Showing posts with label BLUE LOTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLUE LOTUS. Show all posts


Decalcify your pineal gland - The average person by the time they are in their mid-thirties has a pineal gland that is more like a small, hard, fluoride-based pebble

In most populated environments we are bombarded with different toxic stressors -- biologically, chemically, environmentally, nutritionally, physically, physiologically and spiritually. Although fluoride has become the most popular showning the most evidence on damaging the pineal gland, all heavy metals collaborate in blocking the pineal and other internal organs.


The size of only a grain of rice, this tiny gland is an essential player as to how we perceive reality, make decisions, perform and how we sleep. A healthy-functioning pineal is essential for psychological development, peak performance, and spiritual awakening.

“Unlike most of our brain, the blood-brain barrier doesn’t isolate the pineal from the rest of our body. Instead, the pineal gets a tremendous amount of blood flow, second only to the kidneys. Surrounded by and immersed in cerebrospinal fluid, this gland camps out in a tiny cave-like area behind and above the pituitary gland.” - Pub Med

The pineal gland secretes melatonin (through the conversion of serotonin), which activates the pituitary gland to release MSH — the melanocyte stimulating hormone that produces melanin.

In a study done by British scientist Jennifer Luke back in the 1990s, she discovered high concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland on her subjects.


Fluoride, is found in most municipal water around the world, along with many more pesticides and chemicals. In this study here you find how there are a load of pharmaceuticals and toxins within our water supply, deliberately added, as well as due to poor waste water management and lack of proper filtration. To read more about the truth on tap water, and whats added depending amongst regions in the US, here's a good article.

Pesticides and heavy metals within water accumulates in the pineal more than any other part of the body. This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal called calcification. See image above.


Studies show that pineal gland calcification:

• Lowers productions of melatonin

• Impairs the sleep-wake cycle

• Disrupts the regulation of the circadian rhythm

Fluoridated water is believed to be one of the chief causes of calcification in the pineal gland. Evidence suggests that children reach puberty earlier now as a consequence of fluoridated water. And, fluoride exposure in animal studies has found to decrease melatonin significantly.

According to a scientific study on the effect of fluoride on the pineal, the average person by the time they are in their mid-thirties has a pineal gland that is more like a small, hard, fluoride-based pebble.

Simply put, when our pineal gland is calcified, we’re out of balance with our basic biological functioning. On another note, ancient traditions knew of the pineal gland and enshrouded its mysteries in their lore. They knew that it played a key role with our intuition, and spiritual development. With an increasingly toxic world, we must be aware to keep it active and healthy, to further unlock our potential.


Evidence shows ancient Mesopotamians may have used opium and cannabis as medicine and in their rituals

For as long as there has been civilization, there have been mind-altering drugs. Alcohol was fermented at least 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, about the same time that agriculture took hold there. Elsewhere, for example in Mesoamerica, other psychoactive drugs were an important part of culture. But the ancient Near East had seemed curiously drug-free-until recently.

Now, new techniques for analyzing residues in excavated jars and identifying tiny amounts of plant material suggest that ancient Near Easterners indulged in a range of psychoactive substances. Recent advances in identifying traces of organic fats, waxes, and resins invisible to the eye have allowed scientists to pinpoint the presence of various substances with a degree of accuracy unthinkable a decade or two ago.

For example, "hard scientific evidence" shows that ancient people extracted opium from poppies, says David Collard, senior archaeologist at Jacobs, an engineering firm in Melbourne, Australia, who found signs of ritual opium use on Cyprus dating back more than 3000 years. By then, drugs like cannabis had arrived in Mesopotamia, while people from Turkey to Egypt experimented with local substances such as blue water lily.

Evidence shows ancient Mesopotamians may have used opium and cannabis as medicine and in their rituals -- Secret History


Egyptian Blue Lotus

Lotus Soma-theories | Secret Drugs of Buddhism

Named in imitation of Wasson’s SOMA: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, David L. Spess’s SOMA the Divine Hallucinogen offers the hypothesis that soma was a species of lotus. Or, rather, that it may have been any of a number of lotus or water-lily species of the Nympaea and Nelumbo genera. Spess bases his reasoning on the Ṛig Veda and on Vedic mythology, supplemented with appeals to European and oriental alchemy. Yet despite the intricacy of his arguments, Spess does not tell us what, if any, psychoactive substances are to be found in lotuses. Richard Rudgley does, though. In an account of Meso-American drug traditions, he mentions the presence of apomorphine-like compounds in the Egyptian blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulens) and noted that it is used in North Africa as “an effective substitute for opium”. (Could this be the source of Homer’s North African lotophagoi?) Jonathan Ott, however, dismisses all claims to psychoactivity in lotuses and water-lilies as unfounded and pharmacologically unsound.

Secret Drugs of Buddhism pdf


Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile

Nymphaea Caerulea (Blue Lotus or Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile) was the most sacred plant of Ancient Egypt, prized above all others. Nymphaea Caerulea (Blue Lotus) was worshipped as a visionary plant and was a symbol for the origins of life. It was frequently depicted in works of art, where it is most often shown in party and other social scenes, and sometimes in scenes of sexual debauchery. The flowers were noted for their delightful perfume, suggestive of the sweat of Ra; 'A divine essence, for bringing euphoria, heightened awareness and tranquility'. The Blue Lily was also a symbol of creation, and was according to legend the first object to emerge from oceanic chaos. Though exceedingly rare in the wild today it is thought to have been widespread across Ancient Egypt, where its psychoactive properties were apparently well known.
I had known about the Blue Lotus for quite awhile but became especially interested in the psychoactive properties of the plant and the connection to the ancient Egyptians as my interest and knowledge on the subject of ancient civilizations and mysticism evolved. Well last week I decided to try it out and purchased a 10gr bag at the local smartshop (head shop) in Utrecht, Netherlands.
After reading up about the Blue Lotus I decided to soak the dried flowers in red wine for about an hour and then consume the mixture. Apparently this is the method the ancient Egyptians used and the best way to ingest the sacred plant. After about half an hour I began to notice some mild sedative effects and a light euphoria but this was very subtle and somewhat clouded by the wine. After consuming 5gr of lotus and half a bottle of wine I realized that drinking the wine with the lotus had been a mistake, I felt the effects of the Lotus -dreamy, sedated, and tranquil- but the feeling was not optimal or pure because of the wine. I smoked a joint and felt a definite opiate like high though very mild. I slept very deeply and woke refreshed.
I was a little disappointed but I still had half a bag left of the Blue Lily and so the next night I decided to boil the flowers in water and drink the mixture as tea. I figured that without the wine I would be able to feel the effects of the Lotus properly. I drank three cups of tea and ate the remaining flowers, bitter but edible. The effect this time was stronger; gradually I felt a light buzz and soft glowing all over my body, my muscles relaxed and my mood definitely lifted. Although the effects are not overwhelming, they are pleasant and I’m sure they resemble the effects of opium. I enjoyed the dreamy space I found myself in, definite psycho-active effects, mind stimulation and a mild spiritual mystic effect.
The psycho-active effects of Blue Lotus are mild and subtle and a lot must be consumed in order to really appreciate this plant. Blue Lotus is definitely sedative but also tranquil and I can easily see why the ancient Egyptians used this drug at parties and social occasions, the Blue Lotus would also have been used by Priests to seek contact with the gods, for spiritual practices and as a pain-killer, sleeping-aid and all round wonder-herb. I found the effects similar to Valerian, GHB, and marijuana.
Erowid Blue Lotus Vault Watch two people as they try the Blue Lily during a scientific experiment here: