
Trying to find balance within the expansions and contractions of this rebirthing process as it is transpiring in the midst of a hidden war over consciousness, is stretching many of us to the outer limits at this time.

As the ascension and disclosure experiences are becoming more amplified, we are slowly starting to recover The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization, which reveals highly refined periods of living in harmony with natural laws, to promote beautiful and healing environments supportive of consciousness expansion and unity intelligence. This is a momentous time for human liberation. Yet, it is also a time of awakening into greater realizations of betrayal that may be prevalent in many situations as they are being revealed to us. Trying to find balance within the expansions and contractions of this rebirthing process as it is transpiring in the midst of a hidden war over consciousness, is stretching many of us to the outer limits at this time.

The intensity of this stage of the bifurcation brings many more cracks to see through the façade of the mainstream deceptions, as the propagandists are desperate to blare the foghorns of fear throughout the masses to keep them marching towards the desired goals of mass genocide carried out by the nonhuman Controllers. Indeed, there are areas that pose higher risk and are even dangerous as descending hubs, and we must be careful to pay attention to where our inner spirit is guiding us.

Although it can be tough out there navigating in the control matrix and its propagation of blatant lies and deceptions, very important breakthroughs are occurring in the field which hold many incredibly positive revelations about our past, as keys to remembering The Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization. All over the world more hidden truths are revealing on a range of topics that are slowly coming into view through concerned groups that are growing larger by the day, which are public citizen investigators sharing their research findings. It is the concerned public citizen with powers of critical thinking and investigative inquiry that desire to find the truth, that begin to ask the right questions of the control narrative we’ve been told. As a result of these groups investigative efforts and sharing their research online with others this generates a big ripple effect for disclosure, this starts to uncover inconsistencies, obvious cover stories, wrong and mismatched dates of supposed events in our history. The spirit of truth seeking lays the groundwork for revealing the many lies and deceptions that the human race has been told by the supposed authorities put in charge of telling us about our history, timelines, wars, public figures, presidents, inventors, artists and so forth, which begins to bring clarity to the many tall tales told about the origins of ancient civilizations on the Earth, and how this supposedly led humanity into the current culture.

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