Showing posts with label NORDICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NORDICS. Show all posts


🛸 Earth’s Two Directions

After tracking culture, geopolitics, and alien influences for a few decades, I now hypothesize that:

1) We’re not slated for a total reset back to the stone age like before. Our population is the highest it’s ever been and we’re being culturally & technologically accelerated by aliens. Their investment suggests they have plans for us, or what’s left of us. We’ll see an unraveling & transition rather than a clean wipeout.

2) There are two primary [alien+human] agendas:

Agenda A:

• totalitarian

• parasitic

• sociopathic

• anti-human

• hive mind

• transhumanism

• disinformation

• mind control

• biological manipulation

• loosh farming

• organ harvesting

• genocidal

• atheist / satanic

Agenda B:

• techno-authoritarian

• humanitarian

• discernment

• accountability

• utopian pragmatism

• accelerationism

• prosperity

• sovereignty

• excellence

• eugenics

• deist / Luciferian

Agenda A is clearly the Grey/Hybrid/Reptilian/Mantid (& Negative Nordic) agenda. They see humans as cattle to manage & exploit.

Agenda B appears to be the “positive” Nordic agenda, whatever they actually are (ETs, time travelers, ancient breakaways, jinn, etc). But “positive” here isn’t necessarily positive in the way people think.

Civilizational Terraforming

Consider the tech acceleration curve since the 1800s, the increasingly un-human direction modern life is taking, social media connecting our minds into a network, the Grey hybrid breeding program, or how ET tech/mindset has saturated black projects.

The following picture emerges:

1) Our civilization is slowly being modeled after theirs.

2) There’s competition over which model wins out.

3) Their human & hybrid proxies are doing the bulk of this work.

Why civilizational terraforming? Because our present system won’t survive the coming Earth changes anyhow. It’s too fragile & mired in normalcy bias, thus both vulnerable & unwilling to prepare.

Only the shadow elite & secret societies are preparing, but they are proxies of nonhuman intelligences (NHIs) with privileged information.

The rest of humanity can either be left to crumble, or actively transformed into something hardier & more useful to Agendas A & B.

Diverging Catalysts

Note that many societal trends & geopolitical events can benefit A or B depending on their outcomes.

For instance, cultural degeneration of the West can drive it towards hive-mind communism (benefitting A) or trigger an awakening/backlash that propels the opposite (benefitting B).

Since both A and B have the potential to gain, neither would be willing to stop it prematurely. So even “good guys” might stand back & allow certain catalytic processes to play out.

Further, like the military they must factor “acceptable losses” into their strategy. Benevolent intentions require compromise & sacrifice when faced with limiting circumstances.

The Problem with Nordics

Transforming human civilization into a “positive” Nordic civilization per Agenda B therefore isn’t a happy process.

We would lose some of what it means to be human, just like how becoming an adult means losing what it means to be a child. The end won’t be for everyone.

First of all, they have an authoritarian society with more conformity & less privacy than ours. Individuality exists but is harmonized with societal priorities. Everyone has their place, similar to how it is in our military except their psychic nature adds additional cohesion & mutual self-regulation.

Second, they have less genetic diversity than we do because they know genetics & how it relates to personality, intelligence, psychic powers, and the soul. Once you’re aware of that, you don’t just let genetics antithetical to your cultural values & environment propagate unchecked. If we follow in their footsteps, there will be eugenics. Advancements in AI & genomics is rapidly taking us there.

Third, they are mortal & exist in a sufficiently physical state as to require technology. So they’re not fairies or elementals that we’d be emulating in some primitivist back-to-nature way (which is a death sentence since we’d still be physical but now defenseless).

To emulate their system, we would have to undergo major tech acceleration, which comes with major risks to our psychological stability & spiritual integrity. But “God helps those who help themselves,” and tooling up as a planet isn’t necessarily anti-spiritual if done right.

And fourth, they are not angels. They have ethics & spirituality loftier than ours, but as mortals dealing with threats & conflict they’re also pragmatic, intellectual, and thus scientific. This means they’re not the fluffy caricatures the New Age channeling field portrays them to be, which is steeped in wishful thinking & ignorance of how things work in real life.

From a Steiner perspective, Agenda B would be described as Luciferian (or Promethean & Aquarian). As Steiner said, the Luciferian impulse of liberation & transcendence is useful to the degree that it takes us out of our Ahrimanic, materialistic, spiritually blind condition. But beyond that it becomes a spiritual trap.

Stepping Stone Toward Agenda C

Some might therefore reason that Agenda B, while not perfect or ideal, is nonetheless our stepping stone toward an eventual transcendent, spiritual, Christ-like civilization (Agenda C).

Of course, as individuals we have the choice to follow C at our own pace, and through intense spiritual work exit the Matrix.

But can humanity at large accomplish this in the next few decades before black swans destabilize society? I don’t think so. Same goes for shifting to a higher density/dimension.

Timing & feasibility matter as much as the goal, and if the transition toward C takes too long, then practicality dictates “intervening” measures.


If Agenda B advances, be prepared for humanity to face tough decisions, smashing of illusions, overturning of institutions, much heartache from loss of our current ways, erosion of privacy, and the rise of “benevolent” authoritarianism.

These measures don’t have to be driven by ideology or malice, but can emerge out of necessity for planetary survival in the face of existential solar & NHI threats.

After the dust settles, the resulting cohesion, harmony, efficiency, and technological & mental/psychic advancement would bring about a sovereign, self-sufficient, and united world.

At great cost. I wish it weren’t so, but limiting circumstance & rushed time table could make for a difficult birth.

Tom Montalk on Telegramuto