' to others who are still in 3D.

Magenta, This is a wild concept to me (ascension living side by side) but I guess in some ways, it's already happening. Thank you for answering our questions. So grateful for you.

My reply; Yes it's definitely already happening. You will notice you will begin to 'disappear' to others who are still in 3D. At first psychologically then emotionally and spiritually and finally physically if you so choose x

MP Telegram


Did some people take on extra karmic balancing in this life, hoping to prepare for ascension?

Hi Magenta, I only found your teachings in January, so possibly you have already addressed these questions. I have been deeply pondering your and the 9’s teaching particularly this past week.

I have a few questions. Prior to incarnating, did we know this would be a choice point life?

My reply; This one has been addressed. Yes, every soul knew about the choice-point prior to incarnation into this current cycle.....not the incarnation necessarily. Depends how well they accumulated and held memory/charge.

Did some people take on extra karmic balancing in this life, hoping to prepare for ascension?

My reply; Extra karmic balancing, yes some souls take this on and these are the Indigo individuals. It is not necessarily for Ascension is related to "Jesus died for our sins" it is the same thing. Indigo souls are simply Karma clearers and that is the path they choose for growth, learning, expansion AND ascension but not for ascension per se.

Is the purpose of raising the collective vibration for those going into regenisis, to start from a higher collective vibration overall?

My reply; No this is not the purpose of raising collective vibration. It is for ascension of humanity, planet, solar system and galactic upgrade.

Regenesis begins again with new planetary life seeding and will raise vibration as they evolve.

So raising of vibration is for awareness, expansion, memory activation and ascension for those souls moving with that energy raise.

Many thanks for your dedication and service x

Source: Magenta Pixie Telegram


It’s the soul that matters

The goal of this end-game is to destroy the human spirit, dislodge the soul from the body and install their own [draconian] essence. Schwab, Harari, Gates, Fauci, Soros and the rest of the deep state actors are soulless humans , empty vessels occupied/possessed by anti-divine asuric occult draconian entities, trying to play God and take over the human race. They see you as slaves and commodities, resources to exploit and feed on.

They are powerful beings, written about in the occult teachings and mystery schools over the ages. Millions if not Billions of people will follow them into hell with the dangling transhumanist carrot. The jab was already “the mark of the beast”. It’s the ultimate alien invasion through our bodies. It started thousands of years ago. But your true self/essence in the divine is way more powerful than them. It’s the soul that matters in this multidimensional spiritual warfare. Soul embodiment is the cure and the way “out”.


Embodiment = Ascension


Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

Magenta, If this earth is a 3D “manipulated” planet, why would we choose to use THIS experience to be the determining factor of either ascension or re-genesis into another 26,000 year cycle. Why wouldn’t we choose another dimensional experience that didn’t consist of so much trickery, manipulation and downright cosmic tyranny to attempt at an ascension?

My reply; Those who came here chose to either experience extreme polarity or came to free those who chose extreme polarity.

MagentaPixie Telegram


A 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition >> March 2022

Again, remember what is happening right now is temporary. The current state of hiding the massive agendas cannot be sustained for the longer term. The truth of the contents of these shots and the larger agendas, the humans being harmed, all of this is going to be known one day. It is going to surface in the divine right timing. Not our timing, but in divine right timing. And in that moment we will know it is time then to come out from our isolation to come out from the self protective mechanisms of defending ourselves, which is required right now. And further when this happens when the whole iceberg comes to the surface and we begin to see it in the masses, this is when we will know it is time to step into a new role.

Each person is unique; it will not be the same for every individual. The messages you get, the awareness that you have, the steps you may need to take in this period of time and again what I'm getting is about a 90 day period of time where we need to adjust ourselves accordingly to where we need to be in placement relative to this transition.

Again, I'm thinking, some time feeling at this point, which is subject to change, approximately March 2022 we will be stepping into a new role. A role where your knowledge and your awareness, what you know as you know it in this moment will be greatly valued and needed by many others around you. All you have been holding as a light bearer for all these years, all you have been holding as a truth seeker for all these years, along with the knowledge you have carried throughout the darkness, this knowledge, this light, this truth will surface through you and it will begin to be seen by others around you. Others will know the truth that you protected, the truth that you preserved, the truth that you held for them. Until we reach that moment together, we must support each other as a group to stay the course and to not give up to despair or what the outer propaganda and character assassination campaigns may appear to be.

Know all is not lost. On the contrary we have won this spiritual war, yet the enemy of freedom, the enemy of self sovereign liberation of this planet must reveal itself to everyone. This revelation, seeing who is the enemy of humanity, this has implications on the material plane and on the spiritual plane. Please recognize and know timing is everything when considering the upward momentum required for positive direction forward.

Right now we face the energies of death on this global scale; there is ego death and there is physical death at a global scale. Now, with all of our spiritual might we dig deep into our hearts and souls and we connect with our inner spirit for our love for God, for humanity and Christ, our love for all living creatures on this earth. We must say with authority in our stance here me now: “There is no death”. Our consciousness is eternal and from one dimension to another we transit. Some will transition to another dimension dropping their current physical body and others will not. Yet remember no matter what it looks like they will still be transitioning with us to a higher plane of existence. As we know the planet is ascending.

Nothing can and nothing will stop this from happening.