Showing posts with label ATLANTIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATLANTIS. Show all posts


Egyptian Blue Lotus

Lotus Soma-theories | Secret Drugs of Buddhism

Named in imitation of Wasson’s SOMA: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, David L. Spess’s SOMA the Divine Hallucinogen offers the hypothesis that soma was a species of lotus. Or, rather, that it may have been any of a number of lotus or water-lily species of the Nympaea and Nelumbo genera. Spess bases his reasoning on the แนšig Veda and on Vedic mythology, supplemented with appeals to European and oriental alchemy. Yet despite the intricacy of his arguments, Spess does not tell us what, if any, psychoactive substances are to be found in lotuses. Richard Rudgley does, though. In an account of Meso-American drug traditions, he mentions the presence of apomorphine-like compounds in the Egyptian blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulens) and noted that it is used in North Africa as “an effective substitute for opium”. (Could this be the source of Homer’s North African lotophagoi?) Jonathan Ott, however, dismisses all claims to psychoactivity in lotuses and water-lilies as unfounded and pharmacologically unsound.

Secret Drugs of Buddhism pdf


to construct an Ark

Religious myths might be the narratives of an ancient technology and knowledge of the cosmos that far surpasses our present day understanding, as well as a warning to us about some perilous state in which we are living, and some future event toward which we are heading. The myths, rituals and ceremonies of the ancient religions are but surviving fragments of this technology from which the true significance has vanished.

Out of time - The secret history of the world - Laura Knight-Jadczyk


strange sounds in the sky

a theory: When stellar transmissions occur, such as the recent connection made between Canis Major, Sirius and the Carina (Argo Navis), the flow of cosmic energy can be directed to previously dormant sites. The earth grid is filled with energetic impressions from ancient spiral vortex systems that were imprinted in the earth eons ago. When these ancient spiral vortexes are activated they act as massive sound resonators that play celestial music in the ethers that elevate human consciousness.
Awakening Albion


atlantis migration

They have succumbed to an evil that runs very deep within the human psyche

Contrary to what psychologists and sociologists tell us, Evil and violent tendencies are not inherent to the human species. At one time, we were a very high and benevolent species.

“Man is perfect at his origin, a divine being who has degenerated into what we are”
– R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz (Egyptian Miracle)

“…primeval man was the truest model and representative of man, and that all human progress since, though upward in some things, has been in the main an unceasing deterioration…All the world that came next after primeval man honored and even worshiped their first fathers as very gods of light, knowledge and greatness”
– Joseph A. Seiss (Gospel of the Stars)

“The elders and shaman make no bones about it. In their estimation man has fallen from a great height and lost his way morally and spiritually. The world’s many myths and legends even go so far as to tell us why man became disconnected and insane. They preserve information that speaks of terrible celestial and terrestrial cataclysms that devastated the Earth and shook the consciousness of human beings to its foundations.”
– Michael Tsarion

Violence and evil was a program that was inserted into humanity many thousands of years ago by trans-dimensional entities that have taken control of our planet, enslaved humanity, inserted programs into them to control them, and feed off of humanity, all living beings upon our planet, and even the energies of the water and mineral kingdom. The Gnostics knew them as the archons. Don Juan called them the predators.

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!

“This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”

“…………. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

“I know that even though you have never suffered hunger… you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.”
– Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda in The Children of the Matrix

an evil that runs so deep


mandate of heaven

institutions vs consciousness

There is a wealth of evidence, most of it not in standard history text books, that shows that these human 'colony collapses' were caused by major geologic and cosmic upheavals, and were preceded by the kind of environmental, social and political chaos, ignorance, lies and greed that reign on our planet today. For those who had knowledge of this cyclical nature of human civilizations and were watching the events unfold, it may have seemed that the collapse occurred progressively. But for the majority, who submitted or succumbed to the official exhortations or subtle temptation to ignore or shut out the reality of the world around them, it came as a "thief in night". -Our-world-is-descending-into-chaos-have-you-noticed


a complex living matrix of multidimensional consciousness

Previous to the Atlantian Cataclysm, most cultures on the earth understood that the planetary body was a complex living matrix of multidimensional consciousness. They understood that the land and geography was filled with vortexes, energetic power points, archetypal patterns, ley lines, memories and etheric living creatures that work with those subtle energies. Cathedrals, temples, shrines, pyramids and ancient megalithic structures were intentionally built on top of these power points, to accelerate the forces of nature and cosmic energies to enter into these sacred structures. Today, their ruins are scattered all over the earth, some visible while others are buried deep under the substratum and bedrock. As these multidimensional forces entered into these sacred sites from an intentionally created grid network, they could be amplified and accessed by the people present at that location. Multiple vast areas on the earth were connected together through running currents of frequency and life force that connected throughout many of these sacred sites. This is why the same pyramidal architecture or masonry style is seen repeatedly in the ancient megaliths spanning continents throughout the world in unrelated cultures. These sacred sites were designed as human sanctuaries, to intensify spiritual and natural forces to expand consciousness, to bring peace and balance to the state of the planet, to bring health and well being to the humans and the nature kingdoms.
The Atlantian Cataclysm plummeted the planetary body and human consciousness into a very dark age of tyrannical control. The advanced technologies were forgotten, extraterrestrial histories were forgotten, and the human race fell into amnesia of who they once were, as multidimensional consciousness beings. Humanities evolution digressed to the Stone Age after the Atlantian Cataclysm. Transfiguration


Atlantean overseers “expunging” guilt from that life experience

helpers always helpers
never forget them
always there for you

there is a sphere
growth therefore

see how these things unfold


high times

It is important for you all to focus on the frequency of that which you seek to create. You are moving into a time on the planet in which you are redefining yourselves and creating ways of interacting collectively that have previously not existed, not even in the high times of Atlantis or Lemuria. If you seek to use the past as a reference point you will limit your creations as the energy you are moving into has the potential to far surpass that of the past.


There are guides and teachers in this time of choosing and decision, to point out alternatives and to explain the nature of existance

Loads of number 8 today, yesterday I caught on again; I am not lost in the intensity of the energy. Seeping past-lives into this line and the anxiety of the sinking cities, tales of trauma, that feeling of impending doom-like. Now after 8/8 I feel a flooding kind of balance, like the wall of water has washed me down and I am floating on it. Let's say that I've gotten used to it, I've adapted to it. That was another time with the fall of atlantis, you have been in my mind, these past weeks. No worries with the death scenario's and complete enjoyment insured with the calm persona, despite self-judgment or any other doomed to failure attitudes.


atlantis the replay

You all chose to be here in this transformational age to see that you do NOT replay Atlantis and destroy yourselves and your world this time around. - Blueprint for Change



“There is magic in names and the mightiest among these words of magic is Atlantis…it is as if this vision of a lost culture touched the most hidden thoughts of our soul.”

H.G. Wells


atlantean exotic weaponry

Humanity must decide whether it will forsake exotic and massively destructive weapons, or possibly suffer the same fate as a previous unredeemable race, the Atlanteans, whose civilization required destruction because they refused to give up their exotic weapons and follow the more enlightened path of tolerance of oneself and others, meditation, group consciousness, and love.

end of an era 2

The era of life dominated by nation states will pass. Wisdom dictates that people prepare for this by learning to rely on themselves and by establishing, recognizing, and nurturing the communities, both local and widely dispersed, that are crucial to their lives.

End of an Era


End of an Era

Huge and numerous gas pockets were blown open in the lairs of the animals, precipitating volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the slowly cooling earth. The magnitude of the disturbances caused the axis of the world to shift, bringing the poles to their present position and producing the last of the great Ice Ages.
Lemuria was the first to be affected, losing much of its territory as it began to sink into the Pacific. In Atlantis the area of the Sargasso Sea, off the west coast of Cuba, was the first to go under water. The rest of the continent was broken up into several large islands with many canals, ravines, gulfs, bays and streams. The temperate climate rapidly changed to a more torrid one.
With the upheavals, the initial migrations from Atlantis took place in small numbers to the east and west. The earliest settlements were in the region of the Pyrenees Mountains in France and Spain; then later in Central and South America. The movement of the Lemurians was primarily to South America. The land of Og , along the Pacific coastal area of what later was to be southern Peru, was occupied. This was the beginning of that mysterious tribe of Indians known as the Incas.
From this time on, although material civilization rose to great heights, there was a growing unrest among the Atlantian People. In a land of plenty, strife rather than peace became the rule. The altars came to be used for human sacrifice by those turning away from the original concept of the One God. Sun worship became prevalent. Only the dedicated inner core of the Children of the Law of One remained firm.
Low standards of morality, sex indulgence and perversion became rampant. Poverty and hunger were widespread among the peasantry and working classes. There was a deteriorating of the physical and spiritual bodies, just as there was a wasting away of the mountains and valleys into the sea. In spite of material advancements, inner decay was to bring diversion and finally annihilation to a proud, wicked, and adulterous people.
The second important land change came long after the first, around 28,000 B.C, and resulted in the submergence of many large islands. The Bible gives an account of it in the story of Noah and the Flood.
Lemuria vanished into the Pacific Ocean. Some of its inhabitants fled to the safety lands of lower California, Arizona and New Mexico, where they established the brotherhood of Mu in the land of “Mayra”. For the Atlantians it was the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one unsurpassed in many ways.
Source: Edgar Cayce’s story of The Origin and Destiny of Man.