Showing posts with label TRUTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRUTH. Show all posts


On the psychology of the conspiracy denier

Tim Foyle
Reporting For Beauty
Sat, 06 Mar 2021 08:17 UTC

Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound.

We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms - that corruption surrounds us.

We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice.

We know that the press makes noise about these matters occasionally but never pursues them with true vigour.

We know that in the intelligence services and law enforcement wrongdoing on a breathtaking scale is commonplace and that, again, justice is never forthcoming.

We know that governments repeatedly ignore or trample on the rights of the people, and actively abuse and mistreat the people. None of this is controversial.

So exactly what is it that conspiracy deniers refuse to acknowledge with such fervour, righteousness and condescension? Why, against all the evidence, do they sneeringly and contemptuously defend the crumbling illusion that 'the great and good' are up there somewhere, have everything in hand, have only our best interests at heart, and are scrupulous, wise and sincere? That the press serves the people and truth rather than the crooks? That injustice after injustice result from mistakes and oversights, and never from that dread word: conspiracy?

What reasonable person would continue to inhabit such a fantasy world?

The point of disagreement here is only on the matter of scale. Someone who is genuinely curious about the plans of powerful sociopaths won't limit the scope of their curiosity to, for example, one corporation, or one nation. Why would they? Such a person assumes that the same patterns on display locally are likely to be found all the way up the power food chain. But the conspiracy denier insists this is preposterous.


It is painfully obvious that the pyramidical societal and legal structures that humanity has allowed to develop are exactly the kind of dominance hierarchies that undoubtedly favour the sociopath. A humane being operating with a normal and healthy cooperative mindset has little inclination to take part in the combat necessary to climb a corporate or political ladder.

So what do conspiracy deniers imagine the 70 million or more sociopaths in the world do all day, born into a 'game', in which all the wealth and power are at the top of the pyramid, while the most effective attributes for 'winning' are ruthlessness and amorality? Have they never played Monopoly?

Sociopaths do not choose their worldview consciously, and are simply unable to comprehend why normal people would put themselves at such an incredible disadvantage by limiting themselves with conscientiousness and empathy, which are as beyond the understanding of the sociopath as a world without them are to the humane being.

All the sociopath need do to win in the game is lie publicly whilst conspiring privately. What could be simpler? In 2021, to continue to imagine that the world we inhabit is not largely driven by this dynamic amounts to reckless naiveté bordering on insanity. Where does such an inadvertently destructive impulse originate?

The infant child places an innate trust in those it finds itself with - a trust which is, for the most part, essentially justified. The infant could not survive otherwise.

In a sane and healthy society, this deep instinct would evolve as the psyche developed. As self-awareness, the cognitive and reasoning abilities and scepticism evolved in the individual, this innate trust impulse would continue to be understood as a central need of the psyche. Shared belief systems would exist to consciously evolve and develop this childish impulse in order to place this faith somewhere consciously - in values and beliefs of lasting meaning and worth to the society, the individual, or, ideally, both.

Reverence and respect for tradition, natural forces, ancestors, for reason, truth, beauty, liberty, the innate value of life, or the initiating spirit of all things, might all be considered valid resting places in which to consciously place our trust and faith - as well as those derived from more formalised belief systems.

Regardless of the path taken to evolve and develop a personal faith, it is the bringing of one's own consciousness and cognition to this innate impulse that is relevant here. I believe this is a profound responsibility - to develop and cultivate a mature faith - which many are, understandably, unaware of.

What occurs when there is a childish need within us which has never evolved beyond its original survival function of trusting those in our environment who are, simply, the most powerful; the most present and active? When we have never truly explored our own psyches, and deeply interrogated what we truly believe and why? When our motivation for trusting anything or anyone goes unchallenged? When philosophy is left to the philosophers?

I suggest the answer is simple, and that the evidence of this phenomenon and the havoc it is wreaking is all around us: the innate impulse to trust the mother never evolves, never encounters and engages with its counterbalance of reason (or mature faith), and remains forever on its 'default' infant setting.

While the immature psyche no longer depends on parents for its well-being, the powerful and motivating core tenet I have described remains intact: unchallenged, unconsidered and undeveloped. And, in a world in which stability and security are distant memories, these survival instincts, rather than being well-honed, considered, relevant, discerning and up to date, remain, quite literally, those of a baby. Trust is placed in the biggest, loudest, most present and undeniable force around, because instinct decrees that survival depends on it.

And, in this great 'world nursery', the most omnipresent force is the network of institutions which consistently project an unearned image of power, calm, expertise, concern and stability.

In my view, this is how conspiracy deniers are able to cling to and aggressively defend the utterly illogical fantasy that somehow - above a certain undefined level of the societal hierarchy - corruption, deceit, malevolence and narcissism mysteriously evaporate. That, contrary to the maxim, the more power a person has, the more integrity they will inevitably exhibit. These poor deluded souls essentially believe that where personal experience and prior knowledge cannot fill in the gaps in their worldview - in short, where there is a barred door - mummy and daddy are behind it, working out how best to ensure that their little precious will be comfortable, happy and safe forever.

This is the core, comforting illusion at the root of the conspiracy denier's mindset, the decrepit foundation upon which they build a towering castle of justification from which to pompously jeer at and mock those who see otherwise.

This explains why it is that the conspiracy denier will attack any suggestion that the caregiving archetype is no longer present - that sociopaths are behind the barred door, who hold us all in utter contempt or disregard us completely. The conspiracy denier will attack any such suggestion as viciously as if their survival depended on it - which, in a way, within the makeup of their unconscious and precarious psyche, it does.

Their sense of well-being, of security, of comfort, even of a future at all, is completely (and completely unconsciously) invested in this fantasy. The infant has never matured, and, because they are not conscious of this, other than as a deep attachment to their personal security, they will fiercely attack any threat to this unconscious and central aspect of their worldview.

The tediously common refrain from the conspiracy denier is, 'there couldn't be a conspiracy that big'.

The simple retort to such a self-professed expert on conspiracies is obvious: how big?

The biggest 'medical' corporations in the world can go for decades treating the settling of court cases as mere business expenses, for crimes ranging from the suppressing of adverse test events to multiple murders resulting from undeclared testing to colossal environmental crimes.

Governments perform the vilest and most unthinkable 'experiments' (crimes) on their own people without consequence.

Politicians habitually lie to our faces, without consequence.

And on and on. At what point, exactly, does a conspiracy become so big that 'they' just couldn't get away with it, and why? I suggest it's at the point where the cognitive ability of the conspiracy denier falters, and their unconscious survival instinct kicks in. The point at which the intellect becomes overwhelmed with the scope of events and the instinct is to settle back into the familiar comforting faith known and cultivated since the first moment one's lips found the nipple. The faith that someone else is dealing with it - that where the world becomes unknown to us, a powerful and benevolent human authority exists in which we have only to place our faith unconditionally in order to guarantee eternal emotional security.

This dangerous delusion may be the central factor placing humanity's physical security and future in the hands of sociopaths.

To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and sceptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organisations without question? How is this rational?

If you are placing faith in such organisations, consider that in the modern global age, these organisations, as extraordinarily well presented as they are, are simply grander manifestations of the local versions we know we can't trust. They are not our parents and demonstrate no loyalty to humane values. There is no reason to place any faith whatsoever in any of them.

If you haven't consciously developed a faith or questioned why you believe as you do to some depth, such a position might seem misanthropic, but in truth, it is the opposite. These organisations have not earned your trust with anything other than PR money and glossy lies. True power remains, as ever, with the people.

There is a reason why Buddhists strongly advise the placing of one's faith in the Dharma, or the natural law of life, rather than in persons, and that similar refrains are common in other belief systems.

Power corrupts. And, in the world today, misplaced and unfounded trust could well be one of the greatest sources of power there is.

Massive criminal conspiracies exist. The evidence is overwhelming. The scope of those currently underway is unknown, but there is no reason to imagine, in the new global age, that the sociopathic quest for power or the possession of the resources required to move towards it is diminishing. Certainly not while dissent is mocked and censored into silence by gatekeepers, 'useful idiots', and conspiracy deniers, who are, in fact, directly colluding with the sociopathic agenda through their unrelenting attack on those who would shine a light on wrongdoing.

It is every humane being's urgent responsibility to expose sociopathic agendas wherever they exist - never to attack those who seek to do so.

Now, more than ever, it is time to put away childish things, and childish impulses, and to stand up as adults to protect the future of the actual children who have no choice but to trust us with their lives.

This essay has focussed on what I consider to be the deepest psychological driver of conspiracy denial.

There are certainly others, such as the desire to be accepted; the avoidance of knowledge of, and engagement with, the internal and external shadow; the preservation of a positive and righteous self-image: a generalised version of the 'flying monkey' phenomenon, in which a self-interested and vicious class protect themselves by coalescing around the bully; the subtle unconscious adoption of the sociopathic worldview (e.g. 'humanity is the virus'); outrage addiction/superiority complex/status games; a stunted or unambitious intellect that finds validation through maintaining the status quo; the dissociative protective mechanism of imagining that crimes and horrors committed repeatedly within our lifetime are somehow not happening now, not 'here'; and plain old fashioned laziness and cowardice.

My suggestion is that, to some degree, all of these build on the foundation of the primary cause I've outlined here.



The Long Range Matrix Agenda and What We Can Do About It

By Bernhard Guenther, March 4, 2021

Despite, or perhaps because of, all the censorship by the MSM and Big Tech of anyone who dares to have a different opinion about the COVID vaccine, lockdowns, masks, election fraud, etc, more and more people are starting to “wake up” and see through the lies of official [cancel] culture and formulate opinions that go beyond the “narrative”. Many people, in their search for truth, were “red-pilled” over the past year, as they kept seeing how things stopped making sense, and began asking WHY and what the deeper long-term agenda of the cabal is—beyond the obvious global loss of basic human rights and overwhelming Orwellian control measures and medical tyranny.

There are various levels to look at what the long-range matrix agenda could be. Here are some possible scenarios in a nutshell [and it certainly is not the whole picture]. Based on connecting the dots over the past 25 years, my own insights, and a lot of what I’ve written about over the years being confirmed, I see two major trajectories unfolding from a 3D and 4D Matrix perspective which I have already explored in more depth in older articles and videos. We are moving towards the “end game” at an accelerated rate.


Full Disclosure Event

Humanity is enduring a hidden multidimensional battle for Disclosure which is gradually happening as the Collective Consciousness shifts into higher dimensional planes as the result of the Ascension Cycle.

Full Disclosure Event is referring to the highest level of extraterrestrial disclosure to earthlings that reveal the most detailed scenarios of our true hidden extraterrestrial human Galactic History and not the manipulated NAA version of Archontic Deception Strategy used to control the mainstream historical records to enslave the human population since the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion

Humans would be briefed beyond just knowing about the existence of the Extraterrestrial races, crafts and cooperative agreements made with earthly world governments, additionally, humans would be reeducated to know about NAA groups, Secret Space Programs, Human Trafficking, Mind Control, Transhumanism and AI agendas, DNA and genetic manipulation programs on planet and off planet, how earth, human resources and technology are used as bartering to trade for a variety of off planet civilizations and extraterrestrial species. 

Full Disclosure Event includes revealing the Power Elite groups and Negative Aliens that have abused power on earth and are required to restore energetic balance to make amends with the crimes they have made against humanity.

Full Disclosure Event


Qanon – The Great Awakening: PsyOp or the Real Deal?

Qanon – The Great Awakening: PsyOp or the Real Deal?
by Bernhard Guenther, June 20, 2020

Who is QAnon? An Introduction to the QAnon Phenomenon
by Neon Revolt

Everything that Q has talked about and the intel he has dropped is nothing new for most of us that have been researching the Deep State/NWO for a while. Q confirms much of what I have uncovered over the years as far as what is happening in the world on a basic 3D matrix level. What Q does do is bring way more awareness to these topics that often just get dismissed and labeled as “conspiracy”. He brings awareness to these topics on a mass scale—and that alone is no easy feat. Yes, it may just be the “tip of the iceberg” for many of us more seasoned veterans within the “truth” community (and obviously Q is not addressing every issue) but a lot of this will be new information for the average American who is just starting to discover how deep the rabbit hole goes. It’s important to ease people into these topics as well, as more and more people are waking up to the many layers of corruption happening in the world as they start to see through the lies and hypocrisy of the official narrative that we are being sold.


Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.
Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election.

– Q Drop #4461, 13 June, 2020


Inverted systems and reversal networks in the planetary architecture are systematically being dismantled - the great awakening is happening now!

Let it be said and known that the inverted systems and reversal networks in the planetary architecture, are systematically being dismantled and aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Corrections are being made to the ley lines for horizontal-vertical-diagonal alignments, activation of organic creator code and Krystic zero-point architecture are detoxifying and purging out death codes from every corner of our planet. A selection of demonic hierarchies, satanic-luciferian cult harvesting stations, negative alien AI tech and mind control weaponry, and an array of parasitical infestations of miasma, miscreants and bottom feeders are also being cleaned up and evicted. This is a massive ongoing project currently underway, which is being monitored by Cosmic Christos intelligences and cannot be stopped.

The chess game strategy is on and those of us that are awakened and awakening through the dark night, must be brave and courageous so that we can begin to understand deeper truths and see clearly how the enemies of humanity have repeatedly tricked us into submission through mind control subversion. This will be the shocking realization of betrayal by those in authority that we trusted, and an emotional grieving process for humanity that will happen in stages of ongoing development for the purpose of integrating a great global spiritual healing. Gradually, we will be taken down the rabbit hole of disclosure and through the many twists and turns to break free from the controlled narrative, and finally be guided to see the larger truth hidden behind these events. Then we will be supported to gain personal spiritual strength through neutrality, empathy and to compassionately integrate this extreme experience by learning from its higher knowledge, each at our own pace and consciousness level. Some will struggle with heavy trauma and dogmatic overlays, and thus choose to leave this timeline, and will be supported from another location in the field.

Currently, the Black Sun entities are clinging to the Dragon Moth Grid and its AI weaponry and from what I can tell, this is the last stand of the most powerful levels of psychotronic weaponry that they have control over as they take their final shot at regaining global control through a digital war. Many of the human Controllers seem to be confused as to why their methods are falling short, yet they press on with all the assets and resources they have which are being put into the final solution of rolling out their One World Order or Techno-Totalitarianism. If we pay attention to all of the props they are using for enforcing tyrannical control through psychological warfare; masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), the terrorism tactics of censorship, political correctness, groupthink thought police, funding anarchists, supporting lawlessness, Alice in Wonderland crazy making tactics, nanochip vaccinations, it’s all made visible for us to see. Naysayers with firing brain cells not linked into the hive net perpetuating the groupthink can no longer deny these events as fringe conspiracy theories, there is a spiritual war, a psychological war being waged against humanity and it is very visible now. To stop feeding into this digital warfare and anti-human system by believing staged events designed to co-create extreme pain and suffering, we must be educated to know how this was done, and how what we are actually observing happening now is the result of many years of methodical grooming and patient subversion to socially accept this anti-human agenda. Stay the course and know that although it appears to be dire, the God forces, Christos forces do not succumb to shortcuts outside of the Law. All of this reorganization to support planetary ascension must occur without superimposed force and within the natural cosmic order. It is Time! Time is on our side and the great awakening is happening now!

~Lisa Renee June 2020


Second wave, mass deaths, GREAT AWAKENING!, starseeds and ascension, september/october 2020...

As more of the fifth dimensional codes become available and we are able to anchor and embody the fifth dimensional frequencies, we will all see more and more of that dimension manifest on the earth.

As we wake-up to our multi-dimensional selves, wake up to our ability to move through dimensions and hold different frequencies in our bodies, as we choose from our own consciousness where we will reside, more and more humans will choose to manifest and reside in a higher, more expansive frequency.

It is the starseeds who are anchoring these light-codes of creation, codes of co-creation and freedom within their bodies now and so make them available for the rest of humanity. The starseeds have spent many, many years already on their labour of love working with the density and shifting and clearing the dense third dimensional matrix/control frequency and are now tuning in to the higher expansive codes and anchoring these 'truth' frequencies onto the earth plane.

With the recent crown/corona activations came a huge wave of awakening, the first major wave of our time and it set in motion the 'great awakening' that we are seeing play out in the world today and in our individual lives. An enormous influx of light has caused many people to see for the first time through the illusion of the control system, to see the darkness suddenly, to be aware for the first time that there even existed such a thing. So much darkness and evil, so much pain and suffering, so much manipulation all out in the open. Never before have so many people all over the world been effected on a consciousness level than have these past months and it will continue.

Another way of looking at this is to see the work of the starseeds; for without the codes becoming available and the 'holding the space' and 'clearing a place' none of this could have been possible. Yet all humanity has called forth this time of great awakening for much is at stake; first and foremost our planet, our home is being destroyed at an alarming rate and surely something had to change. We are also nearing the end of a grand cycle, so much happening and lots more to come this year 2020.

I would speak to you now of the next great wave that will crash over the planet in september/october. The next great wave of awakening, the next wave of mass deaths, more than ever there will be many souls exiting this reality, many because they cannot exist in such a high vibration. For as more of the fifth dimension is anchored on the earth, so must a great chunk of third dimension make room and therefore no longer exist, we will move beyond many structures and systems that were once the foundation of the third dimensional control grid/system.

Already the generator has been shut-down; the feeding machine of the AI and the inter-dimensional parasites is no longer working as it once did. We are living in the echo of their manufactured false reality. The anti-life system will go but with it also many humans that choose not to ascend, they will continue to exist in a reality better suited to their consciousness experience. Yes, many, many people will 'die', do not be alarmed for the fifth dimension anchoring will also be expanded as more souls embody those frequencies on the earth and also many newly arrived souls have been born now with full access to their DNA spectrum-codes.

The new codes are of balance and abundance. We can only begin to imagine what life in the future will be like. Many starseeds are now called to envision how this 'new earth' will come into form and how society will evolve in the coming years, this will continue long into the future although time itself will change too as we move more often outside of time and space, as we remember our multi-dimensionality.

Will the second wave involve a new virus? It is likely. Will the new wave involve 5G technology, vaccines, and all the other nasty things we would rather not have happen? It is likely. Will there be earth changes and natural disasters? It is likely. In fact all of these will happen most likely at the same time and with it an election in the USA.

As this second wave washes over us all, it will bring with it the next mass awakening and allow for many more people to 'wake-up'. With every attempt to control and coerce ; more of us will see through the lies and deceit. With every attempt to enslave us further; more will break free. Already so many are crying out for freedom! Also great suffering will turn many people to cry for help, help from fellow humans and also from their spiritual helpers. The frequencies and cosmic rays will drive us ever higher and be ever more intense on our bodies as more of the old must go and more of the new be anchored, new codes of expansion and creation, of healing and meditation. First though the collapse of the current dying control system prison must happen and it will be quite shocking for many. The tower card if there ever was one.

To survive and thrive through the coming months and years one must trust in the great cosmic plan. Through spiritual practice the fifth dimensional space becomes available for all who choose it, those who choose from the heart, live in the heart, those of truth and compassion. It is a place of calm and safety during the coming storm. Now we can access a peace, a great calm inside us; the emerging fifth dimension. Take good care of your body, take good care of your mind and take good care of your heart.

What has taken starseeds many long years to accomplish is now made available for all who wish to activate and receive through their higher centres. The awakening process that took starseeds decades can now be achieved in a matter of years or even months and this acceleration will continue. There is much to look forward to and much to let go of. The transition must happen inside each of us. 
I can't wait for the next wave to come! Look to the fall! The Fall of the Cabal! Look to the stars and look to reunite with our galactic families of light!

Earth Brother - 11-06-2020


Holding The Tension Between Opposites

Reflections and Recommendations by Bernhard Guenther

There is something bigger happening way beyond what we see on a 3D level right now. The mind can't grasp it. There is a great opportunity right here and right now and this is a huge spiritual lesson more than anything else.

This IS an opportunity for alchemical transformation but it is also an internal job for the outside will always reflect the inside. The mud and forces of the unconscious and the underworld are rising up; all that you/I/we have suppressed (fears, wounds, and traumas) is coming to surface, begging to be integrated, healed, and transmuted so we can ascend to a higher state of Being while transforming the world as embodied frequency anchors.

In fact, the supramental consciousness of the Divine is also descending, stirring up the shadow of the collective to be transmuted into Light. This is a long process spanning over lifetimes but there are key "junctures" like what's happening now and each individual's choice determines the outcome. Disillusionment IS part of the process. As the Mother (and Sri Aurobindo) prophesized, we are approaching (or already in) the Dark Night of Civilization. The collective Dark Night of the Soul. A necessary process for the outer reflects the inner, as above, so below. The only way out is in and through.

Again, this is an amazing opportunity for the ones answering the call seeing through the veil of reality and what lays ahead.

This alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities, creativity, and abundance but it must be rooted in integrity and sincerity, and ultimately a spiritual foundation and aspiration embodied and grounded in the body as conscious transducers of the Divine Force. It's not about trying to escape anything. No place in the world is "safe" from what is happening.

One thing that is fascinating to observe on the sidelines (without identifying with any side) whenever I was checking-in recently on social media is the increasing posts of projections towards Trump.

On the one side, you have all the negative shadow projections towards the man, blaming him for everything up to mass murder because of "negligence", desperately trying to "get him out of power". On the other side, you have all the positive shadow projections (what Jung called "golden shadow") towards Trump, hailing him as the savior/lightworker who is going to take down the cabal, desperately trying to "keep him in power".

And it is starting to get extreme. In the view of the one side (mostly people self-identified as "the left"), Trump cannot possibly do anything right and is being demonized. In the view of the other side (mostly people self-identified as "the right" intermixed with New Age Types and Christians too), Trump cannot do possibly wrong to the point of being worshipped.

As Robert Bly wrote in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow": "The issue is not so much that we do project but how long we keep the projections out there. Projection without personal contact is dangerous."

And then both sides (pro/anti-Trump) hate on each other too. What a "loosh" fest, especially on social media, getting trapped in the duality of left/right...and we know who feeds off of all that.

Trump has to carry a LOT of psychic pressure due to these negative/positive projections of the masses. Bly wrote about the danger of that as well when projected on one single person.

Here's something to self-reflect on, even beyond Trump but in your everyday life, especially during these times for there is something much bigger at works on unseen levels:

Are you able to hold the tension between opposites without identifying with either side, without any preferences of outcome, without likes or dislikes, without desire? Are you able to go beyond Hope or Fear, Attraction or Repulsion? Are you able to withdraw all projections (positive and negative) and stay with that friction internally in your body without externalizing - without blame or savior projections - without rationalizing or analyzing?

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the Great Work to transmute Lead into Gold, connecting you to Truth, the Divine within and without which will eventually transmute the world. Shadow work and Inner Alchemy. It's not an easy process as I experience in myself, for a lot of "shit" does and will come up which you can't blame on anything or anyone externally anymore.

This alchemical inner process of not attaching to either side has also nothing to do with being "neutral" or "apathy" as some people seem to mistake it. The former is mostly a disassociative state, trapped in the mind, the latter based on "inverted" negative emotions. It's not an intellectual or philosophical exercise. In fact, the more head-centric you are - the more intellectually driven you are - the harder it will be for you to drop down and into the body and connect with the Truth of your Being.

This process has also nothing to do with non-action or just being passive. Quite the contrary, right conscious action (that is unique to YOU) in alignment with the Divine arises out of this process, less distorted through our ignorance, projections, and conditioning (including wounds and trauma).

But we have a long way to go. This is just a beginning.

None the less, the opportunity is here, right now and it doesn't depend on anything or anyone out there but on YOU.

So, as a suggestion, use the self-isolating time wisely. Don't waste it on relentless media news consumption.

As Gurdjieff said, the moment we're born, we live on borrowed time. You could extend that exercise to meditate/contemplate on Death as well. It will lead you to the cure out of this collective Death/Fear Anxiety (which is what this virus scare triggers, ultimately), holding the tension between the seeming opposites of Birth and Death....and witness what comes up within, the thrid Firce....or the opposition between life and death....or is it an opposite? ;-)

Bernhard Guenther


Being has not caught up with Knowledge

Truth-seekers can waste a lot of time and energy going down the “rabbit hole”, getting hooked/addicted to external information and “sensationalism” that has very little to do with “truth seeking”. In their attempt to “figure things out”, they can get lost in the “theory abyss”, especially if there is a personal lack of discernment, and Being has not caught up with Knowledge.

Gathering intellectual information alone does not help you (nor the world) in the long run, and most often results in self-delusion because Understanding/Wisdom (embodied knowledge) is lacking [as discussed in the triad of Knowledge – Being – Understanding earlier]. Another trap is to focus on just one topic or area alone, for this can create a tunnel vision of inflexibility (or even dogma, if one is very attached to a certain view). This observation isn’t intended to invalidate the many amazing renegades who have done tremendous work in their particular field of expertise, many of whom I have learned from myself. I am simply pointing out the importance of a holistic approach that addresses body, mind, and spirit, which is more and more needed in this day and age.

To be clear, anyone who wants to awaken and seek truth needs to step into the unknown and go down the “rabbit hole”: to read, study, learn (un-learn) to the best of their abilities, and question everything they have been told and taught by official culture. This process is also different for each of us, depending on our personal lessons and talents. Hence, it’s not about all of us becoming “scholars” and study/researching everything there is to read/view, which would be ridiculous and impossible anyway.

However, if the process of intellectually gathering information in the pursuit of truth is not matched with the necessary inner work, the mind will trick you, and you will get lost in the rabbit hole, as I’ve seen with many well-meaning “truth seekers” and researchers. I got stuck in this ‘mind-minefield’ at some point myself. I don’t take myself out of the equation because I learned the “hard” way. It happens when we lose focus of the principal aim (emancipation) and get distracted by curious fascination. This is not meant to denounce curiosity, but curiosity alone is not enough.

Knowledge acquired through study in the pursuit of truth is an essential – but only temporary – stage of awakening. It helps us to de-condition ourselves from social, cultural, and educational programming (pushing through our own cognitive dissonance) while we learn about critical thinking, logic and how to use the mind properly as a “tool”. However, Gnosis (higher Knowledge) cannot be perceived by the mind alone, nor can it be intellectually understood. In order to receive and anchor Gnosis, the vessel needs to be built via esoteric self-work and embodiment.

In other words, our level of Being determines how much higher Knowledge we can access via direct experience – tuning into nature, the “universe”, and the present moment in our daily lives, where we are constantly being informed by spirit and the vast living library of interconnectedness. This Knowledge is impossible to put into the limiting constructs of language. You cannot access Gnosis via reading alone, for it resides beyond our five-sensory perception. This is also the gateway towards receiving and experiencing Higher Love of the Divine, which is beyond the love we experience (or “think/feel” it is) in the lower separate-consciousness state of ego/personality identification.

We should be mindful not to forget the most important part of seeking truth and its purpose: to assist us in our personal embodiment/self-work and collective “ascension” process so as to align with Divine Will (via anchoring to higher frequencies) in order to TRANSCEND the Matrix, and not get caught in shadow dance/projection, or willfully trying to “fight” it. As embodied frequency anchors, we have far more positive effects to offer to others (and the Collective) than just sharing information and trying to wake up others via intellectual discourse alone. Again, it’s all about frequency and vibration.

The process of “Awakening” is not just about gathering information and becoming a walking encyclopedia of how the world is controlled. Of course, having a solid understanding of the Matrix Control System (in particular the hyperdimensional Matrix) and how it operates is a key aspect of the journey (“know thy enemy”), but when we get caught up in trying to figure everything out intellectually, we’ll hit a wall, especially since we are subjected to manipulation that is outside of our five sensory perception. It is about making the darkness conscious, NOT dwelling on it to the point that we only see darkness in the world, thus getting stuck there.

This can also result in seeing “evil” and “conspiracies” where there are none (as a result of shadow projection and paranoia), and this will keep you trapped in the lower frequencies – which is where the Matrix Control Systems wants your consciousness to reside. You can only transcend it, you cannot transform it. After all the rabbit-holing you do, if you don’t get stuck and lost, you will ultimately face a mirror, looking straight at yourself – and that is where the real work begins: with yourself.

– from “Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life”


A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet.

What is a Prison Planet? What are the factors that have contributed to the long term memory loss and identity wiping that the human race has suffered through repeated recycling on the Earth? 

When we awaken to the present moment and begin to remember what has happened to the human race in the past timelines, we know that the trauma of planetary invasion and the current transmissions of mind control are designed to keep us mentally looping in fear and avoidance programming. When we awaken to the truth, we begin to break the hypnotic spell of the mind control and the frequency fences. Know that we are eternal spiritual consciousness, and that we all can find our inner connection with our true spiritual being to safely guide us through the enslavement maze of greed and authoritarian control. 

 I AM the Eternal God Being, I Know Who I AM.

One should be aware that on many other planets, monetary systems do not exist, and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet.