
Many of us are working hard in other dimensional planes during the night

Bear in mind that all who are on the planet at this time, all forms of life are and will continue to be effected by an increase in intensity of light that comes directly into and around the field of the planet. So even those who appear totally unconscious of the changes happening, they are definitely being effected and will continue to be impacted. Why are they experiencing greater agitation, why are they experiencing many parts of their life are no longer working? Why are they experiencing less control over the mental body than they are used to? Ego dismantling is a world wide epidemic!

There is a great deal of confusion among the masses because there has not been a large enough body of clear information made available to support comprehension of the planetary shift, and we know the reasons why. These times are unprecedented and there is nothing from our past that can compare to what is currently happening and what will continue to accelerate. Fasten your seat belts, as we’re not in Kansas anymore!

Time Shift Blog - Why Can't I Get to Sleep?

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