Showing posts with label ASTROLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASTROLOGY. Show all posts


the coming of pluto

Pluto, the planet of destruction (deconstruction) and radical change will be crossing galactic centre and channeling that energy from the central sun, in early 2007. It takes approximately 250 years for Pluto to complete one circuit of the zodiac (12 signs). The effects of this energy on planet earth have already been felt in recent years.
Pluto is presently approximately 24 degrees of Sagittarius. When it moves into Capricorn, the sign of order and government etc it augers in cataclysmic upheavals and exposure of all corruption, in order to restore harmony and a higher way of being. Individual lives will also dramatically transform. Pluto comes to check psychic immunity and brings a deep cleansing cycle. It is natures psychic surgeon.
Pluto has a strong connection to psychology and was discovered in 1930, the search however began around 1900, exactly in the time that Sigmund Freud began publishing his works.
Pluto will continue to influence and strengthen the current transitions and awakenings on our planet in the coming years.