Showing posts with label BERNHARD GUENTHER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BERNHARD GUENTHER. Show all posts


Great courage is required to face reality and to destroy the mirage of a pleasant dream

"When a person has lied for a long time, the time comes when he can no longer distinguish between what is false and what is true. People convince themselves of their own lies, becoming victims of their own inventions as they begin to direct their lives by standards of behavior, ideas, feelings, or instincts which do not correspond to their inner reality.

What is truly serious in this matter is that the individual loses all points of reference regarding what comprises truth, and what comprises lies. He becomes used to considering as true only that which is convenient for his personal interests; everything that is in opposition to his self-esteem or in conflict with already established prejudices, he considers false.

A person lies in order to avoid difficult problems, to evade responsibility, or to avoid damage to his self-esteem. So the individual constantly lies to himself and to others, and becomes entangled in an illusory world born out of his personal fantasy. He forms concepts, ideas, judgments, aversions, and attachments that have no relation to actual events, but are only the reflection of a life full of lies and listening to lies.

One of the most powerful reasons for lying is to create a good image of oneself, and to prevent others from seeing us as we really are beneath the mask of appearances. Each mask is a lie, and there are thousands in each individual's collection of disguises. It is necessary to be conscious of this phenomenon of lying, and to realize its magnitude and frequency, as well as the enormous damage it causes.

People are always infused with all kinds of fantastic ideas about themselves, the world, people, love, idealism, society, etc. Led by his eagerness to evade a disagreeable reality, man gives free rein to his imagination and is inclined to believe the first agreeable lie he encounters along the way. The individual projects his personal illusions onto a cold and immutable reality, and thus deceiving himself, he endeavors to contemplate reality through rose-colored glasses.

"Disillusion" is a painful [but necessary] process and can be prolonged, depending on how much time the individual takes to realize he is living artificially and that this condition is a product of his internal dreams. Great courage is required to face reality and to destroy the mirage of a pleasant dream."

- from "The Stellar Man" by John Baines

As Adyashbati once said, do you really want to awaken or just be "happy in your dream life"? [and own nothing as Klaus Schwab would add.]

Source: Time of Transition Telegram


The Jab - A mass extinction event?

When I think about the number of people in my life - from the casual neighbor or co-worker to my oldest friends - who've taken the jab, I realize I may lose many or even all of them - potentially in a short span of time. The suffering of this mass extinction event will be that of those who are left behind to pick up the pieces not only of their own lives, but that of the whole of society, and simultaneously at that. There won't be the luxury of a mourning period. There will be too much to do and too few to do it. The world will need every able bodied (and minded) individual to pitch-in. The only way I can envision getting through all that is to truly practice non-attachment and accept that we're each on our own journey here.... and pray that there's an antidote.

Bernhard Guenther

The numbers will increase exponentially over the next five to ten years, especially with ongoing booster shots. It will also affect generations to come.

Climate Change and the Time of Transition

In this quote below, Gurdjieff talked about climate change (literally using the same words) almost a century ago, taking a look at the issue from the perspective of cycles, esotericism, and the pursuit of higher Knowledge:

“There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture.

Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge. This, in its turn, necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.

This aspect of the question is clear. The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear. It is even difficult to imagine all the horror of this slavery. We do not understand what people are losing.

But in order to understand the cause of this slavery it is enough to see how people live, what constitutes the aim of their existence, the object of their desires, passions, and aspirations, of what they think, of what they talk, what they serve and what they worship….”

- Gurdjieff

More in this article 👇


No, "we" are not all the same >> Organic Portals >> There have always existed two types of humans, souled and soulless humans indistinguishable from the outside and nothing to do with color or status.

Most people - including well-meaning "truther" folks, speaking out trying to "wake up" others about the lies, propaganda, and matrix programs - do not realize that the splitting of humanity is at full force. There won't be a collective awakening by any stretch of the imagination. The separation has been prophesized by various esoteric traditions and it is part of the evolution of consciousness.

There have always existed two types of humans, souled and soulless humans indistinguishable from the outside and nothing to do with color or status. In the esoteric Christian tradition (not to be confused with the mainstream Christian religion) they've been called adamic man and pre-adamic man. I've written about it in the depth with many resources in my essay "Organic Portals - Soulless Humans".

This knowledge is imperative to understand during this Time of Transition so we don't keep fighting shadows on the wall or try to reach people who cannot be reached. It can be heartbreaking because they can very close friends and even within your own family.

I said it before, this is not the time to spiritually bypass with sayings like "let's not be divisive, we're all in this together". No, "we" are not all the same.

It's time to stop throwing pearls in front of swine but unite with your soul/spiritual family and engage in the Great Work to make this Transition successful which is an internal state of Being to anchor the Divine within so we can ward off a possible cataclysm as it happened many times before.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also warned of this possibility - the Dark Night of civilization and the possibility of complete destruction to repeat the human cycle, i.e. the Divine pressing the "reset" button, the REAL "Great Reset" based on Divine Law, nothing man-made.

Super-efforts to engage in the Great [esoteric] work are needed by the "spiritual elite", i.e. the spiritual warriors and souled beings who came here to participate, the Children of Light as they are called in Gnosis. The transformation doesn't happen by itself and it certainly doesn't happen just by posting on FB or trying to convince others by information or by physical preparation alone. [P.S. All the crypto/assets in the world are not going to help you if you do not engage in the Real Work necessary to help this Transition turn out positive].

Time to step up to the plate and heed the voice of the Divine. You know who you are.


Bernhard ⚔🔥⚔


A testimony of being out of touch with your body, spirit, and soul?

The biggest oxymoron: yoga teachers, spiritual leaders/teachers, somatic/embodiment therapists/teachers, healers, energy workers, bodyworkers/massage therapists, and anyone in the "wellness industry" taking the j[a]b. It couldn't be more of a testimony of being out of touch with your body, spirit, and soul. True colors revealed. The ultimate litmus test for embodied [self]awareness. 5-10 years from now they will see what they have done and the truth will reveal itself more and more and it is not going to be a pretty picture. For now, they laugh at us, gaslight us, and ridicule us with their ad hominem "conspiracy theorist" attack [logical fallacy] and socially conditioned virtue signaling. May God have mercy on their soul for they do not know what they do, programmed like lambs to the slaughter.

Time of Transition on Telegram


The most difficult things that happen to you are, on the deepest level, the most compassionate

“The problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else. The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to yourself. Without something pricking you in the side, saying, "Look here! This way!" you are not going to go the right direction. The part of you that designed this loves you so much that it doesn't want you to lose the chance. It will go to extreme measures to wake you up, and it will make you suffer greatly if you don't listen. What else can it do? That is its purpose. 

How much suffering and difficulty it brings you is immaterial in relation to the fulfillment and satisfaction you will have when you actually struggle and see the fruits of the struggle. You can look at your problems as difficulties to be gotten rid of as fast as possible with the least struggle, or you can look at them from the perspective of the part of you that is guiding you to yourself. If you look at them from that more accurate, more finely tuned perspective, the new issues that then arise have a new value. They have nutrition that you need.

The whole process works with the utmost purity, the most complete intelligence and compassion. The most difficult things that happen to you are, on the deepest level, the most compassionate. Ultimately, the struggle with yourself leads to what is called the “Black Death," which is the death of the personality, when you wrestle it to the ground, struggling with it. 

That doesn't mean fighting, punching, kicking, screaming. Struggling and wrestling is the process of understanding. It requires persistence and steadfastness. You wrestle with it until it finally says "I give up." Ultimately, you reach the final understanding of the personality. When you see through to its source, its center-which is the experience called “Black Death"- you will recognize that the heart of this death is pure compassion.”

A.H. Almaas


How they all tended, without our knowing it, towards the growth of our being and consciousness

The true sense of the (Divine)  guidance becomes clearer when we can go deep within and see from there more intimately the play of the forces and receive intimations of the Will behind them. The surface mind can get only an imperfect glimpse.

When we are in contact with the Divine or in contact with inner knowledge or vision, we begin to see all the circumstances of our life in the new light and observe how they all tended, without our knowing it, towards the growth of our being and consciousness, towards the work we had to do to be made,- not only what seemed good, fortunate or successful but also the struggles, failures, difficulties, upheavals.

But with each person the guidance works differently according to his nature, the conditions of his life, his cast of consciousness, his stage of development, his need for further experience. We are not automata but conscious beings and our mentality, our will and its decisions, our attitude to life and demand on it, our motives and movements help to determine our course: they may lead to much suffering and evil, but through it all, the guidance makes use of them for our growth in experience and consequently the development of our being and consciousness. 

All advance, by however devious ways, even in spite of what seems a going backwards or going astray, gathering whatever experience, is necessary for the soul's destiny. When we are in close contact with the Divine, a protection can come which helps or directly guides or moves us; it does not throw aside all difficulties, sufferings or dangers, but it carries us through them and out of them - except where for a special purpose there is need of the opposite.

- Sri Aurobindo


The Long Range Matrix Agenda and What We Can Do About It

By Bernhard Guenther, March 4, 2021

Despite, or perhaps because of, all the censorship by the MSM and Big Tech of anyone who dares to have a different opinion about the COVID vaccine, lockdowns, masks, election fraud, etc, more and more people are starting to “wake up” and see through the lies of official [cancel] culture and formulate opinions that go beyond the “narrative”. Many people, in their search for truth, were “red-pilled” over the past year, as they kept seeing how things stopped making sense, and began asking WHY and what the deeper long-term agenda of the cabal is—beyond the obvious global loss of basic human rights and overwhelming Orwellian control measures and medical tyranny.

There are various levels to look at what the long-range matrix agenda could be. Here are some possible scenarios in a nutshell [and it certainly is not the whole picture]. Based on connecting the dots over the past 25 years, my own insights, and a lot of what I’ve written about over the years being confirmed, I see two major trajectories unfolding from a 3D and 4D Matrix perspective which I have already explored in more depth in older articles and videos. We are moving towards the “end game” at an accelerated rate.


Qanon – The Great Awakening: PsyOp or the Real Deal?

Qanon – The Great Awakening: PsyOp or the Real Deal?
by Bernhard Guenther, June 20, 2020

Who is QAnon? An Introduction to the QAnon Phenomenon
by Neon Revolt

Everything that Q has talked about and the intel he has dropped is nothing new for most of us that have been researching the Deep State/NWO for a while. Q confirms much of what I have uncovered over the years as far as what is happening in the world on a basic 3D matrix level. What Q does do is bring way more awareness to these topics that often just get dismissed and labeled as “conspiracy”. He brings awareness to these topics on a mass scale—and that alone is no easy feat. Yes, it may just be the “tip of the iceberg” for many of us more seasoned veterans within the “truth” community (and obviously Q is not addressing every issue) but a lot of this will be new information for the average American who is just starting to discover how deep the rabbit hole goes. It’s important to ease people into these topics as well, as more and more people are waking up to the many layers of corruption happening in the world as they start to see through the lies and hypocrisy of the official narrative that we are being sold.


Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.
Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election.

– Q Drop #4461, 13 June, 2020


So regardless of Wanderers being “higher evolved” or old souls, they’re on the same playing field as everyone else on 3D earth and must do the work to access their knowledge

Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simple challenges.

What seems natural is to think that a warrior who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can certainly face petty tyrants with impunity. But that’s not necessarily so. What destroyed the superb warriors of ancient times was to rely on that assumption. Nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to withstand the pressure of the unknowable.

Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan’s teaching of the “warrior”


Holding The Tension Between Opposites

Reflections and Recommendations by Bernhard Guenther

There is something bigger happening way beyond what we see on a 3D level right now. The mind can't grasp it. There is a great opportunity right here and right now and this is a huge spiritual lesson more than anything else.

This IS an opportunity for alchemical transformation but it is also an internal job for the outside will always reflect the inside. The mud and forces of the unconscious and the underworld are rising up; all that you/I/we have suppressed (fears, wounds, and traumas) is coming to surface, begging to be integrated, healed, and transmuted so we can ascend to a higher state of Being while transforming the world as embodied frequency anchors.

In fact, the supramental consciousness of the Divine is also descending, stirring up the shadow of the collective to be transmuted into Light. This is a long process spanning over lifetimes but there are key "junctures" like what's happening now and each individual's choice determines the outcome. Disillusionment IS part of the process. As the Mother (and Sri Aurobindo) prophesized, we are approaching (or already in) the Dark Night of Civilization. The collective Dark Night of the Soul. A necessary process for the outer reflects the inner, as above, so below. The only way out is in and through.

Again, this is an amazing opportunity for the ones answering the call seeing through the veil of reality and what lays ahead.

This alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities, creativity, and abundance but it must be rooted in integrity and sincerity, and ultimately a spiritual foundation and aspiration embodied and grounded in the body as conscious transducers of the Divine Force. It's not about trying to escape anything. No place in the world is "safe" from what is happening.

One thing that is fascinating to observe on the sidelines (without identifying with any side) whenever I was checking-in recently on social media is the increasing posts of projections towards Trump.

On the one side, you have all the negative shadow projections towards the man, blaming him for everything up to mass murder because of "negligence", desperately trying to "get him out of power". On the other side, you have all the positive shadow projections (what Jung called "golden shadow") towards Trump, hailing him as the savior/lightworker who is going to take down the cabal, desperately trying to "keep him in power".

And it is starting to get extreme. In the view of the one side (mostly people self-identified as "the left"), Trump cannot possibly do anything right and is being demonized. In the view of the other side (mostly people self-identified as "the right" intermixed with New Age Types and Christians too), Trump cannot do possibly wrong to the point of being worshipped.

As Robert Bly wrote in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow": "The issue is not so much that we do project but how long we keep the projections out there. Projection without personal contact is dangerous."

And then both sides (pro/anti-Trump) hate on each other too. What a "loosh" fest, especially on social media, getting trapped in the duality of left/right...and we know who feeds off of all that.

Trump has to carry a LOT of psychic pressure due to these negative/positive projections of the masses. Bly wrote about the danger of that as well when projected on one single person.

Here's something to self-reflect on, even beyond Trump but in your everyday life, especially during these times for there is something much bigger at works on unseen levels:

Are you able to hold the tension between opposites without identifying with either side, without any preferences of outcome, without likes or dislikes, without desire? Are you able to go beyond Hope or Fear, Attraction or Repulsion? Are you able to withdraw all projections (positive and negative) and stay with that friction internally in your body without externalizing - without blame or savior projections - without rationalizing or analyzing?

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the Great Work to transmute Lead into Gold, connecting you to Truth, the Divine within and without which will eventually transmute the world. Shadow work and Inner Alchemy. It's not an easy process as I experience in myself, for a lot of "shit" does and will come up which you can't blame on anything or anyone externally anymore.

This alchemical inner process of not attaching to either side has also nothing to do with being "neutral" or "apathy" as some people seem to mistake it. The former is mostly a disassociative state, trapped in the mind, the latter based on "inverted" negative emotions. It's not an intellectual or philosophical exercise. In fact, the more head-centric you are - the more intellectually driven you are - the harder it will be for you to drop down and into the body and connect with the Truth of your Being.

This process has also nothing to do with non-action or just being passive. Quite the contrary, right conscious action (that is unique to YOU) in alignment with the Divine arises out of this process, less distorted through our ignorance, projections, and conditioning (including wounds and trauma).

But we have a long way to go. This is just a beginning.

None the less, the opportunity is here, right now and it doesn't depend on anything or anyone out there but on YOU.

So, as a suggestion, use the self-isolating time wisely. Don't waste it on relentless media news consumption.

As Gurdjieff said, the moment we're born, we live on borrowed time. You could extend that exercise to meditate/contemplate on Death as well. It will lead you to the cure out of this collective Death/Fear Anxiety (which is what this virus scare triggers, ultimately), holding the tension between the seeming opposites of Birth and Death....and witness what comes up within, the thrid Firce....or the opposition between life and death....or is it an opposite? ;-)

Bernhard Guenther


Being has not caught up with Knowledge

Truth-seekers can waste a lot of time and energy going down the “rabbit hole”, getting hooked/addicted to external information and “sensationalism” that has very little to do with “truth seeking”. In their attempt to “figure things out”, they can get lost in the “theory abyss”, especially if there is a personal lack of discernment, and Being has not caught up with Knowledge.

Gathering intellectual information alone does not help you (nor the world) in the long run, and most often results in self-delusion because Understanding/Wisdom (embodied knowledge) is lacking [as discussed in the triad of Knowledge – Being – Understanding earlier]. Another trap is to focus on just one topic or area alone, for this can create a tunnel vision of inflexibility (or even dogma, if one is very attached to a certain view). This observation isn’t intended to invalidate the many amazing renegades who have done tremendous work in their particular field of expertise, many of whom I have learned from myself. I am simply pointing out the importance of a holistic approach that addresses body, mind, and spirit, which is more and more needed in this day and age.

To be clear, anyone who wants to awaken and seek truth needs to step into the unknown and go down the “rabbit hole”: to read, study, learn (un-learn) to the best of their abilities, and question everything they have been told and taught by official culture. This process is also different for each of us, depending on our personal lessons and talents. Hence, it’s not about all of us becoming “scholars” and study/researching everything there is to read/view, which would be ridiculous and impossible anyway.

However, if the process of intellectually gathering information in the pursuit of truth is not matched with the necessary inner work, the mind will trick you, and you will get lost in the rabbit hole, as I’ve seen with many well-meaning “truth seekers” and researchers. I got stuck in this ‘mind-minefield’ at some point myself. I don’t take myself out of the equation because I learned the “hard” way. It happens when we lose focus of the principal aim (emancipation) and get distracted by curious fascination. This is not meant to denounce curiosity, but curiosity alone is not enough.

Knowledge acquired through study in the pursuit of truth is an essential – but only temporary – stage of awakening. It helps us to de-condition ourselves from social, cultural, and educational programming (pushing through our own cognitive dissonance) while we learn about critical thinking, logic and how to use the mind properly as a “tool”. However, Gnosis (higher Knowledge) cannot be perceived by the mind alone, nor can it be intellectually understood. In order to receive and anchor Gnosis, the vessel needs to be built via esoteric self-work and embodiment.

In other words, our level of Being determines how much higher Knowledge we can access via direct experience – tuning into nature, the “universe”, and the present moment in our daily lives, where we are constantly being informed by spirit and the vast living library of interconnectedness. This Knowledge is impossible to put into the limiting constructs of language. You cannot access Gnosis via reading alone, for it resides beyond our five-sensory perception. This is also the gateway towards receiving and experiencing Higher Love of the Divine, which is beyond the love we experience (or “think/feel” it is) in the lower separate-consciousness state of ego/personality identification.

We should be mindful not to forget the most important part of seeking truth and its purpose: to assist us in our personal embodiment/self-work and collective “ascension” process so as to align with Divine Will (via anchoring to higher frequencies) in order to TRANSCEND the Matrix, and not get caught in shadow dance/projection, or willfully trying to “fight” it. As embodied frequency anchors, we have far more positive effects to offer to others (and the Collective) than just sharing information and trying to wake up others via intellectual discourse alone. Again, it’s all about frequency and vibration.

The process of “Awakening” is not just about gathering information and becoming a walking encyclopedia of how the world is controlled. Of course, having a solid understanding of the Matrix Control System (in particular the hyperdimensional Matrix) and how it operates is a key aspect of the journey (“know thy enemy”), but when we get caught up in trying to figure everything out intellectually, we’ll hit a wall, especially since we are subjected to manipulation that is outside of our five sensory perception. It is about making the darkness conscious, NOT dwelling on it to the point that we only see darkness in the world, thus getting stuck there.

This can also result in seeing “evil” and “conspiracies” where there are none (as a result of shadow projection and paranoia), and this will keep you trapped in the lower frequencies – which is where the Matrix Control Systems wants your consciousness to reside. You can only transcend it, you cannot transform it. After all the rabbit-holing you do, if you don’t get stuck and lost, you will ultimately face a mirror, looking straight at yourself – and that is where the real work begins: with yourself.

– from “Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life”


Everyone is suffering to varying degrees. Do we have to suffer and what is the way out?

In this episode, we explore the role of suffering in light of the process of awakening, its teaching function, and how to catalyze suffering into deeper healing. We look at the process of the ascent and descent from a soul evolutionary perspective, the importance of meditation and embodiment, how to transmute pain and negative emotions, how pathology has become normalized in official culture/modern society, and many other topics (Part 1).


It all has a teaching function

“If you look at yourself carefully, you will see that one always carries in oneself the opposite of the virtue one has to realize. You have a special aim, a special mission, a special realization which is your very own, each one individually, and you carry in yourself all the obstacles necessary to make your realization perfect. Always you will see that within you the shadow and the light are equal: you have an ability, you have also the negation of this ability. But if you discover a very black hole, a thick shadow, be sure there is somewhere in you a great light. It is up to you to know how to use the one to realize the other. And if you observe carefully you will see that it is always thus with everyone. When you see a very black shadow somewhere in you, something truly painful, you can be sure that you also have the corresponding possibility of light. This is a fact very little spoken about, but one of capital importance.”

~ The Mother Mirra Alfassa, The Integral Yoga


Holding certain views which others find inadmissible

“Knowledge of processes in the background early shaped my relationship to the world. Basically, that relationship was the same in my childhood as it is to this day.

As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know.

Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. The loneliness began with the experiences of my early dreams, and reached its climax at the time I was working on the unconscious.

If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely.

But loneliness is not necessarily inimical to companionship, for no one is more sensitive to companionship than the lonely man, and companionship thrives only when each individual remembers his individuality and does not identify himself with others.”

– Carl Jung, “Memories, Dreams, and Reflections”


Altered States of Entrapment: The Plant Medicine Manipulation - The Dark Side of Aya

Medicine plants are not a magic pill that miraculously heal all wounding and trauma, even though they can be of assistance in revealing what needs to be healed and processed (and can also be beneficial when dealing with intense addiction issues).

The deception – or rather, the misperception – my friend and I (and many others) have realized in respect to ‘plant therapy’ is similar to that which arises when one “intellectually” knows (or even “feels”) their issues, but has failed to work through them on an embodied level.

My friend had an interesting insight about this point: looking back, she felt that, during her ayahuasca ceremonies, the wounds opened up and “projected” all of her “stuff” and shadow aspects into her awareness. That experience – combined with the euphoria/bliss/ecstasy of getting “high” (based on the medicine/drug induced DMT rush) – can transmit the idea that a deep healing has occurred…a perception that can last for weeks or even months. Hence, many people keep going back to work with medicine plants when they feel “stuff” resurfacing, in order to have that “peak” experience again and again.