
revolutionary movement

Here's an overview of some of the concepts that the revolutionary movement starting to take shape throughout the world have learned about, as well as the philosophy that many of the individuals behind this movement have in common:
There is a wide variety of energy currents flowing throughout the Universe — what some of these individuals call "the Force", just like in the Star Wars series — and that people can learn to manipulate it with their minds ("where attention goes, energy flows") as well as through breathing (which is considered by some as the foundation and the key to unleash many of our latent powers), and use it for various purposes, such as healing, replenishing their energy (by breathing more deeply), raising their own frequency, tuning in and perceiving stuff located in higher frequency bands, as well as many other things...
That there is also a huge mission currently underway to try to free the world, wake up humanity and bring to people a deeper understanding of the situation we're in and what's actually going on behind the scenes... According to some reports, many animal species on Earth (such as dolphins) also have a profound hope that humanity will soon wake up and hopefully put an end to all of the cruelty and horror they are inflicting upon other living beings, and upon the Earth itself...
That there are oracles in our world, people who have the ability to relay information from beings in higher dimensions, to guide people, sometimes do remote viewing, and even in some cases allow a being from an higher dimension to speak through them or even temporarily take control of their entire body in order to pass a message... (what is better known as "channeling")
That humanity carries quite an heavy heritage genetically, and that several great civilizations have flourished upon the Earth throughout history (such as Atlantis and Lemuria, among some others that are even more ancient), but that most people are not aware of them at the moment...
That even higher levels of evolution and enlightenment can be attained by purifying ourselves and progressively getting rid of many of the patterns and memories buried within our genetic code, thus having one's energy field progressively grow larger, glowing brighter, and eventually reach deeper states of pure compassion and unconditional love for all living beings... Apparently, the final and ultimate step of evolution in our world is then ascension itself, where a person's body turns into pure energy and gains the ability to move on to the next level, in other words, to disappear entirely from this world and pass on to the next level, in the parallel universe above ours... According to some reports, some humans will probably begin to achieve this huge feat in the next generations to come... 

Read this whole article - Overview of the moment - evolution today

1 comment:

  1. Every time I read about Atlantis, I want to find out more.
