
Egyptian Gods As Metaphors (part 2)

by John Van Auken
The gods of ancient Egypt are metaphors for key aspects of the origin and destiny of humanity. According to Edgar Cayces discourses, the average citizen of ancient Egypt understood the hidden message better than we do today. Cayce further states that the characters and imagery in the Book of Revelation were also metaphors for hidden messages, and some disciples knew that and understood the Revelation better than we do today.
Here are brief insights into the hidden meaning of several key Egyptian gods (part 2).
ISIS & NEPTHYSIS, The two Guardians
To help with this great journey into darkness, two guardians watch over each ray as it travels the earth, the underworld, and the lower heavens. In Ancient Egypt, these guardians are Isis and her sister Nepthysis. Isis is the power to hold the thought of the Throne of God within one's mind, whether it be only a faint memory or a vivid image. She is often depicted with the Throne of God on her head or mind.
Nepthysis is the magical power to know that the unseen forces are more powerful than the seen, despite the appearance to the contrary. She is often depicted with a bowl-like receptacle on a pedestal upon her head or mind.These two sisters are in every death scene, at the head and foot of the body of the deceased. They are powerful influences to help the freed soul find its way to the higher realms, higher truths. They are also seen standing behind the great god of the underworld, Osiris, past whom all must go if they are to enter the heavens. His judgment is exact; one's heart must be as light as a feather. If not, then one sinks into the underworld and cycles through the darkness to another dawn, and another opportunity to free oneself from heavy-heartedness.
ANUBIS, the sixth sense
When one has taken a long journey away from home, one can lose the trail home. If one cannot find or recall the way home, then one needs help. Anubis, the jackal-headed god, is the symbol of that help. The jackal can pick up the scent of the trail traversed to get here, and therefore the way home. At every death scene in ancient Egypt, Anubis is depicted. He is the sixth sense that recalls the way home. Egyptian Gods As Metaphors (part 1)

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