
These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity.

The Matrix is currently being put into overdrive mode – and the controller’s (the “evil magician”) actions are intensifying – in order to try to counter-act the “awakening” that more and more people are experiencing (to a degree). The machinations of these Predators are designed to lock in as many humans as possible into a “time loop” (and frequency prison) before the window of opportunity closes during this Time of Transition, for there is indeed a way “up” and a way “down”.

This transitional phase we’re in right now is not an “overnight” event. It spans a whole age, yet we will see tremendous changes, breakdowns and transformations within our lifetime (as we are already experiencing) and it will increase even more in the coming years. It’s like we’re in the midst of birth pangs that are ushering us towards a new level of Being – a process that depends on our own inner work, our soul potential, and what we align ourselves with.

These are challenging times to be alive, but exciting as well, and many of us came here to be part of the re-evolution as we start to remember our true Identity. Any (re)birth is painful and beautiful at the same time.

It is important to point out that “wishful thinking” and a lack of creativity are the Achilles heel of the negative realm STS (Service to Self) Matrix consciousness – these flaws in their approach to manipulating humanity are reflected in the desperate acts being seen now across the world, which are becoming more and more apparent and predictable…the same patterns under different guises.

Many of us who have done our research over the years – and worked through the conditioning/programming in our own awakening process – can connect the dots and “see the unseen”, identifying the invisible thread that weaves through all of these events, which seem to be unrelated on a surface level but all point towards the same goal: global enslavement under the disguise of “freedom”, “unity” and “protection”.

From a hyperdimensional perspective, the end-game/goal of their agenda is to completely take-over/’body-snatch’ our physical/emotional/mental selves in order to lock us into a frequency prison – all of their various chessboard-level ‘triggers’ are designed to prime our bodies so as to facilitate the hosting of their vibrational essence within our human ‘mainframe’.

Hence the push for dis-embodiment in all of its various guises: increasing the body-mind split via increased mental activity/distraction through technology/A.I., as well as poisoning the individual through GMOs, EMF radiation, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc. – all of which are environmental factors that collude with the original series of genetic modification experiments conducted by “the Predator from beyond the stars” in order to disconnect us more and more from our original DNA blueprint [soul essence]. This is a program of Hybridization that is priming humanity’s transmutation into shell-vessels for hyperdimensional possession.

- Bernhard Guenther

@timeoftransition Telegram

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