
done with questions

It happens every once in a while as the weather changes, the seasons unfold and the earth turns. I look around and things look foreign, they disturb me somehow, they no longer radiate. I lose all sense of direction (again?), all I can smell are car-fumes and humid spring…confusion. I have lost the connection (again?). I move so slowly, I take my time but I am empty, devoid of appreciation.
Is this something I must struggle with my whole life, is this something that will mess up my chances of a decent life? It’s wearing me out slowly and surely, I know I will be on the up soon (again?) and then a while later, maybe even a whole month later I will crash (again?). I know that people are on medication for this, I know people get therapy for this, I know that I am still not used to it and never will be.
I am scared that it is my own doing, some kind of Karma, some kind of fall after some ego-trip but I am also scared that that is not the case and that I have a mental illness. I temporarily cure myself with new age and energy and soul power but maybe I’m just kidding myself because after all my spiritual development I still always crash and the crashing is ruining my life, my self-worth, my social life, my dreams and my every breath.
What development has there been then?
I have serious trust issues and I don’t believe a psychologist can help me figure things out, maybe a psychic can. Drugs are definitely not the answer, they have done enough, illegal drugs have held me together for a long time but probably done more harm than good.
I have no answers, I am empty and these aren’t questions, I am done with questions, these are mere observations.
Lack of meditation.


  1. I can relate to this. I trick myself into thinking positively, pushing out all negativity that pops into my mind, convincing myself I am happy. Then, I'll go through periods of complete emptiness and sadness that I can't think myself out of. I'm on medication for depression and social anxiety. I hate to admit that it has helped me a lot, in the social anxiety dept. The depression, however, that's a disease of your thoughts. I've heard cognitive therapy is pretty good, so I might try that one out for a bit.
    I like that you are reluctant to turn to presciption drugs and that you recognize illegal drugs are the answer, either. I do know that these problems can be overcome without any chemical interference, but it takes a lot of hard work, soul-searching and meditation. Good luck on this. I do think you can overcome your depression the right way, as nature intended it. Stay positive:)

  2. Thankyou for these wise words MM. I have always been against medication just from seeing people around me on anti-depressants and fearing the zombie-like behaviour they can induce, lately however more and more people have shown me that meds are an option and that they can really help, like you mention.
    I feel better now, my heavy depression never lasts more than a few days (thank-God) but I am contemplating therapy and possibly meds, I have always had weed to lift my mood and take me out of it but soul searching and meditation are indeed the long term cure for these troubles.
    I see depression and anxiety as brain-change and evolution.
    Thanks for the support,
    I really appreciate it!
