
When we start to open up this, I want to say open Pandora's box, to go down the rabbit hole with the negative alien agenda it can be very difficult for people, to attempt to really integrate and understand that information and indeed it takes time

Q. "I am inspired by your transparent information and you are one of the only spiritual leaders that speaks on satanic ritual abuse of children. Unfortunately, I have witnessed the unspeakable evil things done to them and it makes me so upset that I question how could God allow it. It makes me question if God won’t help them, how would he help me? It makes me resist God at some level and fear to trust."

A. This is a very good question and I think that it starts in the beginning of our journey. It takes some time to understand our own relationship with God and to feel that and experience that directly. I know that this is a very common question that many people on planet Earth ask themselves and others. Many atheists will say “if there was a God this situation wouldn’t be happening”. That is why in ES I'm always talking about the importance of understanding our true hidden history and the fact that we are in a war over consciousness. This planet is essentially a prison planet. There are many basic assumptions about the history of humanity that are unknown to the general public, which make it a lot easier to think that we've just been abandoned here on this planet, and there is no benevolent or loving force that is here to help in such dire matters.

Once we understand the larger context, the Guardian context of understanding the quality of consciousness that we have access to on the earth, what we can embody and experience in our consciousness, is made available through an architecture, it is through a manifestation blueprint. We are essentially existing in a fallen system with damaged manifestation blueprints. The damage that has been incurred is not only in the time space matrixes and within the blended reality with AI systems, but is also compounded with understanding that this reality has been invaded by nonhuman forces. Those that have exploited the weaknesses of this architectural damage, as well as exploit the immature level of human consciousness that is existing at this point in the timeline. Because if we understand where we are as a species on planet earth, the consciousness here is very young and undeveloped. Essentially, there are extradimensional bullies that are very proficient at warfare with extremely advanced technological weaponry that is being used as a form of mind control, as a form of subjugation of the consciousness that exists here.

By intentionally erasing the identities here on this planet, we've all been mind-wiped, we've been given a false history and we've been given a false identity. Then one can see the set up here more accurately, it is quite dire in terms of how challenging it is for all of us, as human beings. Without our handbook, without having access to that information of where we actually come from and how there has been a small group, a domineering group that decided to take planet Earth for its own purposes, we are blinded. Whether it was for the farming, for gaining resources, for energy management, for stealing the consciousness energy here, that's essentially what we’re dealing with now. We have been enduring this in the last 26,000 year cycle after the Luciferian Rebellion, undergoing a very dark age.

The dark eon was upon us for 26,000 years, we have come to the end of that cycle and now we are traversing in the in between zone. We’re existing in the space of no-time. We haven't quite started the new eon, we are in a transition phase where we are undergoing the ascension cycle, but simultaneously, we are also in a war over this planet. This is something that has been described as the war over timelines because the timelines are directly related to the operation of the planetary architecture. He or she who controls the architecture also controls time. When we talk about AI and superimposed overlays of alien implants and various levels of the corruption that have occurred in the planet itself, many of us that have been listening to the ES material or our body of work for a time, understood that our planetary logos was invaded. Essentially, the brain and head of this planet was taken over and it was turned into an AI machine that could be controlled by those off planet and those that exist in the in between spaces. To create essentially a farm down here and that is what we are evolving out of right now.

We talk about the spiritual freedom and liberation of this planet, the liberation of consciousness, this is what we’re living through right now. Many of us that were indigo or starseeded came from other galaxies, came from other planetary systems, came from other universes entirely. We answered the clarion call and we came here to help and experience the end of the dark aeon. We’re working in that field of reference supporting the ascension cycle, and not only are we working for the Ascension cycle, we’re doing recon, we are taking inventory. Because the issue is someone is accountable to the architecture, these forces will be held accountable to what has happened here to enslave consciousness. It's also relative to our lifespan being very short, we have 70 odd years down here in this particular body, in which also was a genetic modification made by the invaders to limit our life span. By the time we are old enough to get some maturity and awareness, the body has to drop, and what has been happening down here is then starting the ongoing recycling of the reincarnation process.

Read more here.

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